20 Похожие BēRelax Yoga Nindra Free

Yoga Nidra 1.0
Yoga Nidra is a yogic way of relaxationandmindfulness. The app is a complete offline Yoga NidraGuidedmeditation.Yoga Nidra is practiced in a comfortable lying down position.Youare guided through a series of breathing exercises andsimpleinstructions.Benefits of Yoga Nidra meditation practice:Physical• improves the quality of your sleep and the amount ofyoursleep• reduces your chronic pain suffering• soothes your autonomic nervous systemMental• enhances your mental focus and attention span• improves your creativity and whole brain functioningEmotional• gives you more ease and peace of mind in daily life• helps create new neural pathways in your brain leading tohealthyhabits & routinesModern science now confirms what yogis discovered thousandsofyears ago: that focusing on the Third Eye reactivateshormoneslocated in the pineal gland in center of the brain. Studiesconfirmthat the pineal gland hormone, melatonin, is a powerfulagent inhelping prevent illness, retard premature aging, reducestress,induce more restful sleep, boost the immune system, andpromotehealing.
Yoga Nidra Meditation (Free) 1.1
Relax immediately with yoga nidraguidedmeditationEnjoy the deep relaxation, stress relief and benefits ofguidedmeditation without prior experience through the simplemeditationtechnique of yoga nidra.Just a few minutes of practice will improve your peace ofmind,focus and mental clarity.Unlike other meditation practices, yoga nidra works even ifyouget bored, your mind wanders, or if you even fall asleep. Infact,yoga nidra originated as a way of receiving knowledge duringsleep,so even if other meditation methods have not helped you inthepast, yoga nidra will work for you.What are the benefits of yoga nidra meditation?* calm and clear the mind* reduce stress and anxiety* balance the emotions* relax deeply* improve your immune and lymphatic functions* detox your body* improve focus and concentration* fall asleep easily* develop patience and inner peace* build self-confidence* no negative side effects* become mindful of the presentTestimonial:"I just want to thank you sincerely for doing this. I sufferfromcrippling panic attacks and this is making a huge differencein mylife. It's quick when I only have a few minutes and I lovetheoption of a longer meditation when I have more time."--KyleThe Yoga Nidra Meditation App Features:* Easy to learn and practice anywhere, sitting or lying down,anytime* Use your own background music on loop* Listen to the meditation with or without music* Choose to have a bell at the end or notNote that this free version only includes the 7-minutelongguided meditation. Download the premium version withlongermeditations for progressively deeper relaxation if you likedthisone.Active Hands Yoga (http://activehandsyoga.com) brings over 10yearsof meditation practice to you in this yoga nidra application,withhelp from sound engineer Isaac Bigsby Trogdon (http://dyss.net/).
Yoga Nidra Lite 1.1.2
Hanno Welsch
Entspannung mit dem Handy oder Tablet! *** App Tip bei GEO ***DieYoga Nidra Relax App bietet Ihnen 6 verschieden lange undintensiveAudioübungen die Sie professionell in eine tiefeEntspannung leitenwerden. Sie können diese Übungen zu Hause, aberauch unterwegs inZug, Straßenbahn, Flugzeug oder Büro durchführen.BesondereKenntnisse und Hilfsmittel sind dabei nicht nötig. DieseLiteVersion gibt Ihnen mit der ersten Übung einen Vorgeschmack aufdieVollversion. Probieren Sie es aus, Nidra-Relax wird Ihnenhelfenentspannter Ihr Leben zu genießen! Die Nidra-RelaxÜbungenentstammen dem Yoga Nidra und wurden von einerprofessionellen YogaLehrerin konzipiert und eingesprochen. YogaNidra ist eineEntspannungs- und Meditationsmethode, die alle Ebenendes Menschenumfasst, sie löst Muskelverspannungen, mentaleSpannungen undemotionale Spannungen. Das macht Yoga Nidra zu einerwirkungsvollenMethode für den aktiven Stressabbau. Dabei ist YogaNidra keineklassische Yoga Übung mit körperlich anspruchsvollenTechniken,nein - Sie liegen einfach möglichst bequem auf einerMatte, im Bettoder Sie sitzen im Zug oder im Flugzeug, bewegen sichnicht undfolgen einfach den verständlichen Audioanweisungen. Durchdasregelmäßige Anwenden von Yoga Nidra werden Stresshormoneabgebaut,die regenerativen Funktionen des Körpers in Gang gesetztund dasImmunsystem angeregt. Yoga Nidra ist von verschiedenenÄrzten undWissenschaftlern auf der ganzen Welt getestet worden undhat sichals effektive Unterstützung bei der Behandlungvonpsychosomatischen Krankheiten bewährt. Vor allem beiBeschwerdenwie Schlafstörungen, Nervosität, Herz- undMagenkrankheiten, Asthmaund Migräne. Nidra Relax wurde vom GEOSpecial Yoga als App Tippwie folgt empfohlen: "AuthentischeTiefenentspannung, wie sie imklassischen Yoga praktiziert wird. Mitverschiedenen Levels.Schöne, einfache Gestaltung und Beschreibungender Effekte.Empfehlenswerte Anti-Stress-Meditation."
Yoga Nidra Relax 1.2.2
Hanno Welsch
Relax with a mobile phone or tablet! App *** Tip *** at GEO
Yoga Nidra english lite 1.1.2
Hanno Welsch
Relaxation with the mobile phone or tablet! The yoga nidra relaxappcontains 6 guided audio exercises of different length andintensity,which guide you systematically and professionally into astate ofdeep relaxation. The exercises can be done at home, butalso whilesitting in the train, plane or office. No specialknowledge or meansare required for the practice. This is the liteversion of the nidrarelax app, containing the first exercise toshow you the benefits ofyoga nidra. If you enjoy our work, pleasepurchase the full version.Give it a try, and you will see hownidra-relax helps you to gothrough life much more relaxed andcapable to enjoy moment bymoment.
 All the exercises are derivedfrom the yoga nidra methodand have been conceived and recorded bya professional yogateacher.
 Yoga nidra is a relaxation andmeditation method thatencompasses all levels of the human being:it releases musculartensions, as well as mental and emotional.Therefore yoga nidra canbe used as an effective method in stressreduction. Yoga nidra isnot a physical yoga practice that requiresdemanding poses. The onlything you have to do, is to lie down ascomfortable as possible onyour yoga mat, in the bed, (or whilesitting in the train or plane)remain in stillness and follow theclear and simple instructions.Through the regular practice of yoganidra the stress hormones arereduced, the regenerative bodyfunctions and the immune system arestimulated. It has been testedby physicians and scientist all overthe world, who accredited itas an efficient support in thetreatment of psychosomatic diseases.Mainly in afflictions such assleep disturbances, nervousness,heart and stomach diseases, asthmaand migraine
Nidra-relax apphas been recommended by the germanmagazine GEO Special Yoga: “Anauthentic deep relaxation as it ispracticed in the classical yoga.With different levels. Nice andsimple design and description ofthe effects. Recommended as ananti-stress meditation.”
Yoga Nidra Meditation 1.1
Relax immediately with yoga nidraguidedmeditationEnjoy the deep relaxation, stress relief and benefits ofguidedmeditation without prior experience through the simplemeditationtechnique of yoga nidra.Just a few minutes of practice will improve your peace ofmind,focus and mental clarity.Unlike other meditation practices, yoga nidra works even ifyouget bored, your mind wanders, or if you even fall asleep. Infact,yoga nidra originated as a way of receiving knowledge duringsleep,so even if other meditation methods have not helped you inthepast, yoga nidra will work for you.What are the benefits of yoga nidra meditation?* calm and clear the mind* reduce stress and anxiety* balance the emotions* relax deeply* improve your immune and lymphatic functions* detox your body* improve focus and concentration* fall asleep easily* develop patience and inner peace* build self-confidence* no negative side effects* become mindful of the presentTestimonial:"I just want to thank you sincerely for doing this. I sufferfromcrippling panic attacks and this is making a huge differencein mylife. It's quick when I only have a few minutes and I lovetheoption of a longer meditation when I have more time."--KyleFeatures:* Choose a meditation length of 7, 18 or 25 minutes* Easy to learn and practice anywhere, sitting or lying down,anytime* Use your own background music on loop* Listen to the meditation with or without music* Choose to have a bell at the end or notActive Hands Yoga (http://activehandsyoga.com) brings over 10yearsof meditation practice to you in this yoga nidra application,withhelp from sound engineer Isaac Bigsby Trogdon (http://dyss.net/).
Yoga Nidra 1.9.5
Mindfulness Apps
Yoga Nidra is a simple, effective and pleasant formofrelaxation/meditation.
Yoga Nidra english 2.0
Hanno Welsch
Relaxation with the mobile phone or tablet!
Yoga Point 1.1.0
Yoga Point - personalised yoga poses foryou,programs of yoga poses of your choice, audios of relaxation,yoganidra, meditation, pranayama techniques.This app is designed with unique concept of personalisingtheyoga poses for every individual, depending on theirhealthconditions. This app also allows the user to design his ownprogramof yoga poses (asana) and play it everyday for the user. Theappgives very detailed information about every yoga pose listingitsbenefits, precautions, modifications, alignment principles, dosanddon’ts.This app has few sample programs. User can createmultipleprograms of their choice, which are stored on the deviceafterplaying them once.This app has many relaxation, meditation, yoga nidra,pranayama,breathing audios to help user practice thistechniques.This app is not an alternative for yoga guru, but a supporttounderstand yogasana. If user is a patient of any healthconditions,then doctors' consultation is necessary before followingtheapp.
Deeply Relax - Yoga Nidra Lite 1.5.2
• Highly effective stress managementtool• Can be used before sleep to manage insomnia• Useful for study and work to bring clarity, focus and toreleasemental tension• Suitable for all levels, beginners to advanced• One complete 10 minute guided relaxation practiceYoga Nidra is a systematic and scientific method of inducingdeepand complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It isanancient technique based on the time tested principles of yogaandthrough regular practice one can easily develop a sense ofdeeprelaxation, calmness and peace.Created by Madhav West, a highly experienced yoga andmeditationteacher. Madhav received 4 years full time professionaltraining atthe Satyananda Yoga Academy Australia and the BiharSchool of Yogain India in Yogic Science. He is also qualified inthe field ofHealth Science and Naturopathic Medicine.
Yoga Nidra Meditation 2.0
**Yoga Nidra Meditation**Are you looking for some information on YogaNidraMeditation?Luckily, you are on right place, and you are just astepaway...This app provides you the most amazing tips and tricks on YogaNidraMeditation.Contents of this app:-** Information on Yoga Nidra Meditation.** Tips and tricks.** Extra Bonus.Are you willing to learn all the tips within a short guide?Thisapp is the solution of your all problems.So what are you waiting for!Grab this app now!Download Now!Note: Information in this app is delivered via video which ishostedon our channel on YouTube.com
Yoga Nidra For Deep Relaxation 2.0
**Yoga Nidra For Deep Relaxation**Are you looking for some information on Yoga NidraForDeepRelaxation?Luckily, you are on right place, and you are justastepaway...This app provides you the most amazing tips and tricks onYogaNidraFor Deep Relaxation.Contents of this app:-** Information on Yoga Nidra For Deep Relaxation.** Tips and tricks.** Extra Bonus.Are you willing to learn all the tips within a shortguide?Thisapp is the solution of your all problems.So what are you waiting for!Grab this app now!Download Now!
Shavasana way to inward wisdom 1.0.2
Alina Adt
Meditation for total relaxation in 20 minutes at any place andanytime
Yoga Nidra - Deep Relaxation 1.4.6
• Highly effective stress managementtool• Can be used before sleep to manage insomnia• Useful for study and work to bring clarity and focus andtorelease mental tension• Suitable for all levels, beginners to advanced• 3 different lengths of guided relaxation practice, 10 min, 20minand 30 min• Beautiful and soothing sounds of nature to complementthepractice: Forest, Ocean and Rain.*• Includes complete ‘how to‘ guide and instructions foreffectivepractice.Yoga Nidra is a systematic and scientific method of inducingdeepand complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation. It isanancient technique based on the time tested principles of yogaandthrough regular practice one can easily develop a sense ofdeeprelaxation, calmness and peace.Created by Madhav West, a highly experienced yoga andmeditationteacher. Madhav received 4 years full time professionaltraining atthe Satyananda Yoga Academy Australia and the BiharSchool of Yogain India in Yogic Science. He is also qualified inthe field ofHealth Science and Natural Medicine.*Feature available on the majority of android devices butnotall
BēRelax Hindi Yoga Nindra Free 1.0
Bee Company
BēRelax Yoga Nidra, the guidedmethodofConscious Guided Sleep in Hindi.Based on feedback from various users of "BēRelaxYogaNindraFree", we are pleased to announce the Hindi Audio versionofYogaNindra Free Application for Relaxation and peacefulsleep.Yoga Nidra Hindi, the method of Conscious Sleep, isconsideredtobe one of the deepest meditation techniques, leadingyou intoastate of total stillness and insightful sleep. Yoga Nidraisapowerful, scientific method based on ancient Tantrictexts,ofcomplete mental, physical & emotional relaxation.Aninvaluabletool for manifestation, letting go of habitualpatterns,andconnecting to your true nature, Yoga Nidra releasesbuiltuptension, stress and anxiety, providing a perfect tool fortheoftenfast-paced life of the modern world.The app is especially beneficial for following:1. Restful deep sleep,2. Counteracts stress,3. Clears up the unconscious,4. Awakens Creativity,5. Enhances memory and learning capacity,6. Improves concentration,7. Relaxes body & mind,8. Great for faster mental healing, depression,9. Promote will power.While the Yoga Nindra is a powerful tool to meetyourconcioussoul, the app is recommended to be complementedwithpeacefulenvironment and High Quality Sound system.Happy Relaxing...!!!!
Buddhist Meditation Om Chant 1.20
Buddhist Meditation is the app that will aid youduringyourmindfulness training and your moments of deep relaxation.Hereyouwill find all that you need to soothe your soul and mind.Allofour songs are extremely versatile, and can be usedinmanyoccasions; may it be for your meditation classes, foryouryogaretreat, qigong and guided meditation, for innersanctuaryandshrine soundtrack or simply for a daily relaxationpurposewithrelax music. Also your Yoga Nidra and Vipassanameditations,forexample, can be very effective with the rightbackgroundmusic!Keep your mindful oasis ready in your pocket! Startbyselectingthe song that you wish to play; they are 20 in total,thefirst 8songs are completely free, and were created to relax youinvarioussituations: 1. Inner Peace 2. Mind Guidance 3.DeepMeditation 4.The Secret Chamber 5. Third Eye 6. Mantra for theSoul7.Loving-Kindness 8. Magical Dreams 9. Zen Experience10.ChakraBalancing 11. Ancient Tibet 12. Mahakala Song 13.PeacefulEvening14. Tao 15. Self Healing 16. Purification 17.Mandala18.Compassion 19. Wisdom 20. Sun Salutation Relax even morebyaddingspecial tibetan om chanting to your song. You will haveaselectionof 10 chants sung from Buddhist monks from whichtochoose. Two arefree, while the remaining 8 are unlockedthroughin-app purchases.Are the tibetan mantras and chant notenough foryou? Well thenstart playing these 10 relaxing naturesounds on topof your musicof choice. Once again, the first two arecompletelyfree: try themout to reach a total relaxed state! -Seashores -Early Morning -Crickets Field - Heartbeat - In the Wood- OceanWaves - PouringWater - Rainforest - Rainy Day - Stormy NightLastbut not least,you have a free timer feature for yourmeditationsessions. Selecthow long each song will play, and programyourperfect meditation!A singing bowl sound will announce youthebeginning and the end ofyour meditation timer. BuddhistMeditationis the best soundtrackalso for yoga nidra classes andreikiexercises, and for anyone whowants to find peace withhis/herheadspace and mindspace. We hopeyou can improve yourbuddhistmeditation techniques through thisapp. May it help you findpeaceand understanding and provide thebest tibetan meditationmomentsever. For any suggestions, problemsor requests, pleasecontact usat support@rehegoo.com
Calm - Sleep, Meditate, Relax
Calm.com, Inc.
Tackle everyday stress and anxiety. Self-care and soundsleepthrough meditation
WOW Publishings Pvt. Ltd.
आमतौर पर ध्यान को एक जटिल विषय माना जाताहैलेकिन ऐसा नहीं है। यह सोच हमारे अज्ञानता की उपज है। प्राय: यहहमारीआदत होती है कि हम देखते हुए भी अंधे हो जाते हैं। यही ध्यान काएकमुख्य व्यवधान है। अनुभव के स्तर पर जाकर ध्यान के प्रयोग और उसकेलाभके बारे में स्वअनुभूति प्राप्त की जा सकती है। यह एप्लीकेशनध्यानजैसे जटिल विषय को सुगम बनाने की एक कालजयी रचना है।एप्लीकेशन का मूल उद्देश्य पाठकों को ध्यान की संपूर्णता सेपरिचितकराकर उनका सर्वांगीण विकास कराना है। जिससे उन्हें सुख, शांति,वैभवऔर आरोग्य प्राप्त हो सके। पुस्तक सरल, सहज और रोचक भाषा मेंपाठकोंको प्रभावित करनेवाली है।ध्यान की अनुभूति अत्यंत आनंददायक होती है। आपने आज के लिए अपनाध्यानसंपूर्ण कर लिया तथा इसके बारे में सोचकर प्रसन्न भी हैं,लेकिन क्या आपने संपूर्ण ध्यान अथवा कंप्लीट मेडिटेशन किया?क्या आप जानते हैं कि यह क्या है और इसे कैसे किया जाता है?इस ​एप्लीकेशन में आध्यात्मिक गुरु सरश्री ध्यान के इसी पहलू केबारेमें मार्गदर्शन करते हैं। इस ​एप्लीकेशन में निम्न बिंदुओं कासमावेशहै:संपूर्ण ध्यान क्या है और इसे कैसे किया जाता है?संपूर्ण ध्यान क्यों करना चाहिए?सेल्फ ध्यान कैसे किया जाता है?ध्यान के अभ्यास के लिए पर्याप्त प्रशिक्षण कैसे प्राप्त करें?निद्रा और समाधि में क्या अंतर है?अपनी आँखों, कानों और जीभ को कैसे प्रशिक्षित करें?प्रार्थना से पहले प्रार्थना कैसे करें?Following versions of U R Meditation app available:1. Full Hindi and English–https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditation2. Light only English-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditationenglishAbout AuthorSirshree's IntroductionSirshree’s spiritual quest, which began during his childhood,ledhim on a journey through various schools of thought andmeditationpractices. The overpowering desire to attain the truthmade himrelinquish his teaching job. After a long period ofcontemplation,his spiritual quest ended with the attainment of theultimatetruth. Sirshree says, “All paths that lead to the truthbegindifferently, but end in the same way—withunderstanding.Understanding is the whole thing. Listening to thisunderstandingis enough to attain the truth.”To disseminate this understanding, Sirshree devised Tejgyan—auniquesystem for wisdom—that helps one to progress from self-helptoself-realization.He has delivered more than a thousand discourses and writtenoverfifty books. His books have been translated in more thantenlanguages and published by leading publishers such asPenguinBooks, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. Sirshree’sretreatshave transformed the lives of millions and his teachingshaveinspired various social initiatives for raisingglobalconsciousness.The focus isusuallyconsidered to be a complex subject, but it is not. Thethinking isthe result of our ignorance. Often, it is our habit,given that weare also blind. This focus is a major disruption.Level ofexperience and the benefits of using visiting Swanubhutiattentioncan be obtained. This application note to facilitate sucha complexsubject is a classic composition. Readers familiar with the basic purpose of the application bythecompleteness of mind is to their overall development. Themjoy,peace, prosperity and health to get. The book is simple,intuitiveand interesting language is affecting the readers.The sensation is very cheerful note. You now have all yourattentionand are happy to think about it;But you have all the attention or Complete Meditation?Do you know what it is and how it is used?This aspect of the application of spiritual guide Srsriattention.The application consists of the following points:What is meditation and how it is perfect?Why should all the attention?How does self-care?How to get adequate training for the practice of meditation?What is the difference in sleep and meditation?Your eyes, ears and tongue how to train?How to pray the prayer before?Following versions of UR Meditation app available:1. Full Hindi and English-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditation2. Light only English-https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wowppl.urmeditationenglishAbout AuthorSirshree's IntroductionSirshree's spiritual quest, which began during his childhood,ledhim on a journey through various schools of thought andmeditationpractices. The overpowering desire to attain the truthmade himrelinquish his teaching job. After a long period ofcontemplation,his spiritual quest ended with the attainment of theultimatetruth. Sirshree says, "All paths that lead to the truthbegindifferently, but end in the same way-withunderstanding.Understanding is the whole thing. Listening to thisunderstandingis enough to attain the truth. "To disseminate this understanding, Sirshree devised Tejgyan-auniquesystem for wisdom-that helps one to progress from self-helptoself-realization.He has delivered more than a thousand discourses and writtenoverfifty books. His books have been translated in more thantenlanguages ​​and published by leading publishers such asPenguinBooks, Hay House Publishers, Jaico Books, etc. Sirshree'sretreatshave transformed the lives of millions and his teachingshaveinspired various social initiatives for raisingglobalconsciousness.
Deep Sleep with Andrew Johnson
Put on your headphones and drift to sleepwiththis relaxing guided meditation intended to clear your mindandenable you to get deep restful sleep. Thousands of people haveusedAndrew Johnson's apps on the iPhone and Android to improveandenhance their lives. Try this app to beat insomnia and get agoodnight's rest.
Entspannung PUR 14
Quiet, balance with dream trips, autogenic relaxation, office,alsochildren