5 Похожие Monsters vs Orcs Final War

Greenskin Invasion: Dungeon Crawler Roguelike RPG 2.0.5a
Ro Games
Classical roguelike rpg game with permadeath. Exploreproceduralgenerated dungeons, fight with monsters, collect loot andupgradeyour hero. Heroes • Select one of many heroes and beginyouradventure! Amazon, dwarf fighter, flame acolyte, dark elf,monk,thief, paladin battle cleric, assassin and sorceress. Selectherothat suits you more. Each hero have unique special abilityanddifferent attributes Procedural generated dungeons •Explorerandomly generated caves, dungeons and other areasPermadeath • Ifhero dies, game is over! But you will receivespecial rewards!Adventure level system • Special system that allowsto progresseven if your hero died, bonuses from adventure levelsaffects allheroes and don't resets after dead Bonus card system •Bonus cardsystem that allows to select various bonuses: betterstarterequipment, more gold, more stat points etc. Crafting •Craftingsystem: collect ingredients and forge powerful armor andweaponMonsters • Encounter various monsters: orcs, goblins, trollsQuests• Complete various quests to receive rewards Play offline!Internetconnection is not requirement I make this alone so anysupport iswelcome. This is a free version of the game. Gamecontains ADs.Thanks for playing Dungeon Adventure games! LinksPatreon:https://www.patreon.com/rogamesFacebook:https://www.facebook.com/DungeonAdventureGames/
Orc Warrior 1.0
Zigger Game Entertainment
The war between the Human and theOrcsisbreaking out!The Orcs are cursed by darkness. They attackbrutallyandfiercely, move fast and are almost indestructible!It is predicted that a true warrior would lead the armytoconquerthe Orcs, and become the king of the virtuallittleempire!Warrior, command your cavalry, infantry and spearmen,useyourwisdom to crush enemy tribes and destroy the den ofOrcs!Unlock new troops and upgrade their attributes togetmorepower-ups! Watch units transform as they level up!☆☆☆☆☆ Highlighted Features ☆☆☆☆☆1. Attack and Defend: You can increase attribute for growup.2. Five Potion, so you can organize your soldiersindifferentformations and correspondingly the enemies willhavecopingstrategy to send NPCs, which makes the game moreinterestingandchallenging.3. Plant gold mine and mana well to speed up creatingarmiesandrecovering your magic;4. Wide variety of combat arms, such as footman,spearman,knightand archer, and each has their own skillsandcharacteristics whichcan be upgraded. Correspondingly, theenemyalso has variety oforcs, tigerish, strong, rapid andalmostindestructible powerfulboss. The key to victory is thegoodco-ordination.5. Variety game modes frequently illustrated indifferentlevels,so you will always keep a feeling of freshness.6. Polished graphics and glorious magic effects.Highlyvalueddetails of the design. And you are the hero to leadthisepicwar!I believe that everyone is a gamer at heart and that gamesareagreat source of joy and relaxation. So easy joy always trytomakethe games easy and joy. For Empire VS Orcs, we want to makeitoneof the best strategy games on Android and your 5-starreviewskeepus inspired and motivated.Enormous thanks to everyone for their playing,feedback,andsupport.
Война Магов 1.0.0
Games Technology
Нет никаких сомнений, чтовладельцымобильныхустройств с Android находятся в более невыгодномположениис точкизрения доступа к интересным играм в стиле ММОРПГ,чемпользователипк и ноутбуков. Но ситуация меняется. Теперь онимогутонлайниграть в «Война Магов» - рпг стратегию, по своемугеймплеюнеуступающую популярным браузерным мморпг. ПроходитьиспытаниянаАрене допускается в одиночку или в составе клана.Битва магов: особенности проектаУдалось вывести эту РПГ за рамки традиционных«текстовых»фентези.Оживление персонажей с помощью анимационныхэффектовсделало игруболее зрелищной и интересной. В «Битве магов»былореализовано ещенесколько нетипичных для мобильныхRPGрешений.К ним относятся:Персонаж и его арсенал. Приятно удивляет детализацияпредметов,ихграфическая визуализация.Мобы.В пределах боя ваши соперники выглядят более реально. Монстры–такжеанимированные объекты: волшебники, орки, зомби,гоблиныидраконы.Сбор артефактов. В качестве трофея игроку в процессепрохожденияРПГбудут предлагаться различные magic предметы.Реализация алгоритма улучшения обмундирования. Завоевываяочкиизолото, вы получаете возможность усовершенствоватьсвойшмот.Башня мага. Объект – отправная точка для различныхквестов,испытанийи миссий рпг.Пассивные навыки для героя. Разработчикипредусмотрелидополнительноестимулирование активных участниковпроекта. Проходяиспытания, вашперсонаж становится сильней.Заклинания. Предлагаются для повышения качестваиэффективностибоя.Общая стилистика игры. Оформление страниц и оконпозволяетсоздатьсоответствующее миру волшебства и магиинастроение.В онлайнигрепредусмотрен удобный интерфейс, позволяющийлегко иудобноуправлять происходящим с сенсорного экрана.Прохождение ММОРПГВ отличие от сходных фэнтези - проектов игровую валюту здесьможнонетолько купить, но и заработать. В этом вам помогутпоявляющиесянаразных этапах помощники. Первый из них положен зазавоеваниебашниТемного волшебника. Замок станет вашим игровымдомом,проживающий внем гоблин Гремлин – станет добывать для васзолото.Первый этап неотличается сложностью, более серьезныеиспытанияожидают вас вдальнейшем. Для получения новых помощниковнеобходимопроходить новыевоенные кампании. Здесь вас ожидают бои ссильнымипротивниками -драконами, орками, зомби. Кроме типичнойдляволшебных миров нечисти,такой как зомби, игровомуперсонажупридется сражаться с эльфийскимивоинами, дриадами идр.Война Магов – продуманный, интересный для ценителейфэнтезистратегийпродукт с большим потенциалом.Зарегистрировавшисьсейчас, вы вскором времени сможете статьтоповым игроком впопулярном онлайнпроекте. Не упустите шанс статьлидером в мирегероев иволшебников.There is no doubtthattheowners of mobile devices with Android are moredisadvantagedinterms of access to interesting games in the MMORPGstyle thantheusers of PCs and laptops. But the situation ischanging. Nowtheycan play online in the "War of the Magi" - RPGstrategy initsgameplay is not inferior to the popularbrowser-basedMMORPG.Passing the test arena may be alone or as partof aclan.Battle Mages: features of the projectIt was possible to bring this RPG beyond traditional"text"fantasy.Renewal of characters using animation effects makethegame moreentertaining and exciting. In the "Battle Mages" itwasimplementeda few more unusual RPG for mobile solutions.These include:The character and his arsenal. Pleasantly surprisingdetailofobjects, their graphic vizualizatsiya.Moby.Within combat your opponents look more realistic. Monsters-asanimated objects: the wizards, orcs, zombies,goblinsanddragons.Collect artifacts. As a player trophy in the process ofpassingtheRPG will be offered a variety of magic items.The implementation of the algorithm to improve armor.Winningpointsand gold, you get to improve your armor.Mage Tower. The object - a starting point for a varietyofquests,tests and RPG missions.Passive skills hero. The developers haveprovidedadditionalstimulation of active participants of theproject.Passing thetest, your character becomes stronger.Spells. It proposed to improve the quality and efficiencyofthefight.Overall style of the game. Making pages and windows tocreateacorresponding world of magic and magic nastroenie.V onlinegamehasa user-friendly interface that makes it easy andconvenienttocontrol things on the touch screen.Passage of MMORPGsUnlike similar fantasy - Projects game currency you can notonlybuy,but also to earn. This will help you appear atdifferentstages ofhelpers. The first one is put for the conquestof theDark wizardtower. Castle will become your gaming house,livingthere GoblinGremlin - will produce gold for you. The firststageis differentcomplexity, the more serious tests await you inthefuture. For newassistants need to pass new military campaign.Itoffers battles withstrong opponents - dragons, orcs, zombies.Alsotypical of themagical worlds of evil, such as zombies, thegamecharacter will haveto fight with the elven warriors, Dryads,andothers.War Mages - thoughtful, interesting for lovers offantasystrategyproduct with great potential. By signing up now, youwillsoon beable to become a top player in the popular onlineproject.Do notmiss the chance to become a leader in the world ofheroesandwizards.
War of Darkness King 1.0
Music for You
War of Darkness King - this dark fantasygameinhack and slash style returns with the spell of a wizard. Gotothemystic dungeon, fight against orcs in this intense struggleandfindthe main villain to conquer him.Plunge into its fantasy world. Highly detailed graphicsprovidetoyou the most stunning fantasy gameplay experience.The app includes legendary weapons and armor. Therearethreetypes of access attacks with different powers. Use yourmagicswordto defeat all your enemies.Your main mission is to win the devil - troll of yourKingdomandstop its shattering and crumbling. Collect magic elixirsandsurvivein this world of darkness full of monsters.War of Darkness King:game action in hack 'n' slash stylefighting against orcsdetailed graphicslegendary weapons and armor as rocket, lightning or fire-ballfinal battle against the main villainSurvive in this world of darkness! Be a real warrior.War of Darkness King - in any strange situation cast aspell!
Land of Legends - Fantasy RPG 2.8
Land of Legends - A brand new fantasyRPGDarkest dungeons and an untamed wilderness await you! Are youTHEONE HERO, superior to all the monsters?Become a mighty wizard, a cunning hunter or a hardened warrior!Makeuse of magic abilities or just the blade to fight your battleforglory and fortune.+++FEATURES+++-EVOLVE your mighty hero-TRAIN your companions-DISCOVER countless monsters - and slay them all-FIGHT enthralling PvP arena battles-DEFEAT epic boss monsters-ALLY with other players…-…against monsters or other heroes!-RESEARCH magic regions and dungeons-PLAY with different classes-GATHER magic resources and items-CRAFT the perfect gear-PLAY for freeDefine your fateChoose one of three exciting classes and perfect it. Gathermagicresources and craft your gear. Develop unique abilities andcreatethe perfect hero, able to stand up to any enemy and completeeveryquest.Which path will you choose?As a hard-boiled warrior you trust in the strength and yourbladeskills. As a hunter you make use of dexterity and fastreflexes.And as a wizard you count on the power of the mind andmagicskills.Your companionsDo not travel alone - you will find loyal companions on yourpath,who will join your quest and stand at your side in everybattle.Upgrade your companions and unlock their enormousstrength.PvP BattlesFight against other heroes in the arena to display yourdexterityand combat finesse. Prove your skills in battles againstcountlessother players. Defeat them all and win officialPvPtournaments!Epic Boss-MonsterVarious threats await you in the world of Land of Legends. Spottheboss-monsters’ strengths and weaknesses and find the righttacticto defeat them all.Become part of an AllianceJoin a great alliance and fight shoulder to shoulder withyourfriends for the dominance in the fantasy world of Land ofLegends.Together, you will win tournaments in the arena and exploredarkdungeons.Become part of the storyWar has haunted the lands, the forests are full of monsters andthepeople need a hero. There are numerous quests to absolve,dungeonsto explore and interesting characters to meet in the worldof Landof Legends.Play Land of Legends for free and dive into an epic fantasyworld,now!Land of Legends requires a stable connection to the internet.