16 Похожие BayiKu

BukuBumil - Pregnancy Tracker 22.4.10
Imperial Healthtech
Indonesian Mom & Pregnancy Community
Pregnancy Tracker and Baby 335
Deguci Games
Pregnancy Tracker and Baby: Week-by-week Pregnancy Information
Panduan Kehamilan 1.3
Matoa Dev
Applications alloys pregnancy for the mothers
Kalender Kehamilan 1.0
Aplikasi Untuk Menghitung Hari PerkiraanLahirdan Usia JaninApplicationForCalculating Estimated Birth Day and Age Fetus
Music for Pregnancy Relaxation 1.4
Ultimate Mobile
Music for Pregnancy is a hand-picked collection of tracksforpregnant women.
Pregnancy apps. Week by week 9.00007
MicroLabs App
1 trimester2 trimester3 trimesterExpecting baby apps, information about pregnancyPrenant appsPregnancy week by weekPregnancy HealthNewbornBaby HealthParentingPregnancy week by week pregnancy guide.Photo embryo.Prenatal developmentTotal birth order and period of gestationContent:Fetal development in week 1-40Deciding to have a babyPreparing for pregnancyPregnant or trying to get pregnantGetting pregnant (conception)Confirming you are pregnantCommon questionsFinding your most fertile timeWhy it might take longer to get pregnantFolic acid supplementsChoosing not to have sexBaby ColicBlocked Nose in Babies ('Snuffles')Breast-feedingCervical SutureCroupErythema Toxicum NeonatorumFetal Alcohol SyndromeMastitisMaternity BenefitsNappy RashNeonatal JaundiceNewborn Baby Screening TestsObstetric CholestasisOral Thrush in BabiesPostpartum PsychosisPregnancy - AbortionChickenpox Contact and PregnancyCommon Problems in PregnancyDiet and Lifestyle during PregnancyDyspepsia in PregnancyEarly Pregnancy Signs and SymptomsEctopic PregnancyPregnancy - LabourMorning Sickness in PregnancyMultiple Pregnancy (eg, Twins/Triplets)Planning to Become PregnantScreening TestsUrine Infection in PregnancyPregnancy and DiabetesPregnancy and High Blood PressurePregnancy and HIVPregnancy and Physical ActivityRubellaParents pregnancy and baby guidePremature LabourSeborrhoeic Dermatitis in Babies (Cradle Cap)Tear Duct Blockage in BabiesTeethingZika VirusAcute Diarrhoea in ChildrenAdrenarcheAmblyopiaAnthelmintics - Medicines for WormsAntifungal MedicinesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity DisorderAutistic Spectrum DisordersBaby ColicBalanitisReward Systems for BedwettingBedwetting (Nocturnal Enuresis)Bedwetting AlarmsBehavioural Problems and Conduct DisorderBlocked Nose in Babies ('Snuffles')Breast-feedingBronchiolitisCerebral PalsyChest InfectionChickenpox in Children under 12Child Attachment DisorderChildhood Gastro-oesophageal RefluxChildhood LeukaemiasChildren's CancersCleft Lip and PalateClub Foot (Congenital Talipes Equinovarus)Cold SoresCongenital Cystic Adenomatoid MalformationConstipation in ChildrenCough MedicinesCoughs and Colds in ChildrenCow's Milk Protein AllergyCri du Chat SyndromeCroupCystic FibrosisDealing with TantrumsDesmopressin for BedwettingDevelopmental Dysplasia of the HipDomestic ViolenceDTaP/Polio/Hib ImmunisationDyspraxia (Developmental Co-ordination Disorder)Ear Infection (Otitis Media)EpiglottitisErythema Toxicum NeonatorumFebrile Seizure (Febrile Convulsion)Fetal Alcohol SyndromeFever/High Temperature in ChildrenFood Poisoning in ChildrenGastroenteritis in ChildrenGlue Ear - Picture SummaryGlycogen Storage DisordersGrowing PainsHand Foot and Mouth DiseaseHydrocele in ChildrenHypospadiasImpetigoJuvenile Idiopathic ArthritisKawasaki DiseaseLactose IntoleranceLiving with a Long-term ConditionMeaslesMeningitisMeningococcal ImmunisationMeningococcal InfectionMesenteric AdenitisMMR ImmunisationMumpsNappy RashNeuroblastomaObesity and Overweight in ChildrenOperations for Glue EarOral Thrush in BabiesPerthes' DiseasePneumococcal ImmunisationPolio ImmunisationPrimary Cold Sore InfectionPyloric StenosisReducing the Risk of Cot DeathRetinoblastomaRoseolaRotavirusSafeguarding ChildrenScarlet FeverSeborrhoeic Dermatitis in Babies (Cradle Cap)Sepsis (Septicaemia)Slipped Capital Femoral EpiphysisSquint (Strabismus) in ChildrenStammer/StutterSweat TestTear Duct Blockage in BabiesTeethingThalassaemiaThreadwormsTorsion of the TestisUndescended TestesUrine Infection in ChildrenViral RashesWhooping CoughWhy Wasn't I Prescribed Antibiotics?Wilms' TumourAutism and Related ProblemsBullyingChild Attachment DisorderDealing with TantrumsDepression in Young People - Helping Children to CopeEating Disorders in Young PeopleWhen you're pregnant, you want to shout to the whole world that Iampregnant
Kalkulator Kehamilan 1.0.1
Kalkulator Kehamilan ini khusus untuk menghitung usiakehamilanmemberikan gambaran dari perhitungan standar dalammenentukan usiakehamilan. Kalkulator Kehamilan ini juga dilengkapidengan carapenggunaannya.Thisparticular Pregnancy Calculator to calculate gestational agegivesan overview of the standard calculation in determininggestationalage. Pregnancy calculator is also equipped with itsuse.
AI Pregnancy App, Baby Tracker 6.9.0
Glow Inc
AI-Powered Pregnancy Tracker, Due Date Calculator & BabyCenterby Glow Nurture
A+ Mama 1
Mead Johnson Indonesia, PT
A+ Mama dari Enfa A+memberikaninformasiKehamilan hingga Tumbuh Kembang. Stimulasiperkembanganotak sikecil dengan games Smart Stimulation, monitortumbuh kembangsesuaiumur, dan abadikan momen-momen tumbuh kembangsi kecil.Fitur Utama Kehamilan• Learning Center – Memberikan update mingguanmengenaiperkembanganbayi• Mom’s Diary – Membantu untuk trek dan berbagimomenkehamilan• Smart Music – Putar musik klasik untuk menstimulasibayidalamkandungan• Kick Counter – Hitung tendangan, gerakan, dan sikutan bayi• Baby Names – Temukan nama bayi yang tepat untuk si kecil• Contraction Timer – Hitung dan pantau durasi kontraksidanintervalantar kontraksiFitur Utama Tumbuh Kembang• Smart Stimulation – stimulasi mengenal angka, huruf,danwarnadengan cara yang interaktif• Smart Nurturing – dapatkan tips parenting untukmedukungtumbuhkembang si kecil• Development Milestone – cek tahapan tumbuh kembang sikecilsesuaiusianya• Development Index – cek tinggi dan berat badan sikecilsesuaistandard WHO• A+ Photo Moment – kreasikan foto momen perkembangan si kecilA+ Mama dipersembahkan oleh Enfa A+ dari Mead Johnsonuntukmendukungtumbuh kembang si kecil yang optimal. Kunjungiwebsitekami diwww.meadjohnson.co.id.
Pregnancy + 4.2.1
Health & Parenting Ltd
Pregnant? Get the worldwide No.1PregnancyApp.Want to see beautiful, interactive images for every weekofpregnancy? Join more than 12 million users who already usethisPregnancy App to follow their pregnancy week by week.Our Pregnancy+ App can also be personalized for dads,grandparentsand other family members.Everything you need in one Pregnancy App!- DAILY pregnancy info- Color and Scan images- Personal Diary- Pregnancy Weight log- Doc Visits log- Diet, exercise and labor info- Kick Counter- Contraction Timer- Baby Shopping list- 1000s of Baby names- Baby Size Visualizer- Pregnancy week by week info- And much more …Health & Parenting supports you at every stage of beingaparent.--------------------------------------------------PrivacyPolicy:http://www.health-and-parenting.com/policy/Privacy_Policy.htmlTerms ofUse:http://www.health-and-parenting.com/policy/EULA.html--------------------------------------------------This App is not intended for medical use, or to replace theadviceof a trained medical doctor. Health & Parenting Ltddisclaimsany liability for the decisions you make based on thisinformation,which is provided to you on a general information basisonly andnot as a substitute for personalized medical advice. If youhaveany concerns about your pregnancy, consult with your doctorormidwife.The Health & Parenting team wishes you a healthy,full-termpregnancy and a safe delivery.
Senam Ibu Hamil 1.0
Free Gymnastics for Pregnant Women
Kontraksi Nyaman
PT RuangKerja SE
Applications for the mothers who want to feel comfortablechildbirth
Tips Sehat Ibu Hamil 6.0
Clay Apps
Kumpulan Tips Untuk ibu HamilTips For Pregnantmothersset
Mommychi for Mom and Child 1.1.8
PT. Sanghiang Perkasa
Mommychi merupakan aplikasi mobile Ibu&Anak terlengkap yang praktis dan fungsional untuk para ibudancalon ibu. Mommychi menyediakan berbagai fitur edukatifdaninteraktif terbaik untuk menemani perjalanan seorang ibu dariawalkehamilan hingga masa tumbuh kembang anak, terutama selama1000Hari Pertama Kehidupan yang sangat penting bagi masa depansiKecil.Pemantauan Berat Badan ibu hamil dan janin maupun DeteksiTumbuhKembang anak dapat dilakukan dengan mudah dalam bentuk grafikdankuesioner interaktif.Pengingat imunisasi terhubung secara otomatis dengan kalenderdigadget sehingga tidak ada imunisasi yang terlewat.Fitur unggulan lain yang ada di Mommychi adalah JurnalKesehatan,Ensiklopedia yang berisi berbagai artikel dan tipsinformatif,Namerator Bayi, Direktori Fasilitas Kesehatan, Musik,Games edukatifdan Tanya Dokter.Tersedia pula Galeri Foto untuk menyimpan dan membagikanmomentistimewa sebagai orang tua.Mommychi, for Mom and Child.Mommychi amobileapplication Mother & Child complete practical andfunctionalfor mothers and expectant mothers. Mommychi provides avariety ofeducational and interactive features best to accompanythe journeyof a mother from the beginning of pregnancy until thechild'sgrowth, especially during the 1000 Day One life is veryimportantfor the future of the Small.Weight monitoring of pregnant women and fetuses andchildrenGrowth detection can be done easily in the form of graphsandinteractive questionnaires.Immunization reminders are connected automatically with thecalendarin the gadget so no missed immunizations.Another excellent feature is in Mommychi is the medicaljournal,The Encyclopedia of which contains various informativearticles andtips, Namerator Baby, Health Facilities Directory,Music, Gameseducative and Tanya doctor.There is also a Photo Gallery to store and share a specialmomentas a parent.Mommychi, for Mom and Child.
Info Bidan 1.2.3
Asfa Labs
Maternal and Child Health Information
Tips Kesehatan Ibu Hamil 1.0
Kuskus Dev.
Kumpulan tips kiat sehat dan perawatanbagiibuhamil dan kesehatan bayi.