17 Похожие Darmowe SMSy POLSKA Bramka SMS

Darmowa Bramka SMS 1.3.0
DV Game Studio
Darmowe SMSy do Orange, Plus,Play,T-Mobile!Darmowa Bramka SMS to prosta i intuicyjna aplikacja służącadotworzenia i wysyłania wiadomości SMS bez ponoszenia żadnychopłat.Już nigdy więcej nie zapłacisz za SMSy!Aby korzystać z aplikacji należy stworzyć PROFILużytkownikawpisując swój numer telefonu i PODPIS dodawany dowysyłanejwiadomości. Do poprawnej wysyłki SMSa wymagany jest dostępdointernetu (3G lub WiFi).Wszystkie wysłane wiadomości można przeglądać w zakładceWYSŁANE.Każda pozycja posiada datę wysłania wiadomości, jej treśćiadresata. Adresat wybrany z książki adresowej będzie posiadałswójavatar w WYSŁANYCH wiadomościach. Jeśli nie chceszprzechowywaćwiadomości zawsze możesz je wszystkie wykasować.W ostatniej aktualizacji dodaliśmy obsługę TABLETów (bezkartSIM).Aby założyć Profil na urządzeniu typu tablet należy podać swójnumertelefonu na który wyślemy specjalny kod przeznaczony dowpisania waplikacji na tablecie.Cechy aplikacji:- wysyłanie wiadomości SMS za DARMO!- do wszystkich sieci (Orange, Plus, Play, T-Mobile)- darmowe doładowania za oglądanie krótkich filmów (~15sek)- wybieranie numerów z książki adresowej telefonu- pełna historia wysłanych wiadomości (przechowywana natelefonieużytkownika)- działa na wszystkich smartfonach (wymagana karta SIMwtelefonie, nawet bez środków na koncie)- posiada banner reklamowy AdMob (nie mamy wpływu nawyświetlanetreści jak "alarmy antywirusowe")Free SMS to Orange,Plus,Play, T-Mobile!Free SMS Gateway is a simple and intuitive application forcreatingand sending SMS messages at no charge. I will never pay forSMS!To use the application, create a user PROFILE by enteringyourphone number and SIGNATURE added to the message you send.Forproper shipping SMS access is required to the Internet (3GorWiFi).All posts in the tab, you can view SENT. Each item has a datetosend a message, its contents and destination. Addresseeselectedfrom the address book will have your avatar in SENTmessages. Ifyou do not want to store messages, you can alwaysdelete themall.In the last update we've added support for tablets (withoutSIMcard).To create a profile on your tablet you should give your phonenumberto send the specific code to be entered in the applicationon thetablet.Features of the application:- Send SMS for FREE!- To all networks (Orange, Plus, Play, T-Mobile)- Free recharge for watching short videos (~ 15 sec)- Dial the phone's address book- Complete history of your messages (stored on auser'sphone)- Works on all smartphones (required SIM card in your phone,evenwithout the funds in your account)- AdMob has an advertising banner (not have any influence onthecontent displayed as "virus alerts")
BramkaSMS 10.2.4
Darmowa bramka SMS do wszystkichpolskichoperatorów. Brak opłat, bez limitów, bez przepisywaniakodów.Wybieraj kontakt z książki i wysyłaj smsy do znajomychbezopłat.============================================================Utrzymujemy się z REKLAM, nie ma w aplikacji (ani w jejużytkowaniu)żadnych ukrytych opłat.============================================================Obsługa wiadomości graficznych IMS/MMS============================================================W związku z zapytaniami o uprawnienia do lokalizacji: Waplikacjidodana jest możliwość wklejenia do treści wiadomościswoichwspółrzędnych, aktualnego adresu lub mapki ze swojąlokalizacją.Opcję tą można wyłączyć w Ustawieniach.============================================================UWAGA: Do działania wymagany jest dostęp do INTERNETU(który,przeciwnie do aplikacji, może nie być DARMOWY u Twojegooperatora,proszę więc to wcześniej sprawdzić przed pisaniemkomentarzy opobieraniu opłat!).============================================================- SMSy wysyłane są przez połączenie internetowe (zalecaneposiadanietransferu internetowego).- Zapisywanie smsów wysłanych przez bramkę w "skrzyncewiadomościwysłanych".- Wysyłka smsów TYLKO do polskich operatorów.- Zero opłat przy używaniu bramki.- Brak limitów wysyłki========================================================================================================================Z komentarzy niestety widać, że nie wszyscy umieją czytaćzezrozumieniem, napisze to więc w opisie wyraźnie:============================================================!!! BRAMKA SMS jest darmowa - 0 opłat !!!==================================================Jeśli ktoś jeszcze ma jakieś wątpliwości proszę okontaktmailowy============================================================JEŚLI MASZ PROBLEM Z APLIKACJĄ, BĄDŹ CZŁOWIEK I DAJZNAĆPROGRAMIŚCIE co jest nie tak, może uda się to naprawić wkolejnejwersji. Nie mam wszystkich możliwych telefonów z androidem:/ żebyzapewnić 100% bezawaryjność :) Komentarze: "A mi nie działa"nicnie pomogą w naprawieniu tego stanu rzeczy.============================================================Opis uprawnień:- bezpośrednie wybieranie numerów telefonu - po wybraniukonwersacjina górze pojawia się ikonka telefonu. Po kliknięciu jejmożliwe jestnawiązanie połączenia telefonicznego z danaosobą.- czytanie wiadomości SMS lub MMS - uprawnienie potrzebnedowyświetlenia listy odebranych smsów.- edytowanie wiadomości SMS lub MMS - uprawnienie potrzebnedozapisania smsa wysłanego przez bramke w "wiadomościachwysłanych"telefonu.- odczytywanie stanu i informacji o telefonie -odczytywanieinformacji o modelu telefonu- odbieranie wiadomości SMS - aktywacja wersji PRO przyprzyjściusmsa z kodem.- pełen dostęp do internetu - podstawowe uprawnienie dodziałaniabramki.- czytanie danych kontaktów - uprawnienie pozwalające nawybieraniekontaktów z książki adresowej.Free SMS gateway toallPolish operators. No fees, no limits, without rewritingcode.Choose contact with book and send text messages to friendsfree ofcharge.================================================== ==========We keep up with the AD, not in the application (either on itsuse)any hidden fees.================================================== ==========Messaging graphical IMS / MMS================================================== ==========In relation to questions about permissions to the location:Theapplication added is the ability to paste the message oftheircoordinates, current address, or the map with its location.Thisoption can be turned off in Settings.================================================== ==========NOTE: You need is access to the Internet (which, contrary totheapplication, can not be FREE from your provider, so please checkitbefore writing comments before a charging!).================================================== ==========- SMS messages are sent via an Internet connection (recommendedtohave an Internet transfer).- Saving text messages sent by the gateway in the "inboxmessagessent."- Sending text messages ONLY to Polish operators.- Zero fees when using the goal.- No limits shipping================================================== ============================================================ ==========From the comments, unfortunately, you will see that not everyonecanread with understanding, write it so clearly inthedescription:================================================== ==========! SMS GATEWAY is free - 0 charge!==================================================If anyone still has any doubts, please contact us by e-mail================================================== ==========IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THE APPLICATION, OR MAN ANDGIVEDEVELOPERS KNOW what is wrong, might be able to fix it in thenextversion. I do not have all the possible phone with android :/toensure 100% uptime :) Comments: "And I did not work" do not helpinfixing this state of affairs.================================================== ==========Description of powers:- Direct dial phone - after selecting the conversation at the topofthe phone icon appears. If you click it is possible to make aphonecall from a person.- Read SMS or MMS - need permission to view the list ofreceivedtext messages.- Edit SMS or MMS - the power needed to save the text messagesentby the target in the "messages sent" phone.- Reading status and information about the phone - readinformationabout phone model- Receive SMS messages - Activate the PRO version at the comingofSMS with the code.- Full access to the Internet - the fundamental right to actthegoal.- Read contact data - right allowing you to select contactsfromyour address book.
GateSMS - Free Gateways 2.1.5
Jakub Dyszkiewicz
WARNING!GateSMS is no longer supported. Thank you for makingitpossible.GateSMS will help you to send sms from popular polishinternetgates in convenient way. Pay less for text messages!====== Supported Gates ======- Orange SMS PL- Orange Multibox (mbox) PL- T-Mobile Omnix Multimedialna PL- T-Mobile Omnix Sponsorowana PL- PlusGSM PL- Wapster PL- Slide SMS============ FEATURES ============- SMS manager- Conversation view- Fast switching between gates and standard sms- Automatic identification of the operator- Deleting polish signs from standard sms messages- Reminding of unread messages- Setting your own ringtone for message notification- Different types of vibrations========= LINKING SERVICE =========Linking service make your messages from gates more readableEx. sms from Orange PL gate:1021231231231:OD JanK*Odpisz zaraz*: How are you?You can change forJan Kowalski:How are you?It's simple. You just make few clicks and sms from gates won'tbedifferent from standard sms (except bubble color)===== GO SMS PRO users =====Go SMS Pro automatically blocks notifications from other appsandyou won't be able to use linking service.If you want to turn it off, go to settings -> receivesettings-> uncheck set others notifications off====== MIUI ICS users ======MIUI stock SMS app automatically disable sms notifications forotherapps. You can switch this in settings turning of "Priorytatefor SMSapplication" option==== DOUBLE NOTIFICATIONS =====If you got double notifications just turn it off in otherapp.In stock SMS/MMS that would be:setting -> uncheck "notifications"======= FACEBOOK AVATARS =======Official Facebook app blocks access to their avatar databasesothere is no way to get it. Problem might not exists in HTCphoneswith SenseUI. Good solution is using free applicationSyncMyPix andsync Facebook avatars with Google Account=== BEFORE RATING ====If you have problem or question related with application, writemean e-mail so i can help you. If you like GateSMS and want tohelp,please rate app high, let your friends know about it. Ithelpsapplication to be more able to find and it will become justbetter.Thank you.========== PERMISSIONS ==========android.permission.WRITE_SMS - sending smsandroid.permission.READ_SMS - reading smsandroid.permission.RECEIVE_SMS - receiving smsandroid.permission.SEND_SMS - sending smsandroid.permission.READ_CONTACTS - reading contactsandroid.permission.CALL_PHONE - calling to contacts (inconversationview)android.permission.VIBRATE - vibration alongwithnotificationsandroid.permission.MODIFY_AUDIO_SETTINGS -modificationringtoneandroid.permission.INTERNET - internet accessandroid.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE - checking if phoneisonlineandroid.permission.WAKE_LOCK - wake phone whennotificationcomesandroid.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS - verificationbuyingapplicationandroid.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE - verificationbuyingapplicationWarning! Free version contains ads, if you want to turn it offgoto the settings->pro version. Appliaction uses GoogleAnalitycsto find what is the most important for users and whatfunctionalityhave to be developed on first place.
Bramka SMS 1.0
CT Group
Twoja Bramka SMS!Koniec z tokenami i przepisywaniem kodów z obrazków.Terazmożeszwysyłać SMS-y przez internet do dowolnej sieci. Abymiećpewność żeTwój SMS dotarł - otrzymasz raporty doręczenia.Your SMS Gateway!End of tokens and prescription codes from images. Now youcansendtext messages via the Internet to any network. To makesurethatyour SMS has arrived - you will receive deliveryreports.
Smsy za Darmo :) 1.0
Dobre Appki
Pobierz Smsy za darmo jeślichceszwysyłaćdarmowe smsy do wszystkich sieci komórkowych w Polsce.Ślijzadarmo smski do Play, darmowe smsy do Plus, bezpłatnesmsydoT-Mobile, darmowe wiadomości do Orange. Aplikacjadopoprawnegodziałania wymaga połączenia z netem, na przykładprzezWI-Fi.Wiadomości wysyłane są przez niezależne numerytelefonów,więc niepodlegają limitom bramek sms ze stronoperatorów.Bezpłatnewiadomości sms docierają o wiele pewnie niż zbramki sms.Pobierztę darmową aplikację do bezpłatnych smsów i smsujbezograniczeń zadarmo :)Aplikacja dla wszystkich których interesujątematytakiejak:- darmowe smsy- bramka sms- darmowe wiadomościGet SMS for freeifyouwant to send free text messages to all mobile networksinPoland.Smski Ślij free to play, free text messages to Plus,freetextmessages to T-Mobile, free messages to Orange.Applicationforproper operation requires an netem, for example,WI-Fi.Messagesare sent via a separate phone numbers, so there arelimitsgoalssms party providers. Free text messages reach a muchconfidentthanthe SMS gateway. Download this free app for freetextingandunlimited smsuj free :)Application for all who are interested in topics such as:- Free text messages- Sms- Free messages
Oskarek SMS free
SMS/MMS manager + free SMS to all czechmobilenetworks!
REST SMS Gateway 1.4
This apps allows to change your phone intoSMSGateway. Thanks to REST commands sent from your computer youcansend and view existing messages. Private SMS Gateway allows youtodo independent SMS Marketing, backup your messages or anythingyouwould like to do. Just install, press button Start andenjoy!A detailed manual is available inside :)
Internet SMS 1.64
Internet SMS allows you to connect andsendSMSthrough SMS gateways via the internet. At the momentitsupportsBULKSMS, IYAM and MyTXTBox. To use this app, youwouldhave tosubscribe for an account from any of thesupportedgateways.Features:* Contact and Group Integration* Multiple SMS Gateway support* Add multiple SMS Accounts for sending SMS* Birthday List for the current day (calculates age ifyearispresent) using contact information.Languages:English, Polish, Spanish and RussianBULKSMShttp://www.bulksms.com/IYAMhttp://iyam.mobi/MyTxtBox (New Edition)https://unity.smsgh.com/account/signupYou are expected to create your API access to use this appwiththenew version of the MyTxtbox service (old serviceisnowobsolete)You canalsovisithttp://developers.smsgh.com/documentations/sendmessageformoreinformation.
Mood SMS - Custom Text & MMS
Glad Appvestor
Customizable Android SMS app - Share GIF’s, themes, videosandencrypt texts
smsAD Free Edition 1.0
smsAD is a little app, that turnsyou'reandroiddevice into a little sms-gateway. when smsAD isrunning itwill bescanning the incoming messages for the followingcommandsinfo,signup, cancel and sale.Each of the 4 commands triggers a function intheapplication.InfoWhen the phone recieves a message with the command info,itwillsimply send out a predefined message with the infoyouhavedefined.SignupWhen the phone recieves a message with the command signup,itwilladd the sender number to a recieverlist so it willrecievefurthernewsletters you send out.CancelWhen the phone recieves a message with the command cancel,itwillremove the sender number from the recieverlist.SaleWhen the phone recieves a message with the command sale, itwillsenda predefined offer to the sender.You are able to setup a limited amount of discounts, if setto10,then its only the 10 first sending sale, that will recievethegreatoffer, orthers will recieve a predefined"Out-of-Stock"message.Master NumberYou are able to set a master number up, so when smsADrecievesamessage from the defined phonenumber, it will send thecontentofthe message to all that are signed up on therecieverlist.Notice:- This free edition, only support the english translationandtheenglish commands- There will be a little text advetisment for the applicationintheend of messages, send out from the free edition.- It's recommended you got a free sms service agreementwithyou'reservice provider.- This free edition will not be updated, for new things youneedtobuy the full edition
aText: SMS Messaging from PC 1.0.11
SMS Gateway: sends SMS text messagesfromcomputer via mobile phone.aText supports sending and receiving SMS text messages from PCviamobile phone, using either desktop application orPythonscript.Application aText is designated to provide services forclientsoftware (program texting) running on user's PC, that enabletheuser to send and receive mobile text messages directly onthecomputer.Installation and consistent configuration of related PCsoftware(program texting) are required in order to use applicationaTextfor sending or receiving text messages. User's mobile phonemust beconnected to the same WiFi local network as user's PC withprogramtexting installed and run.A free TRIAL version of application aText displays ads andislimited to send and receive up certain number (see app's"aboutaText" info) of text messages per day.The PREMIUM version has exactly the same functionality as afreeversion, but without any limitations, and does notshowads.Important notice: Before you buy the premium versionofapplication aText, please install and configure free trialversionof the application, and carefully test your configuration-especially communication with a program texting and ability oftheprogram to send and receive text messages. Possible problemswithyour configuration may arise from the firewall settings onyourcomputer, as well as from settings and limitations of yourlocalnetwork. Please, DO NOT buy the premium version ofapplicationaText if your setup does not work for thetrial.Text messages are actually sent and received by aTextmobileapplication running on user's mobile phone and thereforeallrelated fees are charged by a telecommunications operator,whichprovides services to the user. Neither program texting normobileapplication aText interfere with billing or rating of textmessagesby your telco operator. In other words, sending orreceiving a textmessage using program texting and via mobileapplication aText,should cost the same as sending or receiving asimilar text messagedirectly on user's mobile phone.Privacy. Sent and received text messages are transmittedonlybetween program texting and mobile application aText, thusonlybetween user's PC and phone within the same local WiFinetwork.Text messages sent and received by the user's phone areprocessedby a user's telco operator in the same way as textmessages sentand received directly from your mobile. Neitherprogram texting normobile application aText send any user dataoutside of the localWi-Fi network (with exception of the datacollected by advertisingservices, when using mobile applicationaText in the free trial,advertising-enabled mode).The application must be configured during the first run(menuSettings). These parameters must be set to the same values assetfor the program texting: mobile phone number and password. Thelastcore parameter is default country phone number prefix, thatwill beused for texting (e.g. +1 for USA).Note: Although network communication between programtextingand mobile application aText is encrypted (SSL), NONE oftheseprograms is intended to be used for applications requiring ahighlevel of security, therefore please do NOT use this softwareforsuch kind of applications (e.g. for banking, etc.). Senttextmessages are not encrypted, i.e. text messages are sent fromamobile application aText in the same way as directly fromthemobile phone.By installing/updating this app, you agree that your use of itisgoverned by theseterms:http://baseIT.pl/?hl=en&s=license-atextProgram texting may be downloaded fromhere:http://baseIT.pl/?hl=en&s=dload
Unlimited Texting, Calling App 6.2.5
Dingtone Phone
Second phone number for phone calls & texts. Text & SMSmenow with a 2nd number
Dual Sim SMS Messenger 2020 2.0.3
Keyboard and SMS Plus
Are you looking for a beautiful, super-fast and highlycustomizablealternative to your stock Android messaging app? Well,today isyour lucky day. Dual Sim SMS Messenger 2020 is simplyoutstanding!This brand new 2020 messaging app is simple,intuitive,personalizing and fun! ❥ Dual Sim SMS Messenger 2020makes it easyto communicate with anyone by using SMS, MMS, andmore. Stay intouch with friends and family, send group texts, andshare yourfavorite pictures, videos, audio messages. ❥ Dual Sim SMSMessenger2020 comes with beautiful themes, lovely emojis, blacklistfeature,pop-up windows, and much more. We are committed to makingSMS Plusfaster, safer and user-friendly. Messaging has never beenso funand efficient! ❥The Block option is your true savior fromunwanted& spam SMS and MMS. You don't need to install anyadditionalSMS Blocker app too keep those pestering messages fromruining yourmood. It automatically blocks spam messages. so you canenjoy aspam-free Inbox ❥ All of Dual Sim SMS Messenger 2020features arefree forever. Occasionally you'll see an ad, or you canchoose tobecome a VIP Member to remove ads forever. Also, you getaccess togorgeous VIP exclusive themes! ❥ Dual Sim SMS Messenger2020 ispretty special; try it, tell your friends, shout from thetreetops,but most of all enjoy it! ❥ Our app is supported bydevices runningAndroid™ 4.4, Kit Kat, and above. ✏️ If you have anysuggestions orif you need help, don't hesitate to contact us! ✏️Send us amessage at smsplus@junkyapps.com and we'll get back to youas fastas possible. ✌️ This App is compatible with different brandsofphones like Samsung, Huawei, Sony and HTC. ☺️ Check us outhere:http://www.getsmsplus.com/https://www.facebook.com/smsplusapp/ ❗Privacy Policy for Dual SimSMS Messenger2020:http://www.getsmsplus.com/sms-plus-themes-privacy-policy/
The Text Messenger App 4.4.5549
Appsbuyout Dev
Send easy text messages & SMS - messages, pictures,recordingsand much more
SMS Gateway 1.0
SMS Gateway, mengubah Smartphoneandroidandamenjadi SMS server, dapatkan Tokendihttps://w3aset.com/smsSMS Gateway,transformyourAndroid smartphone into a SMS server, get intheTokenhttps://w3aset.com/sms
Gateway SMS 1.2
Gateways SMS
Envoyé des sms depuis un site , grâceàvotremobile .Vous pouvez utilisez cette application dans les domaines suivants :Envoyé vos sms depuis votre portable ( compatibleaveclesopérateur suivants : Free , Orange , Bouygues , ect ..)- Domotique- Site E commerce ( modules prestashop en cours )- Monitoring ( module disponible sur notre site- Envoyé des sms pour une new sms envoyé depuis votretéléphoneGrâceà cette Api- Crée votre plateforme de sms, grâce à notre puissante APIComment ça marche ? :Crée un compte sur : http://www.gatewaysms.fr/Télécharger Application sur votre Androïde , installezcelleci....Dans votre app androïde , connecter vous !Vous pouvez commencer à envoyé des SMS depuis un site web,desmodules sont disponibles crée par les membres delacommunauté.Vous pouvez envoyé en illimitée .Configuration requise :- Androïde 2.2- Une connexion internet ( wifi , 3G , 4G , ect ...)- Un compte valide sur Gateway SMS- Le reste il le fait tout seul : )Sms sent fromasitethrough your mobile.You can use this application in the following areas:Sent your sms from your mobile phone (compatiblewiththefollowing operator: Free, Orange, Bouygues, ect ..)- Domestic- E-commerce Site (current prestashop modules)- Monitoring (module available on our website- Sent sms to a new sms sent from your phone With this API- Create your sms platform, through our powerful APIHow it works? :Create an account on: http://www.gatewaysms.fr/Download Application on your Android, install this one ....In your android app, connect you!You can start sending SMS from a web site, themodulesareavailable created by community members.You can send unlimited.System Requirements:- Android 2.2- An internet connection (WiFi, 3G, 4G, etc ...)- A valid account on SMS Gateway- The rest of it done alone:)
playSMS 1.0.21
ArtiVisi Intermedia
Free and Open Source Android app for playSMS.playSMS is a flexible Web-based Mobile Portal System that itcanbe made to fit to various services such as an SMS gateway,personalmessaging systems, corporate and group communication tools.Moreinformation about playSMS can be found at the project URLhttp://www.playsms.org.playSMS provides Web Services API where external applicationsmayuse it to control certain features on playSMS, such as forsendingand receiving SMS. More information about playSMS WebServices APIcan be read on this URL http://bit.ly/playsmsws.This Android app uses playSMS Web Services API.