10 Похожие Flashcards for Classrooms

Simple Machines 15
Actualconcepts is one of theleadinginteractive educational content publisher on Edmodoplatform. Appsfrom Actual Concepts are designed to provideinteractive educationthrough fun. This App helps in interactivelyexploring SimpleMachines and their applications using real timesimulations (Thelist of simulations and activities that can beperformed on thesimulations are given below).The simulations are highly touch enabled and aredesignedgame-like so that people would love to play around withthesimulations and at the same time can gain a deeper understandingofScience concepts. At the same time these simulations raisetheinquisitiveness and help to experiment and find solutions like-"Do you know how a simple Lever can be used as a weighingmachine,that too you should be able to measure any amount of loadwithhaving just only a single 1kg weight with you? Performthissimulation and its so easy to figure this out yourself!"Each simulation also has a detailed list of activities thatcanbe performed on the simulation. Once the activity is performedyoucan verify your answers for the activites performed. You cantouchand alter several parameters like the fulcrum position,weight,effort applied, angle of incline, number of pulleys, radiusofwheel and axle.The simulations in this App are designed very carefully tomimicthe real world scenarios. For example if more effort isrequired tolift a load, then you have to drag the simple machinearm to alarger extent to apply greater force.You can touch and drag to apply forces and find out therequiredforce using various simple machines like Pulley, InclinedPlane,Lever, Wheel & Axle.Unlike most of the apps that are present out there, thisAppoffers highly interactive simulations that are real time andhighlytouch enabled to play around with. This App is a must foryourreference library if you are Science enthusiast.The activity that can be done on the simulation are briefedbelow-1. Lever - You can position the fulcrum at various points,touchand drag to apply force and experiment with the effortrequired tolift the load with these varying parameters.2. Inclined Plane - You can interactively alter the angleofincline, increase the load, vary the effort to help loadthetruck.3. Pulley Systems - Single/Fixed - Understand how a singlefixedpulley functions. Find out if you get any mechanical advantageofsuch system. If there is no Mechanical Advantage, why do we useit?Find that out while performing this experiment.4. Single Movable, 1 Fixed + 1 Movable - Understand singleMovablePulley. Find out which is better while performing thisexperiment?Movable or Fixed pulley?5. 2 Fixed + 2 Movable - What happens when you increase thenumberof pulleys and make it a mixed pulley system containing bothfixedand movable pulleys? Do you gain more advantage? But then whatdoyou trade off? You can interactively perform the simulationandlearn yourself!6. Wheel & Axle - How does the heavy front tires of acar/truckturn effortlessly when the steering can be moved with asinglehand? Perform this activity and you will know the principlebehindthis!7. How to Use Lever as Weighing Balance - Do you know how asimpleLever can be used as a weighing machine that too you shouldbe ableto measure any load with just only a single 1kg weight withyou?Perform this simulation and its so easy to figure thisoutyourself!8. Understand how gears function using a set ofinteractivesimulations9. See how a screw is a wrapped inclined plane from anintuitivesimulation
Magnetism 11
Important note for all our apps-------------------------------------------Please try Earth and Space-Free app before you buy any of ourpaidversions of apps. The Free app will help level set theexpectationsabout your device compatibility and performance for ourapps beforeyou buy them. Also note that once installed, you wouldneed ainternet connection to run the simulations.About this App:----------------------Actualconcepts is one of the leading interactiveeducationalcontent publisher on Edmodo platform. Apps from ActualConcepts aredesigned to provide interactive education through fun.This Apphelps in interactively exploring Magnetism using realtimesimulations (The list of simulations and activities that canbeperformed on the simulations are given below).The simulations are highly touch enabled and aredesignedgame-like so that people would love to play around withthesimulations and at the same time can gain a deeper understandingofScience concepts. At the same time these simulations raisetheinquisitiveness and help to experiment and find solutions like-"Why most of the iron filings cling to the poles of theMagnetrather than at the center? Perform this simulation and its soeasyto figure this out yourself!"In addition to the simulations, the quick terms anddefinitionson Magnetism are briefly explained along with the listofactivities. To finish it off, you can take a quiz on Magnetismanddo a recap. With both the virtual lab simulations and theorypackedtogether, your concepts will become crystal clear.Each simulation also has a detailed list of activities thatcanbe performed on the simulation. Once the activity is performedyoucan verify your answers for the activites performed. Touchandalter several parameters like the flipping the magnet, Strengthofthe Magnet. The simulations in this App are designed verycarefullyto mimic the real world scenarios.Unlike most of the apps that are present out there, thisAppoffers highly interactive simulations that are real time andhighlytouch enabled to play around with. This App is a must foryourreference library if you are Science enthusiast.The simulation name and the activity that can be done onthesimulation are briefed below -1. Permanent Magnetism - Find out how an iron bar can beturnedinto a Permanant Magent2. Induced Magnetism - Induce Magnetism into iron block andobservehow iron block starts behaving like a magnet.3. Interaction between Magnets4. Identifying Magnetic field lines5. Magnetic field lines - properties6. Magnet pickingup iron foils7. Iron Filings and Magnetic Field Lines8. Concept Map - Magnetism9. Take Quiz on MagnetismFor Enthusiasts / Parents - Parents can use this appeffectivelyto make your child practice and learn Science skillsfrom thesehighly interactive & touch enabled game-likesimulations thatchildren would love to play with.For Students - Students can perform the activities onthesimulations presented on several figures.For Teachers - This app can be used as a classroom tooltosupplement teaching that enhances productivity. This appboostsyour classroom productivity & provides a fun filledlabexperience in your classroom
Learn Chinese-Hello Daily (II)
Following Chinese learning softwareprogramssuch as doulingo, Pleco, edmodo, livemocha, etc.,HSChineseresearched and developed the Chinese learning softwareHello Dailyto specially help Chinese learners systematically learnChinesefrom zero to intermediate and advanced levels. Hello Dailyincludesthree levels of entry: (HSK 1-2), elementary levels (HSK3-4),intermediate levels (HSK 4-5), and provides website, APPandoffline teaching materials.[Honors]●As the very first full-terminal (supporting website, mobilephoneand teaching materials) Chinese learning product in China,HelloDaily was researched and developed by the InternationalEducationCenter of East China Normal University together withHSChinese. Ithas been selected as the designated teaching materialby manypublic schools and universities in China and abroad.[Instruction for APP functions]●Hello Daily II is a daily Chinese course that has beenspeciallydesigned for Elementary Chinese learners. The teachingsare anexpansion of the daily life of John and his familyinShanghai.●The elementary course of Hello Daily contains 15 lessons, andeachlesson consists of five modules of new words, knowledgepoints,text, Flash video and practice.●The daily Chinese course is convenient for learning on the go,asit is fully compatible with mobile phone platforms and can beusedwith a “stop for now and finish later” study approach.●TCFL teachers can also introduce Hello Daily courses asteachingmaterial for elementary Chinese students.[Instruction for Course Content]Lesson one: Self-introduction in ChineseLesson two: Expressing thanks, asking about location andplaceLesson three: Expressing your wishes clearlyLesson four: Request and persuasion, expressing timeLesson five: Describe travelling, schedule and express needsLesson six: Expressing plans and wishesLesson seven: Describing eventsLesson eight: Asking for opinionsLesson nine: Describing the flavor of food; understanding themaintypes of Chinese foodLesson ten: Learn to pay the bill in China, understanding the“oneperson pays” culture in ChinaLesson eleven: Learn to order takeaway in China, understandingthetypes of drinksLesson twelve: Understanding the names of costume,complimentingothersLesson thirteen: Expressing opinions, expressing view orattitudepolitelyLesson fourteen: Expressing hobbies, persuading othersLesson fifteen: Learn how to treat guests[R & D Team]HSChinese team devotes itself to establishing practical andusefulonline products with online and offline services for globalChineselearners. We have the same excellent service as doulingo,however,different from doulingo, HSChinese not only providesonlineservices for global Chinese learners, but alsoprovideshigh-efficiency Chinese teaching to fit the needs of eachstudent.In addition to “Hello Daily” assisting Chineselearnerssystematically learn from zero to intermediate and advancedlevels,HSChinese also provides:●“Hello HSK”, a product specifically designed to train learnersforthe HSK Chinese proficiency test.●“Yep! Chinese”, a product that breaks traditional learningmodelsand allows for fragmentized and interesting Chineselearning●“Chinese Sound”, a product that focuses on correctingChinesepronunciation●“Hello Words”, focuses on Chinese vocabulary●“西游汉语乐园”, “Pop Chinese”, game products for Chinese learningFor more free learning and teaching materials provided byHSChinese,please visit us at: www.hschinese.com.Where there is Internet, there is HSChinese.[Contact Information]HSChinese Hotline: 400-821-7565HSChinese Email: service@hschinese.comAddress of Shanghai headquarters: Room 205, No. 22 BoxiaRoad,Zhangjiang Hi-Tech Park, Shanghai.Public account of HSChinese: WeChat-HSChineseWebsite: www.hschinese.comKey words: daily,everyday,language,mandarin,Chineselearning,video,spoken,textbook,culture,Shanghai,China,food,traveling,HSChinese,doulingo,Pleco,edmodo,livemocha
UK Fisika X 0.1
Latihan Fisika untuk penilaian akhirsemester1kelas X. Insyaallah soal akan diupdate secaraperiodik.Penggunasilahkan mengajukan pertanyaan atau komentar jikaterdapatmateriyang kurang dipahami, silaan beri komentar ataudiskusidenganedmodo, dengan kode grup ununer.Physical exerciseforfinalassessment 1st semester class X. Insyaallah item willbeupdatedperiodically. Users simply have any questions orcommentsif thereare materials that are poorly understood, silaancommentordiscussion with Edmodo, with code ununer group.
mtp 0.0.1
Heba Nasr
البرنامج التدريبي لتنمية مهاراتإدارةبيئاتالتعلم عبر الانترنت. ويتناول البرنامج التدريبي مهاراتإدارةبيئةEdmodo ومهارات إدارة بيئة Wiziq.The trainingprogramforthe development of learning environments managementskillsonline.The training program deals with Edmodoenvironmentmanagementskills and management skills Wiziqenvironment.
SINADEP App 1.0.0
Fundación para el Desarrollo EducativodelaInvestigación y Superación Profesional de los MaestrosA.C.,hadiseñado la presente aplicación con el propósitodeestablecerdifusión y comunicación de las líneas deacciónencaminadas a laprofesionalización del magisterio.En esta aplicación se podrá consultar las 3 Líneas deAccióndelSINADEP, la Misión, visión y la amplia gama en laOfertaEducativaque tiene el SINADEP para el acompañamiento enlosprocesos deevaluación, así como el desarrollo profesional ylainnovación einvestigación educativa.El desglose de las Comunidades Educativas SINADEP Edmodoylosdiferentes procesos en los cuales se puedeincorporarcompartiendoRecursos Educativos Abiertos.Accesos a las plataformas que conforman el ecosistemadelSINADEPy accesos a arrobarse para crear sususuario@siandep.org.mx.Es un grato esfuerzo en el desarrollo de acercarse másalosusuarios y establecer comunicación directa.En la Construcción Social del Conocimiento...#SINADEPcontigoFoundationforEducationalResearch Development and Professional AdvancementofTeachers B.C.,has designed this application with the purposeofestablishingdissemination and communication lines of actionaimedat theprofessionalisation of teaching.In this application will be available 3 Lines ActionSINADEP,theMission, vision and the wide range in the EducationalOffer hastheSINADEP for accompaniment in the process ofevaluationandprofessional development and educational innovationandresearch.The breakdown of the Educational Communities SINADEPEdmodoandthe various processes which can be incorporated sharingOER.Access to the platforms that make up the ecosystemSINADEPandaccess to arrobarse to create your user @siandep.org.mx.It is a welcome development effort to get closer tousersandestablish direct communication.On the Social Construction of Knowledge ... #SINADEPcontigo
Paeroa College 1.0.3
Inbox Design
The Paeroa College Android applicationdeliversup to date news, notices and events to users when they areadded tothe www.paeroacollege.school.nz website.The app also includes both a location map to find and travel totheschool and a class layout map to navigate around theschool.Users will be able to see if the school is open and what periodiscurrently is from the home screen and quickly view helpfullinksrelated to Paeroa College such as the website, KAMAR ParentPortal,Edmodo and the college Facebook page.Contact the school directly from the app via email or a tap tocallbutton for enquiries and attendance matters.For more information download the app or contact Inbox Design on07281 1600 or http://www.inboxdesign.co.nz/
Narbonne High School 1.4
Iddris Sandu
This is a early version of the NarbonneHighSchool Official App. With this app, forget about logging infromyour mobile browser to check your grades. Now, It can all bedonefrom withing an app!!! How about freshman and even sophomorewhoconstantly find themselves having to ask someone for directionstoa building or a place on campus they're not familiar with?Now,your phone IS your guide with real time feedback on where oncampusyou are and in the near future, Poly-lines to accessvirtuallyanywhere on the school;s map you need to go to.It hassupport forEngrade, Jupiter, and Edmodo.I am currently in the worksof a newfeature that i call, "Find My Class" Feature. NOWREMEMBER:*This is one of the first high school apps to supporttheimplementation of a "on campus virtual map" that givesyoudirections and insight on most of the buildings onthecampus**NEW UPDATE has more markers**White Action Bar is Finally here!!!!*Other features include grading clients as well as Search Buttonforeasy search within app.More functionality and features are in BETA testing and willbeadded later, hope you enjoy!!!****This app is for android devices only. But support for theiOSplatform is currently in the works1c13953cbe
Free Remind Classroom Tips 1.0
★★★★★ Shopping
Free Remind Classroom Tips withknowledgeaboutRemind Classroom. This app teach you howto useRemindapplication toeffectively.Remind is a free text messaging application thatallowsteachersstudents and parents can communicate togethereasilyandeffectively.Now in USA use more than 35 million people.Enjoy the online classroom experience with faithfullknowledgeonyour smartphone with Remind Classroom!Remind Classroom Function Avaliable:Remind Classroom available for all ages can use together.Send to all classroom or can send either a grouporanotherone.Free text messaging alert at all times.Send all any mobile devices.Translate up to 70 languages.You can see who read the message or missed reading.Activities can be planned with other colleaguesor/andclassroom.Learning with Remind Classroom, you are able tofreetextmessaging from wherever you can. So long as you haveanInternetconnection, you can communicate about Classroomwithteacher,student, parents or your colleagues easier on:-Smartphones (iPhone, Android)-Tablets (iPad, Android)-Smart TVs-Computers (desktop, laptop, Mac)-Gaming Consoles (Playstation, Xbox)Whether you’re taking public transit, at a coffee shop,orsittingdown in a waiting room, anywhere, you can use yourmobiledevice tolearning with Remind Classroom or communicate freetextmessaging onremind to get new knowledge experience.**** DISCLAIMER: ****Legal Notices:This app is an unofficial Remind Classroom Free guide only, itisnotauthorized or created by the creator of theapp.(RemindClassroom)This application complies with US Copyright lawguidelinesof"fair use" with Remind. If you feel there is a directcopyrightortrademark violation that doesn't follow within the"fairuse"guidelines, please contact us directly.This is an unofficial application for Remind ClassroomFreeTextMessaging . This application is not Remind101Classroomaffiliatedin any way.
Student Assistant
Bilgi Mahseni
Students who need everything here!