13 Похожие Physics - I

Physics Helper 1.1
LOOK NO FURTHER. This is the perfect apptohelp you on your physics homework. Perfect for students ofPhysicsat any level. No more late nights, no more trying to figureoutwhat the teacher meant. As a recent student of a Physicsclass,I've designed an app that I think would be most beneficialtostudents of Physics.In this full version there are over 65 different equationsandreferences for almost all constants in Physics.This full version includes equations and variables from:-Atomic and Nuclear Physics-Electricity and Magnetism-Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Physics-Newtonian Mechanics-Waves and OpticsThis app includes an "Equation" section to browsethroughdifferent types of equations. Just enter in numbers intothecorrect text box and leave one text box blank for the apptosolve.It also includes an "Equation Finder" section. If you do notknowwhat formula to use, enter in your givens and find theequation thatis right for you!
Формулы по физике 1.20
Vasily Palkov
Программа "Формулы по физике" включает всебяформулы по основным разделам физики, которые пригодятся присдачеЕдиного Государственного Экзамена (ЕГЭ), так же впрограммеприсутствует конвертер, который безусловно пригодится прирешениизадач.При нахождении каких либо ошибок в программе, прошу сообщитьобэтом мне по почте, и в ближайшем обновлении программыуказанныенедочеты будут устранены. Так же приветствуются любыепожелания поулучшению программы.На данный момент в программу включены следующие темы:-Кинематика-Динамика-Законы сохранения-Статика и гидростатика-Тепловые явления-Электростатика-Ток-Магнитные явления-Колебания и волны-Оптика-Квантовая физикаThe "Formula inphysics"includes a formula on the main branches of physics, whichwill beuseful at the time the Unified State Examination (USE), asin theprogram there is a converter that is certainly useful insolvingproblems.If you find any errors in the program, please notify mebye-mail, and in the immediate updating of the programspecifieddefects will be corrected. Just welcome any suggestionsforimproving the program.At the moment, the program includes the following topics:-KinematicsThe dynamicsConservation laws-Statics and hydrostatics-Thermal phenomena-ElectrostaticTok-Magnetic phenomena-Oscillations and wavesOptics-Quantum Physics
Fizika.formuly 1.7.2
Косяченко Роман
collection of necessary equations inphysicsconstants +
Physics tutoring videos 1.0.7
175 tutoring videos explain everyPhysicstopic you need, no matter what Physics textbook youhave.Our comprehensive Physics tutoring videos teach every topicinall major Physics textbooks. You'll get the help you needwhetheryou're doing homework or preparing for a test. No moreboring,low-quality videos for your studying. Learn Physicswithhigh-quality videos by top-rated Physics experts. It’sabsolutelyfree!Our tutors make Physics easy. How? He knows where youmakemistakesOur Physics tutors, Jonathan Osbourne and Matt Jones, have aPh.D& a masters degree from top-tier universities. They alsohaveyears of experience teaching high school students. Jonathan isthemost energetic tutor we’ve ever worked with. He makes everyphysicslesson sound like the most exciting topic in the world.You’ll neverget bored when you’re studying with his videos.Concise videos save you time. High quality helpsyouconcentrateWe make our videos concise so you learn before you get bored.Itis not easy to explain a complex Physics concept quickly, butourexpert tutors did it better than anyone else. All videosareproduced by professional staff to ensure high quality.Teachers’handwriting is crisp and clear on your mobile device.Don’tstruggle with low-quality study videos. Save time studyingwithStudystorm.Studystorm Physics covers all importantPhysicstopics.- Introduction to physics- Linear and projectile motion- Newton's laws of motion- Circular motion and rotational mechanics- Energy and momentum- Gravitation- Heat and thermodynamics- Heat transfer and change of phase- Solids, liquids and gases- Vibration and waves- Electricity- Magnetism- Light- Nuclear physics- The atom and quantum physics- Oscillatory motionWant better grades in Physics? Download StudystormPhysicsnow!Feedback: help@studystorm.com
Engineering Physics 1 7
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Physics forFirstyearEngineers which covers important topics, notes,materials,news& blogs on the course. Download the App as areferencematerial& digital book for engineering programs &degreecourses.The app provides quick revision and reference totheimportanttopics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes iteasy&useful for the student or a professional to coverthecoursesyllabus quickly before an exams or interview for jobs.Trackyourlearning, set reminders, edit the study material,addfavoritetopics, share the topics on social media. You can alsoblogaboutengineering technology, innovation, engineeringstartups,collegeresearch work, institute updates, Informative linksoncoursematerials & education programs from your smartphoneortabletor at http://www.engineeringapps.net/. Use thisusefulengineeringapp as your tutorial, digital book, a referenceguidefor syllabus,course material, project work, sharing your viewsonthe blog. Someof the topics Covered in the app are: 1.Introductionof Theory ofRelativity 2. Inertial & non-inertialframes 3.Non-inertialframe and Fictitious forces 4. Michelson-Morleyexperiment 5. Thepostulates of special theory of Relativity6.LorentzTransformation 7. Simultaneity 8. Length contraction&Timedilation 9. The Relativistic Addition of Velocity 10.TwinParadox11. Relativistic momentum 12. Relativistic Energy13.Interference:Superposition of Waves 14. Superposition of waveswithdifferentpolarization: Interference 15. Superposition of wavesofslightlydifferent wavelengths and frequency: Interference16.Intensitydistribution 17. System for observinginterferencephenomenon:Fresnel Biprism 18. Newton's Ring 19.Conditions forInterference20. Classification of InterferencePhenomenon 21.Division ofAmplitude 22. Classification of fringes23.Michelsoninterferometer 24. Febry-Perot Interferometer25.Engineeringapplications of Interference phenomenon26.Twymann-GreenInterferometer 27. Measurement of thickness ofthinfilm 28.Optics: Diffraction 29. classes of Diffraction 30.AnalysisofDiffraction pattern due to single slit 31. Diffractionbydoubleslit 32. Distribution of intensity on screen33.Intensitydistribution in diffraction pattern by Grating34.Resolving Powerof Grating and other Image forming system35.Resolving power ofimage forming systems: Telescope andMicroscope36. Diffraction bymultiple slits: Diffraction Grating37.Electromagnetic Spectrum38. Electromagnetic wave as thetransversewave: phase factor 39.Electromagnetic waves at theinterface of twodielectric mediums40. Fresnel's equations 41.Brewster's angle 42.Randomly polarizedlight 43. Representation ofpolarized light inJones calculus 44.Circularly polarized light 45.Change ofpolarization at metallicsurface 46. Elliptically polarizedlight47. Polarization of lightby reflection 48. Phenomena ofdoublerefraction 49. Propagation oflight through birefringentcrystal 50.Retardation Plate 51.Quarter wave plate 52.INTRODUCTION: LASER 53.Spontaneous andstimulated emission ofradiation 54. RELATIONBETWEEN EINSTEIN AAND B COEFFICIENTS 55.Population Inversion 56.Main Features oflaser 57. HELIUM-NEON LASER58. Ruby Laser 59.APPLICATIONS OFLASER 60. Basic Concepts:holography 61. principleof holography62. Holography Applications63. Optical Fibrescharacterstics 64.Fibre design issues 65. Fibreattributes 66.Numerical aperture 67.Cables attributes: Attenuation68. Linkattributes 69. Types offibers: Multimode optical fibres 70.Typesof fibers: Single-modeoptical fibres 71. Signal loss inopticalfiber and dispersion Eachtopic is complete with diagrams,equationsand other forms ofgraphical representations for betterlearning andquickunderstanding. Physics for engineers is partofengineeringeducation courses and technology degree programsofvariousuniversities.
Engineering Physics 1.0.4
Engineering Hub
Notes,quiz,blog and videos of engineering physics for engineering.
CYCPLUS v1.2.4
CYCPLUS smart cycling equipment
Фоксфорд Учебник 4.2.18
USE, OGE, Mathematics, Russian, Geometry, Physics,Biology,Chemistry, Test, Probe
Справочник по Физике 1.2
Справочник по Физике предназначен учащимся школ, лицеев игимназий,а также абитуриентам, студентам педагогических вузовипреподавателям. В справочнике представлены основныефакты,определения, формулировки законов физики, а такжеформулы.Приложение может использоваться как учебное и справочное, атакжедля обобщающего повторения при подготовке к экзаменам в томчислевступительным. Справочник по Физике не требует подключениекинтернету, работает в офлайн. В текущей версииприложения"Справочник по физике" вы найдете информацию по следующимразделам:МЕХАНИКА МОЛЕКУЛЯРНАЯ ФИЗИКА ЭЛЕКТРИЧЕСТВО И МАГНЕТИЗМКОЛЕБАНИЯ ИВОЛНЫ ОПТИКА АТОМНАЯ ФИЗИКА Есть возможность запоминатьнеобходимуюинформацию в Список избранных.
M-Physics 1.1
Marcus Fedarko
M-Physics is an app designed to teach physics to students of anyageand ability level. Containing fun, interactive activitiesandin-depth written lessons, this application can serve both asanintroductory tool for beginners and as a handy pocket referenceforpeople who are already familiar with many physicsconcepts.M-Physics is licensed under the GNU General Public License(GPL).You can find the source code for ithere:https://github.com/fedarko/M-Physics Please feel free tocontact mewith any and all comments, criticisms, and/orsuggestions!
Физика ЕНТ 1.0.3
Лаврик Антон
Приложение предназначено для подготовки кЕНТпо предмету Физика.Приложение двуязычное, но учебник доступен только нарусскомязыке!В приложение входит:1)Краткий учебник;2)Режим тестирования;3)Поиск ответа по части вопроса.Совет по использованию поиска. Не нужно вводить вопросцеликом,поиск ищет точный текст того что вы написали. Например,если вынаписали "Сила" то он не найдет "Силу", поэтому я советуювводить1-2 основных слова(идущих в вопросе друг за другом), и этоговполнедостаточно, иногда для поиска я даже не пишу 1 словоцеликом.Просьба всех тех, кто нашел в программе ошибку, отправить ее мненаemail!The applicationisdesigned to prepare for the UNT on the subject of Physics.Appendix bilingual, but the textbook is only availableinRussian!In the application includes:1) A brief tutorial;2) The test mode;3) The search for an answer on the part of the question.Council on the use of search. No need to type the wholequestion,the search looks for the exact text of what you wrote. Forexample,if you wrote "The Power" that he finds "the Force", so Iadvise youto enter key words 1-2 (going into the issue of oneanother), andthat is enough sometimes to find I did not even writeone wordentirely.Please all those who have found a mistake in the program, send ittome by email!
Engineering Physics 6.0
Engineering Apps
The app is a complete free handbook of Engineering Physicswhichcovers important topics, notes, materials, news & blogs onthecourse. This useful App lists 60 topics with detailednotes,diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, thetopics arelisted in 4 chapters. The app is must have for all theengineeringscience students & professionals. This app providesquickrevision and reference to the important topics like adetailedflash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for thestudent ora professional to cover the course syllabus quicklybefore an examsor interview for jobs. Each topic is complete withdiagrams,equations and other forms of graphical representations forbetterlearning and quick understanding. Some of the topics Coveredin theapp are: 1. Introduction to wave mechanics 2. de-Brogliematterwaves 3. THE SCHRIODINGER EQUATION 4. Wave-Particle Duality5.Phase and group velocity 6. Davisson-Germer Experiment 7.Physicalsignificance of wave function 8. Particle in a 1D-box 9.Principlesof X-ray Diffraction 10. Braggs spectrometer 11. ComptonEffect 12.Experimental verification: Compton Effect 13. UltrasonicProduction14. Piezoelectric effect 15. Piezoelectric generator 16.Detectionof Ultrasonic Waves 17. Acousing Grating 18. applicationofultrasonics 19. Ultrasonic Cleaning applications 20.DielectricConstant 21. Motion in a Magnetic Field 22. Dielectricconstant andpolarizability 23. Sources of polarizability 24.Piezoelectricity25. Ferroelectricity 26. Dielectric Loss 27.Langevins theory fordiamagnetic material 28. Langevins Theory ofParamagnetism 29.Magnetic Field 30. The Lorentz Force 31. Motion ina crossedelectric and magnetic fields 32. Force on a CurrentCarryingConductor 33. Torque on a Current Loop in a UniformMagnetic Field34. Potential Energy of a Magnetic Dipole 35. Biot-Savarts' Law36. Amperes Law 37. Vector Potential 38.Electromagnetic Induction39. Motional Emf 40. Time Varying Field41. Mutual Inductance 42.Self Inductance 43. Magnetism in Matter44. Ferromagnets 45.Diamagnetism:Displacement Current 46. Maxwell'sEquations 47.Electromagnetic Waves 48. Generation ofElectromagnetic Waves 49.Poynting Vector 50. Introduction: Evidenceof a Phase Transition51. Meissner effect 52. The magneticproperties of superconductors53. Type I and Type II Superconductors54. Mechanism ofsuperconductivity 55. BCS theory and Cooper pairs56. High Tcsuperconductors 57. Applications of superconductors 58.TheImportance of Nanoscale 59. Buckyballs 60. Ongoing ResearchandDevelopment Activities 61. Applications of nanotechnology Theappprovides quick revision and reference to the important topicslikea detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful forthestudent or a professional to cover the course syllabusquicklybefore an exams or interview for jobs. Track your learning,setreminders, edit the study material, add favorite topics, sharethetopics on social media. Use this useful engineering app asyourtutorial, digital book, a reference guide for syllabus,coursematerial, project work, sharing your views on the blog. Youcanalso blog about engineering technology, innovation,engineeringstartups, college research work, institute updates,Informativelinks on course materials & education programs fromyoursmartphone or tablet or at http://www.engineeringapps.net/.
Физика от А до Я, помощник ЕГЭ 2022 3.3.3
Легкий и удобный справочник по физике с темной темойпоможетвамподготовиться к ЕГЭ и ОГЭ (ГИА), а также к другимэкзаменампофизике. Содержит в себе большое количество шпаргалок,разбитыхпотемам: "Механика", "Молекулярная физикаитермодинамика","Электродинамика", а также "Оптика извуковыеволны". Мы пытаемся скаждым разом сделать приложение вселучше илучше, однако для этогонам необходимы Ваши отзывы ипожелания.Будем рады, если Вы оценитеприложение и оставите свойкомментарий.