24 Похожие Stickman Simulator Neon Battle
MiniGiants.io 1.6.13
Mini?... THESE! ARE! MINIGIANTS.IO!!! MiniGiants is thegreatIOaction battle arena deathmatch game. The world oftinywarriorsmighty mages and fierceful beasts. Fight hordesofopponents in thefree-for-all, never ending matches! Slainenemiesto earnexperience! Level up to become larger andstronger!Collecttreasure chests to find gold and mighty magicitems. Gear uptobecome the undefeated king of the Three Arenas!Prove yourskillsand reach level 20 without being defeated to obtainmostpowerfulequipment! FEATURES: - Free-for-all deathmatch IObattles,-Several outstanding champions, - Plenty of powerfulmagicalitemsof different rarities: unique, epic, legendary andmythic,-Inventory system allowing you to gear up with itemsfoundincollected chest: weapons, armors, helmets, gloves,necklacesandrings, - Simple currency system (All you need isgold!), -Threearenas with different entry-level: novice, advancedandmaster, -Never-ending fun! RECENT CHANGES: - New treasurechest:Divine, -Plenty of new Mythic items: weapons, armors,helmets,gloves,necklaces and rings, - New arenas: advanced andmaster, -Newchampion: Knight - tough and grim warrior with highdefenseandlifesteal ability, - New champion: Succubus with newability-critical hit.