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Pitch Speed 1.2.0
John Day
Pitch Speed allows you to estimate the throwing speed ofyourfavorite pitcher
Baseball Pitching Drills 0.1
Baseball Pitching Drills - PitchingVelocityProgramIf you are looking for ways to improve your pitching mechanicsthenthere are more ways than just one. It is most effectivewhenworking to improve baseball pitching mechanics that you use asmanytools as possible to make you the best pitcher you can be.Beforeyou set out to learn these tools you need to first learnwhatperfect pitching mechanics are.The biggest mistake most baseball pitching coaches make isnotusing video analysis to help their pitchers. It takes ahighvelocity pitcher less than one second to delivery a pitch. Thisisto fast for the human eye. If a pitching coach is not slowingdownvideo he is not capable of providing feedback on the mechanicsof apitch.Pitching Velocity Program Features:• The Perfect Pitching Mechanics Problem• Top 10 Ways to Improve Pitching Mechanics• Do Your Own Pitching Video Analysis to Increase Velocity• The Pitching Velocity Program For The Pitcher