7 Похожие Advanced Allergy Relief

Allergy Track 3.0
Track your symptoms, and thus generateadiaryto monitor your condition.Allergy Track supports allergic sufferers to managetheirallergicdisease by monitoring their symptoms and measuringtheirimpact onwork or school productivity and on dailyactivities.Allergic peoplecan follow the evolution of theirsymptoms and talkabout thesechanges with their doctor to bettermanage theirdisease.It also keeps the allergic sufferers up to date withtheleadingallergy seasons and finding tips to avoid or tominimizeexposureto respiratory allergens, such as pollens and housedustmites, inorder to better manage their symptoms.ALLERGY TRACK is developed by STALLERGENES withtheEuropeanFederation of Allergy and Airways DiseasesPatientsAssociations(EFA) in a non-profit way.
Allergies Remedies 7.0.0
Allergies Remedies is a comprehensive app for allergiesandsuggested care
Pollen allergy warning Sweden 4.01
The first pollen warning app for Sweden with personalisedpollennotifications!
Eliminate Allergy Tips 1.0
Tips to eliminate allergens, allergyisanabnormal response of the immune system. People whohaveallergieshave immune systems that react to a usuallyharmlesssubstance inthe environment. Allergies that cause itchingbecameone of thevery common occurrence. All ages even to infantsmayexperienceitching due to allergic reactions. When your skin itchorrashaccompanied by patches of red, then it signals your bodysendsasignal there are foreign substances that come into contactwiththeskin. But itchy allergy is often not considereddangerousbecausethey are easier to handle. Unless the itchyreaction isalreadycausing some problems such as accompanied byheadache andothers.Food allergy is an allergic reaction caused byour immunesystemmistakenly responds proteins derived from food andtake it asathreat. One allergic reaction that appears to be itchingandrasheson the skin.Well for those of you who want to know about thetipseliminateallergens can not hurt to download the app tipstoeliminate thisallergy free and application tips eliminateallergensis offline,although the quota has been used up no mattertheapplication tipsto eliminate these allergies will continue torunnormally.
Home Remedy for Allergy 1.2
How to Get Rid of Allergy Tip and Suggestion throughHome/NaturalRemedy
Food Allergy Tracker Free 1.9.2
UnifyLog LLC
F.A.T. helps you keep track of any foodallergyor sensitivity.Features:- Easy-to-use interface- Extremely configurable- Charts for better insight- Reports help you share your findings with yourhealthcareprofessional.Keywords:Food Detective, mySimptoms, upset stomach, foodsensitivity,symptoms, food diary, food allergies, IBSThis app will be Ad-supportedDisclaimer:Health information in our products is provided by usforinformational purposes only.Nothing in our products is to be interpreted as advocating theselfmanagement of your health or medicalcondition. It is not intended to serve as or be a substituteforprofessional medical device. You should consultyour medical provider directly regarding your health andanyspecific medical questions you may have. Do notdelay seeking medical advice or disregard any medical adviceyouhave received from your provider due to anycontent in our products.
Allergy Pollen Count 3.0.2
Dr. Safadi & Associates, Inc.
Your Trusted Source for Certified Allergy Pollen and Mold Count