1 Похожие 義大利料理餐廳

鮮享料理 1.3.2
1.料理競賽優勝隊伍之料理食譜2.介紹地方特色食材3.在地料理食材之來源與種植者介紹4.在地料理之在地位置與地圖導覽5.在地食材之健康分級主辦單位:行政院農業委員會農糧署補助單位: 行政院農業委員會水土保持局協辦單位: 僑光科技大學,中臺科技大學,各鄉鎮市區農會1. Winners of thecontestcooking cooking recipes2. Introduction of local specialties ingredients3. In the origin of food ingredients with growersintroduction4. In the land of the dishes in the ground position andmapnavigation5. In the healthy ingredients of gradingSponsor: Agriculture and Food AgencySubsidy Unit: Soil and Water Conservation BureauSponsor: jacob University of Science and Technology, CentralTaiwanUniversity of Science and Technology, the townshipurbanpeasant