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Alkitab LAI
Mahoni Global, PT
Aplikasi Alkitab LAI Rilis Terbaru,DenganFitur Yang Lebih Canggih Dan Menarik. DownloadSekarang!Aplikasi ‘Alkitab LAI’ adalah Digital Newsstand yangdikeluarkanresmi oleh Lembaga Alkitab Indonesia, berisi Alkitab(TerjemahanBaru) yang disertakan gratis. Selain itu juga bisadidapatkanbanyak buku-buku terbitan LAI yang bisa dipilih sesuaidengankebutuhan kita.Alkitab yang disediakan, ditampilkan sedemikian rupa sehinggamiripdengan saat kita membacanya melalui Alkitab versi cetak,inidimaksudkan agar para pemakai merasa nyaman dan tak merasabanyakperbedaan dengan cara membaca yang sudah dilakukan selamaini:- Cover dan tampilan persis sama dengan versi cetak- Saat membuka-buka halaman sangat mirip dengan cara membukaAlkitabversi cetak.Untuk versi terbaru dari aplikasi Alkitab LAI, kinisemakinmemudahkan penggunanya untuk mengakses beberapa hal,seperti:- Anotasi :Memungkinkan penggunanya untuk menandai atau mewarnai textyangsedang dibaca. Fitur ini juga memungkinan penggunauntukmenambahkan catatan di text yang diinginkan di semua bukuyangsudah di download.- Bookmark :Memungkinkan penggunanya untuk langsung menggunakan daftarisisebagai Jalan pintas untuk bisa langsung menuju halaman Kitabyangingin dibaca.- Panduan Penggunaan :Menampilkan cara untuk menggunakan aplikasi LAI ini denganlebihmaksimal. Manual guide juga dilengkapi dengan gambar-gambarpanduanyang memudahkan penggunanya untuk langsung bisa mengaksesaplikasidengan cepat.- Koleksi buku yang akan terus di update sebagai bahan bacaanuntukpengetahuan rohani Kristen dan Katolik ataupun beberapaceritamenarik lainnya.- Tampilan halaman juga bisa diatur dalam posisi modelPortrait& Landscape. Saat membacanya jika dibutuhkan, makatulisandilayar bisa di perbesar agar tampak lebih jelas. Inisangatberguna bagi orang yang sudah berumur bisa membacanya denganlebihnyaman.- Setelah aplikasi di download, tidak dibutuhkan lagikoneksiinternet untuk setiap membaca Alkitab yang sudah disertakandiaplikasi ini. Jadi Alkitab atau buku-buku yang tersediadalamaplikasi LAI ini bisa dibaca dimana sana dan kapan sajasaatdiperlukan.Saran, kritik dan pertanyaan hubungi info@mahoni.com ataukunjungionline support kami di www.mahoni.com/forumApplication BibleLAILatest Release, With A More Sophisticated Features AndInteresting.Download Now!Application 'Bible LAI' Digital Newsstand is officially releasedbythe Indonesian Bible Society, contains the Bible (NewInternationalVersion) supplied free. It also can be obtained manybookspublished LAI can be selected according to our needs.Bible provided, presented in a way that is similar to when wereadthrough the Bible printed version, is intended to make thewearerfeel comfortable and do not feel much difference by readingthathas been done so far:- Cover and look exactly the same as the print version- When opening the pages are very similar to the way theBibleprinted version.For the latest version of the Bible LAI applications, itbecomeseasier for users to access some things, such as:- Annotate :Allows users to mark or color the text that is being read.Thisfeature also allows users to add notes in the desired text inallthe books that have been downloaded.- Bookmarks :Allows users to directly use the table of contents as a shortcuttoget directly to the page of book you want to read.- User Manual :Showing how to use these applications with maximum LAI. Manualguidealso comes with pictures guide that allows users to instantlyaccessapplications quickly.- Collection of books will continue to be updated asreadingmaterial for the spiritual knowledge of ChristianityandCatholicism or some other interesting stories.- Display pages can also be arranged in a position in PortraitandLandscape. When reading it if necessary, then the writing onthescreen can be enlarged to make it more clear. This is veryusefulfor people who are elderly can read more comfortably.- Once the app is downloaded, no internet connection requiredforany reading of the Bible which have been included in this app.Sothe Bible or books that are available in this LAI applicationscanread where there anytime when needed.Suggestions, criticisms and questions contact info@mahoni.comorvisit our online support at www.mahoni.com/forum
iDailybread - Bible 3.3.3
This Bible app is the best freebiblee-reader.It’s the best platform for reading, studying and sharingGod'swords.We create the app not only for bible study but also for bondsandconnections between you and your family and friends. CarryBibleapp with you wherever you go.Now please join us on the bible journey, and be ready fortheinspiration and enlightenment.KEY FEATURES:● Multiple Versions & Languages: 1260 plus bible versions in920languages and thousands of holy songs in 40 pluslanguages;● Reading Bible Plans: Follow the plans of your own and tobereminded if you fall behind schedule;● Offline Read: Access to all downloaded content withoutinternetconnection;● Easy Reading: Adjust font, text size and text color.OTHERFEATURES Read The Bible● User Friendly Interface: Simple and easy to use;● Highlights: Mark your favorite verses or any part indifferentcolors;● Notes: Write down your thoughts and notes are absolutelyprivateto you;● Bookmarks: Save or bookmark your bible study and quickly pickupwhere you left off;● Day/ Night Mode: Switch from day and night mode tooptimizereading experience;● Selected Verse Background: Pick any color you want forselectedverse background;● Customized Display: Multiple font sizes, colors andlinespacing;● Daily verse; A different verse with a gorgeous picture onhomepage every day;● Books in alphabetically order. Study The Bible● Compare And Cross Study: Compare two versions withsplitversion;● Devotionals: Hundreds of devotionals available to extensivelyfeelad explore the holy spirit;● Quick Navigation Between Verses;● Search Words Or Phrases: Easily search any keyword, verse orbookname to quickly and accurately locate what you arelookingfor;● Popular Versions: King James Version KJV, New King JamesVersionNKJV, English Standard Version ESV, NASB, The Message. ShareWithFriends● Easy Copying: Copy/paste your favorite verses and sharewithfriends;● Share Bible: Support sharing bible study via Facebook / Twitter/Email / SMS / Weibo / WhatsApp / Skype and so on, allowing youtodiscuss and share wherever, whenever and with whomeveryouwant.● Supports featured paintings and recommended movies on adailybasis.● Widget:Verse of the day.Upcoming Features:1. Audio bible—a bible for the ears.2. Bible stories—to help you grow in your understanding oftheBible.3. Videos—visual and audio feast that helps you learn more abouttheins and outs of bible stories.4. Make your own verse image—add any verse to any image (fromyourown photo library or our provision), edit and share it.5. Devotions and prayer.We know we can bring the best bible reading experiencebecauseyour needs are all that we think about.Bible App is not only a bible reader but also a place where youcanshare your views, insights and delights with others and a waytobuild up your connections.We are committed to living up to your expectations byreleasingupdated versions with bug fixes.We’d really appreciate it if you can give us feedback tohelpimprove it.Bible versions:King James Version KJVEnglish Standard Version ESVNew King James Version NKJVNew American Bible, revised edition (Catholic)Chinese Bible -Chinese Simplified & Traditional Swahililanguages: English, Hindi, Spanish, Portuguese, Chinese,Korean,German, French, Russian, Indonesian, Arabic, Zarma, Wolof,Welsh,Swahili, Urdu, Belarusian, Tajik and more-----------------------------------------Disclaimer:This app is based on open source project: androidbiblelicensedunder the Apache License, Version 2.0.Apache LicenseV2.0:http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0You can get the source code following thislink:https://github.com/yukuku/androidbible
Suka Membaca Alkitab
Gerakan Suka Membaca Alkitab ( INTER-DENOMINASI ), maintained by:GBI WTC
DezPray: Catholic Prayer/Bible 18.9
Prayers, Songs, Bible, Rosary, Gospel. Liturgy, Novenas,Breviary& Lectionary.