1 Похожие Onslow Vietnam Memorial Wall

The Wall 1.02
As one of the most visited memorials onTheNational Mall, the Vietnam Veterans Memorial stands as a symbolofAmerica's honor and recognition of the men and women who servedandsacrificed their lives in the Vietnam War. Inscribed on theblackgranite walls are the names of more than 58,000 men and womenwhogave their lives or remain missing. Yet the Memorial itselfisdedicated to honor the "courage, sacrifice and devotion to dutyandcountry" of all who answered the call to serve during thelongestwar in U.S. history.This app allows visitors to the memorial or any of thetravelingmemorials the ability to find the names of loved ones,friends,brothers-in-arms or individuals from your hometown orstate.Brought to you by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund(theorganization that built The Wall), The Wall app assists VVMF inthecontinuation of its mission of preserving the legacy of TheWall,promoting healing and educating about the impact of theVietnamWar.