7 Похожие 妍樂軒

太上感應篇 2.0
C Want
太上曰:「禍福無門,惟人自召;善惡之報,如影隨形。」是以天地有司過之神,依人所犯輕重,以奪人算。算減則貧耗,多逢憂患;人皆惡之,刑禍隨之,吉慶避之,惡星災之;算盡則死。又有三台北斗神君,在人頭上,錄人罪惡,奪其紀算。又有三尸神,在人身中,每到庚申日,輒上詣天曹,言人罪過。月晦之日,灶神亦然。凡人有過,大則奪紀,小則奪算。其過大小,有數百事,欲求長生者,先須避之。是道則進,非道則退。不履邪徑,不欺暗室;積德累功,慈心於物;忠孝友悌,正己化人;矜孤恤寡,敬老懷幼;昆蟲草木,猶不可傷。宜憫人之凶,樂人之善;濟人之急,救人之危。見人之得,如己之得;見人之失,如己之失。不彰人短,不炫己長;遏惡揚善,推多取少。受辱不怨,受寵若驚;施恩不求報,與人不追悔。太上曰:「禍福無門,惟人自召;善惡之報,如影隨形。」是以天地有司過之神,依人所犯輕重,以奪人算。算減則貧耗,多逢憂患;人皆惡之,刑禍隨之,吉慶避之,惡星災之;算盡則死。又有三台北斗神君,在人頭上,錄人罪惡,奪其紀算。又有三尸神,在人身中,每到庚申日,輒上詣天曹,言人罪過。月晦之日,灶神亦然。凡人有過,大則奪紀,小則奪算。其過大小,有數百事,欲求長生者,先須避之。是道則進,非道則退。不履邪徑,不欺暗室;積德累功,慈心於物;忠孝友悌,正己化人;矜孤恤寡,敬老懷幼;昆蟲草木,猶不可傷。宜憫人之凶,樂人之善;濟人之急,救人之危。見人之得,如己之得;見人之失,如己之失。不彰人短,不炫己長;遏惡揚善,推多取少。受辱不怨,受寵若驚;施恩不求報,與人不追悔。.....感謝天恩師德,善書,完全免費,並且內容不嵌入任何廣告!更多結緣的電子書,請參考善書緣 https://sites.google.com/site/shanshuge/ 謝謝發一天元德煜Too Said:"fortunenowhere, but people from the church; good and evilnewspaper, gohand in hand." Is a division of the world through God, according to the severityofpeople committed to seize people count. Operator Save thepoorconsume, more than every hardship; everyone evil, evilpunishmentfollowed, auspicious avoid the evil star of the disaster;tricksare dead. Compass have three gods in human head, recording people sin,andtook the record count. Three more dead God, in person, andeveryday Gengshen, Noir on the day Cao Yi, spokesman sin. DayMonthdark, the Kitchen God and vice versa. Mortals have had bigwinsthen discipline, then the small wins count. The over size,severalPepsi, desires longevity, they first must be avoided. Is the road forward, non-road is back. Non-compliance evilpath,Buqianshi; Jide tired power, compassion in the matter;ZhongxiaoFriends of Ti, n-hexyl-oriented people; lone-shirts boastwidowed,elderly pregnant juvenile; insects, vegetation, still cannot hurt.Benjamin should person fierce, musicians of the good;theFranciscans were anxious, rescue of the crisis. Seewho'savailable, such as our own too; see the loss of people, suchas ourown loss. Not been apparent short people do not havelong-hyun;stop evil and promote good, pushing to take on more andless. Donot complain insulted, flattered; not seeking mercynewspaper, andpeople do not repent.Too Said: "fortune nowhere, but people from the church; goodandevil newspaper, go hand in hand." Is a division of the world through God, according to the severityofpeople committed to seize people count. Operator Save thepoorconsume, more than every hardship; everyone evil, evilpunishmentfollowed, auspicious avoid the evil star of the disaster;tricksare dead. Compass have three gods in human head, recording people sin,andtook the record count. Three more dead God, in person, andeveryday Gengshen, Noir on the day Cao Yi, spokesman sin. DayMonthdark, the Kitchen God and vice versa. Mortals have had bigwinsthen discipline, then the small wins count. The over size,severalPepsi, desires longevity, they first must be avoided. Is the road forward, non-road is back. Non-compliance evilpath,Buqianshi; Jide tired power, compassion in the matter;ZhongxiaoFriends of Ti, n-hexyl-oriented people; lone-shirts boastwidowed,elderly pregnant juvenile; insects, vegetation, still cannot hurt.Benjamin should person fierce, musicians of the good;theFranciscans were anxious, rescue of the crisis. Seewho'savailable, such as our own too; see the loss of people, suchas ourown loss. Not been apparent short people do not havelong-hyun;stop evil and promote good, pushing to take on more andless. Donot complain insulted, flattered; not seeking mercynewspaper, andpeople do not repent......Thank Grace morality, good books, completely free, andthecontent is not embedded in any advertising!More lasting bonds of books, please refer to the bookedgehttps://sites.google.com/site/shanshuge/ thank goodnessDe Yuan Yu made one day
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The Service Trade Fair App is an official mobile client fortheInternational Service Trade Fair co-sponsored by the MinistryofCommerce and the Beijing Municipal People's Government.Features:1. New 1+8+N exhibition system It provides quick access to1comprehensive exhibition, 8 special exhibitions, and Nfunctionalservice areas to display the latest announcements andinformationof service trade, so that users can understand thedynamics of theservice trade fair anytime and anywhere, and supportofflineaccess. 2. Cloud Conference Cloud Conference is a freeonlineconference service platform built by the official APP oftheService Trade Fair for relevant units that have the needtoorganize conferences. Each cloud conference room can accommodateupto 100 people at the same time, and realizes the "cloudroundtable" mode of real-time communication and speech, whichmainlyincludes real-time audio calls, real-time high-definitionvideocalls, multi-person meetings, meeting control, and screensharing.3. Project release Support exhibitors and purchasers topublishprojects online and display them on the project release pageof theofficial website. Project publishers can view projectsaccording totheir needs and conduct business negotiations. Searchby keywords,supply and demand types, industry categories andexhibition zones.Four, smart matching Based on the industryclassification to whichthe company belongs and the industryclassification it focuses on,relying on the AI ​​algorithm model,intelligently matchingexhibitors, booths and exhibit information toenhance userexperience. Push popular exhibits through big dataanalysis of uservisits, pageviews and collections. Improve theexposure ofexhibitors and their exhibits to meet the purchasingneeds ofbuyers. 5. Online negotiation It is a private negotiationfunctionprovided by the official APP of the Service Trade Fairforexhibitors and buyers, which fully meets the scenarios ofonlineinstant communication and negotiation of businessopportunities.Support one-to-one private instant communication,text, voice,emoticons, pictures, short videos, files and othermessagingservices. Supports translation between Chinese andEnglish,voice-to-text and other functions to meet the platformusage andcross-language communication needs of global customers.Six,intelligent customer service A set of intelligent customerservicerobot platform for exhibitors and merchants conference.Exhibitorscan self-open and perform configuration maintenanceaccording totheir needs, and provide 7*24 hours of intelligentresponseconsultation and reception services for consulting users intheirexhibition hall stores, so as to improve the serviceefficiency ofexhibitors and the experience of consulting exhibitionhall users.Seven, cloud live broadcast Composed of streamingmodule, cloudprocessing module, playback module, businessmanagement system andother modules, it has the characteristics oflow latency, highsecurity, high performance, multi-terminal,multi-bitrate support,etc., which can realize summit livebroadcast, forum livebroadcast, and exhibitor live broadcast Andother business demandscenarios. 8. Registration Service Support theregistration ofexhibitors and participating companies on the APPside. Onlineregistration is provided in the columns of the 8thematic sections,and various exhibitors, purchasers andparticipants can beregistered directly under each thematic section,providingconvenient and fast mobile End registration serviceexperience. TheService Trade Fair has gradually become a stage forthe globalhigh-quality and innovative service display, a windowforinternational service trade policies and information release,aplatform for foreign service trade companies to connect andtrade,and an important bridge between the "bring in" ofinternationaladvanced services and the "going out" of Chineseservices
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