13 Похожие Live Traders

Forex Signals Daily 4.4
Kluster Labs
Forex signals with a decent accuracy. Try it for several daysandseethe difference. Signals are from a team ofprofessionaltraders.Really simple design. Notifications for newsignals.
TradingSaga: Game for Forex Stocks Crypto 2.2.54
📈 Develop your traders' intuition playing on real historicalcharts💲Buy and sell stocks, ETFs and forex without using realmoney 🌎1000’sof global market financial instruments available 🔥Play forfree - nostrings attached! Are you a beginner or amateurtrader?Someone whowants to improve a traders' intuition forlong-term,short-term, orday trading? Check out Trading Saga - thegamified,fast-paced andreality-based stock market game simulatorfortraders! Trading Sagais a new concept in stock trading games -youcan now buy and sellreal-world stocks, forex currency pairsandfinancial instrumentsfrom all across the globe, with a singletap!CHOOSE FROM 1000’s OFFINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS You can eithertradethe instruments wepreselect for you or choose to add any ofthe1000’s of instrumentsavailable in exchanges all across theworldwith your own timeframeselections to test your skills onrealstock charts, price movementsand different historical pointsof aninstrument. ACT ON FINANCIALNEWS AND ALERTS You will get totakeaction on stock market news andalerts and choose whether tobuy orsell based on whether youperceive the news alert to help thestockgain or lose its value.Think of Trading Saga as a moreadvancedfantasy game - where you cantake the decisions to buy andsellyourself without having the gamedecide it for you! GAINACOMPETITIVE EDGE & INTUITION Our goalwith Trading Saga istoempower stock traders and investors to learnand developanintuition for reading market patterns using only pricechartsandnews. Here are some of Trading Saga's features: ✔️VirtualGameCurrency - Practicing with virtual money instead oflosingrealmoney ✔️ Historical Stock Market News Alerts -developanunderstanding of how news items affect your instrument'sprice✔️Performance Analysis - see how your performance isforeachinstrument you play with ✔️ Real Historical Stock PriceCharts-global collection of top shares, forex (FX) trade pairsanddigitalcurrency instruments ✔️ Get Medals & Share YourScoresWithFriends - gain medals for outperforming the indexandbuy-and-holdstrategy, and brag about your skills with yourfriends!TradingSaga is truly a unique and different product fromwhat's outtherein the stock trading market and we hope that you'llfind thegamefun and useful for your daily trading activities! So,what areyouwaiting for? Download Trading Saga right now and startbuyingandselling the stocks and instruments you have always wantedto,learnfinance intuitively and gain a trading edge! We would lovetohearyour feedback! Get in touch with us at so@tradingsaga.comorvisitour website at https://tradingsaga.com to know more andtellusabout your experience!
Learn Forex Trading Tutorials 1.3.8
Foobr Digital
Learn Forex Trading - Learn to Trade - Learn Bitcoin Trading -LearnDay Trading
Deposit Manager Pro 2.78
Auroom Soft
The application "Deposit Manager Pro" is a mobileDepositcalculatorand keeper bank accounts and deposits. MobileDepositManager Proallows you to keep records of bank accounts, topredictfutureincome and plan your investments The main advantagesofDepositManager Pro for Android: - calculation of expectedreturnondeposits - Maintenance of statistics accruedinterestandreplenishments - Interests, depending on the date ofdepositandthe number of days in the month - ability to blockaccesstodeposits with a password; - Prolongation - AbilitytochangeDeposit period - (NEW) Ability to change Deposit rate-(NEW)Widgets - No Ads, no Internet access With thisapplication,you canstore data about all of your bank deposits andsavings onyoursmartphone, in order to keep accurate records and tohelppredictfuture earnings. The app's flexible configurationoptionsallowsyou to track deposits and accurately calculate youramountofincome, so that you can efficiently manage your savings.Therearevarious options for charging interest: the last day ofeachmonth ,once a month on the day of deposit, advance or at theend oftheterm and even daily. The app also has otherhelpfulproperties,such as capitalization of interest, replenishmentandpartialwithdrawals. The user can access graphics toshowdetailedinformation on thier deposits and accrued interest.Ifnecessary,you can easily change the interest rate in themid-term,and at theend of a deposit term it can be extended.Depending onthe type ofdeposit, whether replenishments or partialwithdrawals,it ispossible to make track all transactions on thedeposit.DepositManager automatically recalculates the accrual ofinterestinsubsequent periods. When approaching the end of thedepositterm,Deposit Manager notifies you to the necessity of awithdrawalorrollover contribution. The application haspasswordprotectionfuntionality, which will prevent unauthorizedaccess. Theapp hasno ads, does not require internet access and hasfulldataencryption - this guarantees additional security.SetupDepositManager Pro and you become the owner of a powerfultoolforcontrolling and managing bank deposits the whole family.
Learn Forex Trading Tutorials 2.6.8
Foobr Digital
Learn Forex Trading Complete Guide Beginner To Advance Guide -LearnFor Trade
BitTradeZone - Crypto Signals
Kluster Labs
Crypto Signals Service Follow our signals and grow your account
Tifia Forex Analytics 2.1.3
Tifia Markets Limited
Tifia Forex Analytics is an essential tool for any traderorfinancial analyst. You get free access to all the toolsrequiredfor successful Forex trading – all the most popular typesofanalysis, latest reviews and forecasts, expert opinions andmanyother analytical materials. All of this is available in TifiaForexAnalytics app from the leading specialists of Claws &Horns.With Tifia Forex Analytics, you will always be able to keeptrackof all the latest analytical studies: • Latest analyticalforecasts- the latest forecasts for currency pairs based on marketanalysis• All kinds of analysis: technical, wave, fundamentalanalyses, andreviews of macroeconomic indicators • Indicators:readings of 10indicators on 4 timeframes for 10 instruments •Trading Forexsignals - professional advice for opening trades withentry/exitpoints • Video reviews - long-term video forecasts formajorcurrency pairs • High-precision trading signals with anaveragemonthly profit of 600 pips • Economic calendar that allowsyou toadjust your trading strategy based on the key indicators oftheglobal economy • Currency Converter • Simple, intuitiveandlightning fast user interface The application is available intheIndonesian, Spanish, Portuguese, Thai, English andRussianlanguages. The materials are provided for thefollowinginstruments: EUR, USD, GBR, JPY, CHF, CAD, NZD, AUD,Silver, Gold,Brent, Stocks. Tifia Forex Analytics free app willkeep youinformed of the latest analytical studies, economic news,Forexmarket trends and trading signals. Thanks to theflexibleconfiguration system it is most convenient and easy toenjoy allthe app’s benefits. In addition, the application providesintuitiveand visual trading guidelines based on the analysis ofpopularForex indicators. A market review is available that showsareal-time percentage of buying and selling traders. Get allthepowerful professional trader's tools in one convenientandfunctional platform!
Bitcoin Trading App - Bitcoin Flip 1.3.8
Award Winning Bitcoin Trading Simulator for Beginners! 🍾RiskfreeTrading = no real money involved 🍾 📱 Learn how to invest inTOP18digital currencies 💸 Buy And Sell Free Bitcoin,Etherandother Altcoins 🤩 Feel the adrenaline of tradingonrisingCryptocurrency market 🏪 Trade Real Time - BitcoinBTC,EthereumETH, Litecoin LTC, Dashcoin DASH, Ripple XRP,Monero,Stellar,IOTA, Bitcoin Cash, Cardano, NEM, NEO, NANO, ZCASH,Tron,Vechain,STEEM & DodgeCoin. 🏗 Use Leverage to increaseprofits.🏫 Learnand develop best trading strategies before you taketheplunge withreal money. 🤝 Have fun competing with othertradersaround theworld. 🏆Compare and share your trading resultswithfriends. 💰Start with $10,000 play money and see how much itgrows.Whenyou’ve perfected your trading skills, choose fromourcarefullyhand selected Social trading brokers. Master themarketandflourish into the successful financial market traderyou’vealwayswanted to be. Good LuckFlippingcoins!-------------------------------------------------BitcoinFlipGameis made by Laura and Rolands Trading enginepoweredbyfinanceillustrated.com
deVere Catalyst – Simplified investing & saving 4.24
deVere Group
We’ve simplified investing for you Catalyst is amodernlow-costinvestment and savings app, that offersgloballydiversified fundsto help you build a long-term portfolio.It issimple and easy touse and takes the hassle out ofinvesting.Catalyst was created asa simple savings platform with theeverydayperson on the street inmind. It allows you to invest anyextra cashin dVAM funds at lowercosts, without committing to aninvestmentperiod. Some featuresinclude Invest a lump sum ormonthlycontributions as and when youhave spare cash Easy towithdraw yourmoney at any time without anypenalties or delays Realtime fundperformance updates Easilycompatible with other deVereapps Viewyour transactions andbalance anytime A wealth forecastcalculatorThe dVAM funds werecreated specifically for the deVereGroup andare actively managedby world leading asset managementfirms suchas, Guinness AssetManagement Ltd, GAM InvestmentManagement andFulcrum AssetManagement. deVere Group’s massiveglobal reach hasallowed it tonegotiate lower fees and in turn keepmore money inyour pocket.With dVAM funds, you get exposure tointernationallydiversifiedmarkets. Also, you get to choose the risklevel of yourinvestment.Saving shouldn’t be complicated, so ourexperts havetaken care ofall the boring stuff for you Read throughand selectwhich one ofthe five investor profiles suits you thebest. You canalso use ourWealth Forecast Calculator to furthercalculate howmuch money youcan earn by simply entering the moneyyou are willingto invest andfor how long you would invest. We’vesimplified theprocess. Allyou do is choose your initial investment,and our teamofinvestment managers/gurus will make sure that yourfund ismanagedaccordingly, so you can get on with other thingsknowingyourfinancial freedom is well taken care of. Catalyst helpsyoutoachieve your goals, whether it’s for a long-term investmentorarainy-day fund. Achieve your goals Save for a once inalifetimevacation Save for a deposit for your new home Saveforemergenciesor unforeseen expenses Save for a new car Saveforthosespecialised sporting goods This is a very flexible app,thatgivesus the opportunity to provide a product to you at alowcost.Opening an account: deVere does not charge a fee to openaCatalystaccount Receiving money: There is no fee chargedforreceivingmoney. We will apply the amount received in ouraccount,to yourCatalyst Wallet. Annual and Setup cost: There is asetup feeof0.75% & a fee of 0.75% per annum. Once you invest,there isahold of 2% of the premium that will be held in cash tocoverthesetup fee, and yearly fee. Withdrawing money: Youcanwithdrawmoney from your Wallet to your bank account at no cost.
Forex Signals-Live Buy/sell 3.0.6
BL Tech Pro
Earn Daily 100+ Pips with Live Forex SignalsOurapplicationfeatures: * Instant notification alert in your mobile*30 minute /1 Hour/ 5 Hour Details reports * BUY/SELL Signals*Market Updates* Free Signals * All Major Currencies * 100+PipsProfit Daily *Live Forex Market Reports. * Live Buy/SellSignals *SignalsDetails * Graphs Reports * Profits Reports *Tranding SignalForexSignals-Live Buy/Sell are provided for thefollowing:CURRENCYPAIRS EUR/USD, EUR/JPY, EUR/AUD USD/JPY, USD/CHF,USD/CADGBP/JPY,GBP/USDNZD/USD, AUD/USD, About Forex Signals-LiveBuy/Sell1) Dailyfree trading signals will be provided 2) Each tradesignalswill begiven an entry point Buy/sell 3) Signals basedontechnicalanalysis on 4 hour charts and Day charts and pivotbreakpoints 4)Every signals check by our professionals 5) Eachsignalshavecomplete professinal details with moving averagesandtechnicalindicators Note: Trading Forex and commoditiesispotentially highrisk and may not be suitable for all investors.Thehigh level ofleverage can work both for and against traders.Beforeanyinvestment in Forex you need to carefully consideryourtargets,previous experience, and risk level. This applicationonlyservesalgorithmic forex signals by SR Indicator and you mayviewdetailsof signals. It is not a trading platform. Good earnings:)
Forex Currency Strength Index 1.1.8
Philip Blandford
For Forex traders - shows a graph of AbsoluteCurrencyStrength(Pleasereadhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Absolute_currency_strengthtounderstandthe concepts). Note: the graph looks much better inthead-freeversion. Set a period (eg M1, M15, D1 etc), a sample(stepsof 10),and threshold in %. Get an alert when a currencymovesabove thethreshold for the period and sample you selected.Samething when acurrency becomes weak, and moves below thethreshold.For example:Click on 'Alarm Clock' icon, click the plussign, seea dialog to addan alert. Set an alert for M1/50/0.2 -that is for50 samples on the1-minute chart, at a threshold of 0.2.Providedthe markets are open,you should get an alert very quickly,meaninga currency has movedmore than 0.2% in the last 50 minutes.SecondExample: You set analert for M5/50/2.0. This means you wantanalert when a currencyincreases OR decreases by 2% on the5-minutechart, relative to apoint 50 5-minute periods before (thatis 250minutes). So, if USDhas increased by 3.5%, and NZD hasdecreasedby 2.1%, you get analert saying "USD/NZD". Anotherexample: Youset an alert forH1/30/5.0 - 30 samples on the 1-hourchart, and athreshold of 5%(You need a bigger threshold for longerperiods)Say CAD hasdecreased 6%, but no currency has increasedmore than5% (thethreshold you set) - you get an alert saying"-/CAD",meaning norising currency, CAD is falling. You get alertsat theend of eachperiod - that is, H1 alerts come at the start ofeachhour, M30 eachhalf hour etc. Please leave a comment if you donotunderstandanything, I will try and help. Alerts arehandledthrough GoogleCloud Messaging, not by polling - so an M1alertwill not be batteryheavy, as it is not checking every 1minute -the server does that.Disclaimer: Forex trading is risky,and thisis just a tool to helpyou pick entry points as part of anoveralltrading strategy. I makeno promises that you will becomerichthrough using it, and noliability is accepted for anyfinancialdamage incurred.
InvestingNote - Stock Community, Portfolio, Charts 3.0.0
Investing Note Pte Ltd
InvestingNote is Singapore’s first and largest social networkthatempowers investors and traders to share, learn and connectwithbetter investors. This works similar to a traditional stockforum –presented in modern, engaging and Facebook-style live feed.Soyou'd know exactly what's Hot and what's not in the market asaninvestor! Especially in Singapore(SG)! Harness the powerofthousands of investors and experience first-hand how it can helpaninvestor like yourself - whether you’re a veteran with yearsofinvesting experience or total newbie. Tap on the wisdom ofthecrowd for better investing and trading outcomes. Theirknowledge,Your gain! Join InvestingNote to keep yourself updatedwith themarket and stay connected to a very welcoming communityofinvestors! A Strong & Vibrant Community for Both InvestorsandTraders • The platform with the largest community of investorsandtraders in Singapore. Thousands of investors are givingtheirinvesting ideas about the latest trends in the stock marketdaily.See what’s the next big investing idea other investors arelookingat today and act on it fast! • Users gain reputation andrankingthrough the contribution of quality content and engagement.Seewhat other investors are saying and learn from the best!•Professional investors & verified institutions are part ofthecommunity. Never worry about credibility again - identify thembytheir verified badges! • Know the social sentiments of astock’sprice by looking at estimations – see whether otherinvestors arebullish or bearish on your favourite stock! ActualStock Data •Real-time Stock Prices • Key Fundamental ratios such asEPS, P/E,P/B • Corporate calendar for every listed stock – use thisto knowwhen earnings results/dividends are released • Multiplemarkets:SG, US, HK, Thailand, Australia, Indonesia AdvancedTechnicalCharting • Advanced technical charting are free, withallindicators and drawing tools • Do your own charting and shareitwith other community members Live News, Announcements andResearch• The most updated news and information to keep you intouch withthe market. The latest research reports are shared forevery stock.Get news on what’s happening in the world, its impacton the stockmarket and see how other investors are reacting. Beamongst thefirst to anticipate changes. Marketplace • Accesspremium andexclusive analysis and insights from veteran andprofessionalinvestors. Follow and learn the way they pick theirstocks! Virtualportfolio and watchlist • Create your own watchlistand track themseamlessly • Track your own virtual portfolio thatdoes not requireany funds. Say goodbye to troublesome ibankingOTPs! • Followstocks news and monitor price actions closely • WatchSGX stockslike Capitaland(C31), SIA(C6L), Singtel(Z74), DBS(D05),etc. •S&P 500 stocks like Facebook Inc. (FB), Apple Inc.(AAPL),Tesla (TSLA), Nike (NKE), Netflix (NFLX), etc.
ActivTrades Online Trading 2.9.4
Take your trading further on Android, accessing hundreds ofCFDsonForex, Indices, Commodities, Shares and ETFs.Discovernewpossibilities with the enhanced ActivTrader app.==Thelatesttechnology == - Open a position directly fromprecisereal-timecharts using the buy and sell buttons - Trade withanagile andfast platform, secured by the latest encryptiontechnology-ActivTrader has been designed for minimum consumptionofbatteryand internet data* ==Inspired by you == - Trade with afreshandintuitive design throughout the ActivTrader platform-Switchbetween simple or advanced view modes - Stay up to datewithdailyprice changes in percentages and pips - Createyourownpersonalised watchlist of your most traded products -Monitoryouraccount’s equity, balance, margins and trading historyon thego -Choose between dark and light platform themes==Advancedfunctionalities == - Take greater control withPartialClose andTrailing Stop, which is active even when yourdevice isswitchedoff - Monitor which direction the market is movingwiththeSentiment Functionality Manage your risk and strategieswithStoploss and Pending Orders Start trading now withActivTrader,youradvanced trading platform for FX & CFDs. Learnto tradethemarkets with a risk-free demo account funded with£10,000!*Datacharges may apply to mobile trading. AboutActivTradesCorpActivTrades is a globally esteemed CFD broker whichwasestablishedin 2001. It provides more than 500 CFDs onForex,Indices,Commodities, Financials, Shares, ETFs. ==WhychooseActivTrades?==ActivTrades provides extra insurance to you,byindividuallycovering you up to $1,000,000. Balance ProtectionYourActivTradestrading account will never be overdrawn. We alwaysresetyourbalance to zero should it become negative, so thatlossescannotexceed your deposits. Efficient trading servicesTradewithreliable and fast execution, no requotes, lowlatencyandcompetitive spreads across a range of products. LiveEducationGeta comprehensive learning experience. Join our freewebinarsandseminars, where trading experts present an extensivearrayoftopics from beginners’ tutorials to advancedtradingtechniques.Customer Support Our highly skilled Support Deskisoperational 24hours a day, 5 days a week, providingtimelyresponses to clientqueries in 14 languages. Contact us viaphone,chart or email. CFDsare complex instruments and come with ahighrisk of losing moneyrapidly due to leverage. 78% of retailinvestoraccounts lose moneywhen trading CFDs with this provider.You shouldconsider whetheryou understand how CFDs work and whetheryou canafford to take thehigh risk of losing your money.ActivTrades Corpis authorized andregulated by The SecuritiesCommission of theBahamas. ActivTradesCorp is an internationalbusiness companyregistered in theCommonwealth of the Bahamas,registration number199667 B.ActivTrades Corp is a subsidiary ofActivTrades PLC,authorized andregulated by the Financial ConductAuthority,registration number434413. ActivTrades PLC is a companyregisteredin England &Wales, registration number 05367727.