8 Похожие Alo Madeena SA

Alo Madeena KSA 3.7.2
Voiz Media
Alo Madeena KSA VOIP
Alo Madeena Extra 1.0.2
Voiz Media
Features:*VoIP Calls via Wi-Fi, 2G / 3G / 4G.*Works in all Countries and all Networks across firewalls.*Smooth voice quality*Echo cancellation*Uses very less bandwidth.For End Users:You will be prompted for the following while starting theapp:1. User Name – User name is provided to end user byVoIPserviceProvider.2. Password – Password is provided to end user byVoIPserviceProvider.
Alo Madeena Lite 2.5
Voiz Media
Alo Madeena is a mobile applicationforAndroidand other smartphones,offering VoIP Calls from data enabled mobile phones(2G/3G/4GorWiFi) to any landline or mobile devices around theworld.
Voillo Platinum
With its simple and intuitiveuserinterface,ALO SMART is the solution to making high qualitycallsfor afraction of the cost. Utilizing the latest advancesinVOIPtechnology, you can be ensured that all yourcommunicationsaresecure and affordable.In addition to your cost savings, ALO SMART offers:• Secure and reliable communication• Compatible with VOIP switches supporting SIP• Unique anti-block solution• Advance Echo Cancellation• Flexible integration with your phone book contacts• Screen display for your call history, call timer andbalance
Guia Alo Chapada 1.1
Chapada Online
O Guia Alo Chapada inicialmenteparaextensãoAndroid, é o primeiro aplicativo com informaçõessobreMorro doChapéu e chapada com o objetivo de proporcionar atodos osusuáriosum guia completo com todos os comércios dacidadeorganizados porcategoria, classificados e telefonesúteis.Moderno, Prático, Imediato, esse é o principal destaquedoAloChapada, você não precisa está conectado a internet parateracessoaos dados cadastrados, basta baixar na Play Store e curtirumdosmais modernos aplicativos da chapada.O Guia Alo Chapada é um dos meios de comunicação demaiorcomodidadepara quem procura empresa, serviço e profissionais,alémde noticiasem tempo real com apenas um toque.Você não precisa mais gastar tempo com listasimpressasintermináveisou cadastrar uma infinidade de contatos detelefonesúteis. Baixeagora no seu celular o Guia AloChapadagratuitamenteThe GuideAloChapadainitially for Android extension, it is the firstappwithinformation about Hill's hat and slap aiming to give allusersacomplete guide to all trades of the city organizedbycategory,classified and useful telephone numbers.Modern, Practical, Immediate, this is the main highlightofAloChapada, you do not need is connected to the Internet toaccesstheregistered data, just download the Play Store and enjoyone ofthemost modern applications of the plateau.The Alo Chapada Guide is a media of convenience forthoseseekingcompany, and service professionals, and news in realtimewith justa touch.You no longer need to spend time with endless printed orregisteramultitude of useful contacts phones. Download now onyourmobileGuide Alo Chapada free
Alo Dialer 1.4.9
Voiz Media
Alo Dialer is a mobile application forAndroidand other smartphones,offering VoIP Calls from data enabled mobile phones (2G/3G/4GorWiFi) to any landline or mobile devices around the world.Features:*VoIP Calls via Wi-Fi, 2G / 3G / 4G.*Works in all Countries and all Networks across firewalls.*Smooth voice quality*Echo cancellation*Uses very less bandwidth.For End Users:You will be prompted for the following while starting theapp:1. Operator Code – Get Operator Code from your VoIPserviceprovider.2. User Name – User name is provided to end user by VoIPserviceProvider.3. Password – Password is provided to end user by VoIPserviceProvider.
ALO SMART Ultra 1.4.7
Voillo Platinum
With its simple and intuitiveuserinterface,ALO SMART Ultra is the solution to making highqualitycalls for afraction of the cost. Utilizing the latestadvances inVOIPtechnology, you can be ensured that all yourcommunicationsaresecure and affordable.In addition to your cost savings, ALO SMART Ultra offers:• Secure and reliable communication• Compatible with VOIP switches supporting SIP• Unique anti-block solution• Advance Echo Cancellation• Flexible integration with your phone book contacts• Screen display for your call history, call timer andbalance
EMNCELL الكرت السوري 1.3
Al-Sham Soft
هل أنت متعب من دفع فواتير باهظة الثمنلشركاتالاتصال العملاقة؟هل تود أن تجري اتصال دولي بأسعار مخفضة جداً؟هل أنت أحد الأشخاص الذين يبحثون عن طريقة عملية للاتصال الدوليمنتركيا إلى سورية ولكن لاتدري أين وكيف؟أخي الزائر, كن على يقين انك لست وحيداً في رغباتك ومعاناتكفأنتواحد من عشرات آلاف الأخوة الذين يودّون الاتصال دولياً والتحدثلوقتطويل دون التفكير بكابوس فواتير شركات الخليوي التي لاترحم.انطلاقاً من حرصنا على تلبية طلبات الجالية السورية في تركياوتسهيلحياتها المعيشية ولاسيما فيما يتعلق بخدمات الاتصالاتالمحليةوالدولية بأسعار زهيدة, يسرّ شركة أ م ن التركية والمؤسسة منذعام2009 في مدينة اسطنبول بتقديم لمحة عن خدمات الشركة على أمل أنتكونعند حسن ظن جميع الأخوة السوريين واحتياجاتهم.لمحة عن الشركةEMN Tekekom LTDتعتبر شركة إ م ن المحدوة إحدى الشركات الرائدة في تركيالتقديمخدمات الاتصالات الصوتية لداخل تركيا والعالم باسعارمخفضةوعاليةجودة. تقدم شركتنا الخدمات الصوتية لمؤسسات حكوميةكالجيشالتركي بقواته البريّة البحرية والجوية بالاضافة الى وزارةالعدلوجميع السجون المفتوحة والمغلقة لتمكين المحكومين من الاتصالمعأهاليهم. كما تتضمن مبيعاتنا مناطق توزيع تشمل ما فوق الـخمسةآلافنقطة بيع في السوق المدنية تشمل السواح والأجانب والمغتربينالذينيودّن الاتصال دولياً بأسعار رخيصة.إن شركتنا مرخصة من وزارة الاتصالات التركية لتزويد خدماتالخطالثاتب (STH) Sabit Telefon Hizmetleri ومستمرون على توسيعشريحةزبائننا وتطوير خدماتنا بأحدث التقنيات العاليمة وتتضمنهذهالخدمات:• انتاج بطاقات مسبقة الدفع للاتصال من الخط الثابت أو الخليويوذلكمن خلال الاتصال من على أرقام مجانية مدونة على البطاقة.• تقديم الخدمات الصوتية لمراكز الاتصال بالاضافة الى المراكزالتجاريةوالماكتب والمنازل• تقديم خدمات المقاسم "السنترال" في المكاتب التجارية من دونمدكابلات أو تركيب أي جهاز على الاطلاق وذلك باحدث تقنيات الـCloudeTelephony• تركيب الهواتف الآلية في الأماكن العامة كالمطاعموالفنادقوالمستشفيات والطرقات• شحن الجوال مباشرة بدون ادخال الرمز السري وذلك من خلال برنامج"آلودنيا" الخاص بشركتنا• تخصيص أرقام للخط الثابت كأرقام 850 212 216• تحميل الخدمات الصوتية عالمياً بالجملة ما بين الدول والقارات• برامج تحميل على الجوال واتصال بكشبة انترنيت واي فاي لإجراءمكالماتصوتيةAre you tired ofpayingbills are expensive for companies Contact giant?Would you like to be an international call very discountedpricestaking place?Are you a people who are looking for a practical wayforinternational calling from Turkey to Syria, but do you knowwhereand how?Visiting my brother, be sure you're not alone in yoursufferingand your desires, you are one of the tens of thousands ofbrotherswho would like an international call and talk for a longtimewithout thinking nightmare bills cellular companiesthatAtrhm.Based on our ability to meet the Syrian community in Turkeyrequestsand facilitate the life of living, particularly withrespect todomestic and international communications cheaplyservices, CompanyA m n Turkish Foundation is pleased since 2009 inIstanbul,providing an overview of the company's services in thehope thatwill be the expectations of all the brothers Syrians andtheirneeds.COMPANY PROFILEEMN Tekekom LTDE m n Mahdoh company is one of the leading companies in Turkeytoprovide voice communications services in Turkey and the world atareduced price and Aalahjodh. Our company provides voice servicestogovernment institutions such as the army of the Turkish navy andairland his troops in addition to the Ministry of Justice and allopenand closed prisons to enable convicts from communicating withtheirparents. Our sales also includes the distribution areasinclude overfive thousand in the civilian market sale pointsinclude tourists,foreigners and expatriates who Yuden callinternationally at cheapprices.Our company is licensed by the Ministry of Communicationstosupply the Turkish Althatb line services (STH) SabitTelefonHizmetleri and are continuing to expand our customer segmentanddevelop our services with the latest technologies AlamhTheseservices include:• production of prepaid cards to call from landline orcell,through the contact of the free blog numbers on thecard.• To provide voice services to call centers as well ascommercialcenters and homes and Almaketb• Provide switchboard "central" services in the businessofficewithout laying cables or install any hardware at all, and sothelatest techniques of Cloude Telephony• Installation of automated phones in public places suchasrestaurants, hotels, hospitals and roads• Mobile Charge directly without entering PIN code through"Aloprogram," our company's minimum• the allocation of numbers to fixed-line numbers 850 212 216• Download a global wholesale voice services between countriesandcontinents• download programs on mobile and Internet connectivity BkhbhWi-Fito make voice calls