5 Похожие Girasol Rendimiento

SEPA móvil 2.0.3
Esta aplicación para dispositivos móviles te permitiráconsultarinformación climática, topográfica, suelos e índices devegetaciónde tu posición geográfica dentro de la Argentina. En elvisor de laaplicación se mostrará: la precipitación en los últimos7 días y delos últimos 30, la temperatura máxima y mínima de abrigode losúltimos 7 días, la distancia y dirección de la estación deINTA máscercana, la ubicación (lat/lon) actual, la ubicación delNorte, laaltura respecto del nivel del mar, la pendiente actual ysudirección ,y el tipo de suelo. En la sección de vegetaciónsemostrarán los índices de vegetación de la campaña actual y seloscomparará con los máximos, mínimos y promedios históricos desdeelaño 2000. Esta información es obtenida a través del sensorremotoMODIS. Como información de clima se mostrará un gráfico conlasprecipitaciones acumuladas y las temperaturas medias de losúltimosseis meses. La fuente de información climática es la base dedatosde la red meteorológica INTA. Al expandir la sección desuelos, seencontrará información de la composición del mismo, desuslimitantes y sus características principales. Estos datossonextraídos del atlas de Suelos 1:500000 generado por el INTA.
SilvoINTA 1.3
SilvoINTA is a Forestry assistant. Treedataare stored in a database and some calculations can be made fromit,like basal area or diameter distribution. The real-time viewingofthis results is useful to cutting control and/ortreemarking.The functions of the application are: setting variables,datalogging, display and export data results.Data are recorded at "transect" level, which are located withintheso-called "plots" which in turn are within theso-called"projects". The application generates a project file,which can bedownloaded to the device or uploaded to Google Drive.The names ofthese categories are fixed, but realizing that the dataare nestedin project / plot / transect, this categories could haveanothermeaning, such as owner / stratum / plot or field / stand/plot.The setup menu allows user to customize the name and numberofplots, transects and their surface. The number and name ofspeciesto be surveyed, the diametric classes (sizes),qualitativecharacteristics of individuals and so-called"destinations" can becustomized, too. The destinations are thevariables in wich basalarea will be classified. The basicdestinations are "left" and"cut", but number and names ofdestinations can becustomized.After setting the variables of the project, selecting"addindividual" opens the loading form. Before entering a tree,thetransect (and the plot) surveyed are requested.After indicating that, the loading form is showed, wherefollowingdata can be recorded for each individual: species,size,destination, features and GPS position. In the same form,ifneeded, registered individuals can be eliminated. In thisoperationeach individual data are registered, and the foresterdecision (tocut or to leave) too. Applying his knowledge andexperience in thefield, the silviculturist can assess manyvariables and choose tocut or not each assessed tree. At any time,the user can leave theregistration form and check theresults.The results can be viewed in four types of graphics:diameterdistribution (number of individuals per hectare, size classandspecies); proportion of individuals according tocharacteristics,proportion of individuals by destination, andproportion of basalarea by destinations. For all the graphics theuser can choose thelevel of aggregation of the data to show: atproject, plot ortransect level. The graphs generated are useful tocontrol thecumulative effects of silvicultural decisions, and thusguidefuture decisions within the project under evaluation.At any time the data can be exported to a file within thedevice(.csv) or upload it to Google Drive.The application does not need connectivity for loading data ortoperform calculations. The app can also be used to recordinventoryinformation, but if calculations are not requiered, werecommendother database applications, like Memento.This app was developed by researchers from INTA - NationalInstituteof Agricultural Technology, Argentina, to assist treemarking inuneven-aged stands. The app has been successfully usedin SemiaridChaco forests in Santiago del Estero, Argentina.Android programming was made by www.devsar.comComments and suggestions to improve the applicationareappretiated.
Droid Keeper 2.0 - Boost&Clean 1.0.3342
HighlyRecommended S.A
Are you wondering, “How do I speed upmyphone?” - Download the free DroidKeeper app for Android to cleanupcache, optimize memory, and scan for viruses to boostspeed.Increase speed and get anti virus protection. It’s thebestantivirus app with virus protection built into aperformanceapplication!One App for Multiple Speed-Boosting FunctionsIf you’ve wondered, “How do I speed up my phone?” you needtodownload DroidKeeper. DroidKeeper is one app that does what 3ormore other applications do separately, and it worksitsspeed-boosting and optimization magic for free.DroidKeeper performs several functions to help you increasespeedand get optimal performance. Clean up cache files, optimizememory,scan for viruses, and uninstall useless appswithDroidKeeper.Use DroidKeeper to remove files you don’t use, protect yourphonefrom unauthorized access, and save power by streamliningeverythingon your phone.Increase Speed and Improve PerformanceNo more crashing or freezing up when you play games or listentomusic. DroidKeeper saves you headaches and increases yourAndroiduser experience.Enjoy your Android to the fullest by installing DroidKeeperandletting the app keep your phone running smoothly. DroidKeepersavesyou space right away, by letting you uninstall other apps thatdothe same thing.This single free app allows you to clean up your cache, getvirusprotection, and remove files or apps that drag your phonedown.After running DroidKeeper, you’ll immediately notice thedifferencein overall performance.DroidKeeper BenefitsWhen you run DroidKeeper, the app starts working right awaytoorganize your phone’s files for increased speed andbetterusability. At the same time, it provides immediate andongoingvirus protection.Clean up Cache FastDroidKeeper cleans the cache on your Android phone, getting rideoffiles you don’t use or need.Boost Speed and Enjoy Better PerformanceQuestions like, “How do I speed up my phone?” are best answeredwithan app like DroidKeeper that will scan for other apps runningin thebackground detect those that are slowing things down.Uninstall Useless AppsDroidKeeper is a free all-in-one app that removes unused anduselessapplications, preferences, and widgets – to increasespeed.Protect Your Phone From VirusesDroidKeeper has built-in virus protection to protect yourAndroidfrom viruses, malware, and unauthorized access.Save Battery LifeCustomized, or pre-configured, energy-saving modes in this freeapphelp you prolong your battery’s life.Features:DroidKeeper offers the following free features:☆Memory clean up and optimization☆Removal of junk files left over from apps you don’t use☆Uninstall of useless applications to increase speed☆Boost speed when playing games by optimizing game apps☆Detects apps that consume most of your phone’s battery power☆Immediate virus protection and ongoing antiviruscapabilities☆More!Download DroidKeeper for free today!
RAM Manager Pro | Memory boost 8.7.4
The Smart Projects
RAM Manager optimizes and boosts the memory and improvestheperformance.
Manuales RIAN 1.1
Esta aplicación presenta informacióndeMalezas, Plagas y Enfermedades para los cultivos de Trigo,Girasol,Maíz, Soja y Algodón, mediante textos y fotos, basado enlosmanuales de la Red de Información Agropecuaria Nacional (RIAN)delInstituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA).Todo el contenido de los manuales está disponiblesinconexión.This applicationprovidesinformation of Weeds, Pests and Diseases for cropsWheat,Sunflower, Corn, Soybean and Cotton, through text andpictures,based on the manuals of the National AgriculturalInformationNetwork (RIAN) of the National Agricultural TechnologyInstitute (INTA).All content of the manual is available offline.