1 Похожие War Battle Defense Kids game

War of Areas 1.0
War of Areas is a game the main aim ofwhichisto invade and hold an area, and then destroy theenemy’sbase.In order to invade new area, mark it with points. As soonasthepoints you’ve placed form a closed area, you’ve got yournewarea.The larger is the size of the controlled area, the biggerisyourincome, which you can use to buy units in order toprotectyourarea or attack the enemy.Build towers to protect your area, use units for attack. Assoonasyou find your army strong enough to defeat the enemy – goaheadandattack.The game has two modes: play vs computer and play vshumanviabluetoothGood luck!!!Soundtrack "Pretend and walk outside"bykrackatoa(http://www.krackatoa.com)