1 Похожие Dream Trainer: Wealth Builder

Wealth Mindset Hypnosis 1.2
Most wealth program focus on the"how-to"monetary aspect but really misses on building a strongmindsetfoundation to ensure a total wealth from all aspect.That is where this app is different from the rest. It helpstostrengthen your mental mind set to stay focused to ensure alastingand total wealth mentality. It uses hypnotherapy, a modernprovenmethodology even used by competitive sports men to ensurethey havea strong and tough mental strength to carry themforward.What you are getting with the app:-a) strengthen the wealth mindset with a hypnotherapy audio;b) journal your experience worth remembering;c) capture picture of beautiful moments;d) a wealth mindset from a different perspective;e) "Researching Rich - How the Wealthy Get That Way".Hypnotherapy is a traditional art used by professional hypnotisttohelp its client cure from various type of psychology problem. Itisa perfect wealth mindset conditioning technique and this isexactlywhat you are getting with this application.This is a self-improvement hypnotherapy program that you can useonyourself to induce 'self-hypnosis' andbring you to a state of peace, tranquility andcalmness.Hypnotherapy had become a popular choice for many peopleto improvemany aspect of their life from overcoming phobia tobreaking out oflimiting beliefs and is also the perfect choice tomanage yourmindset for wealth. And in the application you have thechoice tochoose hypnosis to condition the mental faculties foroptimalwealth.'Self-hypnosis' hypnotherapy, is a safe and convenient methodyouwill get from this app to bring yourself to the desiredstate.While in this 'self-hypnosis' state, you are still in controlofyourself and have the choice to follow the suggested scenario ortoreject. You never loose this choice even whileunderhypnosis.Go ahead and use this program to manage your mindsetforwealth.Please rate this app if you find it useful so that other peoplewiththe same need can find this app easily.