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RFinder WW Repeater Directory
Important: A subscription to the RFinder WorldwideRepeaterDirectory (available at http://subscribe.rfinder.net) isrequiredto use this app. A 30-day free trial subscription isincluded withthe app download. We are now: The Online RepeaterDirectory of ARRLThe Official Repeater Directory of RAC Canada TheOfficial RepeaterDirectory App of RSGB UK The Official RepeaterDirectory of ARSItalia The Official Repeater Directory of FMREMexico The OfficialRepeater Directory of DARC Germany The OfficialRepeater Directoryof URE Spain The Official Repeater Directory ofREF France TheOfficial Repeater Directory of CARS Cayman IslandsThe OfficialRepeater Directory of REP Portugal The OfficialRepeater Directoryof LABRE Brasil The Official Repeater Directoryof LRMD LithuaniaNOW RFinder Routing is integrated with RT Systemsradioprogrammers! Your subscription purchased inside this app givesyouaccess in RT...just make sure RT is updated to the latestversionby pressing Help-Update. Click File-ExternalData->RFinder WebSearch and click Route! Easy as pie to programyour radio now for atrip you are taking with just a few easyclicks...check out thetutorial video athttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gaeRzcnNNdQ NOWINTEGRATED WITH...THE EchoLink APP!! RT Systems!! CHIRP!! Over60,000 repeaters andgrowing in 170+ countries! Full subscriptionof only $12.99USincludes access to the directory for downloadingon the web and inthird party software like RT Systems and CHIRP.RFinder (RepeaterFinder), the premier Ham Radio repeater locatingtool for AmateurRadio operators, allows you to find repeaters allover the worldbased on your current location or a specifiedlocation. It allowssorting by distance or by Trustee callsign aswell as filtering byband and radius in miles or kilometers. Socialfunctions! Let otherhams know you are on a repeater throughRFinder AND APRS (optional)!Find an EchoLink node in RFinder andcall it with one click viaEchoLink! Automatic data updates as youmove! Repeater Finder(RFinder) taps into The World Wide RepeaterDirectory, includingIRLP and EchoLink information. Our AmateurRadio repeater locatordatabase is growing daily. Access to theDirectory is included forone year then it will be an annualsubscription for $12.99, and yoursubscription works for allplatforms...Android, iPhone/iPad/iPod,www.RTSYSTEMSINC.com andchirp.dansplanet.org radio programmers, aswell as web.rfinder.net.Each purchase of a new platform advancesyour annual to a year fromthat new purchase date. Windows Phone iscoming! If we do not haveyour repeaters listed...please do notrefund or give us a badrating...add repeaters athttp://add.rfinder.net or request an addor update from the app..Don't forget LAT/LON (in decimal), useperiods as decimals, please.The application accesses our WorldwideRepeater Directory andscanner directory for Amateur Radio (HamRadio) but only storesinformation for repeaters withinapproximately 80 miles (125 km)from your location on your handheldat any one time, saving you roomon your device and allowingdistance calculation and mappingfeatures to operate smoothly. Ituses geolocation either via celltower triangulation, GPS or manuallocation entry (so you can lookup the repeaters you will use onvacation or business trips, etc.).If anyone has lists of AmateurRadio repeaters from their countrieswe would love to incorporatethat into our database. We supportAndroid 2.2 and above! PlannedFuture Developments------------------------ Posting repeatercheckins to Twitter!Contact us if you need apps created that areback-ended by IBM LotusDomino, or any other database! Yes,Tablets! We are now thereplacement product for ARRL RepeaterDirectory and ARRL TravelPlus© ITWeRKS 2011