9 Похожие Encuesta

SurveyMonkey 4.1.3
Create and send any type of survey, quiz, or poll withoureasy-to-use builder.
SurveyAPP - Fast Surveys 2.5
Alejandro Latorre
NOTICE: THE CREATOR AND THE PEOPLEWHOANSWERTHE SURVEY MUST HAVE THE APP.Surveyapp is an app of fast surveys.With Surveyapp you can create surveys easily and fast andshareitwith who you want in just two steps.1) Create your survey with one question2) Share the linkThe receivers of the survey will be able to answer itasitsays:1) Click in the link2) Vote!Furthermore, you can choose if you want your survey tobeprivate.You will be able to get the result of the surveyonlyentering thepassword.Note: If the link is not working, you can enter the codeofthesurvery through the option "Add Survey".
Poll Perfect 1.0.6
Poll Perfect is an easy to usesurveyingapplication. It allows anyone to quickly and effectivelycreatebespoke surveys in minutes. These surveys can be completedtocapture valued data. After the data is collected, reportsareproduced to highlight possible trends. The data can also beeasilyexported.Single unit usageDevices can be used standalone where everything is managed ontheunit.• No Registration• No Advertisements• No Survey LimitationsMultiple unit usageDevices can sign in to receive survey definitions, which theycanwork on together.• Central Reporting• Multiple units working on the same surveys• Offline collection• Cross platformSurveys can include Housing, Safety, Health, Mechanical,Finance,Purchasing and any purpose that fits bespoke datacollection.
Nicequest 4.0.3
Already a member? Download our app and get gifts for everyactivityyou do!
Doodle - Easy Scheduling 5.0.21
Doodle helps you to find the best time for any kind event - forfree
Encuestas WeSay 1.0
VF & Asociados
We are the leading application Opinion Surveys. Download thefreeapp!
ODK Collect
Open Data Kit
ODK Collect is a replacement for paperformswith support for geo-locations, images, audio clips, videoclipsand barcodes, as well as numerical and textual answers. ODKCollectcan evaluate complex logic to control the display promptsand toimpose constraints on their responses; it also supportsgroups ofrepetitive questions and data collection inmultiplelanguages.ODK Collect is designed to work out of touch with a cellularnetwork/ Wi-Fi during the data collection effort. Once back in thenetworkcoverage, the completed forms can be copied out of thedevice orsent to a server (you control) for analysis.ODK Aggregate is a free server. ODK Collect can use ODK Aggregatetodownload the form definitions and receive completed forms.ODKAggregate can generate CSV files or publish data inGoogleSpreadsheets, Google Fusion Tables and elsewhere. There is arobustuser community and many companies that can provide assistancetoorganizations deploying surveys based on ODK.Go to https://opendatakit.org for more information.
Encuestas 4.33
Móvil Ventas
App Encuestas SencillaSimple App Polls
Questdess 1.4
Questdess:¿Quieres realizar una encuesta privada, sencilla, rápida yconresultados automatizados? Esta App te ayudara.QUESTDESS te permite Responder encuestas previamentecreadasdesde el panel Administrativo. Pueden ser sin limitantesdepreguntas o cantidad de usuarios. Recibirás un código únicodeencuesta por la cual podrás responder por medio de la AplicaciónenIOS y Android, automatizando el conteo de respuestas en elpaneldel administrativo.¿Cómo lo haces?1) Te registras como administrador2) Recibes un Email con el acceso al Panel.3) Creas una encuesta.4) Agrega el correo de las personas autorizada a responderlaspreguntas.5) Envíales el código único de la encuesta, porcorreoelectrónico.6) Al recibir el correo introducen en la app el código y podrán responder tus preguntas.7) Una vez respondidas, podrás ver las estadísticas en elpanelAdministrativo.Descárgala ya y disfruta de todos los servicios yfuncionesCompletamente Gratis.Questdess:Do you want to make a private, simple, fast and automatedsurveyresults? This App will help.Reply surveys QUESTDESS allows you previously created fromtheadministrative panel. They can be no questions or limitingusers.You receive a survey code which you can respond via theapplicationon iOS and Android, automating the response countadministrativepanel.How do you do it?1) You check as administrator2) You receive an email with access to the Panel.3) You create a survey.4) Add the mail of people authorized to answer questions.5) Send them the unique code of the survey, by email.6) Upon receiving the mail introducen in the app code and can answer your questions.7) Once answered, you will see the statistics in theAdministrationpanel.Download it now and enjoy all the services andfunctionscompletely free.