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Ular Tangga Edukasi 1.0
Game Ular Tangga edukasi iniditujukankepadaanak-anak yang baru mulai belajar, didalam gameiniterdapatsoal-soal secara acak yang harus diselesaikan olehpemainuntukmelanjutkan perjalanan permainan sampai selesai.Anak-anakakanmerasa senang karena dapat belajar sambil bermainpermainanulartangga yang menggasikkan.Snakes and Laddersgameisintended to educate children who are just starting to learn,inthisgame there are issues that must be resolved randomly bythegameplayer to proceed to completion. Children will feeldelightedtolearn while playing a game of snakes andladdersthatmenggasikkan.
Smurfs and the four seasons 7.2
What is your favorite season of the year? Choose a season andhavefun playing more than 50 games. Each time you achieve anactivity,you will earn a sticker to complete your album and unblocktheSUPERGAMES. You can also access the activity folder directly, gotothe Smurfs art studio, or tap on the dice to enjoy a fun matchof“Snakes and Ladders” with your friends. Roll the dice and solvetheminigames on the board squares to move forward. APP CONTENTS:-Snakes and Ladders board game: Roll the die and good luckracingyour friends to the last square. Solve all the minigames andbe thefirst to get to the finish! - English Learning: Expand yourEnglishvocabulary with games of colors, animals, objects, and partsof thebody. - Math: Practice your math skills with games ofcounting,addition, subtraction, mental calculation, series, and bystudyingconcepts like double, half, equal, more than, less than,etc. -Nature: Do you know the seasons of the year? How about theparts ofthe body? - Memory: Put your memory to the test with fungameswhere you will have to remember sequences, positions,numbers,objects, and Smurfs. - Space: learn about positions,coordinates,and spatial concepts with fun games like maze, jigsawpuzzles,directions, and more. - Music: Do you know the musicalinstruments?The Smurfs will show you how they sound like. -Perception: WhichSmurf will arrive first? Put the Smurfs storiesinto the correctorder, or Find Smurfette. Pay close attention andcomplete all thegames. - Arcade Games: Playing games is importantfor learning anddexterity. Play fun arcade and platform games andbeat the highscore. - Paint, color, and create your own drawingsusing theSmurfs figures and stickers. Save or send your pictureswhen youare done. The Smurfs and the Four Seasons is a stimulatingapp thatallows children to play and learn independently and attheir ownpace. General characteristics: - Interactive educationalkids gamefor ages 3 to 7. - Highly visual and intuitive 3D design.-Stimulates learning through the Supergames reward system.-Encourages independent learning. - Edcational activitiesarrangedinto difficulty levels. - App checked and approved byearlychildhood education specialists. - Parental control. -Available in7 languages: English, Spanish, French, Italian, Germanand Russian.For more detailed information about The Smurfs and the4 seasonsApp, please visit: http://www.taptaptales.com Freedownload onlyallows access to some app sections, extra app sectionsmay bepurchased individually. Tap Tap Tales also has otherapplicationssuch as Hello Kitty, Maya The Bee, Smurfs, Vic Theviking, Shaunthe Sheep, Tree Fu Tom, Heidi and Caillou. In Tap TapTales we careabout your opinion. For this reason, we encourage youto rate thisapp and if you have any comments please send them toour e-mailaddress: hello@taptaptales.com. Web:http://www.taptaptales.comGoogle+:https://plus.google.com/+Taptaptalesapps/postsFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/taptaptales Twitter:@taptaptalesPinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/taptaptales OurMisionBringing joy to children and contributing to theirdevelopmentthrough the creation and publication of amazinginteractiveadventures full of fun educational activities.Motivating andhelping the kids to accomplish the tasks of theeducational game.Learning and growing with our users, adapting totheir needs andsharing happy moments with them. Helping parents andteachers intheir educational and caring endeavors with youngchildren,offering them top-quality, state-of-the-art learningapplications.Our Privacy Policyhttp://www.taptaptales.com/en_US/privacy-policy/Learning is fun!
Snakes and Ladders 1.0
Snakes and Ladders originated in India aspartof a family of dice board games, including pachisi(present-dayLudo). It was known as moksha pAtam or vaikunthapaalior paramapadasopaanam. The game made its way to England and wassold as Snakesand Ladders, then the basic concept was introduced inthe UnitedStates as Chutes and Ladders.Each player starts with a token on the starting square (usuallythe"1" grid square in the bottom left corner, or simply, theimaginaryspace beside the "1" grid square) and takes turns to rolla singledie to move the token by the number of squares indicated bythe dieroll. Tokens follow a fixed route marked on the gameboardwhichusually follows a boustrophedon (ox-plow) track from thebottom tothe top of the playing area, passing once through everysquare. If,on completion of a move, a player's token lands onthelower-numbered end of a "ladder", the player moves his token uptothe ladder's higher-numbered square. If he lands onthehigher-numbered square of a "snake" (or chute), he must movehistoken down to the snake's lower-numbered square. If a playerrollsa 6, he may, after moving, immediately take another turn;otherwiseplay passes to the next player in turn. The player who isfirst tobring his token to the last square of the track is thewinner.Features:1. Free play2. 10 by 10 grid3. Human vs Android4. Human Vs Human
Kids School Game For Kids 1.0.1
It's time to go to school and there are lotsofsurprises waiting for you in this latest School Game for kids.Enterthe classroom clean up the board turn on the projector andstartyour class and learn so many helpful different educationalstuffs.Then go to the garden and learn different gardeningactivities.After that you will be provided with some tasty lunchand you willhave to eat it fast as there are so many activitiesand entertaininggames that you have to play after that.Features:1) Learn about all the planets and the star signs intheclassroom.2) Design the garden beautifully and also give a beautiful shapetothe big bushes.3) Have lot of tasty food as lunch with your friends.4) Tidy your lockers and keep the all things in itsproperplace.5) Play lot of different mini games and share it withyourfriends.About GameivaGameIva brings you the latest creations of most lovedcategoriesof games and apps which are all hugely loved by kids. Weareentirely devoted to build user friendly games related to funandlearning for better educational familiarities and enjoymentforkids. Stay with us for the latest updates of GameIva on Googleplayand get more of educational games.Reach us at: http://www.gameiva.com/Follow us on Googleplus:https://plus.google.com/u/1/103216636896495275888/postsLike us: https://www.facebook.com/GameivaGamesFollow us: https://twitter.com/gameivagamesWatch our gamevideos:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi8kgM_D4XgQPgYYA8BPnKAWe will be glad with your response. Contact us anytime foranyquestions and suggestions at wecare@gameiva.com
Belajar Ngaji Yuk! Seri 1 1.2.3
Maximize EduGames
Edu-Games adalah games yang berisimateripendidikan dan disajikan dalam bentuk permainan interaktifuntukmelatih kreatifitas dan meningkatkan kecerdasan anak-anakAyo! kita akan belajar mengaji bersama dengan Syawal danFitridibimbing oleh pak Ustadz yang bijak dan sabar yang akanmengajariadik-adik mulai dari pengenalan huruf Hijaiyyah hinggaberbagaitanda baca. Tidak ketinggalan juga latihan yang diberikansetelahmelewati pengajaran, pokoknya komplit deh !Oh ya, jika adik-adik belajar dengan baik, adik-adikakanmendapatkan ketupat yang dapat ditukarkan dengan bonuspermainanyang menarik. Wow … sudah tambah pintar ngaji, adik-adikjuga pastitidak akan merasa bosan karena disuguhi dengan permainanyang serudan asyik! Belajar sambil bermain menjadi makinmenyenangkan !Fitur :• Dua pilihan karakter yang bisa dimainkan• Untuk umur 7 thn keatas• Lusinan Areal permainan yang menarik• Animasi dan Design Grafis yang sangat menarik bagi anak-anakMateri Pelajaran :• Pengenalan Huruf Hijaiyyah• Tanda Baca Fathah• Tanda Baca Kasroh• Tanda Baca Dommah• Tanda Baca Mad• Tanda Baca Sukun• Tanda Baca Tasydid• Tanda Baca Fathatain• Tanda Baca Kasrotain• Tanda Baca Dommatain• Hapalan Doa• Kumpulan Surat PendekEdu-Games are gamesthatcontain educational material and presented in the formofinteractive games to practice creativity and improvechildren'sintelligenceCome on! we will learn the Koran along with Fitri Shawwalandguided by Mr. Ustadz wise and patient will teach youngersiblingsranging from letter recognition Hijaiyyah to variouspunctuation.Not forgetting the exercises given after passingthrough teaching,just complete deh!Oh yes, if the brothers learned well, the brothers will getthediamond that can be redeemed for exciting bonus game. Wow ...hasadded smart Koran, the brothers also certainly not be boredbecauseit treated the game exciting and fun! Learning whileplayingbecomes more fun!Features:• Two options playable characters• For ages 7 yrs and older• Dozens of exciting games area• Animation and graphic design are very attractive to childrenSubject matter :• Introduction Letter Hijaiyyah• Punctuation Fathah• Punctuation Kasroh• Punctuation Dommah• Punctuation Mad• Punctuation Breadfruit• Punctuation shadda• Punctuation Fathatain• Punctuation Kasrotain• Punctuation Dommatain• memorizing Prayer• Short set Letter
Package Learning For Kids
isp game
Children in infancy willdesperatelyneedguidance to learn how to read and write read write aletterwords,or numbers.On the Application learn reading and write, to introduceourchildrento practice reading and writing letters, words andnumbersthat mustbe introduced since childhood. In order for ourchildrento beintelligent children in the future.MENU LIST* Provides a menu to learn to recognize letters and alsolearntorecognize numbers* Provides a menu to learn about fruits and vegetables* Provides a menu to get to know the Beast* Provides menu is a collection of Mp3 Music mp3 songsforchildrento learn.* Also available yard to learn to write, writing words,lettersandnumbers such as 123 or ABCD.We expect applications Study abroad writing and readingforthischild would be useful in the learning phase for childrenaswell asour toddler. Because this application is intendedforchildren'seducation in order to create a bright child.ABOUT ISP GAMESWe are the developers of mobile applications or gamesforchildren'seducation as an application to how and what isneededtoddlers ininfancy such as learning to write or learn toread. andwe alsodevelop games available to children as a means oflearningandentertainment."tags"Learn Alphabeth.ABC for kids.Play Phone Kids.
IQ Foundation 2-3 tahun 1.1.4
Maximize EduGames
Edu-Games adalah games yang berisimateripendidikan dan disajikan dalam bentuk permainan interaktifuntukmelatih kreatifitas dan meningkatkan kecerdasan anak-anakUntuk anak umur 2-3 tahunIngin anak anda punya IQ yang tinggi ? Persiapkan dariSEKARANG!Edu-Games Seri IQ Foundation ini dirancang khusus untukmemberilandasan cara berpikir yang kuat untuk anak 2-3 tahun.Meliputipemahaman Logika, Problem Solving, Matematika, Daya IngatdanKreativitas. Disajikan dalam bentuk permainan dangambar-gambaryang pasti sangat menarik bagi si anak, sambil bermainkemampuanotak anak anda akan dirangsang untuk dapat menalar,merencanakan,dan memecahkan permasalahan-permasalahan yangdihadapinya.Edu-Games IQ Foundation akan menjadi fondasi kuat bagikecerdasananak anda.Fitur :- 10 games pilihan yang sesuai dengan umur anak- Dirancang khusus untuk memberi dasar kecerdasan anak usia2-3tahun- Dua pilihan Bahasa - Indonesia dan Inggris- Animasi dan Grafis yang sangat menarik bagi anak-anakMateri Pelajaran :- Melatih Logika- Melatih Memecahkan Masalah- Melatih Memori- Belajar Matematika- Belajar KreativitasEdu-Games are gamesthatcontain educational material and presented in the formofinteractive games to practice creativity and improvechildren'sintelligenceFor children aged 2-3 yearsWant your child has a high IQ? Prepare from NOW! Edu-GamesIQFoundation Series is designed specifically to provide astrongfoundation for the way of thinking that children 2-3 years.Includeunderstanding the logic, Problem Solving, Math, MemoryandCreativity. Presented in the form of games and images must beveryinteresting for the child, while playing ability of yourchild'sbrain will be stimulated to be able to reason, plan, andsolve theproblems that it faces. Edu-Games IQ Foundation will be astrongfoundation for your child's intelligence.Features:- 10 games option that suits the child's age- Designed specifically to give the basic intelligence ofchildrenaged 2-3 years- Two options Language - Indonesian and English- Animation and graphics are very appealing to childrenSubject matter :- Train Logic- Train Troubleshooting- Memory Training- Learn math- Learning Creativity