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Справочник JAVA 1
Справочник для программирования на JAVAПОЛНАЯВЕРСИЯВ справочнике собрано огромное количество примеров, поясненийипр. Чтобы найти всю интересующую вас информацию покакой-либофункции - просто введите ее в поиске, справочник выдаствам всесвязанное с ней, включая подробное объяснение ипримерыиспользования.Есть ночной режим, настройки размера шрифта.Также можно использовать любые слова для поиска, нужныхфункцийили какого-либо конкретного места в справочнике. Напримересливвести "округление" и нажать на "поиск" вам сразу покажетсяфункцияиспользуемая для округления.Если нужно добавить описания каких либо функций, классов и пр-пишите, я добавлю.---Официальный сайт проекта:Курсы программирования - http://www.programmerinfo.ruReference forprogrammingin JAVA FULL VERSIONThe handbook has collected numerous examples, explanations,etc.To find all the information you need for any function - justenterit in the search, the directory will give you everythingrelated toit, including a detailed explanation and examples ofuse.There is a night mode, font size settings.You can also use any search word, the right features oraparticular location in the directory. For example if youtype"round" and click on "search" you immediately seem functionusedfor rounding. If you want to add any description of functions, classes, etc-write, I'll add.---The official website of the project:Programming Courses - http://www.programmerinfo.ru
Java учебник (+ Задачи) 1.5
Азат Сержанов
Приложение очень полезно для начинающих поJavaпрограммированию.Задачи помогут укрепить знания.Преподавателям советую давать в качестве лабораторных задач.Скоро появится платная версия с готовыми ответамиСборник практических работ по Java Костиной А.С. иКлимоваС.А.The application isveryuseful for beginners to Java programming.Tasks will help strengthen knowledge.Teachers give advice as laboratory tasks.Coming soon a paid version with ready answersCollection of practical work on the AS Java Kostina KlimovandSA
Java Samples 1.2.3
Visual Source
150+ algorithms on Java for beginners
Aprende JAVA desde cero 2.0.23
Desarrollo Aplicado
Spanish course with lessons and tutorials JAVA very easy to follow.
Java Programming - ITA 2.4
LPE Droid
The reference guide to learn everything in a Java app!Want to learn Java? You never time?This is the app for you, easy to read and divided into chapters,youwill enter the world of Java programming.Theory and many examples to better understand and learnthislanguage.Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/@lpedroidFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/LPE-Droid/1453518481620840----- Contents: ------ Object Oriented introduction- Java language- Java syntax- Defining objects- Flow controls and instructions- Encapsulation- Inheritance- Polymorphism- Exceptions- Jdbc- Java Beans- Java Threads- Java Networking- Servlet- Servlet Http- JSP- JSP Advance- Uml- Web Service introduction- Glossary of terms
Design Patterns in Java 1.5
May Tech
1. Design Pattern Overview 2. Creational Patterns - FactoryPattern- Abstract Factory Pattern - Singleton Pattern - BuilderPattern -Prototype Pattern 3. Structural Patterns - Adapter Pattern- BridgePattern - Filter Pattern - Composite Pattern - DecoratorPattern -Facade Pattern - Flyweight Pattern - Proxy Pattern 4.BehavioralPatterns - Chain of Responsibility Pattern - CommandPattern -Interpreter Pattern - Iterator Pattern - Mediator Pattern- MementoPattern - Observer Pattern - State Pattern - Null ObjectPattern -Strategy Pattern - Template Pattern - Visitor Pattern 5.J2EEPatterns - MVC Pattern - Business Delegate Pattern -CompositeEntity Pattern - Data Access Object Pattern - FrontControllerPattern - Intercepting Filter Pattern - Service LocatorPattern -Transfer Object Pattern
Algorithms in Java 1.1
This is a library of Java algorithms by indy256. There are 192fileswith algorithms! All algorithms are divided into groups.Eachalgorithm has description. You can choose one of 73syntaxhighlighting styles and one of 9 fonts. Also you can chooseont of3 application themes for comfortable work. The followingtopics arecovered: Trees: segment tree, Fenwick tree, k-d tree,R-tree,metric tree, quadtree, persistent tree, link/cut tree,binary heap,disjoint-sets, treap. Graph algorithms: shortest paths,maximumflow, maximum matching, spanning tree,connectivity,biconnectivity, LCA. String algorithms: suffix tree,suffixautomata, suffix array, trie, Aho-Corasickalgorithm,Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm, Z-function, hashing,parsing. Sortingalgorithms: quick-, merge-, heap-, bubble-,selection-, insertion-,counting-, radix-sorting; Kth orderstatistic. Geometry algorithms:segments/lines/circles intersection,point in polygon query, convexhull, closest/furthest pair ofpoints. Combinatorics: permutations,combinations, arrangements,partitions. Other: big numbersmultiplication via fast Fouriertransform, simplex algorithm.Application icon made by Freepik fromwww.flaticon.com All rightsbelongs to their respective owners.
Java Servlet 1.1
A Java Servlet is a Java object thatrespondsto HTTP requests. It runs inside a Servlet container.A Servlet is part of a Java web application. A Servlet containermayrun multiple web applications at the same time, each havingmultipleservlets running inside.A Java web application can contain other components thanservlets.It can also contain Java Server Pages (JSP), Java ServerFaces(JSF) and Web Services. This tutorial is about Java Servletsonly,though.We hope it will be helpful for everyone
Learn Java Programming 1.0.0
Self study ICT
Java programming language is themostcommonprogramming language in the world, which is awareofalmostprogrammers as the optimal one.Learn Java Programming tutorial app helps you graduallymastertheJava programming language.With its user-friendly design, simplicity, and easy to use,youcanfind content easily.The content of the app is constantlybeingupdatedautomatically.Want to master the Java language? Let’s download thisfreeapp.Good lucky!
Java language 1.0
This Java Language trail (set ofarticles)describes the Java programming language. The intention ofthistutorial is mostly to be a compressed introduction to Javafordevelopers who already know a bit about programming andobjectoriented concepts. I will try to explain the variousdifferentconcepts as I use them, but a bit of programmingbackground willhelpful.