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台灣旅遊景點,民宿,美食推薦 5.63
Liang Cheng Lee
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EasyTravel for Taiwan Booking
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Eztravel co., Ltd.
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Booking.com Hotel Reservations
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WeThink Mobile
愛台玩星級旅館限時優惠一鍵掌握,商務旅行輕鬆安排,合法旅館安心入住!「愛台玩星級旅館」主要介紹台灣各地區合法、優質的星級旅館,推出各式創意行銷專案,並不定期進行全台星級旅館住宿體驗券等各式抽獎活動。快來下載免費APP,優惠好康不漏接!※功能簡介:-旅館介紹:分別介紹台灣22縣市1至5★的星級旅館,方便查詢房型、房價、常態優惠、旅館簡介、聯絡方式等資訊,並支援撥打電話、寄送郵件、導航、加入我的旅館等功能。-優惠活動:由各旅館定期或不定期推出的各項行銷專案,分為專案房價類、入住加贈類、創意套餐類、其他類等。限時限量的優惠兌換券,心動就馬上來搶購!- 最新消息:發布各項優惠、兌換、抽獎等重大活動消息,並支援推播提醒功能。- 會員專區:僅需以Facebook帳號登入即可操作我的旅館、我的優惠、兌換、抽獎等進階功能,既簡單又安心!- 我的旅館:查看已加入最愛的旅館們。- 我的優惠:查看並帶著搶購成功的優惠兌換券前往旅館兌換。- 兌換:《你住星旅,我請咖啡》即日起至11月30日,國內旅客四人成行入住台灣星級旅館送四杯7-11CityCafé中杯熱美式咖啡,限量1000杯,送完為止。(台灣星級旅館完整名單請上旅宿網http://taiwanstay.net.tw查詢)1.兌換程序:(1)填寫入住旅館、入住日期及所有入住旅客姓名(2)上傳星級旅館付款收據或發票之照片(必須清楚可辨認圖片文字及內容)(3)填寫咖啡券收件人資料,含姓名、電話、可收掛號信件之住址。(同一筆申請之咖啡券將全數寄至此收件人提供之住址,若因資料有誤遭退回,視同放棄兌獎資格)(4)勾選同意本執行單位運用個資,以便寄送咖啡券。(5)以上四點資料均須完整填寫及上傳,才符合咖啡劵寄送資格。2.注意事項:(1)訂購房型需與人數符合,始得兌換相同數量之咖啡。(例如:四人成行可能訂房組合為1間單人房+1間三人房或2間雙人房或1間四人房。)加床恕不列入贈送資格。(2)執行單位有權修正活動辦法,請隨時注意粉絲專頁訊息。- 抽獎:《百家星級旅館免費體驗住宿 - 粉絲驚喜週週抽》1. 活動日期:即日起至11月28日(10月17日起連續七週,每週五抽獎)2. 贈品數量:全台星級旅館免費體驗住宿共100間。3. 活動資格:加入愛台玩星級旅館粉絲專頁,並下載愛台玩星級旅館APP,就有機會得到百家星級旅館免費住宿體驗任一晚住宿。4. 注意事項:(1)得獎者於七天內需主動與執行單位綾川創意行銷02-2966-3988或twstarhotel@gmail.com聯繫完成訂房手續,訂房後恕無法更改日期(經飯店同意則不在此限),並於12月20日前入住完畢,七天內未完成訂房將喪失得獎資格。(2)依據政府所得稅法規定,獎品價值1000元以上需申報中獎之扣繳憑單,中獎人需詳實填寫相關資料,否則喪失得獎資格。(3)入住後請於愛台玩星級旅館粉絲專頁上傳體驗住宿照片,讓粉絲分享您的體驗。(4)各家星級旅館免費住宿體驗限制規定各有不同(如:連續假日不適用等),請詳閱粉絲專頁相關訊息,不得異議。(5)免費住宿體驗旅館及房型不得更換,無法配合相關住宿體驗規定,視同放棄得獎資格,放棄之獎項不會再進行抽獎。※愛台玩星級旅館粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/ilovetaiwanhotelLove Taiwan playstarhotelLimited Time Offer a master key, relaxedbusinesstravelarrangements, legal hostel feel comfortable!"Love Taiwan play star hotel" describes the variousregionsofTaiwan's legitimate, quality-star hotel, the introductionofavariety of creative marketing projectsandoccasionalfull-Taiwan-star hotel accommodation and other kindsofexperiencevoucher raffle. Come download free APP, discountgoodiesdo notmiss!※ Features:- Hotel description: Taiwan's 22 counties were introduced 1 至5★star hotel, easy access room, prices, normalconcessions,hotelprofiles, contact details and other information,and supporttomake calls, send e-mail, navigation, join my Hotelsandotherfunctions.- Promotions: regular or irregular by the hotelmarketinglaunchof the project, the project is divided into classprices,occupancybonus classes, creative package category, otherclassesand so on.Limited Time limited discount coupon,echocardiographyimmediatelyto buy!- Latest news: release of the concessions,exchange,sweepstakesand other major news events, and support forpushalerts.- Member Area: Only Facebook account to log in tooperatemyhotel, my offer, exchange, sweepstakes and otheradvancedfeatures,both simple and peace of mind!- My hotel: View has been added to your favorite hotel were.- My Offers: View and buy success with discount coupontothehotel exchange.- Exchange:"Do you live star trip, I asked the coffee"From now until November 30, domestic passenger tripfour-starhotelstay in Taiwan to send four cups 7-11 City Café inhot cupofAmerican coffee, limited edition 1000 Cup, whilesupplieslast.(Taiwan-star hotel complete list, please check theTravelodgenethttp://taiwanstay.net.tw)1 exchange program:(1) Fill stay hotel, arrival dates and the names ofallvisitorsstay(2) Upload star hotel payment receipts or invoices photo(mustbeclearly identifiable text and picture content)(3) Fill Kafei Quan recipient information, includingname,telephone,to be received by registered mail of the address.(Witha fullapplication for Kafei Quan will be sent to the addressoftherecipient provided Ruoyin incorrect information beingreturneddeemedabandoned awarding qualifications)(4) Check the consent of the execution units use a capitalinorderto send Kafei Quan.(5) above are required to complete the four-point data anduploaditin line with coffee coupons send qualifications.2 Note:(1) Purchase of room to be in line with the number of peopleandmayonly exchange the same amount of coffee. (Example: fourrowsmaybooking for a single combination +1 triple rooms or twodoubleroomsor a family room.) Extra gift without theinclusionofqualifications.(2) the implementation of activities has the right toamendway,please pay attention to the fan page message.- Draw:"One hundred-star hotel stay free - Fans SurpriseWeekWeekpumping"1 Event Date: From now until November 28 (October 17onwardsforseven weeks, five weekly lottery)2 gifts Quantity: Taiwan-star hotel stay free total 100.3 Activity Eligibility: Join love playing star hotel deskfanpage,and download the love for Taiwan to play star hotel APP,havetheopportunity to get hundreds star hotel accommodationexperienceanyfree night stay.4 Note:(1) winners in seven domestic initiative andcreativemarketingexecution units Aya Nakagawa contact02-2966-3988ortwstarhotel@gmail.com complete booking procedures, Iam afraidyoucan not change the date of the booking (unless agreedto bythehotel), and in December 20 stay is completed, notcompletedwithinseven days of booking will forfeit prizeeligibility.(2) According to the Government Income Tax Act, more than1000yuanworth of prizes to be declared the winning ofwithholdingvouchers,winning people need to fill out detailedinformation, orelse loseaward qualifications.(3) Check Please love Taiwan after playing star hotel stayfanpageto upload photos, allowing fans to share yourexperience.(4) each star hotel accommodation experience freerestrictionsvary(eg: not applicable consecutive holidays, etc.),please readfanpage relevant information, without anyobjection.(5) Experience free hotel accommodation and room notreplaced,couldnot stay with the relevant provisions oftheexperience,qualifications deemed abandoned winners, prizes willnotbe givingup the lottery.※ Love Taiwan play star hotel fan page:https://www.facebook.com/ilovetaiwanhotel
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eLidot Digital Inc.
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Hot墾丁旅遊網 1.3
Hot墾丁為第一個整合墾丁旅遊、活動票券市場---在地提供最好服務的旅遊網提供墾丁民宿訂房、玩樂活動、餐飲美食、購物商店、交通租車及墾丁行程專業服務。.2006年4月28日 Hot墾丁旅遊網 [元氣墾丁企業社] 成立 www.hotkt.com- 2006年 墾丁民宿、墾丁飯店入口平台,資料庫涵蓋99%墾丁旅遊活動資訊。- 2007年 墾丁海陸玩樂票券整合通路,玩樂票券資料庫數量第一。- 2007年 墾丁音樂季、春天吶喊、春浪音樂節 官方指定,墾丁區獨家媒體宣傳平台。- 2009年 參與經濟部商業司輔導 [愛上南灣] 商圈E化計畫。- 2009年 8月起 [Yahoo!奇摩生活+] 墾丁唯一合作媒體。- 2010年 2月加入 [恆春半島觀光客倍增產業聯盟] 會員,服務地方、行銷推廣。- 2011年 成立南灣旗艦店與墾丁門市 提供:雙門市、在地最好服務,落實深耕在地。- 2012年 9月 [Facebook粉絲團] 破10萬網友按讚!評價專業、服務好、快速,評價★★★★★滿意評價第一名。- 2012年 10月加入 [屏東縣觀光協會]、[屏東縣民宿協會] 會員,積極與恆春半島業者互動互助。- 2013年 推廣票務活動及民宿金流代收代付,提供線上刷卡、支付寶代收,協助拓展國際訂房業務。- 2013年 與國際訂房組織Agoda雅高達結盟,推廣 [一起去走走] 全球訂房網站 www.17799.com.tw- 2014年 6月起Hot墾丁旅遊網回饋鄉里,長期落實Hot墾丁營運所得1%,捐助公益。- 2014年 獨家推廣 [手機購票],提供票務活動電子票,電子化節省紙本倡導綠環保。HOT!南灣/ 墾丁 雙門市服務:。旗艦店 地址: 946 屏東縣恆春鎮恆南路8-13號 旗艦店地圖 08-8882517、0929-040727。墾丁店 地址: 946 屏東縣恆春鎮墾丁路34-1號 墾丁門市地圖 0986-678677。品質保證網友評價:滿分評價+對於遊客 我們提供:免費民宿資訊,向業者爭取最優惠的活動成本以及各項的折價優惠。對於業者 我們提供:免費網頁建置及空間,不收月費、 年費、服務完全免費。Hot Kenting Kenting isthefirst integrated tourism, event ticketing market --- to providethebest service in the tourism networkKenting B & B offers reservations, fun activities,gourmetdining, shopping, transportation and car rental Kentingtravelprofessional services.. April 28, 2006 Hot Kenting Travel Network [corporatesocialvitality Kenting] established www.hotkt.com- 2006 B & B Kenting, Kenting hotel entrance platform,thedatabase covers 99% of Kenting tourism information.- 2007 Ken Henry Ding Lu fun bills consolidation path, the numberofdatabases play bills first.- 2007 Kenting Music Festival, Spring Scream, Spring WaveMusicFestival official, Kenting area exclusive mediaplatforms.- In 2009 the Department of Commerce to participate incounseling[in love with South Bay] E - district plan.- From August 2009 [Yahoo! Xtra Life +] Kenting uniquemediapartners.- February 2010 to join [the Hengchun Peninsula doublingtouristindustry alliance] members, local services, marketingandpromotion.- Established in 2011 to provide the South Bay's flagship storeinKenting outlets: two outlets on the ground the bestcustomerservice, deep plowing the ground.- September 2012 [Facebook fan group] breaking 100,000 users bythepraise! Evaluation of professional, good service, fast,evaluation★ ★ ★ ★ ★ satisfactory evaluation first.- October 2012 to join [Pingtung County TourismAssociation],[Pingtung County Bed and Breakfast Association]members, activelyinteract with industry mutual HengchunPeninsula.- 2013 Ticket promotion activities and B & Bs in cashflowcollection and payment, providing on-line credit card,Paypalcollection, to help expand international bookingbusiness.- 2013 and international organizations Agoda Reservationgreatalliance to promote [go around] global bookingsiteswww.17799.com.tw- From June 2014 Hot Kenting travel back village,long-termimplementation Hot Kenting from operations 1%,charitablecontributions.- 2014 exclusive promotion [phone ticket], ticketing activitiesofan electronic ticket, the electronic paper advocatesgreenenvironmental savings. HOT!South Bay / Kenting double outlets Services:. Flagship Store Address: 946 Hang Road, Hengchun Township,PingtungCounty 8-13 flagship store map08-8882517,0929-040727. Kenting Shop Address: 946 Kenting Road, HengchunTownship,Pingtung County 34-1 Kenting outlets map 0986-678677. Quality assurance User rating: out of evaluation +For tourists we offer: free B & B information, to obtainthemost favorable business activities as well as the cost ofdiscountdeals.For the industry we offer: free web space to build and do notchargea monthly fee, annual fee, the service is completelyfree.
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