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HMA 2015 android-release-v4.1
CrowdCompass by Cvent
Hospital Management Asia (HMA) isAsia’sPremier Learning CONFERENCE and EXPO for Hospital Managers.Now inits 14th year is totally committed to keeping hospitalmanagers,clinicians and healthcare leaders and medical doctorsupdated onworldwide healthcare management thinking and experiencewhilecreating a real and virtual forum for regional networkingofhealthcare managers.The conference topics are meant to be immediately useful “howto”tools. At the same time, there are thought- leading topics fortheplenary sessions, CEO Forum and Health Leaders’ Summit thataretargeted at senior and top executives.HMA’s mission is to help hospital managers improve andsucceed.It directs itself to the continuing professionaldevelopment ofhospital managers, clinicians and leaders in anenvironment ofquality intellectual learning and quiet socialexchanges.The 2015 event is scheduled on September 3 and 4 at SedonaHotelin Yangon, Myanmar.This mobile application is meant to guide allconferenceattendees before and during HMA. It is also an avenue tobridgeconnections among delegates.View the full Event Fact Sheet here: http://hospitalmanagementasia.com/factsheet/