18 Похожие 【無料BL】白の檻 〜愛憎劇・ボーイズラブ〜

【無料BL】徒花の契り 和装ボーイズラブ/恋愛ゲーム 1.0.4
BL 女性向け恋愛ゲーム◆ケモ彼 1.1.10
Gorgeous CGs and 10 attractive characters of different types!
イケメン刑事【BL】ブラプリ!◆女性向け恋愛ゲーム無料ゲーム 1.0.11
[학원 BL] 첫사랑 - 학원물 동갑공 동갑수 1.0.1
[프롤로그]학원 BL 학원물 동갑공 동갑수첫사랑평범한 학교생활을 하기 위한 나의 노력하지만 그간 내 노력이 무색하게 천천히 무너지기 시작했다.강태산 네가 종종 다정하게 대답해주는 것만으로 짜릿한 느낌이 들었고,내가 바라보고, 기대했던 곳에는 항상 네가 있었지.비주얼노벨 시크릿러브의 BL 인기작![게임 소개]* 비주얼노벨 시크릿러브의 인기작 '첫사랑' 단독앱 출시 !* 다른 매력의 일러스트, 조연 캐릭터로 한층 더 업그레이드* BGM, 효과음, 전화, 문자기능도 지원! 시크릿 러브----개발자 연락처 :http://bookpalcomics.com서울시 마포구 상암동 누리꿈스퀘어 비즈니스타워 5층02-6380-9797
ダブルクロス【腐女子向BLゲーム】 1.3.5
「さあ、狩りをはじめようか……」ハードボイルドBLボーイズラブゲーム登場!もうひとつの日本、首都トウキョウには、警視庁はテロ組織や法では裁ききれない犯罪者の殲滅を目的として結成された特殊部隊があった。A〜Z部隊の全26部隊のうち、シンジュクを担当する『J部隊』。謎のテロ組織『円卓の騎士(ナイツオブランド)』により、J部隊の仲間がひとり、またひとりと襲撃されていく…愛と裏切りののハードボイルドマルチエンディング敵の罠に堕ちたのは誰なのか、裏切り者とはいったい…?!任務の中で選択肢を選ぶことで、仲間との親密度が変化し、ストーリー、エンディングが様々に変化します。真実がみえたとき、あなたがみる未来は…※基本プレイ無料。一部特別なシナリオ、アバターをお楽しみ頂く場合は有料となります。"Now, ...... Doyoustartthe hunt" appeared hard-boiled BL Boys Love game!Japan, Tokyo, the capital of another,There was a Special Forces was formed for thepurposeofextermination of criminal justice that can not be thelaworterrorist organization, with Metropolitan Police.Out of the total 26 troops of A ~ Z troops, in charge oftheShinjuku"J troops". To go was attacked and one "Knights of the RoundTable(Knightsobround)" by, fellow of J forces also alone, amysteriousterroristorganization ...Hard-boiled multiple endings of the love and betrayalHad fallen into the trap of the enemy or of who exactlyisatraitor ...?!By choosing the option in the mission, closeness withpeerschanges,story, the ending will change in many ways.when the truth is seen, the future you see ...※ Basic free-to-play. I am charged a fee if youenjoyspecialscenario, the avatar part.
BL 첨벙 물이 튀었다 - 인어와 묘인 3.2.5
[프롤로그] BL 판타지 BL게임 성태는 묘인족이고, 나는 인어다. 인어는 묘인족의 먹이다. 말그대로 머리부터발끝까지아작아작 씹혀먹는 존재. 비주얼노벨 시크릿러브의 BL 인기작! [게임 소개] * 비주얼노벨 시크릿러브의 인기작'첨벙물이 튀었다' 단독앱 출시 ! * 다른 매력의 일러스트, 조연 캐릭터로 한층 더 업그레이드 * BGM, 효과음,전화,문자기능도 지원! 시크릿 러브 ---- 개발자 연락처 : 02-6010-8944
Dear My Mononoke Sacrifice 1.5.2
This BL(Boy’s Love) game of being asacrificein 1900s Japan and falling in love with Mononoke spectorshas nowbeen released!The story is about a boy who was offered as a sacrifice to aspectorloses freedom, and struggles to find true love in thechaos.Enjoy the shady love story with spector, Oni(devil), andmysterioushuman!■Story■The time is Taisho era (1900s), Japan.Due to the contract which the empire of Japan made intheprevious era with the spectors who has threatened the peopleandthe world, the daughters of a noble family have been offered asasacrifice to Mononoke to be protected by the supernormal powerofMononoke.The new period Taisho era(1900s) was started at the sametimewhen the Meiji era collapsed.There was a boy born in a noble family, Shijo, who were grownupas a sacrifice to a Mononoke spector.The boy's Achilles tendon was cut by his mother because ofherstrong obsession towards him, and he has been forcefully livingina secret room. One day, he confirms his determination.“I want freedom――. By my own feet, I will obtain my own placetolive.”The boy was offered as a sacrifice to the spector who is theheadof the Mononoke of water, Kirei Kokonoe.He brings 'wisdom' which is the only thing makes him strong tobreakthrough the risk of his fate.“Let me participate in the conference.”Even if he was ignorant of the world, he had a strong passiontomake a new world.There will be lots of difficulties but he won't give up.Becausethere are many hopes and his friends are always with himandprotect him.The 3 Mononoke try to stretch their hand to hold the boys'hand.The bond of the beautiful Mononoke and the boy isgettingdeepen.However, the outbreak of the war and the conspiracy in thechaosinflict pain on them.Kaoru, the sacrifice boy, overcomes several difficultiesandhardships, and then falling into the forbidden love...Be the sacrifice to Mononoke and find true love andgetfreedom…!※Basically it is a free game. It costs only when youpurchasesome special scenarios and avatars.
宵闇の恋人ヴァンパイアハニー【BL恋愛ボーイズラブゲーム】 1.5.2
「お前が欲しくてたまらない・・・」ヴァンパイアBLボーイズラブゲーム登場!人類の捕食者である吸血鬼。皐月はその怪異と呼ばれる存在を父に持ち、中途半端なヴァンパイアとして仲間からも迫害されて生きてきた。だが、一族を率いるヴァンパイア一族の長、クレイは皐月を庇護し、人狼一族の若きリーダー、史狼は皐月を慕っていた。そこに、ヴァンパイアを狩るハンター、ロウが現れ、3人の関係は一遍し…!?とてつもなく切ない、異形の者同士の恋。命運をかけた禁断の恋が始まる―!?※基本プレイ無料。一部特別なシナリオ、アバターをお楽しみ頂く場合は有料となります。Appeared Vampire BLBoysLove Games "... you are dying want!"Vampire is a predator of the human race.It has the presence to father called the strangeness, Satsukihaslived and are persecuted as well as from fellowhalf-heartedvampire.But the head of the vampire clan, led by the clan, clay totheasylum Satsuki, young leader of the werewolf clan, Fumiokamiwasyearning to Satsuki.There, hunters hunt vampires, wax appeared, relationship ofthreepeople cursory Mr. ...! ?Incredibly painful, love among people of variant.Forbidden love multiplied by the fate begins -! ?※ Basic free-to-play. I am charged a fee if you enjoyspecialscenario, the avatar part.
Fairy Tale Love DatingSimGame 1.2.9
Be the queen of the fairy tale world! Lovegamewith seven princes is open!"I told you that I fell in love with you at first sight. Iwon'tlet you go to other princes."Suddenly taken by the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland,thenbecame the queen of the fairy tale world!? As the queen ofthefairy tale world, you choose your partner and open theforbiddendoor to rescue the world――The shocking ending is waiting for you――!?Join in this free dating love simulation Otome game now and fallinlove with the hot 7 princes!!【Story】Before the due date of tasks, you were nodding in the officebecauseof tiredness. All at once a white rabbit appeared in frontof youand took the important document then ran away!Running after that rabbit, you accidentally fell into themysteriousstrange black ground…….When you woke up, you realized you were sleeping in thegorgeousroom of a fairytale-like castle!?You were regarded as a queen of the fairy tale world, andgotproposed by the 7 princes!In confusion, you would have to choose one prince to becomeyourpartner and also the king of the fairy tale world to rescuetheworld――The fate of if is in your hands!【The Princes】All of the hot princes are from the famous fairy tales!■Albert(Elegant prince from Cinderella)"I would like to be with you forever. Can I hope this...?"■Luca(Tough guy prince from Little Red Riding Hood)"I told you that I fell in love with you at first sight. I won'tletyou go to other princes."■Leonhardt(Cool prince from Beauty and the Beast)"Don't touch me like that, I might be under an illusion……"■Ferris(Arrogant prince from Sleeping Beauty)"Just remember that since we’ve met for the first time,you’vebelonged to me.”■Elio(Gentle prince from the Snow White)"What do you want me to do for you? Well, ok, I'll loveyoumore."■Silvio(Sadistic prince of Blue Kingdom)"What a nice reaction. Queen, I feel like I really wantto……harassyou"■Kite(Cold-hearted but actually warm-hearted!? prince from theSnowQueen)"If I was your lover, would you rely on me……?"■Harold(Faithful white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland)※Basically, it is a free game. But there are some chargeditemswhich will help you to progress the story more easily.*———————————————————————*contact ussupport-arith-novel@arith-metic.jp
イケメン戦国 時をかける恋 女性向けの恋愛ゲーム・乙女ゲーム 2.2.2
"Ikemen Sengoku" from the Ikemen series, a popular romance gameforwomen! A love simulation/otome game where you can enjoy alovestory with character voices by gorgeous voice actors
妖幻の華贄 大正恋花ロマネスク【無料BLゲーム】 1.3.5
物の怪と生きる大正浪漫BLゲーム登場!生贄に奉げられた人間と、妖狐・鬼・謎の書生の華麗な人外×人間の妖しい恋☆■ストーリー■時は大正2年。大日本帝国は人を、世を、脅かした物の怪と和平を結ぶ。ある密約……政府は物の怪に名家の力ある娘を生贄として捧げ、その超常的な能力による守護を受け入れた。そして、物の怪の守護により55年続いた明治の時代は終わり、架空の世が広がる現代。名家・四条の元に生を受け、物の怪の生贄として育てられた男児が居た。実の母の執着により足の腱を切られ、座敷牢での生活を強いられた男はとある決意を胸に秘める。「自由を――己が力で、自らの足で立つ自分の居場所を掴み取る」水の物の怪の族長を務める妖狐・九重葵玲の元へ捧げられた男児は、座敷牢の中で見つけた唯一の武器「知恵」を携え、己の命運をかけた勝負に出る。「僕を――議会に出席させてください」世間を知らず、ただ世情に翻弄される存在からの脱却。華贄の望む世界は遠く、様々な苦難に満ちている。しかしその道筋は何も暗いばかりではない。彼に心を寄せる三人の物の怪の存在が、男児の手を掴もうと伸ばされているのだ。麗しき物の怪達と深まっていく絆。戦争の気配。そして、深い陰謀の種子。馨は様々な障害を乗り越え、禁断の恋に堕ちていく…。※基本プレイ無料。一部特別なシナリオ、アバターをお楽しみ頂く場合は有料となります。Taisho RomanBLgameappeared to live with Mononoke!Humans and was eyelash sacrifice, mysterious loveofbrilliantevildoer × houseboy of human-demon Inu-mystery ☆■ Story ■When is 1913. Empire of Japan make peace withthatMononokethreatened, the world, the people.The sacrificed a daughter in the power of the distinguishedfamilyinMononoke, some secret agreement ...... government acceptedthepatronby its ability paranormal.And, modern era of Meiji, which lasted '55 by thepatronofMononoke is the end, the world of fictional spread.Boy received a raw under the distinguished family Shijo,wasraisedas a sacrifice of Mononoke is stayed.Man cut the tendons of the foot by the obsession of therealmother,was forced to live in Zashikiro is to conceal thebreastcertaindetermination."Freedom - is in his own power, to grab my place to standontheirown feet"Boys devoted to original Inu-Kokonoe AoiRei acting as achiefofMononoke of water,The armed only weapon you find in Zashikiro the "wisdom",takeatrick that is multiplied by the fate of his own."- Please let me attend the parliament me"Does not know the world, break away from the presence ofjustthemercy of state of society.World desired by the Hananie far, I'm full of troubles variety.But nothing has just the dark path.That we're stretched presence of Mononoke of three menapproachtheheart to him, and grab the hand of the boy.Ties and deepening Uruwashiki Mononoke us.Sign of war.And, seed of deep conspiracy.To overcome various obstacles, go and fell in loveforbidden...Kaoru.※ Basic free-to-play. I am charged a fee if youenjoyspecialscenario, the avatar part.
싸이코가 애정표현하는 방법 시즌1 - 미연시 3.3.4
Today is a strange day. A friend who talks to me who isbulliedThere are two people.
変貌カレシ◆恋愛ゲーム女性向け人気! オトメゲーム人気! 2.13.1
Ciagram CO., LTD.
You can read it for free until the end without a mission! Averypopular series in which 5 million people fell in love! Freepopularromance games and otome games for women! Herbivorous boysbecomecarnivorous handsome boys!
Karepet GAMES [Dating games] 4.0.0
The popular dating games which millions of people have beenplaying,are here!
イケメン幕末◆運命の恋 新撰組・女性向け乙女ゲーム 1.2.7
イケメン革命 アリスと恋の魔法 女性向け乙女・恋愛ゲーム 2.2.4
Popular romance game "Ikemen Revolution ◆ Alice and the magicoflove" celebrating its 2nd anniversary A romance simulation gameforwomen where you can enjoy romance with handsome men in the worldofAlice in Wonderland!
イケメン王宮◆真夜中のシンデレラ 恋愛ゲーム 1.4.6
Handsome handsome romance ◆ Dating games are games for girlstoenjoy dating and romance!
恋愛ホテル イケメンセレブとのオトメ・恋愛ゲーム 女性向け 3.0.7
FuRyu's popular romance game series! A gorgeous and sweetromancegame.