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The Great Controversy 1.0
The Great Controversy is more than the story ofthemillennialstruggle between good and evil. It is the keytounderstanding thefuture of events and divine plans for ourworldand for theuniverse. It is one of the most important booksofSeventh-dayAdventism. In this app you will find historicallyhowthe powerfuland invisible hand of God has been guiding andweavingall yourfaithful children throughout the history of thisworld. Butinaddition you will be able to realize how the historyofthehumanity will finish in these last times with thegloriousreturnof the Lord Jesus to this earth. Some chapters l:-Destruction ofJerusalem - Persecution in the First Centuries -TheApostasy -Huss and Jerome - Luther’s Separation from Rome -LutherBefore theDiet - The Swiss Reformer - The French Reformation- IntheNetherlands and Scandinavia - Later English Reformers -TheBibleand the French Revolution ................. EllenWhite(November26, 1827 – July 16, 1915) was a prolific author,writingmore than40 books and 5000 periodical articles during herlifetime.Todaythere are over one hundred 50,000 manuscript pages ofherwritings.She was one of the founders of the Seventh-dayAdventistChurch,believed by many readers to have the spiritual giftofprophecydescribed in the Bible. White was consideredasomewhatcontroversial figure by his critics, with much ofthecontroversycentered on his reports of visionary experiences andtheuse ofother sources in his writings. She experienced herfirstvisionshortly after the Great Millerite Disappointment of1844.HistorianRandall Balmer has described White as "one of themostimportantand colorful figures in the history of Americanreligion."WalterMartin described it as "one of the mostfascinatingandcontroversial characters ever appeared on the horizonofreligioushistory" Mrs. White's visions provided the basis fortheAdventistmovement to consider that the "gift of prophecy"wasmanifested inher, which endowed her writings of great importancetothebelievers of this denomination. Ellen G.Whitepromotedvegetarianism as well as the evangelization and spreadofAdventismin different parts of the world. We respect thecopyright,A workgoes into the public domain when the patrimonialrightshaveexpired. This usually happens after a deadline has passedsincethedeath of the author (post mortem auctoris). Theminimumterm,worldwide, is 50 years and is established in theBerneConvention.Many countries have extended this period widely.Forexample, inEuropean law, it is 70 years since the death oftheauthor. Oncethat time has passed, such work can then be usedinfree form,respecting moral rights. Remember to check out theMoreAppssection and you'll be amazed with wonderful free apps tofeedfaithand soul