13 Похожие Soap Recipe Calculator

SoapDIY 3.20
SoapDIY APP is a good helper of your handmade soap.
SoapCal - Soap Calculator 3.4
An easy way to create recipes of cold process bar soaps.
Soap Lye Calculator 1.26
Rich Java Labs
Developed and tested by experienced soapers, thishandylyecalculator is all you need to make bar (NaOH), liquid(KOH),ormixed soaps. Soap Lye Calculator will accuratelycalculaterequiredlye amounts, the estimated amount of liquids foryourrecipe, andthe soap's composition and properties. Oursoapcalculator includesa number of features necessary forprofessionalsoap making.Features: * 136 oils supported. *Functionality formaking bar,liquid, and mixed soaps. * Emailing ofsoap recipes withaneasy-to-read tabular format html file and a .csvfile (you canopenand edit .csv files in Microsoft Excel). * Savesoap recipesto.csv and .html files on your device. * Editablesamples foreachkind of soap to make getting started easier.*Recipesautomatically saved into your list. * Extrafunctionalityallowsfor making cream soaps (calculates water andglycerin neededtomake a cream soap). * Properties are calculatedfor eachsoap(fatty acid composition and soaping properties). * Eachsoapisgiven a cleansing factor. The cleansing factor isarepresentationof the total amount of soap molecules within aweightunit of anysoap expressed as a % comparison to that ofFractionatedCoconutOil soap. * Option for specifying fragrancedetails. *Configurablein grams, ounces, and pounds. * Simple, easyto useinterface.Visit us on Facebookathttps://www.facebook.com/soaplyecalculatorand please contact usatrichjavalabs at gmail dot com if you haveany questionsorsuggestions. Thanks and enjoy! :D
Soap DIY Pro 2.0
This SOAP DIY Pro APP help you to record soap making recipesandnotes.
Soap 2.1.0
Bramble Berry
Do you want to be able to formulateSoapmakingRecipes wherever you are and not go running to yourcomputer everytime you need to make a change? You need the BrambleBerrySoapmaking Mobile App.Take the guesswork out of formulating your own soapy recipe!TheBramble Berry Soapmaking Calculator/Mobile App willaccuratelycalculate saponification (SAP) values for more 60 oilswithsuperfatting ranges up to 20%, allowing you to formulatesoapmakingrecipes wherever you are and edit them on the fly. Thecalculatoralso allows you to easily adjust the yield of yourbatches so youcan use your favorite recipe with any size mold.The app comes pre-loaded with 6 recipes. You can editthoserecipes or make your own from scratch. When you're donesoaping,take a photo of the soap to go with its batch card and thensharethe recipe with friends and fellow soapmakers via email orTwitter.The app works in grams and ounces and allows editinginpercentages. Each recipe and batch comes with a NOTES sectionforyou to customize your recipes. Happy soaping!NEW FEATURES in Soap v. 2.0 for Android:* A list of the all finished batches you have curing. Youcaneven set yourself a reminder so you know exactly when your soapisready for sale or use!* Easily share finished batches and photos with friends via emailorTwitter.* Option to create and edit recipes specifying oils as apercentageas well as continued support for editing them in eitherounces orgrams.* Easily take photos of your soap to include with each batch.* The navigation bar appears on all screens, making it eveneasierto return to the Home screen to start a new recipe, and toaccessthe Preferences screen and Information screen.NEW FEATURES in Soap v. 2.1 for Android:* Save your entire recipe library in one email - choose "EmailAllRecipes" from the Recipe List screen.* New high-resolution screen icons added* Added ability to navigate to both the Bramble Berry Store andtheSoap Queen Blog - from About-this-App screen.
SoapOpera 1.4
Vsevolod V Gromov
Soap calculator and Oils database
Alkali Calculator Lite 1.1.4.lite
Alkali Calculator is a Calsulator that is used when creatingahandmade soap.
透析小幫手 1.1
由於KT/V URR TAC及nPCR為評估洗腎效果之重要指標但由於計算公式複雜無法快速計算為節省護理人員計算時間故提供此APP供大家使用Because KT / V URRTACandnPCR to assess the effect of the importantindicatorsofdialysisHowever, due to the complexity of the formula cannotquicklycalculateTherefore, in order to save computing time paramedicsprovidethisAPP for everyone to use
Bread Calculator 1.2
Fully free without publicity. - Features: Baker'spercentagecalculator. Flour mixture calculator. Share your recipes.Allwithout buttons, the calculation is done in real time whilevalues​​are changed.
Unit Converter 1.7
Smart Tools co.
Unit and currency converter with easy and simple UI.
Server for PHP
Tautvydas Andrikys
Pure PHP 5.4+, 7+ server with modules:core,session, standard, date, ereg, libxml, openssl, pcre,sqlite3,zlib, bcmath, bz2, calendar, ctype, curl, dom, hash,fileinfo,filter, ftp, gd, gettext, gmp, spl, iconv, intl, json,mbstring,mcrypt, mongodb, mysqlnd, mysqli, odbc, pdo, pdo_mysql,pdo_odbc,pdo_pgsql, pdo_sqlite, pgsql, phar, posix, pspell,recode,reflection, mysql, simplexml, soap, sockets, exif, tidy,tokenizer,wddx, xml, xmlreader, xmlrpc, xmlwriter, xsl, zip,cli_server,mhash, ssh2, opcache, phalcon, yaf, yar, id3, lzf,oauth,quickhash, bbcode, xmldiff, xdiff, rar, gender, stats, eio,judy,mailparse, rpmreader, spl_types, yaml, ev, inotify,weakref,xdebug, dba, imagick! If you need Apache HTTPserver:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.esminis.server.apache! If you need MySQL or MariaDBServer:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.esminis.server.mariadb! If you need MongoDB Server - moNERIngAoServer:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.esminis.server.mongodbWebsite: https://bitbucket.org/esminis/serverFacebook page: https://www.facebook.com/esminis.serverSupport this project by translatingit:https://poeditor.com/join/project/oQFU4K0vKI
Fraction Calculator Plus Free 5.3.2
Digitalchemy, LLC
I'm Fraction Calculator Plus and I'm thebestand easiest way to deal with everyday fraction problems.Whetheryou're checking homework, preparing recipes, or working oncraft oreven construction projects, I can help:- Wish you could find the time to check your kids' mathhomework?Now checking fraction math takes just seconds.- Need to adjust recipe quantities for a larger guest list? Letmeadjust your cup and teaspoon quantities.- Working on a craft or home project in inches?Stopdouble-or-triple calculating on paper - let me do itonce,accurately.I'm attractive and effective and I make great use of either aphoneor tablet display:- I show your calculations in crisp, clear, elegant type thatyoucan read at-a-glance from a distance.- My innovative triple keypad display lets you type fast!(enteringthree and three quarters takes just 3 taps!).- Every fraction result gets automatically reduced to itssimplestform to make your job easy.- Every result is also shown in decimal to make conversionabreeze.- It couldn't be easier to add, subtract, multiply, anddividefractions.Let Fraction Calculator Plus turn your phone or tablet intoaneveryday helping hand.This is an ad supported version - our ad-free version isalsoavailable.Fraction Calculator Plus (C) 2017 Digitalchemy, LLC
Calculadoras de Cocina
Uno de los factores más importantes paraquenuestras recetas queden perfectas es la correcta medición delosingredientes, por esta razón hemos creado laaplicaciónCalculadoras de Cocina.Esta aplicación ofrece una colección de herramientas practicasyfáciles de usar, con las que puedes realizar las conversionesdemedida que habitualmente necesitamos realizar en la cocina, yaseade peso, volumen (líquidos) o temperatura.En Calculadoras de Cocina podrá encontrar lassiguientesherramientas:- Conversión de medidas de peso: Con esta calculadorapodrásrealizar diferentes conversiones de peso de los ingredientesmáscomunes, en las que intervienen unidades de medidas como:tazas,gramos, cucharadas, cucharaditas y onzas.- Conversión de medidas líquidas: Esta calculadora tepermitirárealizar conversiones de medidas de líquidas entreunidades como:mililitros (ml), tazas, cucharadas, cucharaditas y flonzas (onzaslíquidas).- Conversión de medidas de temperatura: Con la ayuda deestacalculadora podrás realizar conversiones de temperatura degradosCelcius (ºC) a Fahrenheit (F) o viceversa, la cual es muyútil paracuando realizamos recetas que requieren el uso delhorno.- Cálculo para preparar harina leudante: A veces no tenemos onoconseguimos harina leudante ( Blancaflor -Bizcochona, etc)parahacer alguna receta, esta calculadora le ayudará a realizarloscálculos requeridos para preparar usted mismo su harinaleudante.Solo tendrá que ingresar en la calculadora la cantidad deharinacomún que utilizará, y esta le indicará la cantidad de polvodehornear y de sal que deberá agregar para conseguir suharinaleudante.One of the mostimportantfor our stay perfect recipes factors is the correctmeasurement ofthe ingredients, for this reason we created theKitchen Calculatorsapplication.This application offers a collection of practical and easytouse, you can perform conversions as they usually need to makeinthe kitchen, either in weight, volume (liquid) ortemperaturetools.In Calculators Kitchen you will find the following tools:- Conversion of measures weight: This calculator canperformconversions different weight of the most common ingredientsin theunits involved measures such as cups, grams, tablespoons,teaspoonsand ounces.- Conversion of liquid measures: This calculator lets youconvertliquid measures between units as milliliters (ml) cups,tablespoons,teaspoons and fl ounces (fl oz).- Conversion of temperature measurements: With the help ofthiscalculator you can convert temperature degrees Celsius (° C)toFahrenheit (F) or vice versa, which is very useful when wemakerecipes that call for the use of the oven.- Calculation to prepare rising flour: Sometimes we do nothaveor do not get self-rising flour (Blanchefleur -Bizcochona, etc)tomake a recipe, this calculator will help you performthecalculations required to prepare yourself your self-risingflour.You only have to enter into the calculator the amount ofcommonflour used, and this will tell you the amount of bakingpowder andsalt should be added to get your self-rising flour.