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Fitness Statistics 4.0
Events App
Fitness Statistics is a tool forrecordingandgraphing your progress in the categories of,Exercise,Diet,Measurements, Supplements and Injuries, allowing youtoanalyzeyour failures and successes for research and motivation.The database only stores names and numbers, so you createyourownnaming schemes and use whichever units of measurementyoulike.You can modify past entries if you need to, and exportorimportthe database in JSON format to transfer to another apporenterdata in bulk.Speed and practicality is important to me, sopreviouslyusednames auto-complete after 2 characters, and thedietsectionautomatically prefills the macro-nutrients from thelasttime youused that food.On the front page is a Feedback button to requestfeaturesandsolve problems.If you already record progress in a paper diary,thisappeliminates the need for carrying books everywhere, puttingitallin the device that you take everywhere already. (Justdon'tdropany weights on it!)If you're not familiar with the macro-nutrientsyou'reconsuming,you should start learning right now becauseit'svaluable lifeknowledge. Google has thousands of websites eagertoteach you themacros for a particular food, and in mostcountriesthe packaginghas a label that states the fat, protein andcarbsfor the servingsize or for 100 grams. Learning themacro-nutrientsin 100 grams ismore important because it's apercentage that canapply to allportion sizes of the food.There are plenty of apps out there that automaticallyfindthemacro-nutrient values and record your diet, but they arelimitedtoserving sizes, so if you consume more or less thantheservingsize, you cannot modify the numbers. FitnessStatisticsgives youfull control over the numbers, which allows youtoestimate whatyou're consuming more accurately.