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Qband™ 1.10
Introducing QBand™, the newest coolest waytomeet everyone at an event, convention or party. We call ittheserendipity tool, which is the act of spontaneouslyfindingsomething delightful when you are not looking for it. TheQBand™system solves a world-wide dilemma found in nearly allsocialsettings that people experience where ever large groups ofpeopleco-mingle. Countless valuable connections are missed byindividualssimply because until now there has been no effective wayto meetmore than a handful of others at any particular function.Ourrevolutionary patent-pending approach has arrived to changethisantiquated system of networking and socializing by maximizingeverypossible connection, even after the event has ended. Discovertheendless doors that open by using QBand™.
Opinzo 2.7
Making the right choice when taking adecisioncan be the hardest thing to do. Imagine a platform whereyou canseek opinions on anything and everything. No need to imaginethatanymore, Opinzo is here!Opinzo is a social polling and opinion sharing platform thatison a mission to solve & eliminate the dilemma of choice.Why do you need Opinzo?★ CREATE POLLS: On Opinzo, you can create polls on anythingandeverything and get opinions by people around the world to helpyouand others who find your poll useful make better decisions!★ VOTE ON POLLS AND MAKE YOUR VOTE COUNT: Be part of theONLINEDEMOCRACY, Opinzo, and effortlessly vote on 500+ polls andmakeyour vote count!★ VOICE YOUR OPINION: On Opinzo, we currently have polls onover500+ different topics. Write your opinion on these polls andhelpothers make better decisions!★ UPVOTE or DOWNVOTE OPINIONS: Upvote & downvote thetopopinions according to your perspective. Your votes on opinionwillhelp us decide the best opinion to a question!★ FOLLOW USERS: You can follow users on Opinzo to be abletofollow their activity and be updated about it on yourNewsFeed.★ SUBSCRIPTION TO TOPICS: You can also subscribe to topics andbenotified about polls on those topics regularly on yourNewsFeed.★ SHARE POLLS: You can share polls that you want an answer toonFacebook and other social platforms★ SEARCH FOR POLLS, TOPICS & PEOPLE: You can searchforpre-existing polls on Opinzo to get an instant answer toyourquestion!★ GET THE BEST OPINION TO ANY QUESTION: When you post a polltoOpinzo, all users with interests similar to your poll will beaskedto vote and give opinion on your poll via their News Feed.This isthe best way to get the best opinion to any question!★ ANONYMITY: Opinzo provides its users with an ANONYMOUSfeaturethat they can use to post polls and opinions anonymously sothatthey can share their opinion without fear!★ AMAZING USER INTERFACE: Opinzo has an amazing anduser-friendlyUI on its website as well as mobile application, sothat users getthe best experience while surfing on Opinzo.★ FAST, SIMPLE, FREE: Opinzo is super-fast, easy-to-use andmostof all COMPLETELY FREE! We won't ever ask you for a singlepenny orannoy you with those annoying Pop-up ads!★ POLLS ON 500+ TOPICS: Opinzo currently has polls on over500+different topics for users to give their opinions to!You can also view our website at http://opinzo.comWe’d love to hear from you about Opinzo! If you haveanyfeedback, questions concerns, leave us a review on GooglePlayStore or write it on: http://opinzo.com/feedback/ or follow usonTwitter: http://twitter.com/opinzoCom orFacebook:http://facebook.com/opinzoCom
Pollable: Vote your opinion 0.3.1
KDE Labs
Pollable is an app for simple,anonymousopinion polls. You can vote, see results, make new polls,anddiscuss either in Facebook/Twitter or anonymously inside theapp.What makes it unique is that we only show polls that arerelevantto you based on location and your voting history. Abouthalf of thepolls are focused on news in the Seattle, WA area.