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Argus Alerts 2.1.0
Argus Media
The Argus Alerts app provides immediate access tomarket-movingnews, intelligent analysis and robust priceassessments. The appenables Argus Direct subscribers to setpreferences to receiveupdates on prices, news and Bulletin Boardtransactions. ArgusAlerts appears as a list of alerts about contentpublished by ArgusMedia. New alerts will automatically appear inthis list as soon asthey are published. You can choose whatinformation you receive viayour settings. Argus is the leadingindependent energy andcommodity price reporting and news analysisagency. Argus uses aprecise and transparent methodology to assessspot and forwardprices in the oil, petroleum products, LPG,petrochemicals,bioenergy, electricity, natural gas, coal,emissions,transportation, metals and fertilizer markets. Argusprices areused by market participants as indexes in physicalcontracts and asbenchmarks for derivatives trading, settlement andclearing.
Carbon Tax Calculator 1
Tortuga Sun
Have you heard about a carbontax(BritishColumbia and Australia) or cap and tradeprogram(California) ,which could add a tax or fee onto yourcarbonemissions?Use our simple carbon tax calculator to estimate whattheimpactmight be, based on the carbon tax amount, based uponthenumber ofmetric tons of carbon emission equivalents (CO2e).Simply enter the number of kilowatt hours ofelectricityyouconsume (per month or year), and the calculator willprovidethedollars of increase in your electricity bill from acarbontax.Here is an explanation of the fields used in the calculator:kWh: The number of kilowatt-hours of electricity consumedinatime period (monthly average or annual amount)Carbon Tax: The proposed carbon tax per metric tonofcarbonequivalents (CO2e). We default to $20 per metric ton, butitcan beadjusted to your situation. If you do not use US dollars,youcansimply enter the amount in your currency.kWh per ton: This is the conversion of kWh to metric tonsofCO2e.The number used is 1450, which is the estimate used bytheUSEnvironmental Protection Agency (EPA). The number canvarybyregion of the US, based on the mix of coal,naturalgas,hydropower, and renewable energy.The formula for calculating the increase inyourelectricitybill:(kWh) / (kWh per ton) x (Carbon Tax)In the example shown in the screenshot, if acompanyconsumes300,000 kWh per month, and the carbon tax is $20 permetricton,then they can expect an increase in their electricitybillof$4,138 per month. Their current bill would bearound$30,000(assuming $0.10 per kWh), so this would be a14%increase.About Us: Help Save Earth is a website dedicated to usingdatatohelp people reduce their impact on the environment, usingtoolssuchas commuting to work, carbon footprint tracking, greenpoints,andnow the Carbon Tax Calculator. We support the idea ofthecarbontax, as it helps balance out the external costs ofclimatechange,so the market can respond correctly and drive therightbehaviorsfrom consumers and businesses.