5 Похожие Meteoro MX

Alertamos 0.4.01
Application report meteorological phenomena observed on thesurface.
ClimaInifap 2.0.2
ClimaInifap es una aplicación quepermitelavisualización de información climática en tiempo real delaRedNacional de Estaciones Agroclimatológicas Automatizadasquesonadministradas por el INIFAP (Instituto NacionaldeInvestigacionesForestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias) a nivelnacional,para la tomade decisiones en el campo mexicano.ClimaInifapisanapplication that allows the display of weather informationinrealtime from the National Network ofWorkstationsagroclimatologicalAutomated which are administered byINIFAP(National Institute ofForestry, Agriculture and Livestock) atthenational level fordecision-making in the Mexicancountryside.
NOAA UHD Radar & NWS Alerts 1.1.40
NOAA UHD Radar & NWS Alerts presents thelatestHigh-definitiondoppler radar straight from the NationalWeatherService and NWSAlerts NOAA UHD Radar & NWS Alerts is afast,easy-to-use andbeautiful application that displays animatedNOAAweather radar andNWS Alerts around your current location,allowingyou to quicklysee what weather is coming your way. Theweather maphas thepinch/zoom capability which allows you tosmoothly zoom andpanaround the United States and see what theweather is likeanywhere.NOAA UHD Radar & NWS Alerts showsanimated weather andweatheralerts, so you can tell if rain isheaded toward or awayfrom you,and how fast. NOAA UHD Radar &NWS Alerts also providesevereweather alerts such as advisory,warning and specialweatherstatements! Download NOAA UHD Radar &NWS Alerts todayand tryit out! Features - Animated doppler radarover Google Maps-Forward or backward Radar image - Directly selectspecificTimeDoppler Radar Image - Smooth transition of position andzoom-Current NWS Weather Alerts with polygons - DetailNWSWeatherAlerts in beautiful bottom Sheet in the map. -WeatherLayers: Highdefinition doppler Radar - Severe Weather Layer:None,Fire,Floods, Fog, Freezing, Hurricane and Tropical,HurricaneandTropical Tracks, Ice, Snow, Storm and Tornados, Wind,WinterPleasee-mail me below with any bug reports or featuresrequests.Thanks!
Clima 1.0
Dolly Bansal
- weather by current location- weather by city name- On app launch, will show weather of last city entered.
EMPBCS Clima 11.0.0
Esta aplicación pertenece al equipo deEMPBCS(Estado Meteorológico Para Baja California Sur) el cual sededica ainformar y prevenir a las personas sobrefenómenosmeteorológicosThis applicationbelongsto the team of EMPBCS (Meteorological State for BajaCaliforniaSur) which is dedicated to inform and warn people aboutweatherevents