22 Похожие OneCheck

TecGuard 43.0
SoftGuard Technologies LLC
App of integral management of technicians and installers ofsecuritycompanies
Prosegur Localización 1.8.7
Prosegur Location allows you to get real-time fleet data.
iPass SmartConnect™
iPass Inc.
iPass SmartConnect™: simple, secure, always-on Wi-Fi.
Quick Box USA 6.05
Quick Shipping Developer Team
Have control of your PO Box in the palm of your hand, fast, easyandsafe.
Pepperi Sales Rep App 16.50.3 (513)
Pepperi Ltd.
**This app is only available to Pepperi customers. NotaPeppericustomer? Contact us for a demo athttps://www.pepperi.com/Pepperiis an enterprise-grade sales repapp, a mobile CRM tool forsalesreps and their managers designed topresent catalogs, takeorders,prepare sales reports, manage andtrack sales ordering,performin-store merchandising, routeaccounting, DSD, tradepromotions andmuch more. Pepperi equips fieldagents with the CRMtools they needto make their numbers and presenta professionalimage. Pepperi’ssales rep app offers out of the boxintegrationwith popularaccounting, ERP, and CRM systems includingSAP ERP, SAPBusinessOne, Netsuite, Salesforce, Oracle Sales Cloud,QuickBooks,Xero,MYOB, Sage and more, and fully integrates withleadingpaymentsystems. With over a thousand customers in 64countries,13languages and dozens of industries, Pepperi is the#1e-catalog,order taking and CRM sales rep app serving all sizesofbusiness.Pepperi main modules: e-Catalog that sells for you●e-Catalogincludes unlimited dynamic categories for allyourproducts ●Merchandising is easy with high resolutionphotos,multiple viewoptions and customizable fields Order taking isfast& easy ●Mobile ordering is faster than you can imaginewithPepperi ● Ordertracker lets you track past orders and set upfutureorder dates ●Order management options include flexiblediscountpolicies ●Ordering and selling are easier than ever withourflexible toolsIncrease order size with trade promotionsincludingupselling &cross-selling ● Buy X, Get Y Free ● Buy X,Get Y atZ% discount ●Buy from list X and get from list Y ● TiereddiscountsWin at theshelf with in-store merchandising ● Plan thewhichin-storeactivities are to be performed by your fieldagents,schedule storevisits, and map the routes to take ● Capturein-storeactivitiesusing mobile forms that are completelycustomizable ●Performstock-taking, picture taking, planogram auditsandcustomersatisfaction surveys Sell-through visibilitywithinventorytracking ● Pair Pepperi with a UPC barcode scannertoleveragePepperi as an in-store inventory scanner ●Gainsell-throughvisibility to minimize dead inventory at thestores,and tooptimize manufacturing ● Track sales and purchaseswithPepperi’sbarcode scanner Pepperi CRM tool integrates withPepperie-CommerceStorefront ● Pepperi integrates seamlessly withPepperie-CommerceStorefront, a self-service ordering app for retailstores● Managesales quickly and conveniently - distributors andretailersorderstraight from your website or mobile app ● Salesrepshaveimmediate visibility into self-service orders placed bytheirB2Bcustomers Enterprise-grade mobile salesforce automation(SFA) ●SFAmade easy with mobile apps that are fully andeasilyconfigurable,running on Android mobile devices. ●State-of-the-artsecurity (ISO27001 and ISAE 3402 certified) ensuresthat your datais safe andnever compromised. ● Mobile CRM designedto easilyintegrate withthe existing ERP and Accounting systems thatrun yourbusiness: ●SAP ERP ● SAP ERP Business One ● Salesforce ●NetSuite ●Oracle ●Sage ● Microsoft NAV ● QuickBooks Online ●QuickbooksDesktop ●Xero ● Many more Industry-specific demos ●Mobile CRM toolincludespre-built demos for dozens of industries ●Fully functionalfreetrial available for download with no commitmentBusinessmanagementis easier than ever with Pepperi sales rep app,whetheryou own asmall business or are a large wholesaler. CRM toolsforfieldagents, field sales, mobile ordering, ordermanagement,retailmerchandising, productivity and activitiestracking, salestrackingand more are included. Requirements: 5"screen, Android8.0, Min4GB RAM, 1080x1920 resolution for phablets,1920x1200 fortablets.
Fyle: Receipt Scanner & Expense Reports 4.66.0
Presenting the most beautiful expense tracking app everbuilt.Trackyour expenses, receipts, mileage, and submit your travelandexpensereports on time with Fyle’s new AI powered expensetrackerapp.Capture a photo of your receipt using the app andFyleautomaticallyscans and extracts the expense information foryou.Designed forsmall businesses, accounting firms and freelancersandemployees whospend a lot of time with spreadsheets andmanualwork, Fyle canstreamline your expense reporting andapprovalprocess and make sureyou never lose track. With Fyle, youcan alsokeep track of yourmileage expenses. Fyle mileage is poweredbyGoogle Places, you canjust enter the name of the place youraretravelling to and let Fylehandle the rest. For largeenterprisesthat use Fyle, the mobile appsupports automatic policychecks tohelp employees keep a check onspending in compliance withcompanypolicies and informing aboutviolations in real time. If youare anteam manager or an admin, youwill be able to approveexpensereports for your employees on themove or send it back tothem withcomments. Recognised by CBInsights as one of the top 100startupsusing AI in fintech, Listedas a High Performer in G2Crowd’sgrid,and the most user friendlyfinance app by Finance Online, Fyleis afast growing company thatis changing the way expense managementisperceived. Fyle hascreated the world's first and onlysolutionthat enables users tocapture receipts with a single click.Fyle’sG Suite extension andOutlook Addin are one of themostrevolutionary approaches to trackelectronic receiptswithoutleaving your inbox. For larger companieswith complexpolicies andmulti-level approval hierarchy, Fylepresents an idealsolutionthat is built on an employee firstprinciple and easy to useandimplement for employees and offerspowerful system forcomplianceand policy enforcement for thecompany. * One-clickexperience tocreate an expense on the go *Automatically extractdata from allkinds of paper receipts acrosscurrencies * Trackmileage usinggoogle places with support forround trips * The mostuser-friendlyapp for employees andadministrators * Powerful policyengine tohelp identify duplicateexpenses and out of policyexpenses. *Import and sync personal andcorporate credit cards *Support forPer Diems and Petty cash *Support for requestingadvances viamobile app * Approve reportsfrom the mobile app. *Global currencysupport * Accountingintegrations * One of its kindGmailintegration * One of its kindOffice 365 integration *Accountingintegrations with QuickBooks,Sage Intacct, OracleNetSuite, etc.Download Fyle and eliminatefrustration from managingexpenses -Never Lose Track!
PrestaCOP 4.5.8
Andres Perez Melo
PrestaCOP es para una aplicación que sirve para tener elcontroldeprestamos! • Se puede trabajar con varios cobradores•Puedeimprimir recibos tickets • Puede compartir los recibosporredessociales • Puede tener numero de cobradores ilimitados•Sinpublicidad • Puede respaldar datos de clientes en la nube•Fácilde usar • Buen soporte • Buscador inteligente • Balancesquepuedeusar para saber la rentabilidad de su empresa (pago) •GPSdecobradores (pago) • Puede ver cuanto tienecobrado,gastos,prestamos y pagos realizados el cobrador en tiemporeal •Puede vertodos los movimientos en tiempo real • Ver en elmapadonde esta elcobrador (Cuando se salga no olvide apagar elrastreo)• Historialde pagos • Ajustes simples • Resumen del día •Caja parael dineroen efectivo no necesita cierre • Restriccionesparacobradores(Para que no editen o borren información) •Validación decédulas •Reportes de clientes malos para que otrasempresas seenteren quees mal cliente • Aviso cuando validen unacédulareportada •Version web para administrar clientes y cobradores•Puedes pagarcon Google Play las compras de PrestaCOP • Preciopormes es de1.66 USD y año 16.99 USD
Djangui money 1.88
Inspired by an economy unique to Africa, the"Djangui"applicationallows you to manage your Tontines and meetingsonlinewith clarityand transparency. Thanks to its ease of use,itintegrates allaspects of a classic Tontine. Itsfeatures:-Management of the listof savers -Automatic andtransparent draw ofthe days of reception-Management of the loan andcontributionregister - Secure transferof funds contributed throughmoneytransfer services (MTN mobilemoney, Orange Money, ExpressUnion,MOOV money and AIRTEL Money)-Video Conferencing -Service foronlinechat between membersInstant Notifications -Reporting andsharingsession reports -Drafting of the rules of procedure -Vote ofthemembers of theoffice "Djangui is available in 2 languages​​(Frenchand English)Djangui money is the simplified version ofDjanguidedicated tousers who reside in Africa. The whole teamthanks youfor yourconfidence.
CPS – Retail Management Solution 2.29.8
Cheil Perfectstore
CPS is a retail management solution for your frontlineteamsthatempowers your workers to perform their bestthroughT&Amanagement, communication and task management - allin oneplace.Main Features: 01. Schedule & Visit Mgt. Forallemployees bothworking at one and multiple locations, weenableconvenientscheduling for visiting workplaces and keepingrecords oftheworking hours. ㆍScheduling ㆍAttendance (clock in/out)ㆍJourneyPlan02. Communications Notice & survey, field issuereportingand1:1 / group chat are all available to ensurerealtimecommunication and feedback sharing among employees.ㆍNotice&Survey ㆍLEGO Report ㆍField Report ㆍChat 03. Retail DataMgt.Weprovide a tool that makes it easier to collect a wide rangeofdataat points of sale. ㆍSell-out ㆍPrice ㆍInventory ㆍDisplaystatus04.Task Management Make it easy for your frontline teamstoexecutetasks accurately and on time. You get a real-timeoverviewinto anoperational execution, so you can easily do acomplianceanalysisand take actions faster. ㆍToday’s TaskㆍChecklists ㆍWorkReport 05.Target & Expense You can rewardoutstanding employeesbyallotting targets and evaluating theirperformances. Employeescanalso easily process reimbursements fortheir work-relatedexpensesby uploading relevant receipts on aphone. ㆍTarget&Achievement ㆍExpense Management 06. DataExtraction andAnalysisCPS's dashboard features up-to-date andreal-timeindicators thatprovide a secure decision making.
Finerio: Personal Finance, Budgets, Money Manager 3.3.0
If you’re reading this, it’s because you’ve been wonderinghowtosave money, how to stay within your budgets, and if anappexiststhat would allow you to easily manage yourdailyexpenses.Congratulations! Download the app and start takingcontrolof yourpersonal finances with Finerio: Personal Finance,Budgets,andMoney Manager! Finerio: Personal Finance, Budgets,andMoneyManager, is the first finance manager application inMexicothatautomatically tracks your spending, income and budgetsforyourmonthly and daily expenses. Sync your bank accounts andyoucanbegin to track your expenses, and manage your finances. Thereisnocost to create an account, and you don’t have topayanysubscription fees. Finerio, the money management app, allowsyoutoeasily manage your personal finances. As mentionedin:ForbesMilenio Entrepreneur El Economista FINERIO IS THE APPTHATYOU NEEDTO TRACK YOUR FINANCES AND MANAGE YOUR DAILYEXPENSES.Findeverything in one place: With Finerio: PersonalFinance,Budgets,and Money Manager, you can sync all of your bankaccounts,debitand credit cards, so that your income, transactionsandbalancesappear in the app and update automatically. The onlyworkthat youneed to do to track your finances is to registeryourcashtransactions. Tracking expenses and managing personalfinanceshasnever been so easy. Categorize your expenses: Fineriouses itsownalgorithm to automatically categorize daily expenses.You canalsocreate and manage your own categories, so that youcanincreaseyour potential savings. You can personalize yourFinerioaccount asmuch as you want, in order to take control andtrackdailyexpenses, income and savings. Create personalized budgetstomanagefamily and personal finances: With your personalizedbudget,youcan automatically track monthly spending. Stay informedabouthowmuch money you spend monthly per category, track yourbudgets,andsave money. With Finerio, managing budgets is fastandsimple.Understand your monthly spending: With simple graphicsandamonthly summary of your income and spending, you canunderstandandtrack your daily spending, income and behavior.Finerio,yourpersonal finance tracker, allows you to findnewsavingsopportunities! Your information is secure with us: Wetakesecurityseriously, and we use the highest standards tokeepyourinformation encrypted at all times. We use thesamesecuritystandards as your bank when you sync your bankaccounts.Finerio isprotected by McAfee SECURE. Managing yourfinances withFinerio iscompletely safe. What makes Finerio the bestapp tomanage yourfinances: • Securely sync bank accounts, ormanuallytrack expenses• Easily register cash expenditures •Automaticallysynced creditand debit card transactions •Personalized categoriesandsubcategories • Automatically categorizedspending •Automaticbudget tracking to better manage your financesand trackmonthlyspending • Ability to divide movements intovariouscategories •Simple graphics displaying monthly spendingandfinancial behavior• Complete encryption of all personalandfinancial information •Securely stored information TAKE CONTROLOFYOUR MONEY DownloadFinerio, your expense manager andfinancetracker, and sync yourbank accounts to have all of yourfinancialinformation in a singleplace. Understand and track yourmonthlyexpenses and gainfinancial control, so that you can makemoreintelligent decisionsand discover how to save money. Trackyourspending and manage yourfinances with Finerio. WithFinerio:Personal Finance, Budgets, andMoney Manager, you don’t needto bean expert, or have a lot ofextra time manage yourexpenses,earnings, budgets, and increaseyour savings. Finerio doesthe workfor you, with a maximum levelof security.
ManageEngine MDM
ManageEngine MDM helps your ITadministratorconquer the mobile device management for Androiddevices, includingSamsung KNOX & SAFE. This free MDM Appfacilitates in enrollingthe corporate and BYOD Android mobiledevices into ManageEngine’sMDM software console which can bedownloaded On-Premises or accesson Cloud.. This enables your ITadministrators to efficientlymanage them through profiling andenforcing restrictions as peryour management’s need.Please follow these instructions to enroll your device1. Download and install ManageEngine MDM app onto yourdevice.2. Enter the login credentials sent to you by yourITadministrator.3. Post authentication, your device will have profile, settingsandapps deployed as required by your organization.Note: This free MDM app from is used together with theManageEngineMDM software to manage only Android, Samsung KNOX andSAFE devices.Your IT administrator can deploy the MDM software on ahost systemor access it on the cloud. The devices owners will getcredentialsand instructions from the IT admins on the usage of theMDM app.Thereafter, the MDM App needs to be installed on yourdevice. Itwill give you access to corporate resources such asE-mail, apps,and other necessities impelled by your organization.It helps tohave the devices monitored to avoid theft orviolation.ManageEngine MDM is a mobile device management software thathelpsenterprises monitor, control and secure mobile devices fromacentral location.1. Easy enrollment.● Enroll multiple mobile devices (smartphones/tablets)over-the-air(OTA)● Use the bulk enrollment programs like Apple DEP,AppleConfigurator, Android NFC Enrollment, Samsung KNOX/SAFE● Create separate groups for BYOD (employee-owned) andcorporatedevices2. Plan policies and restrictions● Plan policies for Email, WiFi, VPN etc● Restriction settings for camera, browser, apps● Microsoft Exchange ActiveSync for email configurations3. Manage apps● Create app repository● Blacklist/Whitelist apps● Containerization for enterprise apps4. Secure devices● Remote lock/wipe devices● Geo-Tracking● Detect Rooted or Jail-broken devices5. Regular monitoring● Periodical scans● Intuitive dashboard● Audit reports on devices, apps, complianceTo know more about effective Android device management orSamsungKNOX / SAFE device management, visithttps://www.manageengine.com/mobile-device-management/To get started with ManageEngine’s free MDM software,bothOn-Premises and Cloud, visithttps://www.manageengine.com/mobile-device-management/download.html
Captio - Expense Reports
Forget all about any paperwork for your expensereports.Captiotransforms your smartphone into the perfect tool foryourcorporatetravel. Use it to capture your receipts, bills,mileageand othertravel expenses and automatically generate yourreports.Captio isthe leading platform for automating businessexpensemanagement.Thousands of corporate travellers from companiesin allsectors andof all sizes use Captio to unburden themselvesfrompaperwork ontheir business trips. It all starts withyoursmartphone, the keyto full digital management of your travelandexpenses. Captioeliminates paper from your company’sexpensemanagement, filing allof the data practically and securelyon thecloud. Moreover, itsautomatic scanning system removes theneed formanual tasks,thereby enhancing productivity and preventingerrors.In the freeversion of Captio, you can try out the automaticdataextractionfacility with 10 captures (which are renewedeverymonth!), managethe rest of your expenses by entering themmanuallyand generate anunlimited number of reports. In the fullversion,Captio goesbeyond simply filing reports from yoursmartphone andenablescompanies and their employees to control theirexpensesmoreeffectively and discover new saving opportunities. Theprocessissimple: 1. You take a photo of the receipt. 2.Captioautomaticallyextracts the data. 3. Captio saves the image oncloud(throw thatpaper away!). 4. Whenever you want, you cangenerateyour expensereports at a single click. 5. If you have asupervisor,theyreceive the reports and the process continues (wealso maketheirlife easier, keep reading!). Still want more? Thefull versionofCaptio integrates all of the aspects of expensemanagement inasingle process for: ✔ Reporting businessexpenses,generatingexpense reports with your smartphone, withoutpaper ormanual input(unlimited captures), including receipts,mileage,allowances, etc.✔ Supervising business expenses.Captioautomatically verifiescompliance with your company’sexpensepolicies and notifies you ofany breaches. The supervisorscanrevise the reports using theirmobile handsets. ✔ Reconcilingcreditcard payments. ✔ Managingexpenses in various currenciesefficientlyand simply. ✔Classifying the information you need inorder tomanage travelexpenses: categories, payment methods,customizablefields, etc. ✔Facilitating the process of VAT returnsfor yourbusiness expenses.✔ Managing business expenses,establishing groupsof users and costcentres. ✔ Accounting forbusiness expenses,integrating expensemanagement data with yourcompany’s processesand systems (SAP,Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics,Sage, etc.) Captio isalso accessiblefrom and full synchronized withour web applicationatwww.captio.com. Have you read this far andstill have questions?Wewould be very glad to answer them for you.Write to usatinfo@captio.com.
SmartPanics 21.01.08
SoftGuard Tech
SmartPanics permite transmitir eventos de alarma a sistemasdemonitoreo electrónico de una manera simple y eficiente.SmartPanicspuede ayudarlo rápidamente a solucionar su problemainformándole asu empresa de servicios de seguridad sobre laemergencia que ustedtiene. Deberá solicitar a su empresa losparámetros deconfiguración y activación de la aplicación. Tenga encuenta que lamisma podría cobrarle por esta funcionalidad. Laaplicación disponede 3 botones para envío de alarmas: • SOS/PANICO• FUEGO •ASISTENCIA También le permitirá asociar números, de sulista decontactos, para que sean notificados al mismo tiempo que suempresade servicios de seguridad. Se podrá indicar la formadenotificación de la alarma a sus contactos (llamada telefónicaoSMS) según lo desee. SmartPanics le será útil cuando: •Seencuentra en riesgo su seguridad (robo, intrusos en suhogar,secuestro, etc.). • Se encuentra en un lugar donde nopuedesolicitar ayuda. • Ha sufrido un accidente y no hay nadiecercapara auxiliarlo. • Está en una situación de emergencia dondeserequiere asistencia inmediata • Atraviese una zona obarriopeligroso en camino a su hogar SmartPanics le permite enviarunmensaje de emergencia que contendrá su posición satelital (siestaestá disponible) para que lo puedan hallar fácilmente.SmartPanicsdispone también de un botón de "SOS Demorado" quepermiteprevenirse enviando anticipadamente una alerta conposibilidad decancelarse en un lapso de tiempo, pudiendo advertirlecon un avisosonoro un minuto antes del envío de la alarma efectiva.Para suseguridad, la aplicación podrá ocultarse luego de enviadounaalarma de SOS. Para evitar falsos disparos de alarma, ustedpodrábloquear la aplicación con usuario y contraseña. SmartPanicscuidade su familia y de su negocio. Conozca en todo momento laposiciónde sus seres queridos y de sus empleados, mediante unaavanzadafunción de seguimiento. Verifique si algún dispositivo desuentorno ha disparado alguna alerta recientemente. Creegeo-cercasalrededor de su domicilio, comercio, la escuela de sushijos o deuna zona peligrosa. La aplicación podrá generar alertas,si algúnfamiliar o empleado ingresa o sale de las áreas definidas.CompartaSmartPanics con sus familiares y amigos. La función desugerencia,permite que su estación de monitoreo, reciba los datosde losnuevos interesados para contactarlos inmediatamente.ATENCION: *Utilice esta aplicación solamente si está en unasituación deemergencia real. (Dispone de un botón de testeo paraprobar sufuncionamiento). * Dependiendo de su ubicación lainformaciónsatelital puede tardar en obtenerse o no lograrse. Detodos modos,la alarma enviada llegara a destino. * Las nuevascaracterísticasde esta versión requieren nuevos servicios de suproveedor deservicios de seguridad. Por favor contactes con el paraconocerlas* El uso continuo del funcionamiento del GPS en el fondopuededisminuir dramáticamente la vida de la batería. SmartPanicsoperaúnicamente conectada a un servidor de una empresa prestadoradeservicios de seguridad electrónica por monitoreo. SmartPanicsloacompañara todo el tiempo, siéntase seguro. Disponibleactualmenteen idioma Inglés, Español, Italiano y Portugués. Otroslenguajesestarán disponibles próximamente.
Sesterce – Share Expenses 2.12.5
Stan Kocken
Share expenses with friends, roommates, family… for a trip orforlife!
Work Equipment Inspection DGUV 001.276.111-WEQ
Lean software for safety inspections i.a.w. DGUV, OSH, HSE,PUWERregulations.
Self-Service Portal 2021.08.01
Micro Focus Software Inc.
Self-Service Portal is the mobile version ofServiceManagementAutomation service portal in MicroFocus SMA suite.Viathisapplication, user can: 1. Search service orsupportofferings,knowledge articles and news 2. Browse the serviceorsupportofferings 3. Create new service or support request4.Approve ordeny requests 5. Accept or reject resolved requests6.SmartTicketing and virtual agent support For full details ofournewrelease please go to Micro focus onlinedocumentation:https://docs.microfocus.com/admin/itom/Mobile:SMAX/ReleaseNoteshttps://docs.microfocus.com/admin/itom/Mobile:SMA-SM/ReleaseNoteshttps://docs.microfocus.com/admin/itom/Mobile:SaaS/ReleaseNotesIMPORTANT:Thissoftware requires connectivity to the Micro FocusServiceManagementAutomation Suite (SMA-SM OR SMA-X 201711 Releaseorlater). You mayactivate the mobile app by scanning a QA codefromyour company’sService Management Automation Service Portalwebsite. You may alsocontact your IT administrator for anactivationURL.
Kronio - Control asistencia laboral 2.6.17-c
Kronio es la aplicación que permite controlar de formafácileintuitiva las horas trabajadas de tus empleados. ConnuestraAppMóvil OLVÍDATE del uso total de relojesbiométricos,lasmarcaciones (fichaje) de asistencia se realizandirectamentedesdeel celular de cada empleado; obteniendo un controlexacto delashoras trabajadas. Funciones de nuestra aplicación:-Usuariosilimitados - Marcaciones: ingreso/salida/break -Asignaciónde laubicación del negocio - Registro de ubicación almomento delamarcación - Historial de marcaciones - Creacióndehorarios/turnos- Perfil de empleados - Reporte de asistenciaspormes - Y muchasmás mejoras proximamente... ¡Innova la forma enquetrabajas con tuequipo!
VigiControl 20.7.44
SoftGuard Tech
Vigicontrol is a system for controlling security guard toursthroughonline monitoring. This useful tool executes the completecontroland auditing of security guard actions: position reportthrough GPS,sending of Alive alerts, reports incidences whichoccur during theroute, sending of images captured with thesmartphone camera, all ofthese features and many more areavailable for your onlinemonitoring center, 24 hours a day and all365 days of the year. Theapplication has four main buttonsavailable: SOS - ROUTE - ALIVESIGNAL - NEWS - ASSIGN SOS: AllowsPanic events to be sent withposition information and the option tosend an image. Alive: This isa presence control. It operates byactivating a button everydetermined period of time which must bepressed to cancel the alarm.If this button is not actuated withinthe determined time period, analert will be generated for themonitoring center. Tour: Allows theguard to send an ARRIVAL orDEPARTURE event whenever he returns orleaves his post, this isalso used when the guard passes through hisroute control points.This event will be received with date, timeand positioninformation. News: Allows the guard to updatemonitoring centerinformation, allowing information such as Images,QR Codes, text orvoice notes and calls to be transmitted.VigiControl is anapplication which uses multiple communicationmethods to assurethat alerts are sent, the most common method isTCP/IP, thisincludes WiFi and cellular data networks (GPRS-LTE),SMS sending isalso used when the data network is unavailable.ATTENTION: • Onlyuse the SOS option during real emergencysituations. (A test buttonis available to verify that it operatescorrectly) • Depending onthe user’s location, it is possible forsatellite positioning to bedelayed or unavailable. Regardless, thealarm that was sent willreach its destination. • VigiControl onlyoperates when connectedto an electronic monitoring serviceprovider’s server. • Theapplication is currently available in thefollowing languages:English, Spanish, Polish, Portuguese. Morelanguages will beavailable soon.
Subscription Billing - Zoho 1.25.6
Zoho Corporation
Smart recurring billing and subscription management software
CbApp: Cobros, Créditos 1.7.37
Credit management.
Smart Receipts Plus
Turn your phone into a receipt scanner,mileagetracker, and expense report generator with SmartReceipts!Smart Receipts is perfect for both individualsandbusinesses!With fully customizable PDF, CSV, and ZIP reports, you cancreateprofessional reports for both your personal finance trackingandyour employer’s needs. Smart Receipts allows you to selectfromover 20 different default data types (including dates, price,tax,receipt categories, comments, payment methods, etc.) to helpyougenerate the perfect report, saving you hours of timedoingexpenses and getting you back to things you actuallycareabout.Tired of spending hours scanning receipts?Join over 400,000 users, who save hours each week usingSmartReceipts to manage their expenses and generate expensereports.Smart Receipts was designed by a traveling consultant, soit isbuilt for both efficiency and flexibility.Trusted and SecureSmart Receipts is an open source, so you can be trust thatyourexpense data remains yours and won't be secretly soldtothird-party advertisers.Features:• Create expense report "folders" to categorize your receipts• Take receipt photos with your camera's phone• Import existing pictures on your device• Import PDF receipts• Save receipt price, tax, and currency• Tag receipt names, categories, payment method, comments, andothermetadata• Create/edit/delete all receipt categories• Track distance traveled for mileage reimbursement• Automatic exchange rate processing• Smart prediction based on past receipts• Generate PDF, CSV, & ZIP reports• Fully customizable report output• Automatic backup support via Google DriveComing Soon:• OCR support for receipt scans• Graphical breakdowns of spending per category• Any many more...License:Smart Receipts is open-source and licensed under theAGPL(https://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.en.html).This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,butWITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warrantyofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See theGNUAffero General Public License for more details.
Expensify - Expense Reports
With over four million usersworldwide,Expensify is the #1 tool for expense report management,receipttracking, and business travel. Snap a photo of your receiptusingSmartScan and Expensify takes care of the rest! Designed forsmallbusinesses, accountants, and individuals who are sick ofwastingtime with spreadsheets, Expensify streamlines businesstravel andtax compliance with expense reports that don’tsuck!"The Best Business Travel App" - Business Insider"Expensify is like a virtual accountant" - Wall StreetJournal"A mobile app that helps you run your business" - ForbesNamed one of the hottest startups by Forbes, voted a Top 10MostInnovative Company by Fast Company, and endorsed by the AICPAandCPA.com, Expensify has been widely acknowledged as the besttoolfor business travelers. If you’re a small business orsolopreneurlooking for simple receipt capture, Expensify’s patentedSmartScanOCR technology eliminates manual data entry and makes iteasy tokeep track of receipts on-the-go. If you’re looking formorecomplex functionality for a larger company, Expensify takescare ofall of your expense management needs: expense reports,multi-levelapproval workflows, automatic credit cardreconciliation, companycard management, next-day rapidreimbursement, integrations withaccounting and HR softwares, and somuch more.Features:- Automatically record, report, and submit expenses withrealtimeexpense reports- Easy receipt capture- User-friendly mobile and web apps- Mileage and time tracking- Automatic credit card import- Corporate card reconciliation- Next-day direct deposit reimbursement- Candidate reimbursement- Per diem functionality- Global currency compatibility- Accounting integrations (QuickBooks, Xero, NetSuite,Intacct,Oracle, Sage, etc.)Awards:- Endorsed by the AICPA and CPA.com- Best 100 Cloud Companies Worldwide -Forbes, 2016- Top 10 Most Innovative Companies - Fast Company, 2015- Small Business of the Year -Business IntelligenceGroup,2015- Fastest Growing Expense Management Company -GartnerReport,2015Visit use.expensify.com or email sales@expensify.com tolearnmore.Download Expensify to save time and streamline your businesstraveland receipt management process today!