5 Похожие 金菩提禪修法門APP測試

Meditation and Health 1.0.9
" Meditation and Health" is a both rationalandemotional, science and wisdom, health magazines .Besidesintroducing the current wave of international meditation ,scienceto verify the effect of meditation , meditation for actionbeyondthe health benefits and more numerous witnesses of theirownexperiences , to share the joy after they recover .Mostimportantly , there are words of wisdom " Buddha meditation "Bodhifounder JinBodhi , allowing you to easily read and learn,internally and externally .
每日一禪 1.5
每日一禪小工具,每天更新一句禪語,或許能對你有一點助益呢! 小工具是1x4大小,按下可以開啟APP來看!還可以把禪語分享給朋友呢!v1.5 - Facebook 分享 v1.3 - 按下文字會自動複製,方便分享 禪語轉載自互聯網,如有問題,請電郵告知。Keywords: Zen, Positive, Thinking, 禪修, 佛學
菩提禪修 1.0.1
菩提禪修於一九九一年由金菩提禪師創立。機構的宗旨為從禪修入手,啟發靈性,帶來身心靈的健康快樂。本應用程式為菩提禪修專屬行動應用程式,提供各項便利功能供下載使用。【功能】● 最新消息● 專屬頻道● Facebook● 官方網站● 介紹菩提● 禪修方法● 禪修百獲● 禪品● 我的最愛● 禪意生活● 全球禪堂● 網頁搜尋● 分享下載【備註】● 本應用程式支援 Android 2.3.3 以上版本,7吋以下手持式智慧裝置。【版權】● 本應用程式經由財團法人菩提法門佛教基金會(菩提禪修)授權開發製作。
Meditation Diary 1.2.1
Origine IT
Meditation Diary is a simple app that helpyouto track your improvement in meditation practice.You can choose a time you would like to meditate (at least10minutes), and click the start button.You will be given 10 seconds to calm your mind down, adjustyoursitting position before meditate.Each meditation session will be recorded and you will be abletoview the total time you have meditated, and motivate youtomeditate for a longer period.
平安护身佛-大众随手礼佛宝典 1.6.1
DianYi Interact
据佛经记载,每个人从先天一生下来就有位菩萨或佛在守护你,属相的不同护身佛也不一样。护身佛主要是命里面缺少什么补什么,随身佩带者能够济财护身保平安,尤其本命年、逢九年时能打通流年关节,疏通流年运势,逢凶化吉,离苦得乐。护身本命佛-命理运程,祈福避凶保平安。免费请佛,随身携带,轻松许愿还愿。最具诚意的礼佛、祈福避凶APP程序【简介】免费请佛,让每个人都能得到专属护身本命佛的护佑。只需勤勉礼佛,就可免费获取贡品与祈福灵符,得到本命佛护佑加持,让你逢凶化吉、事业顺利、健康平安、家庭如意。每日入睡前在佛经下真心上香礼佛,静心安宁,永葆平安!【特点】1. 精选由高僧法师开光佛像,佛像精美,宝相庄严。2. 佛音缭绕,普泓佛法,帮助众生心愿达成3. 由命理大师提供每周运程,让你轻松祈福避凶4. 与好友社交互动,共同祈福,聚缘积德,福报更强5. 每日禅語,每天多一點正能量