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Speranta TV 1.5.5
Intr-o lume derutata si instrainata,SperantaTV ofera o perspectiva crestina asupra subiectelor deactualitatesi promoveaza adevaratele valori in societate. Printonul cald sioptimist al emisiunilor si prin dragostea pentruoameni, SperantaTV este alaturi de toti cei care au nevoie desperanta, dar si decei care au gasit-o si doresc sa o impartaseascasi altora.Speranta TV este afiliata retelei de televiziune HopeChannel,lansata oficial in anul 2003, care cuprinde 12 canalemondiale sitransmite in multe dintre limbile lumii, folosind 13sateliti si 16retele diferite. Programele Hope Channel suntvizionate de peste unmiliard de persoane de pe toate continenteleprin statii TVgratuite, satelit, cablu si pagini web.In Romania, Speranta TV are o istorie relativ scurta.Lainceputul deceniului, s-a constituit studioul de productieHopeMedia, in care erau realizate documentare si emisiuni difuzatepealte canale TV. Pe data de 2 septembrie 2002 a fostlansataemisiunea „In Centrul Atentiei” pe Realitatea TV. Dupa numaicatevasaptamani, studioul HopeMedia a fost legat prin fibra opticadeRealitateaTV, astfel ca emisiunea a devenit live si a fostdifuzatapana in mai 2004.In anii 2004-2005 a fost construit si a inceput echipareaunuicentru de productie si s-a s-a cristalizat ideea curajoasaainfiintarii unui canal propriu de televiziune. Prima zi de emisieanoului post, Speranta TV, a fost 30 aprilie 2007, la ora18.Sloganul postului este „Pasiune pentru viata”, iar valorile pecarele promoveaza – speranta, libertatea, increderea inputereacredintei de a innobila existenta umana.In prezent, grila de programe imbina productii proprii (80%dintimpul de emisie) cu programe de cea mai buna calitate preluatedela Hope Channel International si din alte surse. Saptamanal,sedesfasoara mai bine de 17 ore de programe in direct, carepermitinteractiunea dintre realizatori si publicul din tarasistrainatate.Sustinerea familiei si a tineretului, educatia pentru un stildeviata sanatos, impartasirea experientelor de curajsiresponsabilitate sociala, formarea bunului gust,cultivareaculturii si a spiritualitatii biblice – iata catevadintre liniileprincipale pe care se inscriu emisiunile postuluiSperanta TV.SperantaTV poate fi recepţionata:• prin reteaua RDS-RCS cablu digital, pachetul de baza;• pe DigiTV şi Focus Sat;• in reţeaua UPC-Astral Digital;• prin cablu in peste 400 de localitati din toatejudeteletarii;• pe platforma IPTV Dolce Interactiv de la Romtelecom,canalul707;• direct de pe satelit: INTELSAT 10-02, pozitie orbitala: 1gradVest, frecventa: 12563 Mhz, polarizare: verticala, symbolrate:27500, FEC rate: 3/4;• pe internet la adresa www.sperantatv.roIn a world confusedandalienated, Hope TV offers a Christian perspective ontopicalsubjects and promotes true values ​​in society. With warmandoptimistic tone of broadcasts and the love for people, Hope TViswith all those who need hope, and those who found it and wanttoshare with others.Hope TV is affiliated with Hope Channel televisionnetwork,officially launched in 2003, which includes 12 channelsandtransmits world in many languages ​​of the world, using13satellites and 16 different networks. Hope Channel programsarewatched by over one billion people on all continents throughfreeTV stations, satellite, cable and web pages.In Romania, Hope TV has a relatively short history. Atthebeginning of the decade, was founded Hope Media productionstudioin which they were made documentaries and TV programsbroadcast onother channels. On 2 September 2002 was launched theprogram"Spotlight" on reality TV. After a few weeks, the studioHopeMediawas linked by fiber optic RealitateaTV so the show becameand wasbroadcast live until 2004.Was built in 2004-2005 and began equipping a manufacturingcenterand crystallized the idea of ​​founding a brave owntelevisionchannel. The first day of the new emission post, HopeTV, was April30, 2007, at 18. Job slogan is "Passion for Life",and the values​​they promote - hope, freedom, trust in the powerof faith toelevate human existence.Currently, their program schedule combines production (80%ofbroadcasting time) with the highest quality programs takenfromHope Channel International and other sources. Weekly, unfoldsover17 hours of live programs that allow interaction betweenfilmmakersand audiences in the country and abroad.Family and youth support, education for healthylifestyle,sharing experiences of courage and social responsibility,tasteformation, nurturing culture and biblical spirituality - herearesome of the main lines that are part Hope TVstationbroadcasts.SperantaTV can be received:• RDS-RCS network cable through the digital basic package;• Focus on DigiTV and Sat;• UPC-Astral Digital Network;• Cable in over 400 cities all over the country;• IPTV platform Romtelecom Dolce Interactiv, channel 707;• directly from satellite: INTELSAT 10-02, orbital position 1degreeWest, frequency: 12563 MHz Polarization: vertical, symbolrate:27500, FEC Rate: 3/4;• on the Internet at www.sperantatv.ro