3 Похожие Phone Boost & Cache Cleaner

Ram Booster丨Speed Cache Clear 1.1.3
Soletat Rumerotga
☆ Top all-in-one 2016 Cache Cleaning App ☆*No matter what you use your mobile device for, cachefilesandjunks build up a large amount of unneeded data.*This cause your phone to slow down and hamper performance.Ram Booster 丨 Speed Cache Clear keep your cache cleanandjunksfiles free to improve the performance of your device.Ram Booster 丨 Speed Cache Clear features the usual rangeofmemorybooster and app manager, also offers up simple junkfilecleaning andbattery saver.☆ Best Ram Memory Increaser ☆Ram Booster 丨 Speed Cache Clear starts to analyseyourphonememory and lets you know how much space you can freeup.☆ Ram Memory Manager ☆The Apps manager option allows you to choose certaingamesandapps, and when they’re launched it’ll run the one-tapboostertospeed up your device.☆ TOP dr Battery Saving App ☆With a clean and clear interface of this savebatterychargingapp, Ram Booster 丨 Speed Cache Clear aims to giveyou 60%morebattery life out of your battery power.this battery saver app does this by giving you data onwhichappsare consuming the most battery and giving them options tocutthesedown permanently or to generate a temporary boost inyourbatterylife.☆ Best CPU cooler app ☆Cool your device by stopping unnecessary apps.* HighlightsSmallest Cleaner PackageLight booster app and run fast.The Lowest Power ConsumptionGreat for phones with memory less than 1GB.* Comming soon- Free Antivirus Software For Mobile Security- Scan Pre-installed apps to keep your device safefromviruses,trojans, vulnerabilities, adware and spyware.
Master Booster & Cleaner Pro 1.1.3
Master Booster & Cleaner Pro isapowerfulAndroid cleaner & speed booster. This appfeaturesmemorybooster, junk (cache) cleaner, game speed booster,searchhistoryeraser, phone call & sms recorderaser,installed/pre-installedapp manager! Optimize & power upyourdevice and become themaster of your Android smartphone!Cleaner can free up RAM & speed up your phone by upto80%,free up storage space by deleteing junk & cachefiles,optimizeyour phone for super gameplay using game boosterwidget,eraseunwanted browser search history, protect your privacybydeletingphone call & sms record, and manage installedapps&disable pre-installed / system apps, even save batteryusingabovefunctions!Smartphone lagging & freezes all the time?Batterydrainingquickly not lasting a day? Private phone calls &textsthatneeds to be erased? Device CPU over heating and needs tocooldown?Then, this app is for you! A power master solution foralltheseproblems!* FEATURES *1. Memory CleanerClean up memory (RAM) and kills background processes /tasksthatslows down your device, with one-tap "Optimizer"button.Usingmemory cleaner will cool down your phone whenCPUoverheating,boost your phone, and even save your phonefrombatterydraining.2. Junk Cleaner (System Cache)Remove old junk files such as system cache trash&residualfiles. Free up your storage space by deleting junkfiles&optimize your phone for better performance!3. Game Booster EngineBy Allocating system resource to your game, GameBoosterwilloptimize your phone engine for best gameplayenvironment!Boostgame speed by 20%+ when launching. Use thisfunction whenphone islagging or freezes frequently upon playinggame.4. Call Log History & SMS History CleanerProtect your privacy by removing any unwanted call loghistory&SMS / Text History one by one. By tapping "Select All",youcanremove all private conversation logs in one-tap !5. Search & Browser History EraserSecure your privacy by erasing Google play store searchhistory&default browser search history. Includes Clipboardhistoryeraser anddownload file manager as well!6. App ManagerBatch uninstall unused / unwanted apps to free up yourstoragespace& Disable pre-installed apps to clean up yourhomescreen!7. Game Booster WidgetAccess your Game Optimizer function from Android homescreenwidgetwithin one-tap!
Optimiser Son Phone 3.0
optimiser son phone est une application deRAMCache & stimulant puissant conçu pour les appareils Androidquiferont de votre téléphone ou tablette travailplusrapidement.L'application utilise une technologie sophistiquée pouroptimiserles performances de votre appareil. Il tue automatiquementlestâches de faible priorité toutes les 2 heures. Pour un maximumderésultats, vous devriez faire un coup de pouce manuel une foisparjour.Cette logiciel gratuit pour tout l'utilisateur par exemplepournettoyer son pc il faut installer un ogiciel stable etconfiancepour amiliorer le performance et librer la ram et enparallel lesmart phone besoin le meme appsNous vous fournissons cette application gratuite tout lessolutionde RAM et de la performancenotre objectif est votre satisfaction.Caractéristiques:* AUTO- Augmentation automatique permet Memory Booster à courir danslefond et récupère automatiquement la mémoire pour votre Androidàl'intervalle.* Avis- Vous recevez des notifications ceux de votre téléphone manquedemémoire.* Programmes de course- Vous permet de choisir les programmes que vous voulez tuer.Politique de divulgation Publicité:Nous aimons créer des applications, et que vous voulez garderlibresà jamais.Afin de maintenir notre développement en cours d'exécution,MemoryBooster est financé par la publicité pour générerdesrevenus.Lorsque vous cliquez sur les publicités fournies par MemoryBooster,vous aurez généralement dirigé vers la page Web d'untiers.optimiser son phone, plus facile à utiliser de téléphoneAndroidrappel pour vous de nettoyer les fichiers inutiles,récupérer destockage, à stimuler la mémoire, gestionnaire autostartetbloatware. Avec Antivirus construire dans, un nettoyeurpeutprotéger votre appareil.Avez-vous déjà répondre aux problèmes comme ci-dessous?Votre appareil Android devient plus lent et gèleIl ya trop de bloatware sur votre Android que vous ne pouvezpasdésinstallerVotre Android surchauffe et toujours besoin de refroidirVous voulez nettoyer votre dossier d'exploitation desregardsindiscretsoptimiseur fils téléphone résoudre tous les problèmesci-dessuspour vous!Caractéristiques environ One Phone Cleaner Booster&AntivirusNettoyer les fichiers indésirablesSupprime cache du système, les apps fichiers de cache etlesfichiers temporaires par un simple clic! Ainsi, vous pouvezlibérervotre espace de stockage Android.Téléphone CoolerTéléphone Cooler peut rafraîchir votre appareil en trouvant etenarrêtant les applications qui sont le faire surchauffer et fairedevotre batterie dure plus longtemps!App Manager (préinstallé / Autostart Manager)Autostart Manager peut désinstaller ou applications système/bloatware / applications préinstallées Désactiver pour empêcherlesapplications de démarrage automatique (vous devrez peut-êtrelapermission de racine) pour booster votre appareilAndroid.Désinstallez les applications indésirables installés parvous etsupprimer les fichiers de sauvegarde de apk inutiles pourlibérervotre espace de stockage.Game BoosterVous pouvez ajouter le jeu à la liste de rappel etautomatiquementaméliorer vos vitesses de jeu de 30% + lors dulancement dejeux.Confidentialité protégerVous pouvez effacer en toute sécurité les informations de votrevieprivée sensibles à protéger votre vie privée desregardsindiscrets.optimize phone isanapplication RAM Cache & powerful stimulant designed forAndroiddevices that will make your phone or tablet workfaster.The application uses sophisticated technology to maximizetheperformance of your device. It automatically kills the lowprioritytasks every two hours. For maximum results, you should do amanualboost once a day.This free software for all users, for example to clean pc youmustinstall a stable and trusted OFTWARE amiliorer for theperformanceand librer ram and the parallel need the same smartphoneappsWe provide you with this free app while the RAM andperformancesolutionour goal is your satisfaction.Characteristics:* AUTO- Automatic Increase Memory Booster allows to run in thebackgroundand automatically reclaims the memory for your Androidatinterval.* Notices- You receive notifications those of your phone runs outofmemory.* Racing Programs- Allows you to choose the programs you want to kill.Disclosure Policy Advertising:We love creating apps, and want to keep free forever.In order to keep our development running, Memory Booster isfundedby advertising to generate revenue.When you click on ads provided by Memory Booster, you willusuallydirected to the third web page.optimize its phone, easier to use Android phone to call youtoclean junk files, recover storage, boost memory, autostartmanagerand bloatware. With Antivirus build in a cleaner can protectyourdevice.Have you respond to problems as below?Your Android device becomes slower and freezesThere is too much bloatware on your Android you cannotuninstallYour Android overheating and still need to coolYou want to clean your operating folder from prying eyesPhone son optimizer solve all the above problems for you!Features about One Phone Booster Cleaner & AntivirusClean junk filesDeletes system cache, apps cache files and temporary files withasingle click! So you can release your Android storage.Cooler PhonePhone Cooler can cool your device by finding and stoppingtheapplications that are overheating it and make your batterylastlonger!App Manager (preinstalled / Autostart Manager)Autostart Manager can uninstall applications or system / bloatware/preinstalled applications Disable to prevent autostartapplications(you may need root permission) to boost your Androiddevice.Uninstall unwanted applications installed by you anddeleteunnecessary apk file backup to free up your storagespace.Game BoosterYou can add the game to the recall list and automaticallyimproveyour game speeds 30% + in the game launch.Privacy protectionYou can securely erase sensitive information from your privacytoprotect your privacy from prying eyes.