40 Похожие Best Weather Apps Widgets 🌤️

Weather Saudi Arabia app 1.0
game casual
Weather Saudi Arabia app 🌦 🇸🇦 ☔️A plain and simple application that allows you to knowtheweatherconditions 💧 in all the cities of the Kingdom ofSaudiArabia, thespectrum to choose the name of the city you want toknowthe statusof the weather.The application provides accurate weather forecast(thewind,humidity, and tides, the tides, ephemeris, alerts) inthecities ofSaudi Arabia for the next seven days.It also provides access to real-time weather at any timeoftheday.weatherphotoAl Jazeeraweather conditionArabiaWeatherProgramsNewsChattemperatureWeatherSyriaWeatherMeteorologicalWeather NewsThe weather todayIraqTemperature todayWeather tomorrowWeather Todayweather forecastWeather tomorrowTemperature tomorrowIt provides a simple interface, easy to use andconvenienteasyaccess to weather data.If you want to rate the application and make the peoplearoundyouknow about it!Although: The application is easy to use andnotannoyingnotices
توقعات حالة الطقس في السعودية 1.0
توقعات حالة الطقس في السعوديةلمعرفةحالة الطقس اليوم بآخر التحديثات أول بأول في جميع دولالعالم,التطبيق يعطيك كافة التفاصيل المهمة لمعرفة اخبار الطقسودرجاتالحرارةوالرطوبة والأمطار وأوقات الشروق والغروب لـ 5 أياممميزات التطبيق:• خفيف وسريع التنصيب• تصميم جميل• لون مختلف لكل مدينة• يدعم التابلت• تحديد أوقات الشروق والغروبSaudi Arabia Weather app provides accurateweatherforecasts (wind, humidity, Sunrise and sunset) for fivecomingdays.It also provides access to real-time weather at any time oftheday.It's simple, intuitive and ergonomic interface provides easyaccessto weather data.If you like the app, rate us on Google Play Store! You can alsogivethis page a +1 on Google+! Thank you for supporting us!Expectations WeatherinSaudi Arabia to see today's weather updates firsthand inallcountries of the world, the application gives you all thedetailsimportant to know Weather News and temperaturesAnd humidity, rain, sunrise and sunset times for5daysApplication features:& bull; Light and fast installation& bull; Nice design& bull; A different color for each city& bull; Supports tablet& bull; Determine the times of sunrise and sunsetSaudi Arabia Weather app provides accurate weatherforecasts(wind, humidity, Sunrise and sunset) for five comingdays.It also provides access to real-time weather at any time oftheday.It's simple, intuitive and ergonomic interface provides easyaccessto weather data.If you like the app, rate us on Google Play Store! You can alsogivethis page a +1 on Google+! Thank you for supportingus!
حالة الطقس الأسبوعية 1.0
-- نبدة عن التطبيق --الكثير من الناس تبحث عن تطبيق لحالة الطقس سهل الإستخدام و عمليمنحيثالنتائج , لدا نقدم لكم تطبيق حالة الطقس الأسبوعية,التطبيقعبارة عنأداة لمعرفة الأحوال الجوية من أمطار,رياح و حرارة ودالكلمدة اسبوعكامل, و في اي مكان أنت فيه , حيث أن التطبيق يعتمدعلىتقنية ج ب س.يتميز التطبيق عن باقي التطبيقات المتواجدة في متجر بلايستوربسهولةإستخدامه حيث لا يتطلب سوى الصغط على زر التحديث ليقومالتطبيقبإضهارحالة الطقس لمدة اسبوع كامل.-- مميزات التطبيق --- سهل الإستخدام- لا يؤثر على سرعة الجهاز- واجهته منسقة و جميلة-- خدمات التطبيق --- طقس السعودية- طقس اللإمارات- طقس المغرب- طقس فلسطين- طقس إسرائيل- طقس الكويث-طقس البحرين- طقس الكويث- طفس ألمانيا- طقس فرنسا- طقس أمريكا- طقس هولنداو في الإخير أتمنى أن يعجبك التطبيق و لا تنسى التقييم الإيجابيوشكرالك.- Nbdh fortheapplication-A lot of people are looking for an application for the caseiseasyto use weather and practical in terms of results, theboysofferyou the application of the state weekly weather,theapplication isa tool to know the weather conditions of rain,windand temperatureand Dalk for a whole week, and anywhere youare,since theapplication depends on c PS technology.Characterized by the application from the restofexistingapplications in the PlayStation Store shop easilyusedwhere onlyAlsguet the refresh button requires theapplicationBadhar Weatherforecast for the whole week.- The application features -- easy to use- Does not affect the speed of the device- Fronted coordinated and beautiful- Application Services -- Weather Saudi Arabia- Weather Allamarat- Weather Morocco- Weather Palestine- Weather Israel- Weather Alkwyt-tks Bahrain- Weather Alkwyt- Tafas Germany- France Weather- Weather America- Weather NetherlandsAnd I hope that in the last application you like and donotforgetthe positive evaluation and thank you.
Local Weather Forecast&Clock V1.0.2
FS File Explorer
What time is it now? What's thedatetoday?What's the weather like at present? What's thecurrenttemperature?What's the weather forecast for 4 days? All theanswersare on yourhome screen with this local weatherforecast&clockwidget.Real-time weather/temperature, current clock/time and weatherin4days are all in this local weather forecast &clockwidget.Withit you can get current weather and weather forecastsforanylocation in the world. It searches for youraddressautomatically,and provides the current temperature inCelsius andFahrenheit.It's a handy weather report for you. Nomatter it is aweatherreport for weather today, weather forecast forweather 4daysafter, or a weather report for current location. It'salso foryouto know the local date and time. With the help ofthislocalweather forecast &clock widget, make yourdailyscheduleproperly.Key Features of local weather forecast &clock1. Current weather and temperature2. Weather forecast for 4 days after3. Current date and time4. Address automatically, local weather and clock5. Simple clean transparent UIHow to apply this local weatherforecast&clockwidget1. Long press an empty space on your home screen2. Select "widgets" and load the widget list3. Find and select "local weather forecast &clock widget"4. Long press and drag the local weather forecast&clockwidgetto the home screen
النشرة الجوية 1.0
هل تبحث عن تطبيق لمعرفة حالةالطقساليوميةبمنطقتك؟تطبيق النشرة الجوية يمكنك من معرفة كل ما يتعلق بالأحوالالجويةمنأمطار و حرارة و رياح , يعتبر تطبيق النشرة الجويةمنالتطبيقاتالجيدة في مجال أحوال الطقس.التطبيق يستعمل بشكل واسع نظرا لأهميته في مساعدة الناس علىالحصولعلىمعلومات حالة الطقس الأسبوعية لكل دول العالم .التطبيق يدعم حالة الطقس في كل المناطق في العالمطقس المغربحالة الطقس السعوديةأحوال الطقس ألمانياحالة الطقس باريسحالة الطقس أمريكاأحوال الطقس أروباحالة الطقس بالجزائرمميزات التطبيقلا يستهلك الكثير من الطاقةدو مساحة صغيرةلا يتطلب صلاحيات للإستعمالتطبيق الأحوال الجوية يعتمد على تقنية تحديد الموقع بواسطةالجبس.حالة الجوحالة الرياحسرعة الرياحنشرة الطقسhalat ta9ssahwal aljowahwal atta9ssAre you lookingforanapplication to know the status of the daily weatherinyourarea?AIR application newsletter you can find out everythingrelatedtoweather from rain and heat and winds,weatherforecastersconsidered the application of good practices inthefield ofweather conditions.The application is widely used because of its importanceinhelpingpeople to get the status of the weekly weatherinformationfor allcountries of the world.The application supports the weather in all regionsoftheworldWeather MoroccoWeather Saudi ArabiaPrognosis GermanyWeather ParisWeather AmericaPrognosis ArubaWeather in AlgeriaApplication features It does not consume a lot of energy Do a small areaIt does not require the use of powers toWeather application that relies on positioning technologybyTablePS.weather conditionWind caseWind speedWeather Bulletinhalat ta9ssahwal aljowahwal atta9ss
حالة الطقس 2017 2.2.2
DrWo Apps
ابقوا على اطلاع باحوال الطقس في جميعانحاءالعالم, حالة الطقس 2017, تطبيق مجاني يتيح لك معرفة آخر اخبارالطقساليوم و اخبار الطقس غدا و اخبار الطقس في الايام القادمة.التطبيق يتمتع بالعديد من الخصائص المميزة مثل:-اظهار حالة الطقس اليومية مع جميع المعلومات المتعلقة بالطقس مثلدرجةالحرارة, سرعة الرياح, الرطوبة و غيرها من معلوماتالحالةالجوية.استخدام خدمة تحديد المواقع GPS لتحديد مدينتك تلقائيا.-البحث عن حالة الطقس في اي مدينة او اي بلد عن طريق ادخال اسمالمدينةفي مساحة البحث.-يخبرك عن الاحوال الجوية المرتقبة اليوم, و غدا و جميعايامالاسبوع.-يمدك بمعلومات دقيقة و شاملة حول الطقس.-تطبيق سهل الاستخدام.-واجهة جميلة و سهلة الاستخدام.يمكن استخدام التطبيق في جميع مدن و عواصم العالم مثل:احوال الطقس في المانيا, احوال الطقس في كندا, احوال الطقس فيفرنسا,احوال الطقس في تركيا, احوال الطقس في الجزائر, احوال الطقسفيالمغرب, احوال الطقس في تونس, احوال الطقس في السعودية, احوالالطقسفي مصر, احوال الطقس في العراق, احوال الطقس في الامارات, احوالالطقسفي الارن, احوال الطقس في البحرين, احوال الطقس في الكويت,احوالالطقس في قطر, احوال الطقس في فلسطين............احوال الطقس في الدول العربية و دول العالم في تطبيقنا المجاني.ابقوا على اطلاع باحوال الطقس في جميع انحاء العالم, حالة الطقس2016,حالة الطقس 2017 في اي مكان في العالم صار اسهل للتنبؤ معتطبيقناالمجاني.ان اعجبكم التطبيق نرجو تقييمه بخمسة نجوم لدعمنا.Weather 2017, a free application that informs you aboutweatherconditions during all the week.Weather forecast 2017 is an easy and simple app to knowweatherconditions in your region.Features of 2017 Weather App:-long range weather (today's weather, tomorrow's weather, 5daysweather, 7days weather.....)-using GPS ,so it will locate you region accurately.-it tells about temperature, average of minimum andmaximumtemperature today, degrees today and during the whole week,windforce, humidity, pressure, raining and snowfall...-it can be used for marine weather as well.-you will be informed by a notification whenever there is asuddenchange in weather or any sort of weather update.You can use this app anywhere in the world : weather inGermany,weather in France, weather in Norway, weather in Scotland,weatherin Spain, weather in Denmark, weather in turkey, weather inQatar,weather in Japan, weather in China, weather in Korea...Stay abreast ofweatherconditions all over the world, in 2017 the case of theweather, afree application that allows you to find out the latestweathernews today and tomorrow, weather news and weather news inthecoming days.The application has many characteristics such as:-azaar Case daily weather with all the weather information suchastemperature, wind speed, humidity and other weatherstatusinformation.The use of GPS positioning service to automatically selectyourcity.-Search About the weather in any city or any country by enteringthename of the city in an area of ​​research.-akhbarak All weather expected today and tomorrow and all daysofthe week.-amdk Accurate and comprehensive information abouttheweather.Application of easy to use.-usbandh Beautiful and easy to use.The application can be used in all the cities and capitals oftheworld such as:Weather conditions in Germany, weather conditions in Canada,theweather in France, weather conditions in Turkey, weatherconditionsin Algeria, weather conditions in Morocco, weatherconditions inTunisia, weather conditions in Saudi Arabia, weatherconditions inEgypt, weather conditions in Iraq, weather conditionsin the UnitedArab Emirates, weather conditions in Alaren, weatherconditions inBahrain, weather conditions in Kuwait, weatherconditions in Qatar,weather conditions in Palestine............Weather conditions in the Arab countries and the countries oftheworld in our free.Stay abreast of weather conditions all over the world, theweatherin 2016, in 2017 the weather anywhere in the world hasbecomeeasier to predict with free our application.We hope that you like the application Rated five starsforsupport.Weather 2017, a free application that informs you aboutweatherconditions during all the week.Weather forecast 2017 is an easy and simple app to knowweatherconditions in your region.Features of 2017 Weather App:-long range weather (today's weather, tomorrow's weather, 5daysweather, 7days weather .....)-using GPS, so it will locate you region accurately.-it tells about temperature, average of minimum andmaximumtemperature today, degrees today and during the whole week,windforce, humidity, pressure, raining and snowfall ...-it can be used for marine weather as well.-you will be informed by a notification whenever there is asuddenchange in weather or any sort of weather update.You can use this app anywhere in the world: weather inGermany,weather in France, weather in Norway, weather in Scotland,weatherin Spain, weather in Denmark, weather in turkey, weather inQatar,weather in Japan, weather in China, weather in Korea...
Weather 1.5
weather is exceptionally easy to useappforstaying always updated with the weatherconditions.minuteprecipitation forecast, hyper-localized to yourexactstreetaddress. accuweather offers the same superior Accuracy™andgreatexperience across all Android smartphones and tablets,andAndroidWear. hours hyper-localized to your exact street addressorGPSlocation. Includes precipitation type and intensity, andstartandend times for precipitation. Available for thecontiguousUnitedStates, Canada, Sweden, Denmark, United Kingdom,Ireland,Japan,France, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Andorra, Norway,Finland,Estonia,Switzerland, Netherlands, Luxembourg,Gibraltar,Liechtenstein anda growing list of globallocations.The weather app is specifically designed to be assimpleandintuitive as possible. With just one click you receivetheweathercondition in your status bar at your currentlocation.The climate state is gorgeously animated so that youcanalmostexperience it, seeing how the weather comes alive.The app is using weather Underground as a data channel andtheliveupdates are really tiny so that you would not use upyourdatacap.FEATURES- weather supports geo-positioning, retrieving thelatestweatherconditions for your current location- Widgets for different locations- Hourly and weekly forecasts- Intuitive, seamless user interface- Support for the lock screen widget in Android 4.2- weather benefits all known screen resolutions- Offers quality support for Android devices - from Android1.5toAndroid 5.0- Tap on the temperature to switch betweenCelsiusandFahrenheit- You can allow and disable the notifications
حالة الطقس 1.0
أهلا و سهلا بكم في تطبيق حالة الطقسنقدم لكم هدا التطبيق الرائع لمعرفة حالة الطقس اليوميةبكاملربوعالعالم , حيث يعد من تطبيقات حالة الطقس المميزة فيمتجرقوقلبلاي.إدا كنت تبحث عن تطبيق لمرقبة الأحوال الجوية بمنطقتكفعليكبتنزيلتطبيق حالة الطقس و تنصيبه , و من تم يمكنك الدخول إليهللحصولعلى كلالمعلومات الخاصة بحالة الطقس أو يمكنك إضافة نافدة علىسطحمكتبهاتفك لتسهيل قراءة حالة الطقس.التطبيق يقوم بتحديث للمعلومات بشكل أوتوماتيكي حيث يعتمدعلىخاصيةالموقع لتحديد منطقتك, و نفس الشيء بالنسبة لنافدةمكتبالهاتف.إدا كنت تبحث عن :درجات الحرارة في السعودية , درجات الحرارة في الطائف , درجةالحرارةفيمكة , طقس السعودية , طقس الإمارات , حالة الطقس بدبي ,حالةالطقسبالسعودية , حالة الطقس بالكويث , طقس ألمانيا , أو حالةالطقسبكندافهدا التطبيق يعطيك فرصة الإلمام بكل معلوماتالحالةالجويةببلدك.أيضا التطبيق يغطي :حالة الطقس الغربحالة طقس إيرانحالة طقس أمريكاحالة الطقس الأردنطقس إسرائيلدرجة الحرارة بإسرائيلتطبيق حالة الطقس الأسبوعية يعطي أيضا الكثير من التفاصيلعندإستعمالخريطة الحرارة مثلا نسبة الرطوبة , إتجاه الرياح , سرعةالرياح, قوةالأمطار , مستوى البحر , حركة المد و الجزر , حرارة اليوموالمزيد منالمعلومات.في الأخير أتمنى أن يعجبكم هدا التطبيق و لا تبخلو علينابنصائحكموتقييماتكم و شكرا لكم لإستعمال تطبيقنا.Welcome totheapplicationWeatherHedda offer you a wonderful application to see the statusofdailyweather throughout the whole world, where the case is oneofthedistinctive weather applications in the Google Playstore.Ida you're looking for an application to Mrqubh weatherconditionsinyour area you should download the applicationWeatherandinauguration, and of which you have access to getalltheinformation on the status of the weather or have been, youcanaddit enforceable on your phone's desktop to facilitatereadingtheweather.The application updates the information automaticallydependsonwhere the property to determine the location area, andthesamething for it enforceable office phone.Ida're looking for:Temperatures in Saudi Arabia, temperatures in Taif,thetemperaturein Mecca, weather Saudi Arabia, weatherEmirates,weather Dubai,weather condition in Saudi Arabia, weatherconditionBalkwyt,weather Germany, or the weather, Canadaleopardsapplication givesyou the opportunity to learn about all theweatherstatusinformation for your country .The application also covers:Weather WestWeather Iran caseWeather America caseWeather JordanWeather IsraelTemperature IsraelThe application of state of the weekly weather also gives alotofdetails when using the heat map, for example,humidity,winddirection, wind speed, rainfall force, the level ofthe sea,tidalmovement and the islands, and the heat todayformoreinformation.In the last I hope that you like Hedda application and wedonotTbouklo Tqematkm your advice and thank you for the useofourapplication.
احوال الطقس - النسخة الجديدة 1.0
تطبيق احول الطقس في نسخته الجديدة هو تطبيق يمدك بأخر أخبارحالةالطقس و توقعات الطقس في مدينتك , يتميز بعدة امتيازات من بينها :•تحميل بيانات جديدة للطقس كل دقيقة لأجل معرفة شاملة بالجو فيحالةكنت تود الخروج ولا تعرف هل ستمطر املا • يدعم جميع الدول فيالعالمبدون اسثتناء و يمدك بأدق التفاصيل حول الطقس في مدينتك •التطبيقيمدك بحالة الجو : ممطر .. غائم .. مشمس .. مثلج .. و بالطبعدرجةالحرارة • إمدادك بتفاصيل أدق لأسبوع كامل حتى تخطط لمواعيدك بكلراحةو بدون خوفة من تغير الطقس • خاصية الخريطة حيث يمكنك ان تزورالمكانالذي تسكن فيه و ترى درجة الحرارة و الضغط الجوي و الضغط البحريوسرعة الرياح و علو الأمواج • القدرة على اختيار وحدة درجةالحرارةسواء السيليسيوس ام الفهرنهايت •يعمل في جميع الدول العربيةوالعالمكل ما عليك هوة اختيار مدينتك • بسيط وسهل • يعرض درجة الحرارة• يعرضنسبة الرطوبة • يعرض اتجاه الريح • يعرض نسبة الضغط •يدعمالغةالعربية • يعرض درجة الحرارة 5 الخمس ايام القادمة •يعرض حالةالطقساليوم و حالة الطقس غدا و حالة طقس الاسبوع كاملا يقوم بعرض حالة•طقس فلسطين • طقس الاردن • طقس سوريا • طقس لبنان • طقس العراق •طقسالكويت • طقس السعودية • طقس قطر • طقس الامارات • طقس عُمان •طقساليمن • طقس مصر • طقس تونس • طقس ليبيا • طقس الجزائر • طقسالمغرب •طقس موريطانيا •تحديث دائم من الارصاد الجوية و النشرة الجويةالنشرةالجوية و المزيد المزيد ما عليك سوى تحميل التطبيق و تجربته واعطاءتقييم خاص بك.
Weather Animated Widgets 8.40
Animated Widgets Clock & Weatherareamazingly awesome animated widgets that will get a lot of“wows”from your friends. The clean, simple and beautiful widgetsshowsyou the current weather for cities worldwide and the currenttime.The widget uses the latest android tools to animate theweathericons.Features:- Digital Clock- Current weather conditions- In widget animated weather icons- Weather data received from global Meteorologicalbroadcastservices and more than 40 000 weather stations- Celsius / Fahrenheit weather units- Automatically detection of location- Manual setting of the widget location- Manual or automatic wether update- Re-sizable widget- Transparent background- Universal app made for tablets and phones! No need topurchaseagain- Hot spots for alarm clock, weather refresh andwidgetconfiguration- build only for ICS (built on sdk 17)- multiple weather providers OW and YR.NO (is the jointonlineweather service from the Norwegian Meteorological Instituteand theNorwegian Broadcasting Corporation)- 7 days forecast- hourly forecastPermissions:- android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION- android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE-android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION- android.permission.INTERNETThese are required for getting your local weather usinglocationservices.For suggestions or bugs please contact usat:contact@tennumbers.comIf you want to translate the application to your languagepleasecontact us at: contact@tennumbers.com
Weather of the World - USA 1.0
Weather of the World is an incredibly easy to use app in ordertoalways be aware of the weather and its evolution on all citiesofthe world. Weather of the World is an app specially designed tobeas simple and intuitive as possible. With one click, theweatherconditions for the area you are in is displayed in yourstatus bar.Superb realistic animations show the weather at home anditsevolution without you need to get out. The application is basedonreliable data source and real-time updates are so light thatyourdata plan will be hardly affected. FEATURES - Theapplicationallows you to check the weather in every city you wanton the world- Weather of the World is one of the lightest weatherappsavailable on Google Play! - Animated weather conditions: seetheweather outside and evolution for next 7 days ! - Intuitiveandfriendly user interface - Weather of the World is compatiblewithall existing screen resolutions - Tap to change thetemperaturefrom Celsius to Fahrenheit - Widget Integrated - Chooseyourselfthe next depending Weather Bulletin! Leave us a comment orsend usan email. You will help to shape the best weather app in itsclass.You can check the weather on all cities of the world , youhavejust to add the location you want to check. For the unitedstates :Weather varies widely across the continental USA, as wellas inAlaska and Hawaii. In general terms, summers are hot and humidinthe plains and southern states, while the southwest is very hotandquite dry. Endless summers are southern California andFloridatrademarks, while in the Pacific Northwest and New Englandstates,summers are warm with cool mornings and pleasanteveningconditions. Winters in the southern states are mild, whilein thenorth, northeast, plains states, and in the westernmountains,conditions are often quite cold with heavy snow andsub-freezingtemperatures. Severe weather in the form ofthunderstorms is anormal spring and summer occurrence; devastatingtornadoes are alsocommon in the spring and summer months,especially in the centralpart of the U.S. Hurricanes occasionallystrike the easterncoastline and Gulf of Mexico states from Junethrough October.
NCM 4.2.7
Arsad is the first-of-its-kind application in the kingdomofSaudiArabia, where you can discover weather information indetailsandin real time. And you can also get weather forecasts forup tofivedays in advance. The application provides youwithuser-friendly,advanced, animated maps, as well as radarsandsatellites views.Additional features of Arsad: 1. Providingpreciseinstantaneousweather forecasts of the cities of the Kingdomingreat detailsaccording to your current location or any locationyouspecify. 2.Rendering advanced maps with early warning signsandweatherconditions. 3. Offering visual reports about theweatherconditionsby serving data received through radars andsatellites.4. Servingdetails about warnings and critical cases ofthe weatherin theKingdom. 5. Providing instant alerts for warningandexpectedsevere weather conditions along with the abilitytocustomize thenotifications according to your preferences. 6.Theapplicationwill automatically display the weather conditions oftheholyplaces during the pilgrimage season.
توقعات الطقس اليوم بدون انترنت 1.0
معرفة حالة الطقس المتوقعة للسبعةالايامالقادمةمن خلال تطبيق توقعات الطقس اليوم بدون انترنت (حالةالطقس ,الرياحوالرطوبة الفلكي، أمواج البحر ...) ، يدعم جميع المدنالعربيةوالمغربية منها و مدن الخارج ك (لدار البيضاء والرباطوفاسومراكشوأكادير ووجدة وطنجة ومكناس والحسيمة، الناظور ...).تطبيق توقعات الطقس اليوم بدون انترنت - LocalWeatherForecastReport هو اسهل و احسن طريقة لمعرفة الطقس في مدينتكعلىمداراليوم,الاسبوع و الشهر ، فمن خلاله يمكنك الاستغناء عننشرةالطقسلانه يقدم لك جميع التفاصيل عن الطقس كدرجة الحرارة,سرعةالرياح,هطول الامطار, الثلج, الغيوم, ضغط البحر و غيرها.تطبيق توقعات الطقس اليوم بدون انترنت يدعم إضافات widgetلوضعهاعلىسطح هاتفك و الولوج اليها بسهولة في أي وقت كان من الصباحاوالمساء،لمعرفة حالة الطقس خارجا لاستعداد جيد.Morocco Weather - Local Weather Forecast Reportappprovidesaccurate weather forecasts (wind, humidity,tides,solunaractivity, ephemeris, alerts) cities in Morocco forsevencomingdays.It also provides access to real-time weather at any timeoftheday.Its simple, intuitive and ergonomic interface provides easyaccesstoweather data.If you like the app rate it and make the people around youknowaboutit!Local Weather Forecast Report - Meteo maroc estuneapplicationmobile météo gratuite, totalement repensée, avecundesignergonomique et moderne afin d'assurer unemeilleureexpérienceutilisateur et une haute lisibilité desinformationsmétéo:- Prévisions géo-localisées (détection automatiquedevotrerégion),- La météo de la ville marocaine de votre choix,- Toutes les grandes villes africaines, européennessontsupportées(utiliser la loupe de recherche en haut àdroite).- Recherche des villes du monde: Paris, Barcelone,Pékin,Moscou,Séoul, Jakarta, Mexico, Lima, Téhéran, Bogota,Rome,Londres,Bruxelles, Delhi, Tokyo, New-York…- Les prévisions de pluie dans l'heure,- Les bulletins météo de 7 jours,- Enregistrer des événements personnels en fonctiondelamétéo,- Balayer horizontalement l'écran pour afficher les prévisionsde7jours de la ville de votre choix (au monde entier),- Afficher la température en Celsius ou en fahrenheit…- Source de donnée Openweathermap.org reconnue très fiable(1Billionde prévision par jour)La météo de villes marocaines suivantes et plus :Zaio, Tanger, Settat, Casablanca, Oujda, Agadir,Mohammedia,Tetouan,Marrakesh, Kenitra, Khemisset, Nador, Skhirat,Sefrou,Safi, Martil,Essaouira, Beni Mellal, Azemmour, Khouribga,Larache,Fkih Ben Salah,Berrechid, Tan-Tan, Chefchaouene, Guelmim,Asilah,Guercif, Khenifra,Kasba Tadla, Taroudant, Ksar el Kebir,SidiYahia el Gharb, SidiSlimane, Berkane, Jerada, Fes, SidiIfni,Tineghir, Nouaseur, Zagora,Youssoufia, Tiznit,Tirhanimine,Tiflet, Taza, Taourirt, Taounate,Tahala, Souq Larba alGharb, SidiQacem, Sidi Bennour, Sale, Rabat,Oulad Teima, Oued Zem,Ouazzane,Ouarzazat, Midelt, Meknes, MechraBelqsiri, Imzourene, ElJadida,El Hajeb, El Aioun, Bouznika, Azrou,Ahfir, Boujniba,Tarfaya,Tafraout, Sidi Smail, Ifrane, Figuig(Centre), Mhamidاحوال الطقسحالة الطقسحالة الطقس بالمغربالطقس بالمغربحالة طقس في المغربطقس المغربطقس المغرب بدون انترنتطقس المغرب بدون نتطقس في المغربmorocco weatherتوقعات الطقسweather in marrakechweather in moroccoweather moroccoالطقس بطنجةmétéo algeriemétéo marocweather Saudi Arabicحالة الطقس بالخليجmorocco weatherالنشرة الجويةتوقعات الطقس بالسعوديةتوقعات الطقس اليومتوقعات الطقس بدون انترنتlocal weatherدرجة الحرارة اليومحالة الطقس اليومياحوال الطقسطقس العربالاحوال الجويةالطقس اليومحالة الطقس اليومدرجة الحرارةاجواء الطقسحالة البحرنشرة الجوية اليومدرجة الحرارة غدااحوال الطقس غداأحوال الطقس بسورياأحوال الطقس بتونسThe weatherforecastforthe seven coming days through the application oftoday'sweatherforecast without the Internet (weather, windastronomerandhumidity, sea waves ...), supports all Arab cities andtheMoroccanones and cities abroad (k to Casablanca, Rabat,Fez,Marrakesh,Agadir, Oujda and Tangier and Meknes, Al Hoceima,Nador...).Application of weather forecasts without the Internet-LocalWeather Forecast Report is the easiest and best way tofindout theweather in your city throughout the day, week,month,Through ityou can dispense with the weather bulletin becauseitgives you allthe details about the weather like temperature,windspeed,rainfall , snow, clouds, sea pressure and others.Application of weather forecasts without Internetwidgetsupportsadd-ons to be placed on the surface of your phoneandaccess themeasily at any time of the morning or evening, to seetheweatherout good for readiness.Morocco Weather - Local Weather Forecast Reportappprovidesaccurate weather forecasts (wind, humidity,tides,solunaractivity, ephemeris, alerts) cities in Morocco forsevencomingdays.It also provides access to real-time weather at any timeoftheday.Its simple, intuitive and ergonomic interface provides easyaccesstoweather data.If you like the app rate it and make the people around youknowaboutit!Local Weather Forecast Report - Meteo maroc estuneapplicationmobile météo gratuite, totalement repensée, avecundesignergonomique et moderne afin d'assurer unemeilleureexpérienceutilisateur et une haute lisibilité desinformationsmétéo:- Prévisions géo-localisées (détection automatiquedevotrerégion),- La météo de la ville marocaine de votre choix,- Toutes les grandes villes africaines, européennessontsupportées(utiliser la loupe de recherche en haut àdroite).- Recherche des villes du monde: Paris, Barcelone,Pékin,Moscou,Séoul, Jakarta, Mexico, Lima, Téhéran, Bogota,Rome,Londres,Bruxelles, Delhi, Tokyo, New-York ...- Les prévisions de pluie dans l'heure,- Les bulletins météo de 7 jours,- Enregistrer des événements personnels en fonctiondelamétéo,- Balayer horizontalement l'écran pour afficher les prévisionsde7jours de la ville de votre choix (au monde entier),- Afficher la température en Celsius ou en fahrenheit ...- Source de donnée Openweathermap.org reconnue très fiable(1Billionde prévision par jour)La météo de villes marocaines suivantes et plus:Zaio, Tanger, Settat, Casablanca, Oujda, Agadir,Mohammedia,Tetouan,Marrakesh, Kenitra, Khemisset, Nador, Skhirat,Sefrou,Safi, Martil,Essaouira, Beni Mellal, Azemmour, Khouribga,Larache,Fkih Ben Salah,Berrechid, Tan -Tan, Chefchaouene, Guelmim,Asilah,Guercif,Khenifra, Kasba Tadla, Taroudant, Ksar el Kebir,SidiYahia el Gharb,Sidi Slimane, Berkane, Jerada, Fes, SidiIfni,Tineghir, Nouaseur,Zagora, Youssoufia, Tiznit, Tirhanimine,Tiflet, Taza, Taourirt,Taounate, Tahala, Souq Larba al Gharb,SidiQacem, Sidi Bennour,Sale, Rabat, Oulad Teima, Oued Zem,Ouazzane,Ouarzazat, Midelt,Meknes, Mechra Belqsiri, Imzourene, ElJadida,El Hajeb , El Aioun,Bouznika, Azrou, Ahfir, Boujniba,Tarfaya,Tafraout, Sidi Smail,Ifrane, Figuig (Centre), MhamidWeatherweather conditionWeather in MoroccoWeather in MoroccoWeather in Morocco caseWeather MoroccoWeather Morocco without InternetWeather Morocco without a NetWeather in Moroccomorocco weatherweather predictionweather in marrakechweather in moroccoweather moroccoWeather in Tangiermétéo algeriemétéo marocweather Saudi ArabicWeather in the Gulfmorocco weatherweather forecastWeather forecasts in Saudi ArabiaToday's weather forecastWeather Forecast without Internetlocal weatherTemperature todayThe case of the daily weatherWeatherArabiaWeatherWeatherThe weather todayWeather TodaytemperatureAirs WeatherSea stateWeather bulletin todayTemperature tomorrowWeather tomorrowWeather conditions in SyriaWeather conditions in Tunisia
حالة الطقس الأسبوعية 1.0
-- وضف التطبيق --تطبيق حالة الطقس الأسبوعية هو عبارة عن خدمة مجانيةلمعرفةالحالةاليومية للطفس طيلة أيام الأسبوع, التطبيق متوافق معجميعالأجهزةالمشغلة على نظام الأندرويد, بما فيها الهواتف النقالة وأيضااللوحاتالإلكترونية.تطبيق حالة الطقس الأسبوعية يمكنك من معرفة درجة حرارة منطقتك,سرعةالرياح و كدا حالة الغيوم و الأمطار , حيث أن التطبيق يعتمدعلىتقنيةتحديد الموقع عن طريق ج ب س.-- مميزات التطبيق --- دو مساحة ضغيرة حيث لا يؤثر على مساحة التخزين لدى الهاتف- دو واجهة متناسفة و بسيطة و سهلة الإستعمال- لا يستهلك الكثير من طاقة البطارية- يعطي حالة الطفس في أي منطفة من العالم- التطبيق مجانيإد كنت ممن يبحث عن :- طقس المغرب- طقس السعودية- طفس لبنان- طقس الجزائر- طفس الإمارات- طقس فرنسا- طقس النمسا- طقس الصحراء- طقس ألمانيا- طقس روسيا- طقس أمريكا- طقس كوريا الجنوبية- طقس الكويثفهدا التطبيق سوف يلبي طلبك , كل ما عليك هو تحميله و تنصيبه ,ولاتنسى أن تترك لنا تعليق محفز و أن تقيم التطبيق و شكرا.- Application - OdvThe application of state of the weekly weather is a freeservicetoknow the daily condition of Tafas seven days aweek,theapplication is compatible with all devices on theAndroidoperatingsystem, including mobile phones andalsoelectronicpaintings.The application of state of the weekly weather you can findoutthedegree of your local temperature, wind speed and CDA caseofcloudsand rain, as the application depends on thepositioningtechnologyby JP Q.- The application features -- De Dgarh area where does not affect the phone storage space- De Mtanasvh interface and simple and easy to use- Do not consume a lot of battery power- Gives Alotfs the case in any of the world Mntefh- Free ApplicationEd you who are looking for:- Weather Morocco- Weather Saudi Arabia- Tafas Lebanon- Weather Algeria- Tafas Emirates- France Weather- Weather Austria- Weather desert- Weather Germany- Weather Russia- Weather America- Weather South Korea- Weather AlkwytLeopards application will meet your request, all you needistodownload it and his inauguration, and do not forget to leaveusacomment catalyst and to evaluate the applicationandthankyou.
3D Real-time Weather on Mount.
Weather Widget Theme Dev Team
This clock and weather app with widget is here waiting for you!Thiswidgetis a full featured, completely customizable digitalclock andweather forecast widget. With it, you can get clock andweatherinformation conveniently It provides accurate localweatherinformation like highest/lowest temperature and currentweatherconditions. Features of this weather widget ⛅This dailyweather appcan display current temperature, daily and hourlyforecasts,sunrise and sunset time, humidity, wind speed, airpressure and UVindex ⛅Live weather background wallpaper ⛅SevereWeather Alerts:Informing the real-time weather alerts and weatherwarnings. Rain,storm thunder and lightning alerts will be receivedas weathernotifications. ⛅ Precipitation Forecast, tells you whenwill be anumbrella weather. ☀️ Many beautiful weather skins livewidgets tochoose from. ⛅ World Weather App: It’s not only a weatherdetectorfor your own location, but also a global weather trackerthat youcan search world weather and temperature. ☀️ MultipleLanguageSupport: weather forecast,天气预报,天氣氣象預報, prévisionsmétéorologiques,Wettervorhersage, previsioni del tempo, 天気予報, 일기예보, previsão dotempo,прогноз погоды, pronóstico del tiempo,Cuaca,прогноз погоди,พยากรณ์อากาศ, dự báo thời tiết, النشرة الجوية,etc. ⚡ Notice: ⚡This weather widget only support basic weatherfeature. If you wantmore features like extended weather forecast,simple moon phasecalendar, moonrise & moonset, AQI etc, pleaseupgrate to ourAmber Weather Elite (our Weather App Pro). We believeour weatherapp pro version will become your weather tracker andpersonalweather station. Stay in touch If you would like to helpwith thetranslation and localization, please writeto:weather_support@amberweather.com
3D Clock & Weather Widget Free
📡 Weather Widget Theme Dev Team
One of the most popular weather apps andbestweather forecast apps is waiting for you!This best widget is a full featured, completely customizabledigitalclock and weather forecast widget. With it, you can getclock andweather information conveniently. It provides accuratelocal weatherinformation like highest/lowest temperature andcurrent weatherconditions. This clock and weather widget forandroid, definitelyyour best widget choice in daily life.Features:· A weather location app: displays current temperature: itprovidesweather alert notifications· Detailed weather reports that include location time, sunriseandsunset, temperature and humidity, pressure, chance of rain,dewpoint, visibility, UV index, wind speed and direction,weathercurrent condition·Live weather forecast for free: this weather and climate appoffersdaily weather, hourly weather forecasts and monthlyweatherforecasts. Meanwhile, it also provides interstate travelweatherforecasts and forecast weather and wind.·Weather notifications in status bar can help you better planyourday with weather warnings and alerts updates·Precipitation: precipitation forecasts andprecipitationamounts·A news weather app with news weather and updates daily:Newsweather and temperature with location display.· A weather alert app with sound with severe weather alerts foryourarea: weather warnings will be sent to you. You can also usethiswidget as temperature sensor, humidity sensor, storm tracker,windspeed and direction meter and even snow tracker.· Air Quality Index (AQI): presents air quality index for20,000locations worldwide, like aqi India.·Precipitation Forecast, tells you when will be anumbrellaweather.·It’s also a weather app with sunrise & sunset time. And youcanalso check sunrise and sunset time on the widget.· World Weather App& accurate weather checker for America:It’snot only a weather detector for your own location, but alsoaglobal weather tracker that you can search world weatherandtemperature. We support weather and temperature checking incitieslike Los Angeles temperature, New York weather, Chicago, LasVegas,Hawaii, San Francisco weather and Houston weather.4 The exceptional characteristics of this best clockweatherwidget:· Global weather tracker and forecasterLocal Weather Live App provides weather conditions of alllocations,world weather and temperature report. It can be you trueweathertracker and temperature checker in pocket.· Simple Weather Tracker and smart temperature trackerSimple weather outlook and weather skins. It shows currentlocationtemperature in status bar, which you can check currenttemperatureconveniently.· CustomizedOffer a widget creative collection with temperature display andliveweather themes for you to personalize home screen. Besides,sun andmoon live wallpaper with weather is available aswell.· Live weather background wallpaperIt has real weather day night live wallpapers which are usingasbackground wallpaper. You can understand the current weatherviathis beautiful weather pictures.Coming soon:· National weather radar;· Weather radar widget· True weather 3d live wallpapers with location wallpaper;· Moon phase clock widget and moon phase calendar widgetforcustomization.Stay in touchIf you would like to help with the translation andlocalization,please write to: support@amberweather.com
الطقس وحاله الجو بدون نت 1.0
game casual
🇪🇬 الطقس مصر - weather today 🌦هو اول برنامج مصري يقوم بعرض توقعات لدرجات الحرارة ومعلوماتمفصلةعن الطقس للان و لكل ٣ ساعات و ٧ ايام لكل المدن و القريفى مصربشكلجذاب و انيقتم تصميم تطبيق "الطقس" خصيصا لكي يكون بسيطا وبديهيابقدرممكن.فبمجرد نقرة واحدة فقط يمكنك تلقي حالة الطقس على شريطالحالةالخاصبك في موقعك الحالي.الميزات :🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬🌦 الطقس ساعة بساعة☔️ تقديم تقرير مفصل الطقس لمدة أربعة أيام.🌦 توقعات وفقا للموقع الحالي.☔️ يدعم تطبيق "الطقس" تحديد المواقع الجغرافية، ويمكنهاسترجاعأحدثظروف الطقس الخاصة بموقعك الحالي🌦 يعتبر تطبيق "الطقس" واحدا من أكثر تطبيقات "الطقس" التيتمتازبخفتهاعلى Google Play!☔️ التعامل مع أحوال الطقس من خلال الرسوم المتحركة - ورؤيةكيفتبدوحالة الطقس على الطبيعة!🌦 توقعات حالة الطقس على مدار الساعة وكل أسبوع☔️ تم تصميم واجهة المستخدم بحيث تكون سلسة, وبديهية🌦 دعم خاصية ودجة تأمين قفل الشاشة الجديدة في أندرويد 4.2☔️ وضوح الشاشة على جميع مزايا أحوال الطقس المعروفةالطقس مصرالطقسحالة الطقسطقس العربدرجة الحرارةاحوال الطقسالاحوال الجويةالارصاد الجويةالطقس اليوماخبار الطقسدرجة الحرارة اليومالطقس غداحالة الطقس اليومحالة الطقس غداweather in cairocairo weatherالطقس في مصردرجة الحرارة غدااخبار الطقس اليومدرجة الحرارة الانالحالة الجويةاخبار الطقس غدغدااحوال الطقس اليومدرجة الحرارة في القاهرةدرجاتالارصاد الجوية المصريةدرجات الحرارة في مصردائرة الارصاد الجويةتوقعات الطقسالطقس الانحالة الجوطقس القاهرةالحاله الجويهegypt weatherموقع طقس العربالارصاد الجوية السعوديةweather cairoاخبار الطقس فى مصرالاخبار والطقسهيئة الارصادtemperature in cairoدرجات الحرارة القاهرةحالة الطقس فى مصرالطقس فى مصرالطقس فى القاهرةدرجة حرارة الطقسلطقس اليوم فى مصرالطقس العربيدرجة الحرارة اليوم فى مصردرجات الحرارة المتوقعة غدا فى مصردرجة الحرارة اليوم فى القاهرةشبكة طقساحوال الجويةweather forecast cairocairo temperatureاخبار الجوحالة الطقس في القاهرةدرجة الحرارة غدا فى القاهرةالارصاد اليومطقس العالمbbc weather cairoاحوال الطقس فى مصردرجة الحرارة فى مصرحالة الجو اليومالاحوال الجوية اليومالطقس غدا فى مصردرجات الحرارة المتوقعة غداweather egypttemperaturtemperature in egyptweather in cairo egyptcairo weather forecastقس فيحال الطقسدرجة الحرارة في القاهرة اليومحالة الطقس الاناخبار الطقس اليوم فى مصرالطقس القاهرة اليوماخر اخبار الطقسالطقس في مصر خلال اسبوعدرجة الحرارة الان فى القاهرةمنتدى الطقسالحرارة اليومدرجه الحراره في القاهرهegypt temperaturecairo egypt weatherاخبار الطقس في مصرحالة الطقس في مصرطقس القاهرهالطقس اليوم في القاهرةاحوال الجواحوال الجوالطقس في مصر غدادرجة حرارة القاهرة اليومكم درجة الحرارة اليومدرجة الحرارة اليوم القاهرةweather cairo egyptالطقس في العالم🇪🇬 Weather Egypt-weathertoday 🌦 Is the first Egyptian program displays theforecastfortemperatures and detailed information about the weatherandbecauseevery 3 hours and 7 days for all the cities and villagesinEgyptis an attractive and stylishThe application of the "weather" is specially designed tobeassimple and intuitive as much as possible. Once only oneclickyoucan receive weather on your status bar atyourcurrentlocation.Features:🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬 🇪🇬🌦 weather hour by hour☔️ provide a detailed weather report for a period offourdays.🌦 expectations and according to the current site.☔️ supports the application of the"weather"geographicalpositioning, and can own the latest weatherconditionsretrieveyour current location🌦 considered the application of "weather" and one ofthemost"weather" applications that characterized BkhvthaonGooglePlay!☔️ dealing with weather conditions through animation - and seehowitlooks on the nature of the weather!🌦 weather forecasts around the clock and every week☔️ The user interface is designed to be smooth and intuitive🌦 support widget property securing the new lock screeninAndroid4.2☔️ the clarity of the screen on all the advantages oftheknownweather conditionsWeather EgyptWeatherweather conditionArabiaWeathertemperatureWeatherWeatherMeteorologicalThe weather todayWeather NewsTemperature todayWeather tomorrowWeather TodayWeather tomorrowweather in cairocairo weatherWeather in EgyptTemperature tomorrowWeather Today NewsTemperature nowwether situationWeather news tomorrowTomorrowWeather todayTemperature in CairoDegreesForecasters Egyptian AirTemperatures in EgyptWeather Serviceweather predictionWeather nowweather conditionWeather Cairowether situationegypt weatherArabiaWeather siteMeteorological Arabiaweather cairoWeather News in EgyptNews and weatherDWDtemperature in cairoTemperatures CairoWeather in EgyptWeather in EgyptWeather in CairoThe ambient temperatureWeather for today in EgyptArab WeatherTemperature today in EgyptDegrees expected tomorrow in Egypt heatTemperature today in CairoWeather NetworkWeatherweather forecast cairocairo temperatureNews of the airWeather in CairoTemperature tomorrow in CairoMeteorologists todayWorld Weatherbbc weather cairoWeather conditions in EgyptTemperature in EgyptAir case todayWeather todayTomorrow the weather in EgyptTemperatures expected tomorrowweather egypttemperaturtemperature in egyptweather in cairo egyptcairo weather forecastPriest inIf the weatherTemperature in Cairo todayWeather nowWeather news today in EgyptWeather Cairo todayThe last weather newsWeather in Egypt during the weekTemperature now in CairoWeather forumHeat of the dayThe temperature in Cairoegypt temperaturecairo egypt weatherNews Weather in EgyptWeather in EgyptWeather CairoThe weather today in CairoWeather conditionsWeather conditionsWeather in Egypt tomorrowTemperature Cairo todayHow temperature todayTemperature day Cairoweather cairo egyptWeather in the world
weather condition - حالة الطقس 1.0.0
يسعدني أن أقدم اليكم هذا التطبيق*weathercondition - حالة الطقس*وهو تطبيق رائع وجيد يمكنكم من التعرف على احوال الطقس والجووفيأيوقتبدخولك الى التطبيق يمكنك الحصول على معلومات الطقس الدقيقة في أيوقتوأي مكان. مثل الامارات المغرب السعودية قطر الكويت الجزائرومختلفالدولالعربية بالاضافة الى الولايات المتحدة ودول اوروبية وأسيوية وعشراتالآلاف من المواقع في جميع أنحاء العالم.مميزات هذا التطبيق * weather condition - حالة الطقس* :- الشاشة الرئيسية القطعة (غير ممكن إذا كانت مثبتةعلىبطاقةSD!)- يدعم تحديد المواقع الجغرافية واسترجاع أحدث متطلبات الطقسفيموقعكالحالي.- قوية موقع البحث- إضافة ومتابعة الأحوال الجوية في مواقع متعددة.- تجربة افتراضية بصرية وآثار سلسة مثيرةللإعجاب،والرسومالمتحركة.- يمكن الوصول عشرات الآلاف من المدن في مختلف أنحاء العالم .-. وقد تم بالفعل تسجيل الوصول السريع المدينة.- الشروق ووقت الغروب تذكير .-. وحاليا يمكن عرض الطقس في ذاكرة التخزين المؤقت.- تقاسم أصدقاء معلومات الطقس عن طريق البريد الإلكتروني.- يمكنك تمكين أو تعطيل إخطارات .ملاحظات القطعة:الحاجيات تعمل فقط إذا تم تثبيت التطبيق على جهازالتخزينالداخلي.إذا كان التطبيق على تخزين خارجي مثل بطاقة الذاكرةالرقميةالمؤمنة،تختفي القطعةI am pleased tosubmittoyou this application * weather condition - Weather *Is a wonderful and good application can identify the weatherandtheatmosphere at any timeBy accessing the application you can get accurateweatherinformationat any time and any place. Emirates such asMoroccoSaudi ArabiaKuwait, Qatar, Algeria and various Arabcountries inaddition to theUnited States, European countries andAsian andtens of thousands oflocations around the world. This application features * weather condition-weather*: - Home Screen widget (not possible if installed on SD card!)- Supports geographical positioning and retrieval requirementsofthelatest weather in your current location.- Powerful search site- Add up weather in multiple locations.- Virtual visual experience and impressive effectssmooth,andanimation.- You can reach tens of thousands of cities around the world.-. It has already been registered rapid city access.- Sunrise and sunset time reminder.-. And now you can display the weather in the cache.- Friends sharing weather information via e-mail.- You can enable or disable notifications.Notes object:Widgets only work if the application is installed ontheinternalstorage device. If the application on an external storage such asSDcard,widget disappear
Local Weather 0.0.1
Anup Kumar Panwar
Local Weather is very easy to useappforstaying always updated with the weather conditions.The app fetches your location name automatically and getstheweatherforecast from forecast.io APIs.The Weather app is specifically designed to be assimpleandintuitive as possible with swipe to refresh feature.The app is using Weather Forecast as a data channel andtheliveupdates are simple swipe gestures. Moreover you get aminimumandmaximum temperature of the day and weather forecastofcomingdays.FEATURES- Weather supports geo-positioning, retrieving thelatestweatherconditions for your current location- No option to manually add your location- Doesn't measure ambient temperature and UV index.- Local Weather is one of the most lightweight weather appsonGooglePlay!- Prediction of full week weather- Doesn't have widgets- Hourly and weekly forecasts- Intuitive, seamless user interface- Weather benefits all known screen resolutionsDownload, review and shareweather nycweather undergroundweather bostonweather dcweathertechweather todayweather tomorrowweather new yorkweatherbugweather mapweatherweather radarweather channelweather njweather austinweather atlantaweather ashevilleweather appweather albany nyweather anaheimweather alertsweather ann arborweather advisoryweather anchoragea weather mapa weather map is an example of aa weather warning indicates thata weather forecasta weather vanea weather reporta weather radara weather eyea weather balloon is inflated to a volume ofa weather appweather boston maweather bugweather boiseweather baltimoreweather boulderweather brooklynweather berkeleyweather big bearweather bozeman mtbbc weatherbbc weather new yorkbbc weather londonbbc weather ukbbc weather los angelesbbc weather orlandobbc weather sheffieldbbc weather bristolbbc weather miamibbc weather appweather ctweather charlotteweather channel appweather channel bostonweather columbusweather californiaweather channel radarweather conditionsweather channel liveweather chicagoweather denverweather dallasweather detroitweather dallas txweather dopplerweather daytonweather durhamweather duluth mnweather disneylandd weather strippingd weather forecastd weatherstripd weatherhead ltdweather d cweather d i khandg khan weatherweather d c metro areaweatherby d'italiaweather eugeneweather el pasoweather east coastweather erie paweather elmira nyweather escondidoweather edison njweather el cajonweather east lansingweather everette weather hde weather facebooke weather riske weather wordse weather undergroundweather forecastweather forecast new yorkweather for todayweather forecast bostonweather for the weekweather fresnoweather for this weekweather for tonightweather for saturdayweather floridasf weatherf weather appsf weather hourlysf weather radarsf weather undergroundsf weather todaysf weather forecastsf weather this weekendsf weather dopplersf weather 5 dayweather green bayweather gangweather govweather grand rapidsweather guardweather grand canyonweather galvestonweather gatlinburg tnweather greensboroweather grants passg weather appg weather wordsweather houstonweather historyweather harrisburgweather hawaiiweather hilton headweather hereweather hartford ctweather huntsvilleweather hillsboroweather haywardh weather forecast
Météo Grenoble 3.7.1
The application site Meteo-Grenoble.com, the benchmark fortheregion!
Weather Station 6.9.7
Fully Functional Weather Station * Supports both large screen HDandphone displays * records data displays history graphs *Pressure *Current conditions widget * Forecast weather widget *Rainfall *Humidity * Solar Radiation (if supported by station) *Wind Speedand direction * Dark mode * Metric and American StandardUnits *Inside temperature sensor support (Arduino, Netatmo &batterysensor, Bluetooth zigbee2mqtt and clientraw) * AndroidSensor(pressure, temperature, humidity and light) * Automaticlocationupdate by Wifi or GPS * Sunrise and Sunset * Widgets x4,Lockscreen* Talking Clock and Weather announcement * Serviceproviderssupported: Ambient Weather, Davis, NOAA, Weather Online,OpenWeather Map, Yahoo Weather, BOM Australia, Norway Weather,Netatmo,Arduino (HTTP JSON), Mesowest and ClientRaw, PWS(subscriptiononly). * Arduino based inside temperature, pressurehumidity sensorIf you're having difficultly with the App workingplease try AndroidSettings > Application Manager > WeatherStation > Cleardata This clears all the configuration andhopefully will restorethe App to a working state. You might alsoneed to remove the widgetfrom the home screen and add it again. Ifyou'd like to try theBeta, press the "Become a tester" buttonathttps://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.arf.weatherstation.Afterthis an update will be available via Google Play.Questions,comments, or bug reports? Feedback is welcome, just sendtodromosys@gmail.com or use the in App request supportform.Permissions: gps - automatic location configuration wifi-communication to weather service storage - import / exportuserpreferences
Weather Saudi Arabia 1.0
See weather of Saudi Arabia forecast maps including high andlowtemperatures, rain, snow, ice, and thunderstorm probability.SaudiArabia weather gives you all you need to know about theweather ofSaudi Arabia with informations about the temperatures ,rain , windand more. we deliver consistent, timely and accurateweatherinformation for the world. We are a team of highly skilledpeoplededicated to working to give you the best. With the exceptionofthe province of Asir on the western coast, Saudi Arabia hasadesert climate characterized by extreme heat during the day,anabrupt drop in temperature at night, and very low annualrainfall.Because of the influence of a subtropical high-pressuresystem,there is considerable variation in temperature and humidity.Thetwo main differences in the climate of Saudi-Arabia can befeltbetween the coastal areas and the interior. The averagesummertemperature is about 45° C, but readings of up to 54° C arenotunusual. The heat becomes intense shortly after sunrise andlastsuntil sunset, followed by surprisingly cool nights. In thewinter,the temperature seldom drops below 0° C, but the almosttotalabsence of humidity and the high wind-chill factor make aquitecold atmosphere. In the spring and autumn the heat istemperated,temperatures average around 29° C. The region of Asiralong theWestern coast is influenced by the Indian Ocean monsoons,usuallyoccurring between October and March. An average of 300millimetersof rainfall occurs during this period, that is about 60percent ofthe annual precipitation. For the rest of the country,rainfall isvery low and erratic. The entire year's rainfall mayconsist of oneor two local, heavy cloudbursts or Thunderstorms. Wecover themajor ,cities of Saudi Arabia especially Riyadh JeddahMecca MedinaSulţānah Dammam Ta’if Tabūk Buraydah Khamis Mushait AlHufūf AlMubarraz Hayil Najrān Al Jubayl Abha Yanbu‘ al Baḩr KhobarUnaizah‘Ar‘ar Sakākā Jizan Al Qurayyāt Dhahran Al Qaţīf Al BāḩahTārūtQal‘at Bīshah Ar Rass Ash Shafā Sayhāt Al Mithnab Al KhafjīAdDawādimī Şabyā Az Zulfi Abū ‘Arīsh Şafwá Rābigh RaḩīmahŢurayf‘Afīf Ţubarjal Ad Dilam Umm Lajj Al ‘Ulá Abqaiq Badr ḨunaynŞāmitahAl Wajh Al Bukayrīyah An Nimāş As Sulayyil Turabah Al JumūmDuba AţŢaraf Al Qayşūmah Al Baţţālīyah Al Munayzilah Al MajāridahTanūmahAl Qurayn Umm as Sāhik Sājir Al Awjām Farasān Al MindakAlArţāwīyah Al Jubayl Al Qārah Marāt Al Jafr Şuwayr Tumayr At TūbīAlJarādīyah Al Muwayh As Saffānīyah Al Hadā Al Markaz MislīyahAlMuţayrifī Mizhirah Ad Darb Julayjilah Mulayjah Al FuwayliqTabālahshokhaibٍ Ḩajrat al Khinbish Alrmtheiah Shaybah. Features :- Weshow you the next 6 days forecast - Different color fordifferentweather - A widget is integrated to see weather from yourhomescreen - 5 beauty theme available - 9 available weather wap -UsesGPS location to detect your location
الارصاد الجوية الطقس 1.0
game casual
الطقس هو اول برنامج عربى يقوم بعرضتوقعاتلدرجاتالحرارة لكل كل المدن و القري فى العالم العربى بشكلجذاب وانيق كمايحتوى على درجة الحرارة العظمى و الصغرى و حالة الطقسلكل مناليوم وخمس أيام تاليةالتحديد الأوتوماتيكي لموقعك ومعرفة حالة الطقس بهوتتضمنالمعلوماتدرجة الحرارة الآن ودرجة الحرارة العظمى والصغرىبالإضافةإلى عرض سرعةالرياح وإتجاهها وأيضاً نسبة الرطوبة في الجووإحتماليةسقوط الأمطارونسبة السحب في السماء. أيضاً يقوم التطبيق بعرضدرجاتالحرارةالمتوقعة وحالة الطقس العامة للأربعة أيام القادمةطقسweatherbbc weatherحالة الطقسطقس العربدرجة الحرارةthe weatherweather updateuk weatherاحوال الطقسالاحوال الجويةweather bbcاخبار الطقسالطقس اليومدرجة الحرارة اليومwearherweatherchannel comالطقس غداحالة الطقس اليومالنشرة الجويةweather stationweatheحالة الطقس غداwheaterدرجة الحرارة غداالطقس في مصراخبار الطقس اليومالحالة الجويةدرجة الحرارة الانlocal weather forecastweather inwhat is the weather likeاخبار الطقس غدااحوال الطقس غدااحوال الطقس اليومالنشره الجويهusa weatherتوقعات الطقسthe weather chanelwww weatherchannel comالطقس الانحالة الجوالحاله الجويهحالهطقس القاهرةموقع طقس العربحالة البحرالاخبار والطقسطقس مصرالطقس فى مصردرجة حرارة الطقسالطقس العربالطقس العربيشبكة طقساحوال الجويةدرجات الحراره والطقساخبار الجوالارصاد اليومwheather reportطقس العالمالاحوال الجوية اليومحالة الجو اليومحوال الطقسالطفسحال الطقسالطقس فيحالة الطقس الاناخر اخبار الطقسالطقس المتوقعمنتدى الطقساحول الطقسحالة الجو غداإمكانية معرفة الطقس في أية مدينة في العالم عن طريقخاصيةتحديدالموقع التلقائيWeather is thefirstArabprogram displays the forecast temperatures for each allthetownsand villages in the Arab world in an attractive andstylishand hasa maximum temperature and Minor Weather forecast forbothtoday andthe next five daysAutomatic identification of your site and the weatheranditsinformation includes temperature now and the degreesmaximumandminimum temperatures in addition to the display windspeedanddirection, as well as the humidity in the air andtheprobabilityof precipitation and the percentage of clouds inthesky. Theapplication also displays temperatures expected andthestate ofpublic weather for the next four daysweatherweatherbbc weatherweather conditionArabiaWeathertemperaturethe weatherweather updateuk weatherWeatherWeatherweather bbcWeather NewsThe weather todayTemperature todaywearherweatherchannel comWeather tomorrowWeather Todayweather forecastweather stationweatheWeather tomorrowwheaterTemperature tomorrowWeather in EgyptWeather Today Newswether situationTemperature nowlocal weather forecastweather inwhat is the weather likeWeather news tomorrowWeather tomorrowWeather todayweather forecastusa weatherweather predictionthe weather chanelwww weatherchannel comWeather nowweather conditionwether situationStatusWeather CairoArabiaWeather siteSea stateNews and weatherWeather EgyptWeather in EgyptThe ambient temperatureArab WeatherArab WeatherWeather NetworkWeatherTemperatures and weatherNews of the airMeteorologists todaywheather reportWorld WeatherWeather todayAir case todayApproximately WeatherAlotfsIf the weatherWeatherWeather nowThe last weather newsWeather forecastWeather forumAnd turn WeatherAir case tomorrowThe possibility of knowing the weather in any city in theworldbyselecting automatic site property
7 day weather forecast
Weather Widget Theme Dev Team
🏆 More than 50 million users’ choice! A Popular weather widgetappfor you!🏆 This weather widget is a full featured,completelycustomizable digital clock and weather forecast app. Withthisweather forecast app, you can get daily and hourlyforecasts,severe weather alerts, daily&7 day weather updates,fancy clockweather widgets, weather news and global weather.————Features————Realtime local temperature checker & live localweather Thisclock weather app displays weather temperature based onyourcurrent location. You can also add more cities to your citylist,so that you can check global weather anytime. HourlyforecastsBefore you go out, you can check this free weather app togetprepared for unexpected weather changes. In addition, you canalsocheck hourly temperature and rain probability to plan youroutdooractivities. Daily weather Besides, you can alsochecktoday&tomorrow forecasts (7 day weather forecasts) withthistemperature app. With this accurate weather report app, youwon’tget caught in the rain again! Severe weather alerts Thisclimateapp can also turn into a global weather tracker and it cansend yousevere weather alerts to help you get prepared for upcomingweatherchanges. So in another word, you can see it as a rain appofminute-level precision, as it can inform you these severeweatherand sudden temperature change ahead of time. Distinctiveclockweather widgets & weather themes This weather pro app ispackedwith different weather themes and temperature clock widgetstodecorate your home screen. In addition, these weather widgetsforandroid also display radar information like accurateoutsidetemperature, forecasts, sunrise time and sunset time,humidity, airpressure, wave, UV, and cloud info. Free weather radarIn ourstore, you can also find many customized widgets with freeradar todecorate your phone. With the help of weather satellitemap, youcan check weather more intuitively. Detailed weatherupdates Inthis daily and hourly weather app, you can get more thanjusttemperatures and clock. You can check humidity, visibility,UVindex, air pressure, wind speed, sunrise time, sunset timeindifferent units. Global weather coverage This accurate weatherappenables you to add global cities on your check list andgetreal-time local weather forecast information. Feel free totakethis weather app with you everywhere you go worldwide! WeathernewsThis world weather app is not just about weather. Inthistemperature checker, you can get the latest news coveringsociety,entertainment and sports. Daily weather updates brief Userscanchoose to receive daily weather updates brief report in themorningand evening to check weather today and weather tomorrow.Stay intouch If you would like to help with the translationandlocalization, please write to: weather_support@amberweather.com
Weather forecast 2.3.0
Weather forecast applicationprogramisspecifically designed to be simple and intuitive aspossible.Justone click you in your current position in the receiptofweatherconditions on your status bar.By accessing the most professional weather database, "weather"mayatany time, any place to get the most accurateweatherinformation.Like the location in the United States oraround theworld inthousands of.Main features:--5 Day forecast- Current Weather- Home screen widgets (if installed in the SD card cannotbeused!)- Support for geolocation, retrieve the latest weatherforyourcurrent location.- Powerful location search.- Add and track weather conditions at multiple locations.- Virtual visual experience and smooth, impressive animation.- Access to thousands of cities around the world.- Quick access saved the city.- Sunrise and sunset times reminder.- Offline caching can view weather.- Share weather information to friends, throughe-mail,Gmail,Facebook and Flickr, and others.- You can enable and disable notifications.About widgets: widgets only when the application isinstalledininternal storage. If the application is in theexternalstoragelike an SD card, the widget disappears.
Weather Of Day 1.0
Weather Of Day as the Weatherapplication.Isdesigned to be easily used. Understand and workeasily With justaclick You can get weather reports on your statusbar atyourcurrent location easily. You can select a view todisplaytheweather for your mobile phone or tablet to use it evenmore. Weather Of Day as the Weather application. supportstheuseof the Global Positioning System. Latest weather foryourcurrentlocation. Live weather updates. And data from theclimatemap.Features- Supports the use of the Global Positioning System.Latestweatherfor your current location.- Check the weather in different countries. ThroughClimatemap- Check weather and temperature in each area of ??thecountry.- Weather forecasts Check the weather map.- Easy to understand, easy to use, easy to program.- Verify information About Weather- You can set your current location or a specific place.- Change the temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit.- Select a view to display the weather for your mobilephoneortablet.
sunwhere you will find the best weather
Weather Real Time 1.0
Weather Real Time is applicationforweatherupdates regularly,Is designed to be easily used.Understandandwork easily With just a click You can get weatherreports onyourstatus bar at your current location easily,You canselect aview todisplay the weather for your mobile phone or tabletto useit evenmore.Weather Real Time is application forweatherupdatesregularly,supports the use of the GlobalPositioningSystem,Latestweather for your current location,Liveweatherupdates. And datafrom the climate map.Features- Supports the use of the Global Positioning System.Latestweatherfor your current location.- Check the weather in different countries. ThroughClimatemap- Check weather and temperature in each area of the country.- Weather forecasts Check the weather map.- Easy to understand, easy to use, easy to program.- Verify information About Weather- You can set your current location or a specific place.- Change the temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit.- Select a view to display the weather for your mobilephoneortablet.
Local reliable temperature, weather widget&alerts
Weather Widget Theme Dev Team
🏆 More than 50 million users’ choice! A Popular weather widgetappfor you!🏆 This weather widget is a full featured,completelycustomizable digital clock and weather forecast app. Withthisweather forecast app, you can get daily and hourlyforecasts,severe weather alerts, daily&7 day weather updates,fancy clockweather widgets, weather news and global weather.————Features————Realtime local temperature checker & live localweather Thisclock weather app displays weather temperature based onyourcurrent location. You can also add more cities to your citylist,so that you can check global weather anytime. HourlyforecastsBefore you go out, you can check this free weather app togetprepared for unexpected weather changes. In addition, you canalsocheck hourly temperature and rain probability to plan youroutdooractivities. Daily weather Besides, you can alsochecktoday&tomorrow forecasts (7 day weather forecasts) withthistemperature app. With this accurate weather report app, youwon’tget caught in the rain again! Severe weather alerts Thisclimateapp can also turn into a global weather tracker and it cansend yousevere weather alerts to help you get prepared for upcomingweatherchanges. So in another word, you can see it as a rain appofminute-level precision, as it can inform you these severeweatherand sudden temperature change ahead of time. Distinctiveclockweather widgets & weather themes This weather pro app ispackedwith different weather themes and temperature clock widgetstodecorate your home screen. In addition, these weather widgetsforandroid also display radar information like accurateoutsidetemperature, forecasts, sunrise time and sunset time,humidity, airpressure, wave, UV, and cloud info. Free weather radarIn ourstore, you can also find many customized widgets with freeradar todecorate your phone. With the help of weather satellitemap, youcan check weather more intuitively. Detailed weatherupdates Inthis daily and hourly weather app, you can get more thanjusttemperatures and clock. You can check humidity, visibility,UVindex, air pressure, wind speed, sunrise time, sunset timeindifferent units. Global weather coverage This accurate weatherappenables you to add global cities on your check list andgetreal-time local weather forecast information. Feel free totakethis weather app with you everywhere you go worldwide! WeathernewsThis world weather app is not just about weather. Inthistemperature checker, you can get the latest news coveringsociety,entertainment and sports. Daily weather updates brief Userscanchoose to receive daily weather updates brief report in themorningand evening to check weather today and weather tomorrow.Stay intouch If you would like to help with the translationandlocalization, please write to: weather_support@amberweather.com
Local Weather Report Widget
📡 Weather Widget Theme Dev Team
One of the most popular weather apps andbestweather forecast apps is waiting for you!This best widget is a full featured, completely customizabledigitalclock and weather forecast widget. With it, you can getclock andweather information conveniently. It provides accuratelocal weatherinformation like highest/lowest temperature andcurrent weatherconditions. This clock and weather widget forandroid, definitelyyour best widget choice in daily life.Features:· A weather location app: displays current temperature: itprovidesweather alert notifications· Detailed weather reports that include location time, sunriseandsunset, temperature and humidity, pressure, chance of rain,dewpoint, visibility, UV index, wind speed and direction,weathercurrent condition·Live weather forecast for free: this weather and climate appoffersdaily weather, hourly weather forecasts and monthlyweatherforecasts. Meanwhile, it also provides interstate travelweatherforecasts and forecast weather and wind.·Weather notifications in status bar can help you better planyourday with weather warnings and alerts updates·Precipitation: precipitation forecasts andprecipitationamounts·A news weather app with news weather and updates daily:Newsweather and temperature with location display.· A weather alert app with sound with severe weather alerts foryourarea: weather warnings will be sent to you. You can also usethiswidget as temperature sensor, humidity sensor, storm tracker,windspeed and direction meter and even snow tracker.· Air Quality Index (AQI): presents air quality index for20,000locations worldwide, like aqi India.·Precipitation Forecast, tells you when will be anumbrellaweather.·It’s also a weather app with sunrise & sunset time. And youcanalso check sunrise and sunset time on the widget.· World Weather App& accurate weather checker for America:It’snot only a weather detector for your own location, but alsoaglobal weather tracker that you can search world weatherandtemperature. We support weather and temperature checking incitieslike Los Angeles temperature, New York weather, Chicago, LasVegas,Hawaii, San Francisco weather and Houston weather.4 The exceptional characteristics of this best clockweatherwidget:· Global weather tracker and forecasterLocal Weather Live App provides weather conditions of alllocations,world weather and temperature report. It can be you trueweathertracker and temperature checker in pocket.· Simple Weather Tracker and smart temperature trackerSimple weather outlook and weather skins. It shows currentlocationtemperature in status bar, which you can check currenttemperatureconveniently.· CustomizedOffer a widget creative collection with temperature display andliveweather themes for you to personalize home screen. Besides,sun andmoon live wallpaper with weather is available aswell.· Live weather background wallpaperIt has real weather day night live wallpapers which are usingasbackground wallpaper. You can understand the current weatherviathis beautiful weather pictures.Coming soon:· National weather radar;· Weather radar widget· True weather 3d live wallpapers with location wallpaper;· Moon phase clock widget and moon phase calendar widgetforcustomization.Stay in touchIf you would like to help with the translation andlocalization,please write to: support@amberweather.com
Guide for The Weather Channel 1.0.0
Cleaner Speed Master
Learn more about The Weather Channel. Thisappis Guide for The Weather Channel daily weather.Keep using weather instead of whether? Check out WeatherChannelspelling book and make sure you never confuse weather andwhetheragain!Track the weather in your hometown and around the world usingtheWeather app on your Android!Get up to date weather forecasts with these great weatherapps.... What about a weather app for Android?Are you tired of getting rained on? Sick of carrying ajacketwhen it’s completely unnecessary? You need to check out ourlist ofthe best Android weather apps. We’ve got you covered (byanumbrella or a cap, depending on what it’s like outside) withthetop 10 meteorological apps and widgets that are currentlyavailablefor free here.The Weather Channel sells itself with its great-lookingandintuitive interface: its vertical list layout is easy to useandinterpret. At the top, you’re greeted with the current weatherandthe 'real feel'. Scroll down and you'll see a more detailed viewofthe day's weather.Another swipe and MORECAST will reveal what’s happeningtomorrow;down again and you’re presented with a simple seven-dayview. Thisstreamlined UI is good for beginners and experiencedweather appusers alike, because it provides access to all of theinformationyou could need, but doesn’t throw it all at you on onescreen.The Weather Channel is full of small details, such aswebcamsthat show the weather at different times of the day acrosstheglobe, and a weather navigation feature to help you planroutesaround the best conditions.Don't worry, though - if you did buy any function, thesewillstill be permanently available to you.Disclaimer:This app is only a guide and it is not associated in anywaywithThe Weather Channel.
الطقس النشرة الجوية 1.0
Pistrino studio
برنامج رائع لمعرفة حالة الطقس في جميعمدنالدولالعربية طيلة الاسبوع يكفي تحديد اسم المدينة و الدولة يهمفقطالدولالعربية وكذلك يعطي صور الاقمار الاصطناعية مباشرةواخبارالكوارثالطبيعية عبر العالمA great program tofindoutthe weather in all the cities of the Arab states throughouttheweek,enough to determine the name of the city and the statecountsonlyArab countries as well as gives the satellite imagesdirectlyandnews of natural disasters across the world
Local Weather 1.0
Local Weather as the Weatherapplication.Isdesigned to be easily used. Understand and workeasily With justaclick You can get weather reports on your statusbar atyourcurrent location easily. You can select a view todisplaytheweather for your mobile phone or tablet to use it evenmore.  Local Weather as the Weather application. supportstheuseof the Global Positioning System. Latest weather foryourcurrentlocation. Live weather updates. And data from theclimatemap.Features- Supports the use of the Global Positioning System.Latestweatherfor your current location.- Check the weather in different countries. ThroughClimatemap- Check weather and temperature in each area of ??thecountry.- Weather forecasts Check the weather map.- Easy to understand, easy to use, easy to program.- Verify information About Weather- You can set your current location or a specific place.- Change the temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit.- Select a view to display the weather for your mobilephoneortablet.
Weather 1.0
Weather as the Weather application.Isdesignedto be easily used. Understand and work easily With justaclick Youcan get weather reports on your status bar at yourcurrentlocationeasily. You can select a view to display theweather foryour mobilephone or tablet to use it even more.Weather as the Weather application. supports the use oftheGlobalPositioning System. Latest weather for yourcurrentlocation. Liveweather updates. And data from the climatemap.Features- Supports the use of the Global Positioning System.Latestweatherfor your current location.- Check the weather in different countries. ThroughClimatemap- Check weather and temperature in each area of the country.- Weather forecasts Check the weather map.- Easy to understand, easy to use, easy to program.- Verify information About Weather- You can set your current location or a specific place.- Change the temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit.- Select a view to display the weather for your mobilephoneortablet.
Bahrain Weather 1.11.5
Weather application for Bahrain and World
Local Weather 1.0
Local Weather is application forweatherupdatesregularly,Is designed to be easily used. Understandandwork easilyWith just a click You can get weather reports onyourstatus bar atyour current location easily,You can select aview todisplay theweather for your mobile phone or tablet to useit evenmore.Local Weather is application for weatherupdatesregularly,supportsthe use of the Global PositioningSystem,Latestweather for yourcurrent location,Live weather updates.And datafrom the climatemap.Features- Supports the use of the Global Positioning System.Latestweatherfor your current location.- Check the weather in different countries. ThroughClimatemap- Check weather and temperature in each area of the country.- Weather forecasts Check the weather map.- Easy to understand, easy to use, easy to program.- Verify information About Weather- You can set your current location or a specific place.- Change the temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit.- Select a view to display the weather for your mobilephoneortablet.
Magnetic Storm Forecast 1.5
This program shows currentgeomagneticsituation and forecast of geomagnetic field for a week.Programalso gives short physical description of the phenomenon andtellsabout influent on the magnetic storm on human health.
Clock & Weather Widget Pro
📡 Weather Widget Theme Dev Team
One of the most popular weather apps andbestweather forecast apps is waiting for you!This best widget is a full featured, completely customizabledigitalclock and weather forecast widget. With it, you can getclock andweather information conveniently. It provides accuratelocal weatherinformation like highest/lowest temperature andcurrent weatherconditions. This clock and weather widget forandroid, definitelyyour best widget choice in daily life.Features:· A weather location app: displays current temperature: itprovidesweather alert notifications· Detailed weather reports that include location time, sunriseandsunset, temperature and humidity, pressure, chance of rain,dewpoint, visibility, UV index, wind speed and direction,weathercurrent condition·Live weather forecast for free: this weather and climate appoffersdaily weather, hourly weather forecasts and monthlyweatherforecasts. Meanwhile, it also provides interstate travelweatherforecasts and forecast weather and wind.·Weather notifications in status bar can help you better planyourday with weather warnings and alerts updates·Precipitation: precipitation forecasts andprecipitationamounts·A news weather app with news weather and updates daily:Newsweather and temperature with location display.· A weather alert app with sound with severe weather alerts foryourarea: weather warnings will be sent to you. You can also usethiswidget as temperature sensor, humidity sensor, storm tracker,windspeed and direction meter and even snow tracker.· Air Quality Index (AQI): presents air quality index for20,000locations worldwide, like aqi India.·Precipitation Forecast, tells you when will be anumbrellaweather.·It’s also a weather app with sunrise & sunset time. And youcanalso check sunrise and sunset time on the widget.· World Weather App& accurate weather checker for America:It’snot only a weather detector for your own location, but alsoaglobal weather tracker that you can search world weatherandtemperature. We support weather and temperature checking incitieslike Los Angeles temperature, New York weather, Chicago, LasVegas,Hawaii, San Francisco weather and Houston weather.4 The exceptional characteristics of this best clockweatherwidget:· Global weather tracker and forecasterLocal Weather Live App provides weather conditions of alllocations,world weather and temperature report. It can be you trueweathertracker and temperature checker in pocket.· Simple Weather Tracker and smart temperature trackerSimple weather outlook and weather skins. It shows currentlocationtemperature in status bar, which you can check currenttemperatureconveniently.· CustomizedOffer a widget creative collection with temperature display andliveweather themes for you to personalize home screen. Besides,sun andmoon live wallpaper with weather is available aswell.· Live weather background wallpaperIt has real weather day night live wallpapers which are usingasbackground wallpaper. You can understand the current weatherviathis beautiful weather pictures.Coming soon:· National weather radar;· Weather radar widget· True weather 3d live wallpapers with location wallpaper;· Moon phase clock widget and moon phase calendar widgetforcustomization.Stay in touchIf you would like to help with the translation andlocalization,please write to: support@amberweather.com
الراصد الجوي 1.0
Rami Jaradat
تعتبربرنامج الراصد الجوي برنامج مستقل،يقدملكمخدمة الاطلاع على الطقس و التنبؤات بالأحوال الجوية،والأخبارالجوية،والأخبار العلمية المُتنوعةTattabrber.s.climatologists standalone program, offers you accesstoweatherforecasts and weather, news weather, diverse scientificandnewsservice
Weather Checker 1.0
Weather Checker is applicationforweatherupdates regularly,Is designed to be easily used.Understandandwork easily With just a click You can get weatherreports onyourstatus bar at your current location easily,You canselect aview todisplay the weather for your mobile phone or tabletto useit evenmore.Weather Checker is application for weatherupdatesregularly,supportsthe use of the Global PositioningSystem,Latestweather for yourcurrent location,Live weatherupdates. And datafrom the climate map.Features- Supports the use of the Global Positioning System.Latestweatherfor your current location.- Check the weather in different countries. ThroughClimatemap- Check weather and temperature in each area of the country.- Weather forecasts Check the weather map.- Easy to understand, easy to use, easy to program.- Verify information About Weather- You can set your current location or a specific place.- Change the temperature between Celsius and Fahrenheit.- Select a view to display the weather for your mobilephoneortablet.