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Anti Cockroach Repellent 1.1
Entertainment Prank
The Anti CockRoachRepellerPrankapplication works by generating Ultrasonic waves(out ofaudiblerange) that most Cockroach find repugnant. This willpreventyoufrom getting bitten by Cockroach and other insects. Thepitchofthe sound is so high that most humans will nothearanything.Only female Cockroach bite humans and animals. They areattractedbylight, body odor, lactic acid, carbon dioxide andheat.It is not 100% guaranteed but will repel most ofCockroachesbitingyou .
Anti Cockroach Repellent Prank 1.1
Many people are disgusted by cockroaches and can't closeeyesatnight, when they were visited on the day of thecrawlinginsects.With the anti cockroaches sound simulation you cantaketheirfears. Tell them, the app would beat cockroaches awaywiththeirhigh-pitched tone, similar to an ultrasonic mosquitoplug.Ofcourse you should be clear, that your smartphone can notplayareal ultrasonic sound! Also, there is no scientificevidencethatcockroaches feel repelled by ultrasonic waves and goeaway.Usethis app to fool your friends and if necessary to takethemalsothe fear. Note that these Android-Simulation does notreplaceareal exterminator! Call always the professional, if therearemanyof them. How does the cockroaches protection work?Theanticockroaches app is quite simple: Choose between sixfrequenciesandstart playback of the simulated ultrasonic soundswith asimpleclick. The frequency selection you should be sent to atonethat isbarely no longer perceived by your ear. Your friendswillthinkyour smartphone or tablet would play a right ultrasonictone.Thisillusion is even more realistic by theirsinusoidaloscillationsduring playback. During the simulatedcockroaches thedevicedisplay must not be switched on. This savesthe battery. Ifyoulike the anti cockroaches Prank Sound, then writea review intheGoogle Play Store. But especially if you could prankyourfriends.Just write an e-mail, if you find an bug in this freeAppforAndroid. I will try to fix it as soon as possible.Alsofeaturerequests shall be communicated in this way.
Anti Cockroach Simulator 1.2
Anti Cockroach Simulator is a prank appwhichis used to repel Cockroaches. Anti Cockroach Simulator is suchanice app due to which Cockroach never comes near you.Highfrequency Sounds are used in this app which are beyond thehearingsense of human ears. Anti Cockroach Simulator isentertainmentpurpose to make your friends foolFeature:• Anti Cockroach Prank• Anti Cockroach Simulator• Anti Cockroach Repellent• Anti Cockroach• Sound Repellent• Insect repeller• Free App
anti cockroach prank 1.2
You can find a lot of apps which aretryingtoscare cockroaches! But do they afraid of them!?Mosquitoisdefinitely nuisance for every house! In contrast to otherappswithgrandiose names which are trying to scare them, out appworks-scare cockroaches and even more - kill 30% of them in radiusofitsaction within 30 minutes!You thought cockroaches control is all that we canoffer!?No,nowadays they are not only one who can scare people.Wehaveanalyzed what can scare cockroaches, snakes, insects,batsandrats! All of it we can offer to you! Remember, it isaprank!Enter the room, run the app and within 30 minutes youwillseeresult! You will scare cockroaches!You want to be outside but afraid of animals!? We will helpyouinthis case! You are having picnic and afraid of snakes!?Ourappdefinitely will help you! You have a lot of rats ot batsinyourhouse, put necessary mode and you will se the result!Summer came up and a lot of butterflies and bugs around you!?Ifitis needed to tell that out app will help you!?Our advantages:*really works against cockroaches*really works against bats and rats*really works against snakes and insects*does not make battery getting down*optimized with emergency help*power control*easy usage*support the security status*the most important thing - do not stole your data
Anti CockRoach Repellent Free 1.1
Gama Droid
Many people are disgusted by cockroachesandcan't close eyes at night, when they were visited on the day ofthecrawling insects. With the anti cockroaches sound simulationyoucan take their fears. Tell them, the app would beatcockroachesaway with their high-pitched tone, similar to anultrasonicmosquito plug.Of course you should be clear, that your smartphone can not playareal ultrasonic sound! Also, there is no scientific evidencethatcockroaches feel repelled by ultrasonic waves and goe away.Usethis app to fool your friends and if necessary to take themalsothe fear. Note that these Android-Simulation does not replaceareal exterminator! Call always the professional, if there aremanyof them.How Does It Work:The anti cockroaches app is quite simple: Choose betweendifferentfrequencies and start playback of the simulated ultrasonicsoundswith a simple click. The frequency selection you should besent toa tone that is barely no longer perceived by your ear.Your friends will think your smartphone or tablet would play arightultrasonic tone. This illusion is even more realistic bytheirsinusoidal oscillations during playback.During the simulated cockroaches the device display must notbeswitched on. This saves the battery.If you like the anti cockroaches Prank Sound, then write a reviewinthe Google Play Store. But especially if you could prankyourfriends. Just write an e-mail, if you find an bug in this freeAppfor Android. I will try to fix it as soon as possible. Alsofeaturerequests shall be communicated in this way.
Anti Cockroach Repellent Prank 1.0
Andevlop Inc
Welcome to the world of AntiCockroachRepllentPrank .The Anti CockRoach Repeller Prank application worksbygeneratingUltrasonic waves (out of audible range) thatmostCockroach findrepugnant. This will prevent you from gettingbittenby Cockroachand other insects. The pitch of the sound is sohighthat mosthumans will not hear anything.Only female Cockroach bite humans and animals. They areattractedbylight, body odor, lactic acid, carbon dioxide andheat.It is not 100% guaranteed but will repel most ofCockroachesbitingyou .In this app you gonna fighting the cockroach .The Cockroach Repellent is the only electroniccockroachrepellentbacked by more than 10 years of laboratoryresearch andprovenfield results. The Cockroach repellentdisplacescockroaches,repelling them from your home with sound wavesthatcreate intenseauditory stress for cockroaches. Itworkssignificantly differentfrom other sonar applications becauseitwill analyse yourenvironment first using sensors and thenselectsthe optimalfrequency.Many updates have been made in the 1 version:- Ability to alternate frequencies (stillinexperimentalphase)- More user feedback in the protection phase. (analyzationgraphwillalso be shown there now)- Many more UI improvements!You say you can't ?I'm sure you can make it .You ask how to do it ?Just tap in the right buttonDownload my Anti Cockroach Repplent app now .
Anti Cucarachas broma 2.0.0
Haz creer a tus amigos que pueden evitaralascucarachas.Con Anti cucarachas broma las risas estan garantizadas, hazcreeratus amigos que pueden evitar a las cucarachas.Busca a un inocente y diviertete.Make yourfriendsbelievethat they can avoid the cockroaches.Anti cockroach joke with laughter are guaranteed, makeyourfriendsbelieve they can avoid the cockroaches.Search for an innocent and have fun.