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BAIBULI ERIKWERA Runyankore 1.1.006
BAIBULI ERIKWERA Runyankore - Rukiga Bible 1964
Churches of Christ 3.0.2
Churches of Christ
Our Mission: 1 Corinthians 1:10 NKJV “Now I plead withyou,brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you allspeakthe same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, butthatyou be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in thesamejudgment.” We want to bring all the Churches of Christ on aSinglePlatform to share the Sermon Outlines, Video Sermons, AudioSermonsand Hymns of all the Churches of Christ around the Globe.This willhelp every Christian to practice the 1st CenturyChristianity in21st century and encourage to fulfil the GreatCommission of OurLord Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:19). Thought Behindour Application:As everyone is aware that printing of Hymn Bookswill take a lot oftime, efforts, money and the most difficult partis to carry HymnBooks of multiple languages to every gathering.Using the currenttechnology, we have planned to build the MobileApplication of HymnBook consisting of 4 different languages as themost of the peopleare using updated Smart Phones. With all theblessings of ourAlmighty God, we have released our first version ofChurches ofChrist - Worship Hymns Android Application on 15thOctober 2018. Asof now, our Application is available only inAndroid OS and we willbe soon working to get our Application onApple IOS as well. Pleasedo pray for this project and our efforts.We request you to makebest use of this application and help us tomake it even better. Weare aware that most of the Hymns havedoctrinal errors and werequire your help to correct them accordingto the Holy Scriptures.You can always reach us via Email orWhatsApp. We are alwaysavailable for you. We specially give thanksto all The Churches OfChrist for encouraging us. Note: We requestyou to turn on AirplaneMode in your Smart Phones to avoidunnecessary disturbances duringWorship Service and othergatherings. Important Note : Lyricsavailable in this applicationare compiled together written bydifferent authors where some of theauthor names are unavailable.Developer does not hold anyresponsibility if there is no authorname available. You may sharethe Author's Name along with the SongName to the developer to getit updated in the Application. Pleasedo remember this project inall your prayers. Thank you for allyour love & support.Greetings to you in the name of our LordJesus Christ! The Team,CofC, Churches of Christ.
Prayer Rain 1.1.0
Prayer Rain provides a way out for all those wallowinghelplesslyunder satanic harassment. Knowing what to do and, anddoing itright could make a difference between who sinks or swims intheriver of life. Prayer Rain is a spiritual life-jacket. Endeavourtoown your own copy! Christian Prayer Manual. SpiritualWarfareManual. Prayer for Deliverance. Gethsemanic Prayer Model.KingdomPrayer Style. Apostolic Decrees. Prayer Points.
JStream - Jewish Music 2.1.7
Yossie's Apps, LLC
A Jewish Music Streaming app