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Global Hive - Premium 0.0.1
Global Hive
A primeira rede dedivulgadoresonlineremunerada através de um jogo,receba pelo efeito viral gerado por cada pessoa quevocêindicae também por toda sua rede , ou seja, quanto maispessoasvocêindicar à nossa ‘colmeia’, mais você vai ganhar,eoprincipal,você não precisa pagar por isso!The first networkofonlinepublishers paid through a game, receive the viral effect generated by each personthatyouindicateand also throughout its network, that is, the more peopleyoureferto our 'beehive', the more you earn, and theprincipal,you need not pay for it!
OpinionsApp 3.3.6
OpinionsApp is a quick, practical and fun way toparticipateinonline surveys, activities and ask for opinions offriends orotherpeople around the world on any subject. In additionto expressyouropinions, you have fun and can earn points andprizes.InOpinionsApp you are invited to participate inactivities,sponsoredsurveys and challenges/ missions. Evenmoreinteresting,OpinionsApp’s challenges are fun and easy, you'llbeable toevaluate products, services and retails, helpingcompanieswithimprovements to their products and services andstillbeingrewarded for your participation. You can also sendquestionstoyour Facebook friends or other OpinionsApp usersgettingtheiranswers fast. Do you want to make a daily decision? Orwant toknowwhich look is more beautiful to go out today? Or ask forsometipson travel itinerary? In OpinionsApp, you can ask andhearopinionsfrom trusted people like you. OpinionsApp is anapplicationthatbrings together people from around the world in acommunityofconsumers, interested in sharing and gettingtrustedopinions.Filling the complete information about yourprofile, youwill helpus to direct activities and challenges thathave bettermatch toyour preferences, and you receive your firstpoints inOpinionsApp.See how easy it is : 1. Install theapplication and seethesurveys, activities or challenges/ missionsavailable. 2- Fillupyour profile to receive sponsored advancedsurveys and gainevenmore. 3- Accumulate points and request atransfer to yourPayPalaccount. What type of prizes do I win?eCPoints The eCPointsareour virtual currency, and 100 eCPoints =USD$ 1.00. Youaccumulateand may choose a transfer to your PayPalaccount or makeanexchange in our virtual store eCGlobalNet.com.DiamondsTheDiamonds are important to your reputation, as well astounlockuser levels and benefits in OpinionsApp. JoinOpinionsAppappcommunity, have fun and start earning today!#pinion#opinions#opinionsapp Help us improve the app, pleasereview!
Spoora 1.1.35
Is it possible to be supportive and makemoneyat the same time?With Spoora YES!Welcome to the solidarity and paid instant messaging.Spoora is an instant messaging platform that as you use givesyousome points, called spooris, redeemable for cash receipts ineurosand / or donations to various NGOs.How is this possible? Thanks to the spooris.You can accumulate spooris by sending instant messages,additionof new contacts, participation in SPOORA AMBASSADORS, etc...program which can be redeemed for donations to NGOs /socialorganizations, or request payment by an equivalent exchangeineuros. In case of choosing the option of charging, 1 euro willbedonated as a donation to the NGO / social entity of themonth.How and when the payment is processed?The redemption request may be made at any time as long as itisavailable equivalent minimum balance. Enforcement of recoverywillalways occur in arrears. The amount thereof shall betransferred tothe PayPal account specified during the first 25 daysof nextmonth. In conclusion, the maximum collection period willrangebetween 25 and 55 days depending on the day of the monthwhenrequested.What kind of advertising appears in the application?The compensation system works thanks to usenon-intrusiveadvertising included in the application. At no timeyou have thefeeling that this is annoying or uncomfortable to chat,because adsare located in the top of the conversation window. Givenits sizeand format, these will completely unnoticed and will notalter, atany time, your experience using the application.Where I can see the accumulated spooris and balanceequalpartner?Accessing the management panel pressing spooris over thecounterthat appears at the top of the conversations or by-Panelmanagement- option in the main menu. Once there, you cancheck yourbalance equivalent by converting the spooris which haveat thattime thanks to the application of the exchange ratio ineffect forthat month.It is safe? Do you respect my privacy?Spoora is synonymous with safety. All conversations areencryptedwith 256bit AES.Create groups, find friends, update your profile ... ThankstoSpoora PIN identification protocol, you can add newcontactswithout you provide personal information such as your phonenumber.Spoora using your PIN, unique ID that is created when youfirstinstall the application, your friends or contacts may / willbeable agregaros by simply entering the PIN of the contactinquestion. That if Spoora takes very seriously the right toprivacyof individuals: the contact that sends the request can notsendmessages until you do not accept your request.¿Spoora is compatible with tablets?Yes. Download Spoora on your android tablet and chatwithoutlimits on screens larger than 7 inches. That if, in order toapplyyour payment in euros you must validate your phone numberbydownloading the smartphone version.Welcome to Spoora, welcome to the platform of solidarity andpaidinstant messaging.Web version available in www.myspoora.com
The Panel Station-Get Paid! TPS_Android_13
The Panel Station
The Panel Station: Fastest & easiest way to earn money online.
Hemoliga 1.5.2
2TAF Soluções em TI
A Hemoliga dispõe de umaplataformaondecirculam informações de forma rápida, direcionadaeinteligente,tanto para os doadores regulares, quanto paraosdoadores empotencial, futuros membros da nossa rede.Este visa promover o engajamento social a partirdaparticipaçãocoletiva e a colaboração de cada indivíduo demaneiraefetiva,havendo um aumento significativo no número dedoadores,naquantidade de doações de sangue e, por conseguinte,devidassalvas.The Hemoligaoffersaplatform where they circulate informationquickly,andintelligently directed, both for regular donors, andforpotentialdonors, future members of our network.This aims to promote social engagement fromthecollectiveparticipation and collaboration of eachindividualeffectively,with a significant increase in the number ofdonors andthe amountof blood donations and therefore savedlives.
Waggle-It 1.0.7
Crowdsource your everydaydilemmas!Waggle-Itallows you to anonymously poll your local areawithmultiple-choicequestions, and provides users with aninteractivefeed of questionsposted by other users in the locality.- Anonymous: no personal information taken upon sign up.- Location-based: Sign-up to your university or city“hive”tointeract with people within your community.- See real-time results: Getting a second opinion on anewjumper?Check up on your questions for real-time results.- Post an outcome: Follow up your questions with a photoorvideoto show the outcome.- Picture and text questions: Ask questions in bothpictureandtext form.Join the buzz in your community, and cast your vote inthemattersrelevant to your area. You may be surprised what thepeoplearoundyou really think!