21 Похожие Породы кошек

Породы кошек 2.9.0
Сейчас кошки есть, пожалуй, во всех странах мира, и онизанимаютпервое место среди домашних животных во многихиндустриальныхстранах. Такое милое существо, как кошка, нельзя нелюбить! Ведь заней так легко ухаживать, она терпеливо ждет своегохозяина, пока онна работе, ее не нужно выгуливать, как собаку, иона оченьаккуратная! Соседи не страдают от громкого лая, напротив,отнежного мурлыканья на душе становится тепло и уютно.
Cats of the world 2.2
Illustrated guide with breeds of catsisalwaysat hand in your phone! Browse through colorfulphotographs,readinteresting stories about popular and rare breeds.Key features of this application:● It contains no advertisements of any kind● Internet access is not needed for this program● More than 60 known breeds of cats● More than 250 quality photographs of cats● Any photo could be viewed in full size● History of breed's discovery● Description for every breed (appearance, typicalbehavior,requiredcare)● Information on breed standards from variousfelineorganizations(FIFe, WCF, TICA, CFA, GCCF, LOOF)● Various cat sounds (meow, hiss, growl etc.)● Any photo could be set as a device wallpaper (wallpapereditorisincluded)● Quiz about cat facts and breeds of cats● Search for breed by any part of its name● Simple and convinient interface - even a child will beabletouse it● Page listing gesture is used for navigation● Application interface is designed to be operated by thethumbofone hand● Screen rotation support for more effective usage● Tablets (pads) and devices with non-standard screenproportionsarefully supported● Built-in floating hints for new users (can bedisabledinpreferences)● Vibration feedback for screen buttons (can bedisabledinpreferences)This is a free version. It has some limitations:■ Color images are available only for every third breed,therestis grayscale■ Wallpaper image will always be grayscale■ Quiz images will always be grayscalePaid version without any limitation is available asaseparate“Cats of the world (Premium)” package.
Породы кошек 1.0
Описание и фото более 100 пород кошекDescription and photosofmore than 100 breeds of cats
Породы кошек с фото
The full catalog of breeds of cats. More than 80 species of cats
Cat Breeds 1.3
Whipsnake Apps
Learn everything about cat breeds: appearance, character and more.
Породы кошек беспл. 1.105
AP Develop
Breeds of cats, all about cats
Породы собак 2.0.0
Описание и фото более 500 пород собак.Description and photosofmore than 500 breeds of dogs.
Cat Breeds 1.0
Best Free Apps Mobile
Cat Breeds Application has been createdforallcat enthusiasts and pet lovers who want to know moreaboutdifferentbreed of cats.Simply select any cat breed from the list and readashortdescription and learn what you always wanted to discoveraboutthatbreed.This app contains all information about catbreeds:appearance,character, breed-associated illnesses, weight anda lotofinteresting and helpful facts.With 'Cat Breeds' browse through the cat breeds profilesanddiscoverwhich cat will be a perfect match for you.A favorites list to remember which breeds you like most!- Persian- Siamese/Orientals- Ragdoll- Munchkin
Dog Breeds 1.1
Whipsnake Apps
Information about 121 most popular dog breeds withhigh-qualityphotos.
Породы собак с фото
Full list of more than 300 breeds of dogs with the descriptionandphotos
Породы собак 3.0.0
Pets lover
The app "Dog Breeds" - a convenient and informative guide kennel.
Dogs of the world 1.6
Illustrated guide with breeds of dogs is always at handinyourphone! Browse through colorful photographs,readinterestingstories about popular and rare breeds. Key featuresofthisapplication: ● It contains no advertisements of any kind●Internetaccess is not needed for this program ● More than 60knownbreedsof dogs ● More than 300 quality photographs of dogs ●Anyphotocould be viewed in full size ● History of breed'sdiscovery●Description for every breed (appearance, typicalbehavior,requiredcare) ● Information on breed standards fromvariouscanineorganizations (FCI, UKC) ● Various dog sounds (bark,growletc.) ●Any photo could be set as a device wallpaper(wallpapereditor isincluded) ● Quiz about dog facts and breeds ofdogs ●Search forbreed by any part of its name ● Simple andconvinientinterface -even a child will be able to use it ● Pageswipe gestureis usedfor navigation ● Application interface isdesigned to beoperatedby the thumb of one hand ● Screen rotationsupport formoreeffective usage ● Tablets (pads) and deviceswithnon-standardscreen proportions are fully supported ●Built-infloating hintsfor new users (can be disabled inpreferences) ●Vibration feedbackfor screen buttons (can be disabledinpreferences) This is a freeversion. It has some limitations:■Color images are available onlyfor 10 breeds, the rest isgrayscale■ Wallpaper image will alwaysbe grayscale Paid versionwithout anylimitation is available as aseparate “Dogs of the world(Premium)”package.
Дрессировка и воспитание собак 1.0.1
Дрессиро́вка собак (от франц.dresser—выправлять, обучать), — комплекс обучающих действийнадсобаками,предпринимаемых для выработки и закрепленияразличныхусловныхрефлексов и навыков. Дрессировка можетпроизводиться сцельюразвития дружеских отношений, формированияадекватногоповедениясобаки для нахождения его в человеческомобществе, поискаобъектовкакого-либо типа, защиты в определённыхобстоятельствахилиразвлечения. Дрессировка является необходимостьюдлякомфортноговзаимососуществования человека с собакой.В приложении приведены статьи о:- Как выбрать инструктора для дрессировки собаки- Как отучить собаку спать на хозяйской кровати- Как научить собаку команде "фу"- Как установить нужный контакт и взаимопонимание- Как безопасно удерживать собаку на поводке- Как приучить щенка к детям- Как научить собаку давать лапу- и многое другоеDog training(fromtheFrench. Dresser - straightening, train) - a set ofactionsontraining dogs to be taken to develop and consolidate avarietyofconditioned reflexes and skills. Training can be carriedout withaview to the development of friendly relations and theformationofappropriate behavior of the dog to find it in humansociety,searchfor objects of any type of protection incertaincircumstances orentertainment. Training is a necessity foracomfortablevzaimososuschestvovaniya man with a dog.In the appendix of the article:- How to choose an instructor for training dogs- How to wean your dog sleep on the master bed- How to teach your dog the command "fu"- How to set the desired contact and mutual understanding- How to safely keep the dog on a leash- How to teach your puppy to children- How to teach your dog to give a paw- and much more
Cat breeds 80.91.30
Kirill Sidorov
Description of cat breeds
Клички 4.0.0
Pets lover
В этом приложении Вы найдете множество кличек длялюбыхпитомцев:собак, кошек, кроликов, морских свинок, хомячков,попугаеви т.д.Клички рассортированы по алфавиту от а до я.
Breeds of horses 80.91.30
Kirill Sidorov
Directory of breeds horses
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Dog Breeds 1.0
Best Free Apps Mobile
A dog is a man's best friend?Before the eighteenth century, dogs other than thedisdainedlap-dogwere usually kept not as household pets but forhunting,working, orguarding, and the language used to describe themoftenreflectsthis. In the oldest proverbs and phrases dogs arerarelydepicted asfaithful.Dogs have been selectively bred for thousands of years,sometimesbyinbreeding dogs from the same ancestral lines, sometimesbymixingdogs from very different lines.Breeds are usually categorized by the functional type fromwhichthebreed was developed.Most common dogs on Dog Breeds are German ShepherdDog,FinnishLapphund, Beagle, Golden Retriever, LabradorRetriever,Bulldog,Chihuahua, Shetland Sheepdog, Rough Collie,Tibetan SpanielandCavalier King Charles Spaniel.We also give an explanation about the character of everydog(forexample, about its height, its weight, its life spananditsorigin).You can learn so many things from a dog’sbehavior,personality,demeanor, resiliency, and most importantly,thewillingness toprovide their family members with unconditionallove,loyalty, andcompanionship down to their very last breath.DownloadNOW forFREE!Features:• History• Size, Weight and Height• Personality• Health• Care• Feeding• Dog Photo• Dog Breed Group• Climate and work• Life Span• Coat, Color and Grooming• Behavior with children and other pets
Dog breeds 80.91.30
Kirill Sidorov
Description of dog breeds
Parrots 1.6.4
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