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Hello Today 1.0
Jatis Mobile
A news portal mobile app with Hello Today as the personal newsagentwill deliver news and information personalized to your needsandwants. Hello Today knows what information you need and sheknowswhat kind of articles you want to read. When you open HelloToday’sapp, the first page will show you the most interesting newsorarticle from the category you preferred. Hello Today alsoknowsother category that you might interested in so she may suggestmorethan you need.
Hello Kids 1.0
Sutantu Solutions LLP
"Hello Kids Academy - A Play School" isaSchoolInformation App which covers the latest news of theHelloKidsAcademy - A Play School, Neemuch.You'll get the coverage of each and every activities oftheschoolin a structured way.This version of "Hello Kids Academy - A Play School"iscompletelyfree of charge for users."Hello Kids Academy - A Play School" is a vision ofMr.ShailendraKumar Porwal and this mobile app has been developedbySutantuSolutions, a India based Software Company and we lovetobuildSoftware Projects, Web Applications and Android Apps.Kindlyvisitour website @ www.sutantu.com.We are very thankful to "Ad Concept", Neemuch (India)whoarehandling our complete Sales, Marketing & Distributionforallour Software, Web Applications, Websites and MobileApps.Kindlyvisit their website @ www.adconceptindia.com.Please don't forget to rate this App, and weappreciateyourreviews and comments.
Hello Zuidas 1.1.1
ePublisher BV
Hello Zuidas verschijnt iedere tweemaandeninZuidas. Het Engelstalige magazine is een onderdeelvaneenmultimediaal platform.De belangrijkste doelstelling voor het magazine is hetcreërenvanbetrokkenheid bij de gebruikers met de economische,fysiekeencommunity ontwikkeling van Zuidas. Tegen die achtergrondwilHelloZuidas zoveel mogelijk (hoogopgeleide)medewerkers,bewoners,studenten en bezoekers in en rondom Zuidasbereiken. Deoplage vanhet magazine komt uit ruim boven de20.000exemplaren.Als onderdeel van de redactieformule is nieuws oversectorenzoalsLegal, Finance, Recruitment, Real Estate enHousingopgenomen. Maarhet magazine bestaat ook uit een Zuidaskalender,columns,duurzaamheid, leisure, horeca en nieuws overdebereikbaarheid. Hetmagazine wordt kosteloos uitgereikt binnenenbuiten de kantoren aan(zakelijke)bewoners en bezoekers.Inhoudelijk weerspiegelt Hello Zuidas u, uw collega’s ofuwburenin de internationale context van de Zuidas. ASEGA Mediaisalsuitgever ingeschakeld en zal het magazine enanderecommunicatieuitingen (mede-) verzorgen. Zij zijn eennationaalopererende mediaorganisatie met grote lokale kennis alsuitgevervan de Z.O.Z – ZieOud Zuid.Met het magazine willen wij de cohesie binnenZuidasvergrotenmaar het biedt bovenal een platform voororganisaties omzich tepresenteren en om (sales)leads te genereren.Door middel vaneenuitgekiende distributiestrategie kan ASEGA Mediaeen grootbereikgaranderen.Hello Zuidasispublishedevery two months in Zuidas. The English magazine ispartof amultimedia platform.The main objective of the magazine is to createinvolvementwithusers with the economic, physical and communitydevelopmentZuidas.Against this background, wants Hello Zuidas muchaspossible(highly skilled) workers, residents, students andvisitorsreach inand around South axis. The circulation of themagazinecomes outwell over 20,000 copies.As part of the editorial formula is news on sectors suchasLegal,Finance, Recruitment, Real Estate and Housing recorded.Butthemagazine also includes a calendar Zuidas,columns,sustainability,leisure, catering and news aboutaccessibility. Themagazine isdistributed free of charge inside andoutside theoffices (business)residents and visitors.Hello Zuidas content reflects you, your colleaguesoryourneighbors in the international context of the Zuidas.AsegaMediais enabled as a publisher and will provide the magazineandothercommunication expressions (co-). They are anationallyoperatingmedia organization with strong local knowledgeaspublisher of thePTO - See Old South.With the magazine we want to increase the cohesion ofZuidasbutabove all provides a platform for companies topresentthemselvesand to (sales) to generate leads. Asega Mediacanguarantee a widerange by means of a sophisticateddistributionstrategy.