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Smoke Free, stop smoking help 5.5.5-core
Dr Crane
We want to help you stop smoking★ See how long you’ve been smoke free★ The money you’ve saved from not smoking★ The number of cigarettes you’ve not smoked★ How your health is improving★ Earn badges for your progress★ Share your successes with your friends★ Record your cravings in a diary★ And moreHelps you through the difficult first month of your quit -andbeyondThis is the app that science built. Proven techniques to helpyoustop smoking are delivered in a beautifully clear and veryhumanway. The calculator tells you how much money you've saved andhowmany cigarettes you've not smoked, the calendar tells you howlongyou’ve been smoke free and how much life you've regained, barsshowyou how giving up smoking is improving your health, and adiaryshows how your cravings for cigarettes are decreasing overtime.Plus filling it out seems to help, even if you only use ittovent.Filling it out also helps us, because this is the app thatscienceis building. If you give us permission, we’ll use theinformationyou give us to learn how to help even more people stopsmoking. Asyou know, quitting smoking is hard. But tens ofthousands of peopledo it successfully each month. We want to knowmore about whatworks and what doesn’t and your data can help futurequittersquit.The quit processHere’s what we know so far. The science is pretty clearthatnicotine replacement therapy helps people stop smoking. Butitneeds to be taken as directed (many people don’t completethecourse) and that means it’s best if you get it from yourdoctorrather than the pharmacist. But don’t worry if you don’t wanttouse NRT, this is your quit, you do what works for you. Theothergolden rule about giving up smoking is to make your mantra‘not onemore puff’. Because one puff almost always leads to moreand you’resoon back smoking again. It doesn’t seem to matter howmuchconfidence you’ve got about quitting and nor does it matter ifyouplan your quit ahead or quit or the spur of the moment. Thesocialsupport you get from programs such as Stoptober are helpfulbutwhat really seems important is getting a real understanding ofhowmuch progress you’ve made, all the benefits you gain from givingupsmoking and all that you’d have to lose by starting smokingagain.Giving you that is the core way this app hopes to keep yousmokefree.Electronic cigarettesE-cigs seem to help lots of people stop smoking. The ones thatlooklike cigarettes seem less effective than ones you getfromspecialist vape shops. They also seem pretty safe, much saferthansmoking cigarettes. However, we don’t have much long-termevidenceso it’s probably best to use them as a way to stop smoking,ratherthan a replacement for cigs.The experimentWe’re running an on-going experiment that tests different thingstohelp people give up smoking. Everyone gets all thefeaturesmentioned above, the calculator that shows how manycigarettesyou've not smoked, the calendar that tells you how longyou’ve beensmoke free, the bars that show how your health hasimproved fromgiving up smoking.Some people will get additional features. We can’t tell youwhatthey are, partly because it might invalidate the experiment,partlybecause they change frequently. Don’t feel you’re missingoutthough. We don’t know if these things will help peoplestopsmoking, we just want to learn whether they do. Don’t worrythatthey’ll want to make you smoke more either. We would nevertryanything we thought might make people more likely tosmoke.This is all entirely voluntary and you can use the app fullywithouttaking part in the experiment. But everyone who does takepart willhelp the quitters who follow. So do yourself a favor bystoppingsmoking. And do your fellow smokers a favor by helpingthemunderstand how it’s done.
Stop Smoking - EasyQuit 2.1
Herzberg Development
App to stop smoking slowly or now with a motivational badgesandhelpful tips
Quit Tracker: Stop Smoking 2.16
The app that will help you quit smoking and motivate you to stayoffnicotine
SmokeFree: Quit smoking slowly 5.2.0
MotiveBite Studio
Simple methods to help you quit
Metodo Dejar de fumar eficaz 3.0.0
La primera app gratuita que te ayudarealmenteaa superar un mal hábito de comportamiento como es dejarde fumar.Apoyate en el proceso cognitivo conductual y conseguirásdejardefumar..Hoy todo el mundo sabe que el tabaco es una droga yqueproduceadicción, también se sabe que genera un hábitodecomportamiento,por lo que para dejar de fumar hayquedesengancharse de lasustancia adictiva (la nicotina) y cambiarlacostumbre que tenemosde fumar ante determinadas situaciones(hábitode fumar).Como supongo que sabes cambiar un comportamiento aprendidocuestayeso es porque para cambiar no basta con querer, hay quepasarporun proceso emocional o dicho de otra manera,superarunosimpedimentos que nuestra parte inconsciente poneparaseguirperpetuando lo que está acostumbrada a hacer.Y eso es lo que se muestra aquí, la forma desuperaresosimpedimentos de una manera sencilla, guiándote en esteprocesoparaque no te pierdas ni te quedes atascado en ninguna delas fasesquehay que pasar y superar para cambiar un hábitodecomportamiento,nos ayudamos para ello del procesocognitivoconductual aplicado adejar de fumar.En este método se pone la psicología útil al alcance yalserviciode todos los que quieran dejar de fumar.The first freeappthatreally helps you overcome a bad habit of behavior suchasquittingsmoking.Lean on behavioral cognitive process and get quit..Today everyone knows that snuff is a drug and addictive,isalsoknown to generate a habit of behavior, so toquitsmoking,unhooking from the addictive substance (nicotine)andchange thecustom we have smoking in certainsituations(smoking).As I guess you know change a learned behavior costsandthat'sbecause to change not enough to want, you have to gothroughanemotional process or put another way, to overcomesomeobstaclesthat our unconscious gets to keep perpetuating whatisused todoing .And that is what is shown here how to overcome these impedimentsinasimple way, guiding you in this process so that you do notmissgetstuck in any of the stages you have to go and overcometochange ahabit behavior we help for this behavioralcognitiveprocess appliedto quit.In this method useful psychology to reach and serve allthosewhowant to quit smoking sets.
Dejar de fumar 1.0
amor apps
Te presentamos nuestra aplicaciónparaquetengas una guía práctica para dejar de fumar en cinco díasypuedascompartirlo con tus amigos y familiaresSi te gusto la aplicación puede ayudarnos valorándolaconcincoestrellas, dejar un comentario y no olvide pulsar +1.Unavezinstalada no necesita estar conectado al internet paraverlagalería de fotos e imágenesNOTA: Esta aplicación contiene publicidad que nosayudaparamantener los costes de programaciónDios le colme de bendiciones esperamos haya sido desucompletoagrado le invitamos a visitar otrasaplicacionesinteresantes quetenemos en AMORAPPSWe presentourapplicationto guarantee you a practical guide to quit in fivedaysand canshare with friends and familyIf you liked the application can help titrating withfivestars,leave a comment and do not forget to click +1. Onceinstalledneednot be connected to the Internet to view galleryphotosandimagesNOTE: This application contains advertising that helps ustokeepprogramming costsGod fill you with blessings hope has been to his likinginviteyouto visit other interesting applications that weAMORAPPS
Quit smoking with Quitify 1.1.43
Quitify is your app to quit smoking and brings you helpandmotivation
Tobano stop smoking cigarette 3.0.4
Nicolas Lett
Have you recently quit smoking, or beenwantingto quit? Tobano is exactly what you need!Tobano uses game design techniques, game thinking and gamemechanicsto encourage people to quit smoking.You reach higher and higher levels and rankings as you try toreachthe Ultimate Tobano rank.You'll have access to useful statistics such as the timepassedsince you've stopped smoking, the money you've saved and thenumberof cigarettes you haven't smoked. You can monitor thesestatisticslive.There are also 60 achievements for you to unlock. When youreachsome of them you'll even get info about the benefits ofstoppingsmoking for your body and your life.Finally, you'll be able to share your progress with your friendsonFacebook, Twitter and by email.Shake your mobile to draw a motivational card (40 differentcardsavailable) when you feel craving for a cigarette coming on.You'llget a tip on how to avoid lighting up and feel better.Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself.Getstarted now and have some fun doing it!
Qwit (Quit Smoking) 3.6.2
The fun way to quit smoking! Achieve your goal with our app.
ExSmoker - Stop Smoking Now 2.2.5
Antonio Sánchez Díaz
ExSmoker is an application that helps you to quit smoking.
QuitNow PRO: Stop smoking 6.63.3
The app to quit smoking recommended by the WHO
Easy way to stop smoking 3.3.0
Nevermind Developer Team
Stop Smoking Widget 2.0 – Application which helps you tostopsmoking. The idea of a Widget is the gradual reductionofdependence by controlling your smoking habit. The core oftheApplication is based on mathematical function that limits thetimefor smoking, gradually reducing it to 12 weeks. Instructions:Afterinstalling the Application, place one of the Widgets on thehomescreen. By clicking on the Widget icon brings you to the mainpage,which displays one of two possible states: "Smoking is notallowed"(red icon with a crossed-out cigarette) and "Smoking isallowed"(green icon; cigarette is not crossed out). In "Smoking isnotallowed" status you can’t smoke, in "Smoking is allowed" status-you can. On "Timer" page displays the active status. Aftertheexpiration of the time, the status will change. In thestatus"Smoking is allowed" appears the button"I'm taking acigarette",which captures the smoking of a cigarette. Press thebutton whenyou smoke. Button disappears in "Smoking is not allowed"status.Every time you’re going to smoke, check the status of theWidget.Noting the cigarette you smoke, you will be able to keeptrack ofstatistics. “Daily” Statistic tracksall cigarettes smokedper day,"Weekly" shows the number of cigarettes smoked per week."Archive"keeps the information about each day of using theApplication. Eachpagecontains information about the money youspent. In Settings youset a price for one cigarette pack. If youprefer different brandsof cigarettes, enter the average cost of apack. You can monitorthe changes of App status in notification bar,noting this optioninSettings. Free from cigarettes forever.Nevermind Developer Team
Respirapp 1.2
La falta de tiempo y de ayuda ya noservirácomo excusa. Ahora puedes descargar gratis Respirapp, laaplicaciónde la Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer especialmentedirigida atodas las personas que han decidido dejar de fumar y quenecesitanayuda durante el proceso.Respirapp es una guía de orientación y apoyo dividida encuatrofases en las que tendrás que ir realizando una seriedeindicaciones para avanzar hacia tu objetivo: ¡romper con eltabacodefinitivamente!Y como cada fumador tiene sus necesidades y motivacionesdispondrásademás de un perfil personalizado en base al registro yevaluacióndel consumo de tabaco que orientará tu camino hacia laliberacióndefinitiva del tabaco.¡Pero tranquilo, no estarás solo! En la aplicaciónencontrarásdiferentes apartados de ayuda con los que aprenderás areducir laansiedad, relajarte, evitar las ganas de fumar, controlarelaumento de peso, prevenir recaídas, etc. Además,recibirásnotificaciones de apoyo y ánimo e información sobre tusavances. Ypor si fuera poco, si en cualquier momento necesitas unaatenciónmás personalizada, dispones de acceso directo alconsultorio de laaecc, donde un profesional dará respuesta a lasdudas que leplantees.Nunca te lo habían puesto más fácil para dejar de fumar, hoy estuoportunidad, ¡no lo dejes pasar!Estaremos a tu lado en todo momento. ¿Te animas?The lack of timeandsupport longer serve as an excuse. Now you can downloadRespirapp,the application of the Spanish Association Against Cancerspeciallyaddressed to all those who have decided to quit smokingand needhelp during the process.Respirapp is a guidance and support divided into fourstageswhere you have to go with a series of prompts to move towardsyourgoal: breaking the snuff definitely!And as every smoker has their needs and motivations besides Yougeta custom profile based on the record and snuff intakeassessmentthat will guide your way to the final release ofsnuff.But relax, you are not alone! Find application in differentsectionsto help you learn to reduce anxiety, relax, avoid the urgeto smoke,control weight gain, prevent relapses, etc.. Also receivesupportand encouragement notifications and information on yourprogress.And last but not least, if at any time you need morepersonalizedattention, you have direct access to the AECC clinic,where aprofessional will answer the questions you mighthave.Never had it easier since quitting, now is your chance, donotmiss!We will be by your side at all times. Feel like?
Quit smoking - Smokerstop 1.6.0
Dr. med. Titus J. Brinker
This app individually motivates you to quit smoking.
Breathe Now - Stop smoking 2.6
Breathe Now - Stop Smoking is an app to quit smoking and save money
Smokerface 4.1.4
Dr. med. Titus J. Brinker
Take a selfie and see the effects of smoking on your own face in3D!
You Can Quit Smoking 2.53
CityApps Digital Services
A step by step guide to quit smoking.
Quit Smoking Tips 1.0
Health For Care
Quit smoking is the most complete toolyouwillfind in Store to quit smoking. Users confirm it! Quitsmokingis awidget application designed to gradually wean youfromdependency oncigarettes. You already quit smoking? Reapthebenefits of yourefforts and take a look at your successes!Why do you spend so much money on damaging your health?Whydon'tyou spend this money more reasonably? This app helps youtostopsmoking by showing what you can now afford with themoneysaved.Chapters include :- What Happens to Your Body When You Quit Smoking- Quit Smoking Timeline- How To Quit Smoking Naturally: Putting An End ToTheOralFixation- Quitting Smoking – What Actually Happens After You Quit?- Quit Smoking – Withdrawal and Timeline- How To Quit Smoking – 8 Limiting Beliefs That You NeedToGetRidAnd more ...Have you tried everything to quit smoking but youreffortswereunsuccessful? We will help you see why youshouldquitsmoking.stop smoking is an effective Android application thatprovidesyouwith the support you need when you quit smoking.Filling it out also helps us, because this is the appthatscienceis building. If you give us permission, we’ll usetheinformation yougive us to learn how to help even more peoplestopsmoking. As youknow, quitting smoking is hard. We want toknowmore about what worksand what doesn’t and your data canhelpfuture quitters quit.See how long it's been since you stopped smoking, theamountofmoney you've saved, cigarettes not smoked, andhealthimprovements.Play a fun distracting game while you forgetaboutyourcravings.
Quit Smoking 2.0.5
For health, Start quit smoking now!
Breathe Now -Stop Smoking Free
Breathe Now - Stop Smoking is an app to quit smoking and savemoney!
Quit smoking
A great application that help you to stop smoking.
Quit Smoking 2.8
Quit is a widget application designed to gradually wean youfromdependency on cigarettes. Each individual's step-down programiscalculated based on statistical data from other users, andit'scontinuously adjusted to your specific smoking pattern. Install1.Touch and hold an empty area of the home screen 2. Select"Widget"3. Select "Quit (standard)" or 1. Select "Menu" 2. Selecttab"Widgets" 3. Select "Quit (standard)" If you are on Android 4.0andhigher you can use one of the appropriate variants ofinstallationUser satisfaction is invaluable for us. If theapplication does notwork for you for any reason, please contact usat info@azati.comand we will work with you individually. Pleasealso visithttp://quit.azati.com/
كلمات من صميم الواقع 3.6
يحتوي تطبيق حكم تحير العقول على صور حكم وكلمات وأقوال وخواطر ويحتويعلى حكم وكلمات عن الحياة و الحب و العلاقات وكذلك الصداقةمختارةبعناية شديدة ومقدمة في شكل صور منوعة جميلة بدون نت. هذاالتطبيق يضمأيضا في طياته أجمل المواعظ و الخواطر و جمل العتاب وأيضاأحلى الحكموالنصائح والمقولات المصورة. كل هذا نقدمه لكم بشكل حصريللاستمتاع بهوليساعدكم على فهم الحياة وتحسين علاقاتكم مع الناسوتحصيل الحكمةنصائح وأقوال عظماء،أ مثال في النجاح وكيفيه تخطيالصعوبات والمشاكلالتي تواجهك وكيفيه الانطلاق نحو تحقيق اهدافك.الان نضع بين يديكتطبيق "كلام ينفعك في حياتك" الذي سوف يحفزك لتحقيقاهدافك والمضي نحومستقبل افضل وحياه رائعه وذلك عبر مقولات من اشخاصعظماء تحدو الفشلوحققو اهدافهم ونجحوا في الحياه.هذه المقولات والحكمستساعدك علىمواجهه المشاكل والصعوبات وتخطيها والمضي نحو الامام خطوهبخطوه.عبارات بسيطه ولكنها مفيدة وحكيمه كلمات مفيده في الحياة يتضمنمجموعةمن الحكم و الأقوال التي اخدت من الحياة كعبرة للانسان تساعدهعلىالمضي في حياته و كيف التعايش مع الناس , كيف التعرف عليهمفقطبأخلاقهم و تصرفاتهم اليومية , كما يتضمن حكم عن الحب و الحزنوالدراسة و التقدم في الحياة, حكم عن الخيانة , حكم عن الفراق ,حكممنواقع الحياه وتجارب الاخرين تحتوى على خلاصه تجارب الاخرين منخلالمواقفهم الحياتيه اليوميه لتستفيد منها و تفيد الاخر بها
Dejar de Fumar 1.0
JFP Apps
Aplicación sencilla, para ir viendolabuenaevolución, después de dejar de fumar.Con esta aplicación conseguirás mejorar tu salud, ya quenohaynada mejor que respirar el aire limpio.Observarás todo el dinero que hubieras gastado sisiguesfumando,dinero "quemado", porque simplemente lo hastirado.El dinero que ahorrarías a futuro en una semana, mes o año.Con esta aplicación y un poco de fuerza devoluntad,conseguirásquitarte este dañino hábito.¡Importante!Aunque esta es la primera versión y más sencilla, queremosayudarteadejar de fumar, por lo que nos agradaría que nosescribieras onoscomentes, que incluirías en la aplicación para quete fueramásllevadero.ESCRÍBENOSNo más cigarros, no más humo!Simple applicationtobeseeing the favorable evolution after quitting.With this application you get to improve yourhealth,becausethere is nothing better to breathe clean air.Observe all the money you would have spent if youkeepsmoking,money "burned", simply because you've thrown.The money you would save the future in a week, month or year.With this app and a little willpower, you get takeawaythisharmful habit.Important!Although this is the first version and simpler, we want tohelpyouquit smoking, so we would like you wrote us or we commentorthatyou include in the application for you out easier.WRITENo more cigarettes, no more smoke!
Quit Smoking fast NicoStopper 1.0.1
NicoStopper is the best applicationtoquitor smoke less. Say Stop smoking now. The lastcigaretteyouhave smoked may be the last one. Do not smoke anymore.Ourmethodis not based on hypnosis, you can quit it gradually .Oursystem tostop smoking lets you do it at your own pace and fromaguaranteedtested in thousands of people who have already quit.Youwill savemoney and be healthier. You will not have to go totobaccostore tobuy it anymore. Forget nicotine forever with Nico,your newand funpersonal trainer. Let him to help you to quitsmoking. Hewillmotivate you. You will see how you begin to seetheresultsquickly. Much faster and easier than you think. Smokingwillbe athing of the past. You will be an ex-smoker.This innovative method fights against thesmokingaddiction,reducing the nicotine in a progressive andnon-traumaticway, alsoeliminating withdrawal symptoms.OUR METHOD TO QUIT SMOKINGThese are the steps you have to follow so that you do notneedacigarette again:Create your profile and select the most appropriatetherapyforyou to quit smoking by filling a simple form. It is acustommethodso not all therapies are equal. Choose the best oneforyou.Follow the Nicostopper instructions step by step toachieveyourgoals and your body will need less nicotine within afewdays.Use the self-help section to kick your smoking habit.Youwillfind answers to situations of your daily life.Use the calendar to know the dates of beginning andendoftherapy. You'll see how much can you improve at the endofthecycle!NicoStopper helps you in a fully personalizedway,strengtheningyour willpower and motivation to quitsmokinggradually.CHARACTERISTICS OF THERAPYRelieves intense desire to smokeHelps to move away from risky situationsHelps to kick the cigarIt is also aimed at ex- smokersADVANTAGES AND BENEFITS OF STOP SMOKINGWith NicoStopper you will notice the benefits very fast,fromthefirst day :You'll save money. Have you ever thought about how muchmoneyyouare spending on smoking? You can save thousandsofdollars.Your clothes will smell better, no one will know youareasmoker.Your breath will not smell anymore.Improve your health. By quit smoking you'll feelbetterforpractising sports. You'll be more agile and eager to leadanactiveand healthy life.NicoStopper is the scientific method basedoncognitive-behavioralpsychology and different types oftherapiesthat trains you tocontrol your anxiety level and thusstopsmoking. It is not one moreapplication, NicoStopper hasthesupport of professionalpsychologists making it the idealpartnerto quit smoking.This is a guaranteed medical system based oncognitivebehavioraltherapy developed by renowned psychologistsManuelaBlanco andAlvaro Aguirre in collaboration with Dr. EduardoLópezArregui .If you have any questions about using the app, the methodoranysuggestions do not hesitate to contact us via developercontact.Weanswer all requests received!*** Note: If your addiction is strong or you want toquitsmokingjoints, please consult your specialist.Our application has no relation with champix,othercommercialmethods for quit smoking or nicotine replacementtherapy.This isan app based on a medical therapy focused onmotivation.***
Sacabo 1.2.2
Amarutek S.L.
S'Acabó is the official application to quit smoking of the SEDET
Stop Smoking - quit smoking, b 4.0
The Quit Smoking Professionals
Breathe will help you to stop smoking now and quit for good
Dejar de Fumar-Plantas 1.0
Context Apps
En un primer momento. No hay remediomágiconifórmula infalible que nos permita dejar para siempreesenecesitadocigarrillo. Las plantas medicinales pueden ayudarte,sinduda, y lohacen sobre todo por permitirnos alivianar elsíndromedeabstinencia. Pero si no ponemos de nuestra parte, si novemoslafirma necesidad de dejar para siempre el tabaco, nada nosvaaservir, ni tan solo los tratamientos máscarosysofisticados.At first. There isnomagicbullet or foolproof formula that allows us to leaveforevertheneeded cigarette. Medicinal plants can help, no doubt,andit'smainly for allowing ease the withdrawal symptoms. But if wedoourpart, but we need to leave the firm for ever snuff,nothingwillserve us, not even the most expensiveandsophisticatedtreatments.
Dejar De Fumar-Metodo 1.0
Beneficios inmediatos de no fumadoresDespués de sólo 20 minutos la presión arterial bajaalnivelnormal.Su pulso cae a la normalidadHace más fácil caminarDespués de 2 - 12 Semanas Mejora la circulaciónLa función pulmonar aumenta hasta un 30%Después de 1 - 9 Meses tos, congestión nasal, fatiga,faltadealiento, disminuirá.Los cilios vuelven a crecer en los pulmones, lacapacidadparacontrolar las mucosidades aumentando, limpiar lospulmones,reducirla infecciónRiesgo por 1 año de la enfermedad coronaria es la mitad deldeunfumadorSu temperatura en las manos y los pies aumenta a lanormalidadDespués de 8 Horas nivel de monóxido de carbono en la sangre caealanormalidadSu nivel de oxígeno en la sangre aumenta a la normalidadDespués de tan sólo 24 horas la probabilidad de un ataquealcorazóndisminuyeSu capacidad de olfato y el gusto se ha mejoradoNo hay más cenizas en su cocheNo más mal alientoNo más de ser enviados al humo en el fríoNo más ser socialmente inaceptabletos no más constanteNo más desaprobación de sus seres queridosNo más falta de energíaNo más pérdida del olfatoNo más pérdida del gustoel ahorro de dinero ($ 3000 - $ 5000 / año / por persona)complexión no más pastosaenvejecimiento no más prematuramenor riesgo de desarrollar enfermedades que amenazanlavida,incurables.Reducción del riesgo de vida más cortala ropa no más malolientesla boca no más del fumador (arrugas de la inhalación)No más nicotina manchado las manos y los dedosNo hay aire más rancio en su casaLos dientes no más amarillo.Immediate benefitsofnotsmokingAfter only 20 minutes of low blood pressure to normal.His pulse falls to the easiest walk normalidadHaceAfter 2 to 12 weeks improves circulationLung function increases up to 30%After 1 to 9 Months cough, nasal congestion, fatigue,shortnessofbreath, decrease.Cilia regrow in the lungs, the ability to controlincreasingmucus,clean the lungs, reduce infection1-year risk of coronary heart disease is half that of asmokerThe temperature in the hands and feet increases to normalAfter 8 hours carbon monoxide level in the blooddropstonormalYour oxygen level in blood increases to normalAfter just 24 hours, the chance of a heart attack decreasesYour ability to smell and taste is enhancedNo more ash in his carNo more bad breathNo more being sent to smoke in the coldNo more being socially unacceptableno more constant coughNo more disapproval of loved onesNo more lack of energyNo more loss of smellNo more loss of tastesaving money ($ 3000 - $ 5000 / year / person)no more pasty complexionpremature aging no morelower risk of developing life-threatening diseases,incurable.Reduced risk of shorter lifethe clothes no more malodorousmouth no more smoker (wrinkles inhalation)No more nicotine stained hands and fingersNo more stale air in your homeNo more yellow teeth.
Smoke FREE - quit smoking Plus 1.8
Easy tips, methods and key points for quit smoking.
Quit smoking Pro 1.2
Quit smoking is possible today.Quit smoking, The best application to leave this habit, easytouse, it gives you all the information you need to motivate youtoquit.We had been led to believe that replace the tobacco bytheelectronic cigarette is a benefit for health, but the realityisthat nicotine is a carcinogenic in any of their presentationsandmaintain its consumption we create physicaldependence,deterioration of our health and we gave away our moneyto ruthlessentrepreneurs who profit from our effort.If you want to improve your health the better option is tostopconsuming this poison. Stop smoking presents indicators ofhealthwith achievable goals in the short and long term. In additionshowsyou information of interest, such as the amount of nicotine,tarand carbon monoxide that beam left to enter your body.In addition to worry about your health Quit Smoking will helpyousave a lot of money to buy those things you've alwaysdesired.Enter the price of the product and Quit Smoking will tellyou whenyou've saved enough to buy it.Quitting is easier when you are motivated, get all the medalsandawards improving yourself every day.Today is a good day to start. Download now Quit smoking,improveyour health and save money.
Fuera Tabaco - Dejar de Fumar 1.1
GB Desarrollos
Fuera Tabaco es una aplicación que te ayudaráadejar de fumar. Se puede ver estadísticas sobre dineroahorrado,cigarros no fumados y mucho más.Snuff Out isanapplication that will help you quit smoking. You can seestatisticson money saved, not smoked cigars and more.
Quit for Life 1.0.29
Optum Inc.
The Quit for Life® mobile appisdesignedspecifically to help you quit smoking and stay quitforlife.Available as a free download, it’s a must have for allsmokersinneed of quitting support.Features:- Quit Date Tracker  Set your quit date, follow your progress then keeptrackofhow long you’ve been a non-smoker!- Savings Calculator  In real-time, calculate how much money you’vesavedfromquitting smoking based on your actual usage.- Motivational Reasons for Quitting  Create a list of reasons for quitting thatarespecial toyou.- Daily Tips  Receive daily tips to help you quit and stayquitforlife.Smokers using the app who are interested in participatingintheQuit For Life® Program are encouraged to visit Quitnow.netorcall1.866.Quit.4.Life to check their eligibility.
TControl 1.6.2
TControl es una herramienta terapéutica que le facilita ayudaparadejar de fumar mediante mensajes de ánimo y preguntas test deformasemanal. Al mismo tiempo comparte tu experiencia con tuprofesionalo bien hable por la red social. Comparte tu experienciacon otroscompañeros. Resultados en cada momento de tus logrosobtenidos. Encaso de recaída su profesional se pondrá en contactocon usted paraindicarle las pautas que debe seguir. TControl puedeayudarle a darun paso adelante a la deshabituación tabáquica yademás serásupervisado por su profesional sanitario a diario.Localice enTControl los centros médicos que utilizan estaherramienta yAPUNTESE YA!!
Hypnosis Personal 1.3
Wigilabs Mexico
¿Estás cansado de no poder dejar de fumaryyaintentaste todo?¿Sientes que tu vida sexual ha disminuido o esta cambiando?¿Haz dejado escapar muchas oportunidades en la vida pornosentirteseguro de ti mismo?¿Te sientes deprimido? ¿Haz sentido que tu vidanotienesentido?¿Cuántas dietas haces y no logras bajar de peso; elsobrepesoestaafectando tu autoestima?¿Alguna vez han pasado por tu mente estas preguntas? o¿teestápasando esto? o ¿tienes más problemas en tu vida?Si es así, estos ejercicios te ayudarán a tener una mejorcalidaddevida.¿Por qué debes hacer estos ejercicios?La salud y el bienestar no tienen precio.De la mano del mundialmente famoso terapeuta ArmandoFranco;quiencuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia en el tema teguiarapasoa paso a través de estos poderosos ejercicios de hipnosisyquetendrás la oportunidad de escuchar las vecesquequieras,transformarán tu vida, te llevarán a un estado plenodeabundanciaen todos los sentidos.Las siguientes terapias te ayudarán a tener cambiospositivosentu vida:*Libérate del estrés*Deja de fumar*Sana tu Codependencia*Duerme plenamente*Mejora tu autoestima y seguridad*Sana tu depresión y ansiedad*Sana tu sistema inmunológico.*Mejora tu vida sexual (Para hombres)*Baja de peso*Crea tu maravilloso futuro y abundancia.Are you tired ofnotbeingable to quit smoking and have already triedeverything?Do you feel that your sex life has diminished or is changing?Have you let slip many opportunities in life not to feelsureofyourself?Do you feel depressed? Have you felt that yourlifeismeaningless?How many diets do and do not manage to lose weight;Overweightisaffecting your self-esteem?Have you ever gone through your mind these questions? or doyouisthis happening? or do you have more problems in yourlife?If so, these exercises will help you get a betterqualityoflife.Why do you do these exercises?Health and well-being are priceless.Hand the world-famous therapist Armando Franco; who has over20yearsof experience in the field will guide you step bystepthrough thesepowerful exercises in hypnosis and you will havetheopportunity tolisten to whenever you want, transform yourlifewill take you to afull state of abundance all the senses.The following therapies will help you have positivechangesinyour life:* Free yourself from stress*Stop smoking* Heal your Codependence* Fully Sleep* Improve your self-esteem and safety* Heal your depression and anxiety* Heal your immune system.* Improve your sex life (for men)* Lose weight* Create your wonderful future and abundance.
How To Quit Smoking 1.0
Best Free Apps Mobile
How To Quit Smoking is an effectiveAndroidapplication that provides you with the support you need whenyouquit smoking.We know that quitting smoking is very difficult, but we also knowitis possible. Tens of thousands of people do it successfullyeachmonth.Since you stopped smoking, the amount of money you'vesaved,cigarettes not smoked, and health improvements.It doesn’t seem to matter how much confidence you’ve gotaboutquitting and nor does it matter if you plan your quit ahead orquitor the spur of the moment.This application was created for people who want toquitsmoking.How To Quit Smoking Application provides tips, tricks, tasksandtargets based on the studies above mentioned, which can helpyouovercome nicotine addiction and put and end to the habitofsmoking.Features:★ Health Benefits of Stopping Smoking★ How to Quit Smoke★ How to Stop Smoking Instantly★ Self Help Tips To Stop SmokingThis application is not 100% guarantee that you stop smoking,thefinal result depends only on you!