3 Похожие 蓋房子(多語言版)

蓋房子(多語言版HD) 1.0
*本產品僅支援螢幕解析度為:800x1280之裝置*為朋友們蓋房子的小兔子小兔子喜歡蓋房子。他幫許多動物蓋房子,但他們都用不到。他最後會怎麼做呢?此電子書內含三種母語(華語、日文、英語)與三種學習語言(華語、日文、英語),讓您可以輕鬆的讀故事,輕鬆學語言。操作時,若所選擇的母語與學習語言不同,則在畫面上方會顯示所選擇的學習語言,在畫面的下方則會顯示所選擇的母語。若所選擇的母語與學習語言相同,則只會在畫面上方顯示所選擇的學習語言,畫面下方則不會重覆顯示。例: 選擇的母語為”中文”,學習的語言為”英文”時;則在畫面上方會顯示”英文”,在畫面下方則會顯示”中文”。本書最大特色:○可整頁以三種語言進行導讀(依所選擇的語言發音)○可依所選的句子以三種語言進行發音(依所選擇的語言發音)○可依所點選的單字進行發音(依所選擇的語言發音)* Thisproductonlysupports screen resolution is: 800x1280 devices *For friends to build a house bunnyBunny likes to build a house. He helped to build a houseofmanyanimals, but they are less than. Finally, how would hedoit?This book contains three kinds of language(Chinese,Japanese,English) with three kinds of learninglanguages​​(Chinese,Japanese, English), so you can easily read thestory,easy to learnlanguage.Operation, if the selected language andlearningdifferentlanguages, then the top of the screen will displaytheselectedlanguage learning in the bottom of the screen willdisplaytheselected language. If the selected language andlearninglanguageis the same, only the top of the screen displaystheselectedlanguage learning will not repeat bottom of thescreendisplay.Example: Select the native language as "Chinese" tolearnthelanguage as "English"; then the top of the screenwillshow"English" in the bottom of the screen willdisplay"Chinese."Biggest book features:  ○ whole page can be conducted in threelanguages​​REVIEW(depending on the selected languagepronunciation)  ○ according the selected sentences inthreelanguages​​for pronunciation (depending on theselectedlanguagepronunciation)  ○ The tap according pronouncing words (dependingontheselected language pronunciation)
Under Construction 1.0.10
Molly Moccasins
Molly Moccasins is a new kind ofbookseriesencouraging all young adventurers to read, play,think,investigateand imagine in their everyday lives whilesupportingearly learningand literacy development. Within eachstory, Molly’stoes tingle inher special moccasins inspiringadventure andreminding her that,“a curious mind is never bored.”In this story, Molly and her mother take a neighborhoodwalkwithher best friend Marco. They go down a street they hadneverbeendown before and stumble upon a house under construction.Theforemaninvites them in to see how a house is built andtheydiscover thatit takes a lot of people with a lot ofdifferentskills to build ahouse!This version also includes:- read aloud functionality- text highlighting- interactive picture puzzles- story related activities- fun factsThe creators of Molly Moccasins are dedicated tohelpingchildrenaround the globe so, for each story purchased, astorywill be givento a child in need—story for story.
Casos Notáveis e Fatorização 6
In this app you will review and practice the outstanding casesandthe factorization of polynomials.