16 Похожие إسترجاع الصور المحذوفة Prank

Recover Deleted Photos 2016 3.0
Have you ever deleted an important photobymistake ?!Sometimes it happens when you delete accidently a photo fromyourphone, and start looking for a good tool that can restore itforyou can bring you a headache. To solve this problem all whatyouhave to do is the download recuva data recovery for android andletit Scan all your phone’s internal and external memory.Ever deleted media by accident? This app attempts to recoveralllost or deleted photos on your device. No root required.This application will help to restore all deleted photos,Recoveryour deleted photos now with this simple android appforfree!Today you can retrieve most of your deleted photos in just afewminutes without the need of ROOT !Photo Pecovery application allow you to Recover your deletedphotosnow with this simple android deleted photo recovery forfree!I 'm sure that I deleted an important photo by mistake and ofcourseI were need this photo but I don't know the right way oraplicationto recover my deleted photos from sd card ad you toosometime youwere do the same thingand you want deleted photo recovery so this is the rightsolutionfor you just if you want to get deleted pics back.deleted photo recovery can undelete and recover lost photosandimages from your memory card or internal memory it so simailartodiskdigger photo recovery .★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ FEATURES ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ easy to use★ recovery photo★backup and restore photos★best data recovery softwareSo did you delete a photo in your phone with no intention todoit ? photo recovery app deleted photos is the best and therightsolution for you !Have you ever deleted some files in yourphonelike pictures and you regret doing that? photo recoverysoftwarefor android is you hero that can help you to solveyouproblemeand recover my deleted photos.You can also restore old deleted photos and emails.This is the best recover deleted files for anyone,he is workwithall phone like samsung note photo recovery and galaxy s3photorecovery aslo with all android smart phone such as samsungrecoveryphotos.So don’t worry about deleteany photo by mistake , now youcanrecover them all in a minute with memory cardphotosrecovery.Today you can restore sd memory most of your deleted photos injusta few minutes without the need of ROOT !
استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من الها 1.0
Recover deleted photos from the phone
Recovery Deleted Photos: Free! 1.1
Photo Pecovery application allow you toRecoveryour deleted photos now with this simple android deletedphotorecovery for free!I 'm sure that I deleted an important photo by mistake and ofcourseI were need this photo but I don't know the right way oraplicationto recover my deleted photos from sd card ad you toosometime youwere do the same thingand you want deleted photo recovery so this is the rightsolutionfor you just if you want to get deleted pics back.deleted photo recovery can undelete and recover lost photosandimages from your memory card or internal memory it so simailartodiskdigger photo recovery .So did you delete a photoa in your phone with no intention todoit ? photo recovery app deleted photos is the best and therightsolution for you !Have you ever deleted some files in yourphonelike pictures and you regret doing that? photo recoverysoftwarefor android is you hero that can help you to solveyouproblemeand recover my deleted photos.You can also restore old deleted photos and emails.This is the best recover deleted files for anyone,he is workwithall phone like samsung note photo recovery and galaxy s3photorecovery aslo with all android smart phone such as samsungrecoveryphotos.So don’t worry about deleteany photo by mistake , now youcanrecover them all in a minute with memory cardphotosrecovery.Today you can restore sd memory most of your deleted photos injusta few minutes without the need of ROOT !Main features:1-Super easy!2-Best application deleted photo recovery software for androidphone!3-you don't needto use PCif you want to restore old deletedphotosand emails!4-Also you don't need to rooting your android phone when you wanttorecover deleted files from sd card !5-Need not Backup data!6-You can restore deleted photos on sd card certainly!7-You can also restore deleted photos beforeinstallationimage!8-You can restore the image from the Device or from theSDcard!And of course this is not a prank it's realy usefull.Rating 5 * if you love our app to digital image recovery.
استرجاع الصور المحذوفة 2016 2.0
الآن هذا التطبيق هو الحل بالنسبةلكلكيفيةاسترداد الملفات من جهاز الهاتف الذكي الخاص بك إذا كنتتفقدجميعالملفات الخاصة بك* استعادة الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف* إسترجاع الصور المحذوفة* استعادة الملفات المحذوفة* إسترجاع الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف* استرداد الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف* استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة من الهاتف* اعادة الصور المحذوفة* إسترجاع الصور المحذوفة من بطاقة sd* إرجاع الصور المحذوفةيقدم استرداد التطبيق ملف نسخة مجانية من شأنهااستعادةالملفاتالمفقودة. SD، أو الرقمية الآمنة، وتستخدم بطاقاتتخزينونقلالمعلومات بين الكاميرات الرقمية والهواتفالنقالة،والمساعداتالرقمية الشخصية (أجهزة المساعد الرقمي الشخصي)،وحتى أجهزةالكمبيوترالصغيرة. الكثير منا استخدام بطاقة SD كل يوملتخزين الصوروالوثائقوالرسائل وغيرها، وأنها قد تجعل المستخدمينيشعرون مفجع عندمافقدتالبيانات الخاصة بهم من بطاقة الذاكرة الرقميةالمؤمنة. علىسبيلالمثال، وليس نقل الصور من بطاقة ذاكرة الكاميرا -كارثةمضمونةتقريبا لضرب عند نقطة معينة. ماذا يحدث بعد ذلك؟ إذا كنتقد شكلصدفةبطاقة SD الخاصة بك أو حذف الملفات الهامة من بطاقة SDالخاصة بك،لاتقلق، نحن سوف تظهر لك كيفية العثور على البياناتالمفقودةوالحصولعلى إعادته.عند حذف الصور على الكمبيوتر بنظام التشغيل الكمبيوتر أوعلىبطاقةالذاكرة، والارتباط إلى بيانات يختفي، ولكن لا يزالالبياناتحتىالكتابة بواسطة ملفات جديدة. إذا كنت تتصرف بسرعة، قد تكونقادرةعلىاسترداد بنجاح الصور المحذوفة على جهاز الكمبيوتر الخاص بكأوبطاقةالذاكرة. إذا لم تتمكن من استعادة الصور المحذوفة علىجهازالكمبيوترالخاص بك من خلال سلة المحذوفات، يمكنك محاولةاستعادةالإصداراتالمحفوظة مسبقا من الملفات. لاستعادة الصور المحذوفةعلىبطاقةالذاكرة، ومع ذلك، سوف تحتاج إلى تحميل برنامج استعادةNow this applicationisthesolution for you to how to recover files from yoursmartphoneif youlose all your files* Recover deleted from the phone images* Recover deleted images* restore deleted files* Recover deleted from the phone images* Recover deleted from the phone images* Recover deleted files from the phone* Restore deleted photos* Recover deleted pictures from sd card* Returns deleted photosThe application offers a free version of the recoverywillrestorethe missing files. SD, or Secure Digital, and usestoragecards andtransfer information between digital cameras andmobilephones,personal digital assistants (PDAs), and evensmallcomputers. Manyof us use every day SD card to storephotos,documents, letters,etc., and it may make users feelheartbreakingwhen they lost theirown data from the SD card. Forexample, nottransfer images fromthe camera's memory card - disasteris almostguaranteed to hit atsome point. What happens after that?If youhave accidentallyformatted your SD card or deleting importantfromyour SD cardfiles, do not worry, we will show you how to findthelost data andget it back.When you delete images on a computer operating computer oronamemory card system, and the link to the data disappears,butstillthe data until overwritten by new files. If you actquickly,youmay be able to successfully recover deleted photos onyourcomputeror memory card. If you can not recover deleted imagesonyourcomputer through the Recycle Bin, you can try torestorepreviouslysaved versions of files. To recover deleted imageson thememorycard, however, you will need to download therestoreprogram
recupera immagini eliminate 5
Jaouad Jadlost
Recupera immagini eliminate.Volete recuperare le vecchie immagini? Avete cancellato l'immagine per sbaglio?Provate ad utilizzare questa applicazioneVi permetterà di ripristinare foto e immagini cancellate.Caratteristiche:Facile e intuitiva! Non avete bisogno di conoscenze particolari! Non richiede l’utilizzo del PC! Non necessita di dati di backup! È possibile ripristinare l’immagine una volta trovata! È inoltre possibile ripristinare un'immagine eliminata prima diaverinstallato questa app! È possibile ripristinare l'immagine dal dispositivo o dallaschedaSD! Compatibile con jpg e png! Applicazione gratuita!Istruzioni:1. Selezionare la cartella 2. Selezionare le immagini 3. Toccare il pulsante di avvio per ripristinareSemplice!FAQPerché è possibile ripristinare l'immagine?Questo è completamente diverso dai metodi direcuperotradizionali. Questa applicazione è in grado di rilevare leimmagininascoste. Si può ripristinare l'immagine che è stata condivisaomodificata.Ho eliminato l’immagine ripristinata.Ho ripristinato l'immagine dalla cache. Se si elimina la cache o si utilizza un applicazione pereliminarela cache, non sarà possibile ripristinare l’immagine inquanto nonsi dispone della cache.Le immagini sono piccole e di bassa qualità.La qualità delle immagini estratte può subire un calo diqualitàevidente.cercheremo di migliorare questa parte con iprossimiaggiornamenti.Vengono visualizzate le immagini che non ho cancellato.Questa applicazione non è l'applicazione chememorizzatemporaneamente senza eliminare completamente come uncestino diPC. Quando la cache è memorizzata o quando le immagini sono condiviseosi modificano, vengono fatte le copie nascostedelleimmagini. Questa app cerca le foto nascoste in tutte le cartelle eleripristina. È possibile ripristinare le immagini che sono state eliminateprimadell'installazione. Il caricamento richiede molto tempo.Questa applicazione controlla tutte le cartelle, quindi prendeunsacco di tempo. Se si dispone di molte applicazioni o dati, può richiede più di5minuti.La data dell’immagine ripristinata è diversa.Dal momento che questa applicazione ripristina le immaginidallacopia, non sarà possibile ripristinare con ladatacorretta. Grazie per la vostra comprensione.Recover deleted images.Do you want to retrieve the old images?You have deleted the image by mistake?Try using this applicationIt will allow you to recover deleted photos and images.Features:Easy and intuitive!You do not need special knowledge!It does not require the use of the PC!No need for data backup!You can restore the image once found!You can also restore an image removed before installingthisapp!You can restore the image from the device or memory card!Compatible with jpg and png!Free application!instructions:1. Select the folder2. Select images3. Tap the Start button to resetSimple!FAQBecause you can restore the image?This is completely different from the traditionalrecoverymethods.This application is able to detect the hidden images.You can restore the image that was shared or modified.I deleted the restored image.I restored the image from the cache.If you delete the cache, or you are using an application toclearthe cache, you can not restore the image since you do not havethecache.The images are small and of low quality.The quality of the extracted images may suffer a noticeable dropinquality.we will try to improve this part with the next updates.displays images that I have not deleted.This application is not the application that storestemporarilywithout completely eliminating as a PC trash.When the cache is stored or when images are shared or change,aremade to the hidden copies of the images.This app searches for hidden pictures in all foldersandrestores.You can restore the images that were deletedbeforeinstallation.Loading will take a long time.This application monitors all your folders and takes a lotoftime.If you have many applications or data, it may take more than5minutes.The restored image data is different.Since this application restores images from the copy, you cannotrestore the correct date.Thanks for your understanding.
Photo Recovery Studio 1.2
Pinkbird Studio
This application is for all those phonelovers,where images have been accidentally deleted. Thisapplicationattempts to recover all lost or deleted photos on yourdevice.No need of PC and no root is required.File format supported File format: JPEG, PNG, TIFF, JPEG 2000,GIF,BMP, JPG, 3GP, MP4 and more.Now you can restore images easily and quickly.Any feedback is welcome and will help us to bring in morefunctionsin future updates.
Backup and Restore SMS Contact 3.3
Smart Mnd Pro
Backup and Restore Contact &SMSallowsbackup and restore SMS, Contacts, Application,callslogs.Easy backup and restore SMS and contact Back up yourAndroidPhoneand prevent your important data to be lost. You cansave yourspaceof Phone by back up and removing some data like sms,contatc,Apps,call logs, and bokmarks which are not frequentlyused.The Easy Backup And Restore offers the easy way tobackupyourAndroid Phone.Features Super Backup: SMS & Contacts:* SAVE ALL IMPORTANT DATA in one CLICK* Backup and Restore contacts and save them by date.* Backup and Restore SMS texting / messages (SMS)* Backup and Restore Call Logs Backup with a single clickwiththepossibility of consultation* Call Logs Restoration* Backup and Restore application and the installed games* Restore application and the installed games* Saving images* Backup to the calendar of events* Restoration of events to the calendar.* Backup awakenings* Backup browser bookmarks* Backup personal dictionary* Restore personal dictionaryApp Backup And Restore provides the ability to send allmailbackupto keep a backup, as you will be quiet if you loseyoursmarthphoneor if it fails.Easy Backup And Restore PRO is one of the mostpowerfulandcomprehensive management tools to improve theperformance ofyourAndroid phone, can saves all your data witn oneClickBest Backup tool Restore SMS, Contacts, Journalscalls,application,games.Characteristics:*Easy to use* Easy Backup media with a single click.* Cleaning Support SMS: foreign / old / all* Operation in 1-click* Supports \ 's export to XML* Cotous the android tablet and mobile devices.When you need to back up your phone, just open the app andtakeabackup of the section you want.The “Easy Backup And Restore” app can backs up:* SMS* Contacts* Call Logs* Bookmarks* Apps
Deleted Photo Recovery 3.0
Remote Controle Inc
This application will facilitate torestorealldeleted photos, recovery files now with this easy app forfree!Therough image is what was saved as a small image forthumbnailbydifferent app, and this app extract and freephotorecovery.this locky recover photo can undelete and recover lostphotosandimages from your memory card (Sd Card) or internalmemory.Don'tneed rooting necessary!* Whether you accidentallydeleted aphoto,or even reformatted your memory card, DiskDigger'spowerfuldatarecovery features can find your lost pictures and letyourestorethem.So you delete a photo from your phone without the intend todoso?Photo app deleted photos recovery is the best andrightsolutionfor you! Have you ever deleted some files in yourphonesuch asimages and you regret doing it? software photo recoveryforandroidis you heroes who can help you solve Problemand recover my deleted photos.You can also restore old photos, and deleted messages.These are the files better recover deleted for everyone, itisworkwith all phones like Samsung Note photo recovery andthegalaxyphoto recovery aslo with any Android smartphone asSamsungphotorecovery.So do not worry picture deleteany by mistake, now you canrecoverina minute with pictures of the recovery of memorycard.HOW TO USE:It's easy, just launch the application. A loading screenwillwaituntil it scans all files and deleted photos. It may takesometime,it depends on the size of your memory. After researchiscomplete,the application will display a new screen withfolders,each foldercontains images from a specific location. checkthem oneby onelooking photos that you want to recover, each foldercontainsalist of the picture inside. Check the image that youwanttorestore and when finished click on the restorebuttonforsauvgardement. Now a dialog box willappearcontainingmanufacturing the folder location where you canfind therecoveredimages. You can browse the folder or browse thegallerytoo.Notice:This is not like the trash This is a standalone applicationthatcanrecover photos, even those that were deleted beforetheapplicationwas installed.
استرجاع الصور المحذوفة 1.1
الصور هي شيء مهم لكل شخص في أجهزتهم.إذاكانلديك صور مع أصدقائك أو عائلتك و فقدتها عن طريق الخطأ لايجبعليكالبدء في ذعر. لا داعي للقلق حيال ذلك الآن لأن هناكالأدواتالتييمكن أن تساعدك على استعادة الملفات الخاص بك.استرجاع كل الصور التي حذفت من هاتفي .كل ما عليك هو الضغط على الزر ليقوم التطبيق بإسترجاعالصورالمحذوفةالتطبيق يقوم استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من كارت ميموري* استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف* استعادة الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف* إرجاع الصور الممسوحة من الهاتف* إرجاع الصور المحذوفةطبيق استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف بسرعة فائقةاسترجاع الصور التي حذفت من هاتفيعليك الضغط على الزر ليقوم التطبيق ب إسترجاع الصور المحذوفةايضا يقوم التطبيق باسترجاع الصور المحذوفة من كارت ميموري:* استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف* استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من كارت ميموري.استرجاع الصور المحذوفة عن طريق الخطأ من داكرة الهاتف ومنبطاقةالداكرSD Card بسهولة.أحيانا يحدث ان نقوم بحذف الصور عن طريق الخطأ من الهاتف ،فنبدأفيالبحث عن طريقة جيدة يمكن أن نقوم بها بإسترجاعها. لحل هذهالمشكلةكلما عليك فعله هو تحميل هذا التطبيق والسماح لها بمسحكافةالذاكرةالداخلية والخارجية لهاتفك.كيف تستعمل :التطبيق سهل ،كل ما عليك فعله هو تشغيل التطبيق. وستظهر لكشاشةالتحميل. فقط تحلي بالصبر إنتظر قليلا حتى يقوم التطبيق بمسحجميعالملفاتوالمجلدات للصور المحدوفة. قد يستغرق دلك بعض الوقتاعتماداعلى مدى كبرحجم ذاكرة الهاتف. بعد دلك. سوف تظهر شاشة جديدةمعمجلدات، كل مجلديحتوي على صور من موقع معين. تحقق منها واحداتلوالآخر بحثا عن صورك ،كل مجلد يحتوي على قائمة من الصور داخله.قمبإختيار الصور التي تريداستعادتها وعند الانتهاء من ذلك إضغطزراستعادة لحفظها.مميزات التطبيق :1 - مسح الذاكرة الداخلية والخارجية على حد سواء.2 - تصمبم بسيط وسهولة الاستخدام.3 - سريع وموثوق.4 - لا حاجة لعمل رووت للهاتف.5 - استعادة كافة أنواع الصور: jpg,jpeg,pngRestore the imageI want to return the erased images again!I have erased the image in mistake!Why don't you try to use this app?You may be able to restore the erased images!بالتوفيقThe picturesareanimportant thing for each person in their devices. Ifyouhavephotos with friends or family, and lost it by mistakeyoushouldnot begin to panic. No need to worry about it nowbecausethere aretools that can help you restore your files.Retrieve all the pictures deleted from my phone.All you need is to press the button for the applicationtoretrievedeleted photosThe application will retrieve deleted photos from Memory Card* Recover deleted from the phone images* Recover deleted from the phone images* Returns scanned images from the phone* Returns deleted photosTbaiq retrieve deleted photos from the phone very quicklyRetrieval of images that were deleted from my phoneYou have to press the button for the application toretrievedeletedphotosThe application also retrieve deleted photos from Memorycard:* Recover deleted from the phone images* Recover deleted images from memory card.Recover deleted images by mistake from Dhakrh phone andAldhakrSDCard card easily.Sometimes it happens that we delete the images by mistakefromthephone, you start in the search for a good way we canretrievethem.To resolve this issue all you have to do isdownloadthisapplication and let it scans all internal and externalmemoryforyour phone.How to use:The application is easy, all you have to do is runtheapplication.And you will see a loading screen. Just be patientwaita littlebit until the application scans all files and foldersforphotosMahdovh. Knead may take some time depending on how bigthephone'smemory size. After you knead. A new screen willappearwithfolders, each folder contains images of a specificlocation.Checkthem out one after another in search of images,eachfoldercontains a list of pictures inside it. Your choice ofimagesthatyou want to restore, and when you're done click restorebuttontosave.Application features:1 - scanning the internal and external memory alike.2 - Tsambm simple and easy to use.3 - fast and reliable.4 - no need to work en route to the phone.5 - restore all image types: jpg, jpeg, pngRestore the imageI want to return the erased images again!I have erased the image in mistake!Why do not you try to use this app?You may be able to restore the erased images!Good luck
استرجاع الصور المحذوفة 1.0
هل قمت بحدف صور أو ملفات في هاتفكبالخطأوتريداسترجاعها ؟هل مللت من تطبيقات استرجاع الصور المحذوفة الكادبةوالغيرشغالة؟هل تبحث عن تطبيق حقيقي ليسترجع جميع صورك بسرعة ؟الان لدينا الحل لكم والتطبيق الدي تبحثون عنه والدي لن يخدلكمسوفيقومباسترجاع الصور المحذوفة بسرعة وبكل سهولة وبالمجان .استرجاع الصور المحذوفه من الهاتف أو من ذاكرة الهاتفواسترجاعالفيديوهات المحذوفة و استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة الانمجاناعلي هاتفكويشتغل علي جميع انواع الهواتف الدكية .كيف تقوم استرجاع الصور المحذوفه من الهاتف بهدا التطبيق :1. اختر المجلد الدي يحتوي علي الصور الدي تريد استرجاعها .2. حدد الصور المحذوفة من ذاكرة الهاتف3. اضغط علي زر الاستعادة وسوف تجدها في الالبوم داخل هاتفكمميزات التطبيق :استرجاع الصور المحذوفة 2016استرجاع جميع الملفات المحذوفةاسترجاع الصور المحذوفه من الهاتفاسترجاع الصور المحذوفة من ذاكرة الهاتفاسترجاع الفيديوهات المحذوفة من الهاتفاسترجاع الصور المحذوفة بدون انترنيتادا أعجبك و اشتغل معك التطبيق جيدا لاتنسو تقييمالتطبيقومشاركتهمع اصدقائكم .Did you Bhdvimagesorfiles in your phone by mistake and you want to retrieveit?Tired of applications retrieve images deletedAlcadbhandnon-operational?Are you looking for a real application to retrieve allyourphotosquickly?Now we have a solution for you and practice my parentsarelookingfor, and my parents would not Akhaddlkm willretrievedeletedimages quickly and easily and free of charge.Retrieve images deleted from the phone or from thephone'smemory,and retrieve the deleted videos and recover deletedfilesnow freeon your phone and runs on all kinds of phones Aldkih.How do you retrieve pictures deleted from thephoneHadaApplication:1. Choose My father folder contains images my parentswanttorestore.2. Select the deleted photos from the phone memory3. Click on the Restore button and you will find in thealbuminsideyour phoneApplication features:Recover deleted photos 2016Retrieve all deleted filesRetrieve images deleted from the phoneRecover deleted pictures from the phone's memoryRecover deleted videos from phoneRecover deleted photos without InternetWada did you like and the application worked with yougoodtoAtnso application assessment and share it with yourfriends.
استرحاع الصور المحذوفة prank 1.0
كثيرًا ما يُشكك البعض في إمكانيةاستعادةالملفاتالمحذوفة ولكن اليوم مع برنامج استرجاع الصورالمحذوفةبامكانك استرجاعجميع صورك كل ما عليك هوالضغط على الزر ليقومالتطبيقباستكمال جميعالمراحل و إسترجاع الصور المحذوفةالتطبيق عبارة عن مزحة و للإستمتاع مع أصدقائك و العائلةاتبع تعليمات التطبيق والعودة جميع الصور الخاصةبكالمحذوفةبسهولة.تطبيق مميز وجديد ل استعادة الصور المحذوفة .لا تنسى تقييم التطبيق.- This Application is Just A Prankالتطبيق عبارة عن خدعة فقط.المرجو مشاركة التطبيقاليوم مع برنامج استرجاع فيديوهات المحذوفة بامكانكاسترجاعجميعفيديوهاتك كل ما عليك هوالضغط على الزر ليقوم التطبيقباستكمالجميعالمراحل و إسترجاع الفيديوهات المحذوفةالتطبيق عبارة عن مزحة و للإستمتاع مع أصدقائك و العائلةنقدم لك هذا الانتعاش دليل التطبيق المجاني الذي يحتويعلىمعلوماتمفصلة عن ما عليك القيام به مرة واحدة قمت بحذفهاالفيديوالخاصة بكوتريد اعادتهم.اتبع تعليمات التطبيق والعودة جميع الفيديوهات الخاصةبكالمحذوفةبسهولة.المرجو تقييم التطبيقالمرجو نشر التطبيقوشكراهل فقدت الفيديو مهم من الهاتف الذكي الخاص بك؟ مع رخيصة إلىحدماوكاميرات ذات جودة عالية، والجميع تقريبا لديه القدرة علىجعلأشرطةالفيديو من الهواتف.بالاضافة الى ذلك، كاميرات الويب، والملفات المحفوظةوغيرهامنالمصادر الفيديو يمكن أن تضاف إلى مجموعة الفيديو.ولكن ماذا يحدث عندما يحصل حذفه؟هل تريد الحصول على كل منهم العودة في أقرب وقت ممكن؟كل الحق لا داعي للذعر. هنا هو الفيديو الانتعاش التطبيقمجانالك.وهذا التطبيق يكون بتقديم لكم خطوة بخطوة التوجيهي حولكيفيةاستعادةملفات الفيديو.مجرد تحميل التطبيق مجانا واتبع التعليمات خطوة بخطوةالمبينةلمجردالحصول على كل ما تبذلونه من ملفات الفيديو المحذوفةمرةأخرى.تحميل الآن إنها مجانية !!ملاحظة - وهذا هو المحتوى فقط التطبيق الذي يوفر لكمعلوماتحولكيفية استرداد ملفات الفيديو.Since this is a free app therefore it contain a 3rdpartyads.However, I assure you that it wont interruptyourexperience.Often somequestionthepossibility of restoring the deleted files, but todaywiththerecovery of deleted photos. You can program all your photosallyouHoaldguet retrieve the button for the application tocompleteallthe stages and retrieve deleted photosThe application is a joke and to enjoy with yourfriendsandfamilyFollow the application and return all your pictureseasilydeletedinstructions.Senior and a new application to recover deleted photos.Do not forget to evaluate the application.- This Application is Just A PrankThe application is just a hoax.Please Application SharingToday with the recovery of the deleted videos program.Youcanretrieve all your videos all you Hoaldguet buttonontheapplication for the completion of all stages andretrievedeletedvideosThe application is a joke and to enjoy with yourfriendsandfamilyWe offer you this recovery FREE application directory,whichcontainsdetailed information about what you need to do onceyouhave deletedyour video and want them back.Follow the application and return all your videoseasilydeletedinstructions.Please evaluate the applicationPlease application deploymentThank youHave you lost important video from your smartphone? Withfairlycheapcameras and high quality, and almost everyone has theabilityto makevideos of the phones.In addition, webcams, and archived files and othervideosourcescan be added to the video set.But what happens when it gets deleted?Do you want to get them all back as soon as possible?All right do not panic. Here is a video applicationrecoverytoyou for free. This application will be providingyouthestep-by-step guideline about how to restore video files.Just download the free application and follow the stepbystepinstructions set out just to get all your deletedvideofilesagain.Download Now It's free !!Note - This is the only application content that providesyouwithinformation about how to retrieve video files.Since this is a free app therefore it contain a 3rdpartyads.However, I assure you that it wont interruptyourexperience.
استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة Prank 1.0
Best Android Tools
تطبيق استرجاع الملفات المحذوفةالان اصبح بإمكانك استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة من جهازك مع أفضلتطبيقلاسترجاع الملفات المحذوفة من جهازكقم بالضغط على زر " استرجاع الملفات الان" ليتم استرجاع الملفاتبأكثرسرعة ممكنة و حفظها في جهازكالتطبيق سهل جدا للاستخدامالتطبيق لا يؤتر على هاتفك نهائياالمميزات :* استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف* استرداد الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف* استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من الجهاز* استرجاع الفيديو المحذوف* استرداد الملفات المحذوفة** التطبيق عبارة عن مزحة **Recover deletedfilesapplicationNow you can deleted files from your computer with the bestrecoveryapplication to retrieve deleted files from yourcomputerClick on "retrieve files now" button to retrieve the filesmorequickly as possible and save them in your deviceThe application is very easy to useThe application does not Aatr on your finalAdvantages :* Recover deleted photos from your phone* Recover deleted photos from your phone* Recover deleted photos from your device* Retrieve the deleted video* Recover deleted files** Application is a joke **
Secure Wipe 1.09
Pinellas CodeWorks
No root required. Free and contains no Adware. Does notconnecttothe internet. In our continued effort to make thisworkwithKitKat, we have had mixed results. So, if you arerunningKitKat,it may or may not work for you until I get timetoinvestigate theissues with some phones. But, it's a free appwithno ads and worksfor most people. Please provide feedback tothedeveloper ratherthan giving a low rating so that I can fixwhateveris wrong. Alsofeel free to suggest improvements. Thank you.It ispossible toforensically extract information from a smartphoneusing mobileforensic tools such as Cellebrite and XRY evenafter ithas beendeleted. This utility can help to prevent thatfromhappening bysanitizing the free space on a phone.Similarfunctionality can befound on desktop machines usingutilities likeCCleaner, Eraser,and File Shredder. If you are afraidof thegovernment peeking atyour phone and extracting andreconstructingdeleted files, this isthe app that you want. Thisapplication doesnot delete files orclean the cache. Use other toolsto delete filesand clean thecache. Then use this utility tosanitize the freespace. Althoughwe cannot guarantee that all freespace will besanitized, thisapplication finds all of the free spacethat Androidwill give usin three primary areas where data isnormally storedand overwritesit as completely as the phone willallow: 1. System -This is theprotected data area shared by allapplications. 2. SDCard - Onsome phones this is the actual SD Cardand on others it isemulatedSD Card space. 3. Optional SD Card - Onsome phones this istheactual SD Card and many other phones do nothave thisspace.Samsung phones typically put the real external SDCard here.To runthe application: 1. Make sure that the phone hasgoodbattery/wallpower. 2. Put a checkmark next to the sectionsofmemory tosanitize. 3. Press the Start Wiping button. 4. Do notusethe phonewhile the application is working. The status areawillindicate howthe process is going. Some have complained thatafter awipe, theysometimes still see old files that were deletedusingother apps.In my investigation I have found that theoverwhelmingmajority offiles are overwritten but occassionally onefile is leftintact.Also, sometimes you have thumbnail files ofpictures in adatabaseand you need to delete that file as wellbefore runningSecure WipeAndroid does not always allow us to writeto every freesector.Watch the statistics as it is overwriting tosee if the freespacecount goes to 0 as it is writing. Also run theapp more thanonceto get more thorough wiping since SD cards rotatetheir sectorsinand out of service. Many SD cards rotate blocks ofmemory inandout of use for wear leveling. As a result, it ispossiblethatafter sanitizing memory there could be some blocks thatgetrotatedback in to use that were never sanitized. Tomitigatethispossibility, run this application twice whichstatisticallywillusually hit all blocks of memory. This applicationhas notbeentested on all phones. Please provide feedback tothedeveloperabout any problems. It has been found to work onSamsungGalaxy S2,S3, S4 and Victory phones, the HTC Arrive andothers.System spacetakes several minutes to sanitize and 8GB SDCards cantake up tohalf an hour. If the application is abortedbefore itfinishes,there may be large files left on the phone. Ifthishappens, simplyreboot the phone and bring the application upand itwillautomatically look for these files and delete them atstartup.
Recover Deleted Files 2.2.1
Now, You can recover your deleted files and photos easily
Recover Deleted Photos 4.0
Have you ever deleted an importantphotobymistake ?!Sometimes it happens when you delete accidently a photofromyourphone, and start looking for a good tool that can restoreitforyou can bring you a headache. To solve this problem allwhatyouhave to do is the download recuva data recovery for androidandletit Scan all your phone’s internal and external memory.Ever deleted media by accident? This app attempts to recoveralllostor deleted photos on your device. No root required.This application will help to restore all deletedphotos,Recoveryour deleted photos now with this simple androidappforfree!Today you can retrieve most of your deleted photos in justafewminutes without the need of ROOT !Photo Pecovery application allow you to Recover yourdeletedphotosnow with this simple android deleted photo recoveryforfree!I 'm sure that I deleted an important photo by mistake andofcourseI were need this photo but I don't know the right wayoraplicationto recover my deleted photos from sd card ad youtoosometime youwere do the same thingand you want deleted photo recovery so this is the rightsolutionforyou just if you want to get deleted pics back.deleted photo recovery can undelete and recover lostphotosandimages from your memory card or internal memory it sosimailartophoto recovery .★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ FEATURES ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ easy to use★ recovery photo★backup and restore photos★best data recovery softwareSo did you delete a photo in your phone with no intention to doit?photo recovery app deleted photos is the best and therightsolutionfor you !Have you ever deleted some files in yourphonelikepictures and you regret doing that? photo recoverysoftwareforandroid is you hero that can help you to solveyouproblemeand recover my deleted photos.You can also restore old deleted photos and emails.This is the best recover deleted files for anyone,he is workwithallphone like samsung note photo recovery and galaxy s3photorecoveryaslo with all android smart phone such assamsungrecoveryphotos.So don’t worry about deleteany photo by mistake , now youcanrecoverthem all in a minute with memory cardphotosrecovery.Today you can restore sd memory most of your deleted photos injustafew minutes without the need of ROOT !Recover My Deleted Photoslost photosrestore photosrecover lost photosdigital photo recoveryimageshow to recover deleted photosvideosand files on all android devices usingofficialrecover deleted picturesrecover pictures sd cardrecover photos sd carddatarecoverysoftware,data recoverydata recovery software
Prank استعادة الملفات المحذوفة 1.2
الآن هذا التطبيق هو الحل بالنسبة لكلكيفيةاسترداد الملفات من جهاز الهاتف الذكي الخاص بك إذا كنت تفقدجميعالملفات الخاصة بك من الروبوت الهاتف.تطبيق مميز وجديد ل استعادة الصور المحذوفة .قم بالضغط على الزر ليقوم التطبيق باستكمال جميع المراحل واسترجاعالصور المحذوفةدوره :-- استعادة الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف ---- استرجاع الصور المحذوفة ---- استعادة الملفات المحذوفة ---- استرجاع الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف ---- استرداد الصور المحذوفة من الهاتف ---- استرجاع الملفات المحذوفة من الهاتف --مميزات :-- سهولة في العمل ---- سرعة الاستجابة ---- التطبيق مجرد مزحة للتسلية --نتمنى أن يعجبكمNow this applicationisthe solution for you to how to recover files from yoursmartphoneif you lose all your files from your Android phone.Senior and a new application to recover deleted photos.Press the button for the application to complete all thestagesand retrieve deleted photosCourse :- Recover deleted photos from your phone -- Recover deleted photos -- Recover deleted files -- Recover deleted photos from your phone -- Recover deleted photos from your phone -- Recover deleted files from the phone -Characteristics :- Easy to work -- Response - speed- The application just a joke for entertainment -We hope you like