11 Похожие Frases de Despedida

Imagenes de Despedida de Amor 1.1
Si deseas Imagenes de DespedidaAmor,paradespedirte y decir adiós a tu amor en losmomentosmásdifíciles, éstas fotos con frases te ayudarán paraquepuedastransmitir lo que sientes por esa persona especial.Iremos agregando más y más imágenes, sé uno de losprimerosendescargar ésta fantástica aplicación.Características:Fácil de usarPesa muy pocoBuenas imágenes y frasesIf you want toStockGoodbyeLove , to say goodbye and say goodbye to yourlove in themostdifficult moments, these photos with phrases willhelp foryouconvey your feelings for thatspecialsomeone.will be adding moreandmoreimages, I know one of the first to downloadthisfantasticapplication .Features:Easy touseItweighsverylittleGoodpicturesandphrases
Pensamientos y Reflexiones 1.22
Send Thoughts and Reflections of Life, Beautiful Reflections
Reflexiones Y Pensamientos 4.5
Reflexiones Y Pensamientos es un app que te llegara al alma. Yaquecontiene docenas de imágenes de reflexión y pensamientos deanimo,de motivación y de superación personal. Son ideas congráficos paraque puedas asimilar de mejor manera. Ya que contienepalabras de fey de sabiduría. Para empoderarte y ayudarte a crecercomo persona yde igual manera. Dar mensajes y lecciones a laspersonas. Ya quepuedes compartir las imágenes de reflexión ypensamientos a travésde las principales redes sociales. Además escompletamente gratis.¿Que encontraras en el app? Una gran variedadde temas debidamenteordenadas por categoría, para que puedasdisponer en cualquiermomento y en cualquier circunstancia delmensaje preciso quequieras enviar. Por ejemplo hay reflexiones detodo tipo, comocristianas, para la familia, para los amigos,generales de la vida,para uniones en pareja, etc. ¿Para quien estadirigido? Para todos,ya sea tu pareja sentimental, amigos y tufamilia. Ya sean tusPadres, Hermanos, etc. Descarga la appreflexiones y pensamiento.Comienza a compartir esta maravillosaforma de pensar. Y así tellenes de pensamientos positivos ymotivación. No olvides dejarnostus comentarios aquí abajo, ya quenos ayudas a seguir mejorando ycreando más contenido gratis. ¡Quela disfrutes.
Frases Positivas 1.1.1
Phrases with positive images to see the beautiful and cute sideoflife.
Mensajes De Motivacion 4.7
Motivational Messages For Life
Quotes and status for whatsapp 4.3
Quotes and status for whatsapp In this application you canfindpretty phrases of all kinds such as love, friendship or life,whichyou can use to share by WhatsApp with your friends or lovedones,you have a variety to read and share, plus they areconstantlyupdating because anyone can add very easily, withoutbeingregistered, you just have to access the form to add newphrases,select the category to which type it belongs and put yourname as asignature, or if you prefer you can put anonymous . Theother Userscan rate your written sentences , and thus know whichliked morepeople, or you can also rate those of others that are toyourliking. The application always show at the top for the bestvalued,and in the last places for receiving the fewest votes insuccessiveorder. All sentences sent by users will be reviewed bytheadministrator of the application to decide whether or notincluded.We hope you like the app and you enjoy it.
Friendship quotes 171127
Friendship quotes is an app that contains a compilation withthebest friend quotes that you can find out there today. Wehavecreated all these friendship images so you can share them withyourclosed ones and best friends in your life. They deserve it sothebest you can do is tell them how much you love them throughtheseimages. If you don’t know what you must tell them, don’tworry,this app will help you out as it features a lot of quotesonfriendship and their meaning. Now we will tell you about someofthe features included in this app: - We have created andselectedthe best friend quotes (in our opinion). - You will finddifferentcategories: quotes for a boy or girl friend, brokenfriendship,friendship and love, friendship poems, friendencouragement quotes,long-distance friendship, funny friendshipquotes, etc. This wayyou can select the most appropriate messagesfor each situation. -We have created a rich editor so you can addthe text or design ofyour choice. Select the font size, color andlocation to customizeall the images according to your needs. - Youcan also add all yourpreferred designs to “Favorites” so you canfind them in a muchfaster and easier way every time you use theapp. - It can also beused to let your relatives and family know howmuch you love them.You can even use these messages or quotes on thefriendship day ora friend’s day since these dates are a perfectoccasion to tellyour best friends how important they are. - You cansend or sharethese friendship quotes on your smartphone or tabletin a fast andeasy way. You can send friendship messages via email,friendshipsms (text messages), or by using any other app you mayhaveinstalled like instant messaging apps or social network ones.-This app is available to use it anytime in the simplestwaypossible. All you have to do is use the arrows to scrollthroughthe different quotes and tap the center button to share theonesyou like. - The app is 100% in English. You will find acompleterepertoire of friendship quotes in English. We hope youlike thisapplication. If that is the case, we would reallyappreciate it ifyou could rate it positively as this will help usto continueimproving and encourage us to keep uploading more friendimages andquotes. Apart from quotes, you will also find friendshippoems andverses. Legal notice/Disclaimer: All the pictures includedin thisapp have been exclusively created by designers forMuchoApps,therefore, the commercial use of any image within the appisprohibited without the prior consent of MuchoApps. Imagesfrompublic domain have been used for the photomontages, as they arenotidentified in any way that states the reserved exploitationofsuch. Any natural or legal person, who appears to be the ownerofany images contained therein, may accredit it via emailtoinfo@muchoapps.com, committing ourselves to theimmediatewithdrawal of the image after verification of theprotected photoownership.
Reflexiones de Vida 4.0
El Nono
Reflections of Life and readings to reflect and think on how wecanimprove
Frases De Reflexion De La Vida 1.06
Frases de reflexión de la vida, es un appmuysencilla de utilizar con docenas de imágenes gratislistasparacompartir a través de las principales redes sociales comofacebook,twitter, whatsapp, etc.Te has cuestionado y has reflexionado sobre la vida ylassituaciones que vivimos diariamente. Son muchos eventosy para todos esos eventos hemos preparado un pensamientoespecialque te hará ver las situaciones de otra manera.Hay eventos en la vida tristes, amargos, felices, de soledad,degozo, de risa, de paz y pensando en todos esossentimientos y estados de animo, desarrollamos frases dereflexiónde la vida.¿Que encontraras en frases de reflexión de la vida?- Frases de amor- Frases de amistad- Reflexiones Y Pensamientos- Frases de vida- Frases de motivaciónFrases de reflexión de la vida cortas,con imágenes,paraseguiradelante,diaria,cortas para facebook,y el tiempo,largas,eningles,yel amor,para seguir adelante.Además la app contiene mucho entretenimiento yutilidadescomo:5 Juegos: Memoria, Matemáticas, Puzzle, Leñador Y Circulo4 Utilidades o herramientas: Bloc de Notas, Scanner dedocumentos,Scanner codigos QR y Grabador de Voz.Hay muchos eventos y estados de animo en la vida, así que siempreesbueno llevar un pensamiento, unareflexión, para entender, para consolarse, para alegrarse.Frases de reflexión de la vida contiene imágenes con untrasfondo,que te alegrara el día y te impulsara a saliradelante. Puedes enviar las imágenes a familiares, amigos, novioonovia, esposo o esposa, etc. Y así tener un arsenal demensajesvaliosos para enviar cada día.Adicional, estaremos actualizando el app con nuevas imágenesyfrases de reflexión de la vida. Así que aprovecha ydescarga la aplicación cuanto antes. No olvides dejarnostuscomentarios, eso nos impulsa y motiva a seguir creando contenidoyactualizaciones gratis. ¡Que la disfrutes!Phrases reflectionoflife, is a very simple app to use with dozens of imagesavailablefor freeshare via major social networks like facebook, twitter,whatsapp,etc.You've questioned and have reflected on life and situations thatwelive daily. Many eventsand for all those events we have prepared a special thought thatyouwill see situations differently.There are events in the sad, bitter, happy life, loneliness,joy,laughter, peace and thinking of all thosefeelings and moods, develop phrases reflection of life.What you'll find in phrases of reflection of life?- Love quotes- Friendship quotes- Reflections And Thoughts- Phrases life- Motivational phrasesReflection phrases short life, with pictures, to moveforward,daily, short for facebook, and time, long, in English, andlove, togo forward.Additionally the app contains plenty of entertainment andutilitiessuch as:5 Games: Memory, Math, Puzzle, Lumberjack And Circle4 Utilities or tools: Notepad, Document Scanner, Scanner andQRcodes Voice Recorder.There are many events and moods in life, so it is always goodtotake a thought,reflection, to understand, to comfort, to rejoice.Phrases reflection of life contains images with a backgroundthatmake you happy day and you will drive outahead. You can send images to family, friends, boyfriendorgirlfriend, husband or wife, etc. And so have an arsenalofvaluable messages to send every day.Additional, we are updating the app with new images and phrasesofreflection of life. So take advantage anddownload the application as soon as possible. Do not forget toleaveyour comments, that drives and motivates us to continuecreatingcontent and free updates. Enjoy it!
Frases para Whatsapp 1.0
Ninja App
States phrases and Whatsapp Free.
Ramón Torres 2.5.6
El psicólogo Ramón Torres, especialista en temas de parejasymatrimonios, brinda consejos y reflexiones para ayudar alaspersonas con problemas sentimentales.