14 Похожие Atheos

Logical Defense 2.0.0
Prepare to battle against the sophists of the world withthisbeautiful app.
TalkOrigins Creationist Claims 0.3.4
Browse the TalkOrigins.org Index of Creationist Claims on yourphoneor tablet!
Religions of the world 1.3
Cosmin I.
A guide on religions all over the world and their views onreality,spirituality and ethics. From rituals, to important people,to artsand culture this application delivers brief informationabout someof the more widely spread opinions of mankind. Thisapplicationintends familiarizing the user with the differentaspects ofdifferent religions, the final purpose being one ofunderstandingof different cultures . 20 main chapters are availablefor reading,in alphabetical order: Atheism, Baha'i , Buddhism,Candomble,Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, Jainism, Judaism,Mormonism,Paganism, Rastafari, Santeria, Shinto, Sikhism,Spiritualism,Taoism, Unitarianism, Jehova's Witnesses andZoroastrianism. If anylinks are broken, and i think i missed some,please write me!Please consider evaluating the app after you haveused it. I do notown anything written here. Source - bbc.co.uk - ©[2009] BBC
The Atheist Apps 1.2
God Battle's For Peace Production
The Atheist Appswas just a simple apps for Atheist,Agnostic,humanistandmanymore....it shows many logical and rational thinking of manywellknownpeople....Lets us search and spread the real Truth....join in our Gruop for Searching and spreadingtherealtruth...https://www.facebook.com/groups/935155543166598/?ref=bookmarksif you want to help us with the this AppsPM me @ my FB "https://www.facebook.com/thebook.isnotenough"FeatureShare screen shot image to our favorate Social Media site....Controls: Just Swipe it Left & Right to Change image....Credits to All Atheist,Agnostic,humanist at many more....
Frases Ateas 3
Listado de algunas de las más famosas frases ateas. Incluye fotodequien dijo la frase.
The God Test 2.0.4
The A Group
Evangelical tool that facilitates discussion of the criticalissuesof faith.
World Religions 1.7
NETIGEN Entertainment
Find out some more informationaboutworld’sreligions! Read lots of interesting facts, look athighqualityphotos and learn about other people’s beliefs. Youwillquicklyrealize that reading facts with a relaxing backgroundmusicthatevokes the right atmosphere is a pleasant experience.Thanks to the application, you will learn a lot aboutthemajorworld religions, like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism,butalsoabout those slightly more controversial andmodern,likeScientology and Pastafarianism.Download the app and enter the world of Gods!
Reasonable Faith 6.1.7
Reasonable Faith
The official app of Reasonable Faith with William Lane Craig
Atheist Quotes_v2 1.8
The most famous atheist quotes.
وهم الإلحاد 1.2
Talal Manaa
Lectures, debates and interviews related to confront atheismfreedialogue with the opportunity for users
Building iPhone Apps 1.0
What people are saying aboutBuildingiPhoneApps w/ HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.The future of mobile development is clearly webtechnologieslikeCSS, HTML and JavaScript. Jonathan Stark shows youhow toleverageyour existing web development skills to buildnativeiPhoneapplications using these technologies.here You'll find the most comprehensivedocumentationavailablefor developing web applications for mobileSafari. Notjust greattech coverage, this book is an easy read ofpurelyfascinatingmobile tidbits in a fun colloquial style. Musthave forallPhoneGap developers.It’s a fact: if you know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript,youalreadyhave the tools you need to develop your own iPhoneapps.With thisbook, you’ll learn how to use these open sourcewebtechnologies todesign and build apps for the iPhone and iPodTouchon the platformof your choice-without using Objective-CorCocoa.Device-agnostic mobile apps are the wave of the future,andthisbook shows you how to create one product forseveralplatforms.You’ll find guidelines for converting your productinto anativeiPhone app using the free PhoneGap framework. Andyou’lllearn whyreleasing your product as a web app first helps youfind,fix, andtest bugs much faster than if you went straight to theAppStorewith a product built with Apple’s tools.- Build iPhone apps with tools you already know how touse.- Learn how to make an existing website look and behavelikeaniPhone app.- Add native-looking animations to your web app usingjQTouch.- Take advantage of client-side data storage with apps thatrunevenwhen the iPhone is offline.- Hook into advanced iPhone features — includingtheaccelerometer,geolocation, and vibration — withJavaScript.- Submit your applications to the App Store with Xcode.
Does God Exist? 3.0
Michael Borland
This application helps you explore an age-old question, "DoesGodExist?" It starts by asking you to consider what you mean byGod,then presents a series of observations. You'll be asked toindicatehow consistent each observation is with the existenceandnon-existence of God. In the end, the odds that God existsarecomputed. Obviously, this application isn't likely to settlethedebate, but it should provide food for thought andlivelydiscussion. I've had Christians tell me the app promotesatheismand atheists tell me it promotes belief in God. However, theresultis not predetermined nor is this app intended to expoundoneconclusion. Rather, it is designed to help you think abouttheissues. After you've done a calculation, you can share theresultsvia email, Google+, etc. (Facebook doesn't work, butthat'sFacebook's fault not mine.) Some suggestions for use: 1.Facilitatediscussions between believers and non-believers, to helpunderstanddifferences. 2. Guide a discussion in an introductoryphilosophyclass. 3. Conversation starter when you are sitting on anairplaneor bus. (Ok, maybe not.) Questions you can try to answerusing theapp: 1. Is an indifferent or evil God more probable thananall-powerful, loving God? 2. Is a God with limited powermoreprobable than an all-powerful God? 3. How do your answers totheindividual questions differ from those of a friend withdifferentbeliefs, and why? Your suggestions for improving this apparewelcome. Please use the "Email developer" link to sendyoursuggestions. Mathematical note: the app uses Bayes' theoremtoperform the calculations, with a prior probability of50%.Individual probabilities are restricted to the range 1% to 99%toprevent any single consideration from determining the outcome.Notethat the reason that each observation has two questions is thatweneed these two responses to apply Bayes' theorem. If youareinterested in Bayes theorem, check out my "Estimate Anything"app.
Christianity Without Religion 6.2.3
Subsplash Inc
The official app for Christianity Without the Religion &PlainTruth Ministries.
Andrew Farley 6.2.1
Subsplash Inc
The official app of The Grace Message with Dr. Andrew Farley