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Italia News | Italia Notizie 10
All About News
Italia News is a fast and easy way to read news on Android
Sky TG24 2.0.2
Sky Italia S.r.l.
Keep yourself updated anywhere, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Quotidiani Italiani
Baris Efe
Read any newspaper from the Italy!
Corriere della Sera 5.1.2
RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.
Introducing Corriere della Sera Digital Edition, the bestnewspaperapp in Italy
Corriere UP
RCS MediaGroup S.p.A.
Corriere della Sera's news onyoursmartphone.Browse all the news of your interest, the highlights of the day,thePress of the best international newspapers and many extrasdesignedfor you. All without sacrificing the Chronicle news,Politics,Foreign Affairs, Economy, Science, Health, Culture,Entertainment,Technology and much more.Finally you can customize UP Corriere following the mostrelevantcontent for you, you can read the news even in offlinemode, followthe live video of Corriere TV and stay updated in realtime on themajor sporting events-----------------------------------------------------------------------Try now Corriere UP, FREE for 7 days and then choosethesubscription that you prefer.We remind that the payment is handled by Google and thepurchasewill be charged to your Google Account at confirmation ofpurchase.The subscription is recurring and you can manage theactivation ordeactivation of the occurrence of a recurringsubscription settingsin your Google Account.Conditions of servicehttp://inapp.rcs.it/inapp3/services/iphone/news/simplepages/infocosti_autorenew?appid=icorseraFor any reports or suggestions send an emailto:digitaledition@rcs.it
Quotidiani Italiani 0814537
AppCode Co.,
The largest collection of Italian newspapers.
Ultim'ora (Ultime notizie) 1.3.7
News gratis! Con questa app sarai sempre aggiornatosulleultimenotizie dall'Italia e dal mondo. Puoi sfogliare lenotiziepercategoria, scegliere le categorie preferite(Ultim'ora,calcio,squadra del cuore, cronaca, gossip, cinema,politica, etc.)esalvare o condividere le notizie. E se non vuoiperderetempo...puoi attivare e personalizzare il servizio dinotifica.Disclaimer:Le notizie riportate in questa app sonoottenuteutilizzando i feedrss forniti dai vari provider. L'autoredeclinaogni responsabilitàper la presenza di errori o imprecisioni.Tuttii marchi presentinell'app sono proprietà deirispettiviproprietari.
Italy News 7.7
News Online App
Italy News, all news for you!
Nanopress 1.3
Trilud SpA
Nanopress is a news app, with real timeitalianand worldwide news. Content language is italian.News are categorized in politics, economy, chronicles,sport,tech, automotive, fashion and luxury, tv shows, music,cinema,culture, health.
Elia Palme
Newscron offers you a large numberofnewspapers, blogs, websites and other information sourcesfromEurope and Latin America totally free. Unlike otheraggregators,Newscron has a unique algorithm which is able to filterandorganize the news semantically. This means that the app getsthenews from several sources and groups them into stories andarticlesrelated to the same topic. This allows the reader to followtheevolution of a particular event from different perspectives,avoidduplicated news, optimize his time and become betterinformedfaster.Newscron is organized by country packages. You can read thepressfrom England, Scotland, Wales or Northern Ireland (allUnitedKingdom) along with papers and digital magazines from theRepublicof Ireland. Moreover, you can mix these packages with thesourcesfrom Spain, France, Germany among others without having toinstallmultiple apps. With Newscron, which includes sources fromnineEuropean countries and all the spanish-speaking Latin America,youcan browse multiple sources from different countries andlanguagesin just one timeline. Once installed, set your preferencesandselect by country, category/topic or media. On top of that youcanshare the most interesting news with your friends viaFacebook,Twitter or Whatsapp.In other words, thanks to its algorithm, you can combine thelatestnews from The Guardian or the Daily Mail with The Courier ortheScotsman with news from The Irish Examiner in just one reader.Andeven with articles from El País (Spain), Il Corriere dellaSera(Italy) or Le Monde (France) among a vast variety ofsources.Our sources database is improving constantly thanks to thesupportof our community. We are a small start-up, but we work hardeveryday to give our best. If you think that there is anynewspaper,website or magazine that you would like to read, pleaselet us knowat http://www.newscron.com/support.Keep yourself always updated in a fast, effective and free waywithNewscron. No matter if you are in England, Scotland,Ireland,Germany, Switzerland, Belgium or Spain, with Newscron youwill getalways the last minute news on your Android device.Leave us a feedback at http://www.newscron.com/supportYou can check out and like our Facebook pagehttp://www.facebook.com/Newscron?fref=tsFollow us on Twitter @Newscron https://twitter.com/Newscron
la Repubblica.it
Con la nuova applicazione di Repubblica.ithaiaccesso al megliodell'informazione, dell’intrattenimento e dellamultimedialitàdiRepubblica:• Le notizie in tempo reale dalla redazione e tutti gliapprofondimenti con articoli, dirette e contenutimultimediali• Il meglio delle sezioni verticali del sito(tecnologia,spettacoli,motori, ecc.)• Tutti i più importanti eventi calcistici e non• Tutte le notizie della tua città• I contenuti multimediali di Repubblica TVE per la prima volta una selezione dei migliori contenutidalquotidiano, daRsera e dagli allegati D-la Repubblica, Affari&Finanza eilVenerdì:• I commenti e le opinioni delle grandi firme di Repubblica• Le rubriche del quotidiano• Le vignette satiriche• Attualità e news al femminile• I fatti economici di maggior rilievo• I retroscena, le inchieste e i reportageWith the newapplicationof Repubblica.it have access to bestinformation, entertainment and multimedia ofRepublic:• The news in real time by the editors and allinsights with articles, direct and media• The best of the vertical sections of the site(technology,entertainment,motors, etc.).• All major football events and not• All news of your city• Multimedia content of Czech TVAnd for the first time a selection of the best content fromeverydaylife, fromRsera and annexes D-Republic, Business & FinanceandFriday:• The comments and opinions of the big names of Republic• The sections of the newspaper• The cartoons• Current events and news in the feminine• The most important economic facts• Behind the scenes, the investigations and the reportage
TG La7 Mobile 5.0
Telecom Italia S.p.a.
L’informazione del TG LA7 è ora GRATIS.Resta sempre informato, consultando sul tuo telefoninonotizievideo, news testuali e le ultime edizioni integrali delTGLa7.The information is nowTGLA7 FREE.Is always informed by consulting on your mobile video news,newstext, and the last complete editions of TG La7.
HIGH.FI: Great News Widget & A 1.151
New kind of news reader with great news widget! Follow 1'000sofnews sites.
Rassegna Stampa Giornali 5.0
Press Review Newspapers shows News of the major sites, magazinesandnewspapers.
Italian Newspapers 6.0.4
Groups all news of the most important newspapers and magazinesofItaly
Breaking News & Weather 2.3.2
With Breaking News and weather, you canfollowall the latest articles from the world press with themajority ofthe big daily or weekly newspapers.Headline news, top and recent news.In the form of a simple and refined presentation, thisapplicationwill allow you to set the order and display of thenewspapers andmagazine.Thanks to the RSS feeds, this application downloads thelatestarticles with photos and descriptions of the article. Theuser cantherefore click on the article to access the entire articleon thewebsite in question.In the menu, it’s completely possible to change the countryoforigin of the incoming information with a choice of 15 countriesatthe momentIn addition, the user can create their information streamaccordingto their own tastes with the following categories: Sports,News,Art, World News, Politics, and Technology.An innovative widget allows you to display the most recentarticles,the weather of the biggest cities in the country, and thestocks inyour country. The entire banner is completelyadjustable.Furthermore, you can find this banner in the form of anexternalwidget on your phone.The display of adverts allows the application to be profitableandto improve it with every update.newspapers reported with RSS Feed.We also have selected the best weekly magazines and onlinefreenews. You can read these weekly news magazines every dayatanytime. A lot of articles and archives are included. You canreadlocal newspaper too.For United States (RSS Feed)NY TimesL.A TimesNY PostMy Daily NewsNBCSky NewsForbesNPRCNNThe GuardianUSA TodayNewsdayDenver PostABC NewsThe dallas morning newsESPNForbesReutersNBC MiamiLocal10.comNBC4 WashingtonHouston ChronicleStar TribuneNBC Southern CaliforniaSan Francisco ChronicleDaily NewsThe Wall Street JournalChicago TribuneESPN.comComputerworldCNETGeek.comCanada (english , FR) (RSS Feed)Toronto StarVancouver SunCalgary HeraldEdmonton SunThe ProvinceGlobe and MailJournal de MontréalCanoeCBCLa PresseMontreal GazetteToronto SunOttawa CitizenCalgary SunFor United Kingdom (RSS Feed)The Daily TelegraphThe IndependantThe Daily ExpressThe Daily MailSky NewsThe Daily StarHuffington PostBBC UKDaily MirrorReutersThe TimesFinancial TimesThe HeraldComputerworldCNETGeek.comFor Australia (RSS Feed)Daily TelegrahThe AustralianThe AdvertiserNews.com .auSMHThe ConversationHerald SunThe Cairns PostFox SportsThe MercuryABC NewsThe couriel MailCamberra TimesNBCNY TimesNY PostMy Daily News
Quotidiano.net 6.0
Monrif Net S.R.L.
La nuova app di QUOTIDIANO.NET vuoleproporreagli utenti nuovi contenuti relativi a SPORT, MODA,BENESSERE,MAGAZINE!Puoi accedere ai contenuti della tua città di interesse edaverlisempre disponibili in evidenza.Non solo! Grazie all’app di Quotidiano.net puoi indicareunargomento a tuo piacimento e avere a disposizione tutte lenostrenotizie aggiornate sul tema selezionato.QUOTIDIANO.NET, l’informazione… semplice!The new appQUOTIDIANO.NETwants to propose to the new content related to usersSPORT, FASHION,WELLNESS, MAGAZINE!You can access the contents of your city of interest and havethemalways available in evidence.Not only! Thanks app to Quotidiano.net can indicate a topic asyoulike and to have all our updated news about theselectedtheme.QUOTIDIANO.NET, information ... simple!
Ansa Professioni INPGI 1.5
Data Stampa Srl
La nuova App personalizzata “ANSAPROFESSIONI”, tutto ciò che serve a un professionista per essereinformato intempo reale su tutto ciò che accade nel suomondo.Notizie per sfruttare al meglio opportunità di business,modifichenormative e aggiornamenti in materia previdenziale.L’esperienza,l’affidabilità e il prestigio dell’Ansa, primaagenziagiornalistica italiana, al servizio degli associati dell’Adepp,che potranno scaricare e consultare sui propri Smartphone eTablet(Apple e Android) tutte le news di settore su welfare, lavoroeattività istituzionali, le informazioni sulla Cassa di Previdenzaesul proprio settore, l’attività legislativa del ParlamentoItalianoe delle commissioni Ue, la rassegna stampaquotidianapersonalizzata, le top news della giornata e gli sviluppidi tuttele notizie economiche, i Telegiornali e la prima pagina conlaquale si apriranno i giornali di domani.La veste grafica agile e intuitiva consente ai professionistidiaccedere con facilità alle varie sezioni della app e disfogliarnevelocemente i contenuti continuamente aggiornati.All'interno diogni argomento sono visibili le ultime notizie (inprimo piano confoto), gli approfondimenti, i dossier e lapossibilità di accedereall'archivio.The new Apppersonalized"ANSA PROFESSIONS", all you need a professional to beinformed inreal time of everything that happens in his world.News to make the most of business opportunities, regulatorychangesand updates on social security. The experience, reliabilityandprestige of ANSA, the first Italian press agency, in the serviceofthe members of 'ADEPP, who can download and consult ontheirSmartphone and Tablet (Apple and Android) all news industryonwelfare, work and institutional activities, information onthePension Fund and its sector, the legislative activity oftheItalian Parliament and the EU commission, the daily pressreviewcustom, the top news of the day and the development of alltheeconomic news, TV news and the first page with which you openthepapers tomorrow.The agile and intuitive layout allows professionals to easilyaccessthe various sections of the app and browse through contentquicklycontinuously updated. Within each topic can see the latestnews (inforeground with photo), the insights, the dossier and theability toaccess the archive.