19 Похожие SMG Emergencias

Swiss Medical Móvil 7.5
Desarrollo SMG
Accedé a todos los servicios deSwissMedicalGroup estés donde estés.Swiss Medical Móvil es una aplicación exclusivaparanuestrosasociados que permite:• Consultar la cartilla de profesionales.• Consultar las Farmacias, incluyendobúsquedaporgeolocalización.• Consultar nuestras sucursales en todo el país.• Comunicarte con nosotros en caso de emergencia.• Acceder a tus facturas de forma ágil y segura.• Consultar los resultados de tus Estudios médicos(laboratorioeimágenes) realizados en nuestros Swiss MedicalCenter.• Solicitar turnos médicos y odontológicos paratodaslasespecialidades de nuestros Swiss Medical Center.• Consultar y Anular tus turnos solicitados.• Actualizar tus datos personales.• Enviarnos tus sugerencias.Instantly allSwissMedicalGroup services wherever you are.Swiss Medical Mobile is a unique application thatallowsourpartners:• Consult primer professionals.• Check the Farmacias, including search by geolocation.• Consult our branches across the country.• Communicate with us in case of emergency.• Access your bills promptly and safely.• Check the results of your medical studies (laboratoryandimages)carried out in our Swiss Medical Center.• Request medical and dental specialties turns all ofourSwissMedical Center.• View and Cancel your requested shifts.• Update your personal details.• Send us your suggestions.
Estrategias en Urgencias 3.70
Go-Space Solutions
Check quick guidelines for the management of common conditionsinthe ER.
Medicina de Urgencias 1.1.17
BinPar Team S.L.
An essential tool for the use of drugs in hospital emergencies
Urgencias Extrahospitalarias 4.0.0
Esta aplicación ofrece acceso de forma rápidaysencilla a numerosos algoritmos de tratamiento de lasprincipalespatologías de cierta importancia en la práctica de lamedicina deurgencia en el medio extrahospitalario.En algunos casos se aporta un recordatorio clínico odiagnóstico.También se revisan de forma esquemática los principalesfármacos deuso en la RCP y en el área de la urgenciacardiovascular.En todas estas aproximaciones se ha priorizado la esquematizaciónyel acceso directo y rápido a la información más relevante,sinpretender aportar una visión en profundidad de ninguno de lostemasincluidos en esta aplicación.Toda la información aportada en esta revisión se ha elaboradoapartir de la bibliografía incluida en la propia aplicación.Una herramienta de gran utilidad práctica para todosaquellossanitarios que deben enfrentarse a la urgencia fuera delentornohospitalario.This applicationprovidesaccess quickly and easily to processing algorithms of themainpathologies of some importance in the practice ofemergencymedicine in the hospital setting.In some cases there is provided a clinical or diagnosticreminder.Also reviewed schematically the main drugs of use in CPRand in thearea of ​​cardiovascular emergency.In all these approaches have been mainly flowcharting and directandquick access to the most relevant information, withoutattempting toprovide an in depth view of any of the topicsincluded in thisapplication.All information provided in this review was drawn fromtheliterature included in the application itself.A useful tool for all those health practice who must confronttheurgency out of the hospital environment.
Emergências Clínicas Lite 22
BAIXE HOJE MESMO a versão Grátis doAppEmergências Clínicas: Condutas & Drogas. “Tenha em mãos todooconteúdo de consulta necessário em um único aplicativo. Mais doquesimplificando... Revolucionando!”eBook: O Emergências Clínicas é um grande guia para oatendimentode emergência. Inclui todos os grandes temas clínicosdo atendimentode emergência, descritos de forma direta, visando apraticidade econfiabilidade de informação.Temas disponíveis nessa versão:- Emergências Cardiovasculares: Crise Hipertensiva;Sínd.Coronarianas Agudas; Dissecção Aórtica; InsuficiênciaCardíacaAguda; Edema Agudo de Pulmão; Pericardite Aguda; FibrilaçãoAtriale Flutter; Taquiarritmias; Bradiarritmias;Temas disponíveis na versão completa:- Emergências Respiratórias: SARA; Asma; DPOC;TromboembolismoPulmonar;- Emergências Neurológicas: Acidente Vascular Encefálico;CriseEpiléptica; Delirium;- Emergências Infecciosas: Sepse; PneumoniaComunitária;Meningoencefalite; Endocardite; Infecções de TratoUrinário;Dengue; Leptospirose;- Emergências Diversas: Anafilaxia; Complicações doDiabetes;Assistência Inicial ao Parto;- Sinais e Sintomas: Cefaleia; Dispneia; Dor Torácica; FebreeHipertermia; Hipoglicemia; Síncope;- Suporte ao Paciente Grave: PCR e ACLS; Choque; Coma;Insuf.Respiratória Aguda; Insuficiência Renal Aguda.Muito mais que um Ebook: Fuja dos aplicativos queentulhamcentenas de recursos desnecessários, mais uma vez a PEBmedsecompromete com a clareza e praticidade e oferece ascalculadorasmais relevantes para o atendimento de emergência,estruturadas emcategorias de fácil compreensão e interface de usosimples. Todoconteúdo, obviamente, construído em cima do objetivofinal doaplicativo, o atendimento de emergências:- Emergências Cardiovasculares: Escore Grace no IAM; EscoreTIMIno IAM SSST; Escore TIMI no IAM CSST; Escore CHADS2; EscoredeWells para TVP; Escore de Wells para TEP; Critérios deDuke(Endocardite); QT corrigido (ECG);Calculadoras disponíveis na versão completa:- Medicações: Ajuste Renal por Dose; Ajuste Renal porIntervalo;Bloq. Neuromusculares; Equivalência de Corticóides;Equivalência deBenzodiazepínicos; Taxa de Infusão de Glicose;- Paciente Crítico: Apache II; Escore SOFA; Escala deGlasgow(Coma); Escore de Child-Pugh; Escore de MELD; ContagemdeNeutrófilos; Escore de Hipertermia;- Suporte Clínico;- Emergências Respiratórias: Escore CURB-65 (Pneumonia); EscorePSI(Pneumonia); Peak Flow Estimado (Asma); Relação P/F (SARA);LesãoPulmonar (SARA).GUIA DE MEDICAMENTOS: Incluímos exclusivo guia com mais de270fármacos de uso clínico. Mais uma vez, nosso compromisso é comasimplicidade e qualidade de informação, você pode consultar adrogaque procura por ordem alfabética, através de ferramenta debusca ouaté mesmo pelo seu uso clínico. Para facilitar ainda mais,podemarcar sua drogas favoritas e acessá-las com maiorfacilidadeatravés do menu principal de drogas. Nessa versão, estãoacessíveisas drogas usadas no paciente cardiopata.COMPÊNDIO DE APLICATIVOS: Mais do que um aplicativo, adquirindooiEmergências o usuário estará economizando em diversosaplicativosda Google Play que oferecem individualmente alguns denossosrecursos. O iEmergências inclui, além do Ebook mais completoememergências clínicas: coletânea de calculadorasespecialmenteselecionadas; o maior guia direcionado de drogas deuso clínico; erecursos exclusivos que facilitam a experiência dousuário no usodo aplicativo (busca dentro do texto, busca dedrogas).------------------------------------------------------------AVISO AOS USUÁRIOS: Devido a problemas relacionados ao usoindevidodo aplicativo em outra plataforma a PEBmed Apps não permitequeseja realizada a cópia do aplicativo para o cartão dememória.Lamentamos o incoveniente aos nosso clientes, todavia, estaatitudeé baseada na proteção do conteúdo e da qualidade dosnossosaplicativos.DOWNLOAD TODAY theFreeversion of App Clinical Emergencies: Pipelines & Drugs."Pleasehave any query content needed in a single application. Morethansimplifying revolutionizing ...! "eBook: The Clinical Emergencies is a great guide foremergencycare. Includes all the great themes of clinical emergencycare,described directly, seeking the convenience and reliabilityofinformation.Themes available in this version:- Cardiovascular Emergencies: Hypertensive Crisis; Sind.AcuteCoronary; Aortic Dissection; Acute Heart Failure; Acute Lungedema;Acute pericarditis; Atrial Fibrillation andFlutter;Tachyarrhythmias; Bradyarrhythmias;Themes available in the full version:- Respiratory Emergencies: SARA; Asthma; COPD;Pulmonarythromboembolism;- Neurological Emergencies: Cerebrovascular accident;Epilepticcrisis; Delirium;- Infectious Emergencies: Sepsis; Communitypneumonia;Meningoencephalitis; Endocarditis; Urinary TractInfection; DengueFever; Leptospirosis;- Several Emergencies: Anaphylaxis; Diabetes Complications;HomeAssistance Childbirth;- Signs and Symptoms: Headache; Dyspnea; Chest pain; FeverandHyperthermia; Hypoglycemia; Syncope;- Patient Support Record: PCR and ACLS; Shock; Eat Up; Insuf.AcuteRespiratory; Acute Renal Failure.Much more than a Ebook: Avoid the applications thatclutterhundreds of unnecessary features, once again PEBmed agreeswith theclarity and practicality and offers the most relevantcalculatorsto emergency care, structured in easy to understandcategories anduser interface simple. All content, of course, builtupon theultimate goal of application, the emergency care:- Cardiovascular Emergencies: Score Grace in AMI; TIMI scoreinNSTEMI; TIMI score in AMI CSST; CHADS2 score; Wells score forDVT;Wells score for PTE; Duke criteria (endocarditis); CorrectedQT(ECG);Calculators available in the full version:- Medications: Renal Per Serving Set; Renal adjustment forrange;Lock. Neuromuscular; Corticosteroids equivalence;Benzodiazepinesequivalence; Infusion rate of glucose;- Critical Patient: Apache II; SOFA score; Glasgow Scale(Eat);Child-Pugh score; MELD score; Neutrophil Count;ScoreHyperthermia;- Clinical Support;- Respiratory Emergencies: Score CURB-65 (pneumonia); PSIscore(pneumonia); Peak Flow Estimate (asthma); P / F (SARA); LungInjury(SARA).DRUG GUIDE: We included unique guide with more than 270drugclinical use. Once again, our commitment is with the simplicityandquality of information, you can refer to drug seekinginalphabetical order by search engine or even by its clinical use.Tomake it even easier, you can mark your favorite drugs andaccessthem more easily via the main menu of drugs. In this version,thedrugs used in cardiac patients are accessible.APPLICATIONS Compendium: More than one application,acquiringiEmergências you will be saving in a number of Google Playappswhich individually offer some of our features. TheiEmergênciasincludes most complete beyond Ebook in clinicalemergencies:collection of specially selected calculators; the mosttargetedguide to clinical use drugs; and unique features thatfacilitatethe user experience in the use of the application (searchwithinthe text, search for drugs).------------------------------------------------------------NOTICE TO USERS: Due to problems related to improper use oftheapplication on the other PEBmed Apps platform does not allow ittobe carried out copy of the application to the memory card.Weregret the inconvenience to our customers, however, thisattitudeis based on the protection of the content and quality ofourapplications.
WikEM - Emergency Medicine 7.3.2
OpenEM Foundation
WikEM, The Global Emergency Medicine Wiki, is apoint-of-carereference available on the web or via our dedicatedmobileapplications. Its emergency medicine knowledge base hasthousandsof quick problem-specific notes to help you care forpatients,which is one of the reasons it has been downloaded by morethan100,000 users and is one of the top 10 most popularemergencymedicine websites. Supported by the nonprofit OpenEMFoundation,WikEM provides a way for medical practitioners toorganize onlinecontent and cross-reference clinical informationathttp://www.wikem.org. If you are a medical practitioner, joinourcontributor community and help edit our content. WikEM isintendedfor clinicians only and not directly for patients. WikEMserves awide range of medical practitioners predominantly amongthespecialties of emergency medicine, pediatric emergencymedicine,critical care, emergency medical services (EMS), andurgent caremedicine, as well as primary healthcare fields such asfamilymedicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics. Numerous sourceshavenamed WikEM as a key reference for emergency practitioners,rangingfrom EMTs, paramedics, and other first responders to nurses,nursepractitioners, physician assistants, and emergency physicians.
DosisPedia 3.1.12
DosisPedia | The Mobile App for pediatricians
Infusions 5.5
Ease and accuracy right in your pocket
First Aid 1.0
First Aid will help you know how toreacttoemergency and health care needs, explaining eachsituationyousharp text, clear, and images, all in a contextdidactic andeasyto understand.First Aid covers topics related to health, encompassingthemaincategories and levels of emergency, treatment, careandattentionto the injured, and all accident prevention andemergencytreatmentand recovery.
Emergências Clínicas, Medicina 36
Emergências Clínicas - As melhorescondutasem emergência. Tenha em mãos o melhor material paratomada dedecisões em emergências do dia-a-dia. Além disso, contecom umsuper bulário medicamentoso e múltiplas calculadoras.BAIXE HOJEMESMO!CONTEÚDO 100% OFFLINE! BAIXE AGORA E GARANTA JÁ OSEU!★★★★★ “O bulario de drogas está ficando muito completo. Meajudabastante!”★★★★★ “Perfeito para os momentos de duvidas rápidas"★★★★★ “A melhor fonte de informação rápida emmedicina.descomplica!"O iEmergências é um grande guia para o atendimentodeemergência. Inclui todos os grandes temas clínicosdoatendimento de emergência, descritos de forma direta, visandoapraticidade e confiabilidade de informação. Lista de temas:✔ Emergências Cardiovasculares;✔ Emergências Respiratórias;✔ Emergências Neurológicas;✔ Emergências Infecciosas;✔ Emergências Diversas;✔ Suporte ao Paciente Grave.Muito mais que um Ebook: Fuja dos aplicativos queentulhamcentenas de recursos desnecessários, mais uma vez a PEBmedsecompromete com a clareza e praticidade e oferece ascalculadorasmais relevantes para o atendimento de emergência,estruturadasem categorias de fácil compreensão e interface de usosimples. Todoconteúdo, obviamente, construído em cima do objetivofinal doaplicativo, o atendimento de emergências:✔ Medicações: Ajuste Renal por Dose; Ajuste RenalporIntervalo; Bloq. Neuromusculares; Equivalência deCorticóides;Equivalência de Benzodiazepínicos; Taxa de InfusãodeGlicose;✔ Paciente Crítico: Apache II; Escore SOFA; Escala deGlasgow(Coma); Escore de Child-Pugh; Escore de MELD; ContagemdeNeutrófilos; Escore de Hipertermia;✔ Suporte Clínico;✔ Emergências Cardiovasculares: Escore Grace no IAM;EscoreTIMI no IAM SSST; Escore TIMI no IAM CSST; Escore CHADS2;Escore deWells para TVP; Escore de Wells para TEP; Critérios deDuke(Endocardite); QT corrigido (ECG);✔ Emergências Respiratórias: Escore CURB-65(Pneumonia);Escore PSI (Pneumonia); Peak Flow Estimado (Asma);Relação P/F(SARA); Lesão Pulmonar (SARA).GUIA DE DROGAS: O iEmergências inclui exclusivo guiacommais de 270 drogas de uso clínico. Mais uma vez, nossocompromissoé com a simplicidade e qualidade de informação, vocêpode consultara droga que procura por ordem alfabética, através deferramenta debusca ou até mesmo pelo seu uso clínico. Parafacilitar ainda mais,pode marcar sua drogas favoritas e acessá-lascom maior facilidadeatravés do menu principal de drogas.COMPÊNDIO DE APLICATIVOS: Mais do que umaplicativo,adquirindo o iEmergências o usuário estará economizandoem diversosaplicativos da Google Play que oferecem individualmentealguns denossos recursos. O iEmergências inclui, além do Ebook maiscompletoem emergências clínicas: coletânea de calculadorasespecialmenteselecionadas; o maior guia direcionado de drogas deuso clínico; erecursos exclusivos que facilitam a experiência dousuário no usodo aplicativo (favoritos, busca dentro do texto,busca dedrogas).-------------------------Referências Bibliográficas que auxiliaram na criação do App:• Emergências Clínicas: Abordagem Prática - Herlon SaraivaMartins,Rodrigo Antonio Brandão Neto, Augusto Scalabrini Neto,Irineu TadeuVelasco, 9a Ed 2014;• Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - Dan Longo,AnthonyFauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson,JosephLoscalzo,18th Ed 2011;• Goldman's Cecil Medicine - Lee Goldman, MD and Andrew I.Schafer,MD, 24th Ed 2012;• UpToDate – www.uptodate.com# Para saber um pouco mais sobre nossasreferênciasbibliográficas entre em contato conosco via email. #Clinical Emergencies-Best Emergency conduits . Have the best material fordecisionmaking in emergencies of the day-to-day. In addition, counton asuper Bulário drug and multiple calculators. DOWNLOADTODAY!CONTENTS 100% OFFLINE! DOWNLOAD NOW HAVEYOURGUARANTEE!★★★★★ "Drug Bulário is getting too full. Help meenough!"★★★★★ "Perfect for times of rapid doubt"★★★★★ "The best source of information quickly inmedicine.takes the hassle! "The iEmergências is a major guide for emergency care .Itincludes all major clinical issues of emergency response,describeddirectly aimed at convenience and reliability ofinformation. Listof subjects:✔ Cardiovascular Emergencies ;✔ Respiratory Emergencies ;✔ Neurological Emergencies ;✔ Infectious Emergencies ;✔ Emergency Several ;✔ Patient Support Record .Much more than a Ebook: Avoid the applications thatclutterhundreds of unnecessary features, once again PEBmed iscommitted toclarity and practicality and offers the most relevantcalculatorsto emergency care < / b>, structured intocategories easy tounderstand and simple to use interface. Allcontents obviouslybuilt upon the ultimate goal of application, theemergencyresponse:✔ Medications : Renal Dose Adjustment for; Renal adjustmentforrange; Lock. Neuromuscular; Corticosteroidsequivalence;Benzodiazepines equivalence; Infusion rate ofglucose;✔ Critical Patient : Apache II; SOFA score; Glasgow scale(Coma);Child-Pugh score; MELD score; Neutrophil Count;Hyperthermiascore;✔ Clinical Support ;✔ Cardiovascular Emergencies : Scoring Grace in AMI; TIMI scoreinNSTEMI; TIMI score in AMI CSST; CHADS2 score; Wells score forDVT;Wells score for PE; Duke criteria (endocarditis); CorrectedQT(ECG);✔ Respiratory Emergencies : Score CURB-65 (pneumonia); ScorePSI(Pneumonia); Peak Flow Estimate (asthma); P / F (SARA); LungInjury(SARA).DRUG GUIDE: The iEmergências includes unique guide withmorethan 270 clinical use of drugs. Once again, our commitment iswiththe simplicity and quality of information, you can refer todrugseeking in alphabetical order, through search engine or evenfortheir clinical use. To make it even easier, you can markyourfavorite drugs and access them more easily via the main menuofdrugs.APPLICATION Compendium: More than one application,acquiringiEmergências the user will be saving in a number of GooglePlayapps which individually offer some of our resources.TheiEmergências includes, in addition to the most complete Ebookinclinical emergencies: collection of specially selectedcalculators;the largest directed guide clinical use of drugs; anduniquefeatures that facilitate the user experience on applicationusage(bookmarks, search within the text, search for drugs).-------------------------References who assisted in the creation of the App:• Emergency Clinics: Practical Approach - Herlon SaraivaMartins,Rodrigo Antonio Brandão Neto Augusto Scalabrini Neto,IrenaeusTadeu Velasco, 9th Ed 2014;• Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine - Dan Long,AnthonyFauci, Dennis Kasper, Stephen Hauser, J. Jameson, JosephLoscalzo,18th Ed 2011;• Goldman's Cecil Medicine - Lee Goldman, MD and Andrew I.Schafer,MD, 24th Ed 2012;• UpToDate - www.uptodate.com# To learn more about our references please contact usviaemail. #
ICE: In Case of Emergency 2.2.4
Stores important information for first responders and hospitalstaffto use in case of an emergency involving you:+ A list of people to call -- can call directly fromtheapp+ Insurance information+ Doctor names and numbers -- can call directly from the app+ Allergies+ Medical Conditions+ Medications+ Any special instructions or other information you wishtoprovideCAN USE EVEN WHEN THE PHONE IS PATTERN/PIN/PASSWORD LOCKED.ForAndroid 4.2 & up, you can add the ICE widget to the systemlockscreen. For earlier versions of Android, ICE provides its ownlockscreen mode. The ICE lock screen also includes an optional"iffound" message in case you lose your phone.Install our companion app “Family Medical Info” to storemedicalinfo for the entire family, including vaccinations andmedicalhistory. Optionally share some or all family info with ICE.Wheninfo is shared with ICE, an additional “Family Info” categoryisadded following Medications that will allow you oremergencyservice providers to access the shared info.*** NEW: optionally use the (FREE) web version of FamilyMedicalInfo (FMI) to create & edit profiles on your computer.FromGoogle Chrome on your computer, go to http://goo.gl/N80BQ to install the webapp(currently, this only works with the Chrome browser). Or,justsearch for Appventive in the Chrome Web Store. Profilescreatedwith the web version of FMI can be imported into either FMIor ICE.***Optionally choose to email selected information (e.g., toyourdoctor).Dynamically switch between Danish, Dutch, English,French,German, Greek (Android 2.3+), Hebrew (Android 4.2+),Italian,Japanese, Polish, Spanish, Swedish and Vietnamese whentravelling.If you would like to help translate ICE into a differentlanguage,please email us.Optionally export the ICE user profile for use on otherdevices,or to save an off-device backup. The exported profile canalso beused by Family Medical Info.If you have any questions, suggestions, or problems, PLEASEemailus.
Guía Farmacológica 1.4
Junta de Andalucía
App facilitating access to medication guide specializinginmedication
SEMES 48.0.0
Official APP of the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine.
EMGuidance - Medicines Info 5.5.33
EMG Technologies
Clinical Medicines Information & Drug Education forHealthcareWorkers
OSDE Móvil 6.2.23
Grupo OSDE
Primer OSDE Mobile for Android devices
Urología Práctica para MAP 1.0
¿Necesitas resolver una urgenciaurógica?¿Quieres actualizar tus conocimientos sobre un temaconcretomedianteuna lecura rápida?¿Quieres consultar al instante flow-chartsdemanejodiagnóstico-terapéutico o tablas de fármacos y dosis?¿Necesitas evaluar una lesión en el pene y quieres verfotosdelesiones frecuentes?El equipo de Urología Práctica ha creado una versión paraiPhoneyotra para iPad de “Urología Práctica para Médicos deFamiliayMedicina Interna”. Se trata de una aplicación deconsultapensadapara que el Médico de Familia pueda resolver dudasde formarápida.Su carácter práctico con innumerables flow-charts ytablasdefármacos de muy fácil visualización, lo hace idealparaserconsultado rápidamente incluso mientras se está viendoaunpaciente en la consulta o durante una atención deurgencias.Cadatabla de fármacos incluye el principio activo, ladosis,laduración del tratamiento y el nombre comercial en España.FueradeEspaña las pautas de tratamiento son igualmenteválidas,peropueden variar los nombres comerciales.Dadas las posibles variaciones en las indicacionesdelosfármacos, información de las dosis,toxicidadrecientementedescrita, interacciones medicamentosas yotros asuntosdeimportancia, se recomienda al lectorcomprobardichasinformaciones. Pese a todos los esfuerzos realizadosenlaconsecución de un texto sin errores, los autoresdeclinancualquierresponsabilidad ante la inexactitud de cualquierade losdatospublicados.La versión de “Urología Práctica” para Medicina deFamiliaestálimitada a las patologías que suelen manejarseenAtenciónPrimaria. Corresponden a las secciones deUrgenciasurológicas,Exploraciones en Urología, HBP,Patologíainfecciosa,Incontinencia, Andrología, Alteraciones enlacomposición deUrología, Cifras normales de laboratorio, Atlasdelesionesdermatológicas y Urovademecum. La versión completade“UrologíaPráctica para iPhone” o “Urología Práctica paraiPad”estádisponible en el Apple Store e incluye ademásseccionesdeTraumatismos, Patología Obstructiva,Oncologíaurológica,Cistopatías, Litiasis urinaria, Patologíavásculo-renal,Urologíainfantil, Manejo del paciente, Miscelánea yAspectoslegales. Parauna óptima lectura de los capítulos en eliPhone serecomienda elmodo apaisado y ampliando ligeramente lapantalla conlosdedos.No todos los temas pueden ser tratados con la profundidadoelacierto que quizá merezcan. Conscientes de ello proponemosalosusuarios interesados que nos hagan llegar, por mediacióndelcorreoelectrónico, urologiapractica@gmail.com)aquellassugerencias,correcciones o aportaciones que creanoportunas. Unavez estudiadaspor el equipo de Urología Prácticaserían trasladadasa posterioresactualizaciones de la aplicación conla referencia dela persona ogrupo que ha aportado la idea.Los autores.
ICE : Emergency Contact + 1.3
Alexandre R.
"ICE: Emergency Contact" is an application that helps peoplewhohave problem or who are victim of accidents. It is based on theICEprogram that consists in saving a contact who is named "ICE"inyour contact list. This contact has medical informations aboutyou.In this application, you can save useful informations forrescueworkers (allergy, medication, condition, identity, organdonor,blood type ...) and contact people "in case ofemergency".Thus, with only one click on your screen, send SMS alerts toallyour saved contacts and call rescue workers immediately !Yourcontacts will know where you are and will be able to help you!Place a widget on your homescreen to alert your circleofcontacts (compatible with alternative lockscreenslikeScreenLocker).This application was developped from the advice of an EMT.List of permissions :- Send SMS to contact your saved contacts when you need it- Access your contact list to choose contacts- Get GPS coordinates to help your saved contacts to find youincase of emergencyPrivate informations saved in your application belongexclusivelyto you and are only accessible by you on yourAndrophone.If you have any notes (like spelling...), please contact mebymail. ThanksThis version is free of ads and you can enter an infinityofcontacts.
Electrocardiograma 2.0
Rodrigo Sepúlveda Palamara
Electrocardiography program for Android.This application contains information relating to theinterpretationof the electrocardiogram (ECG): criteria ofhypertrophy, blocks andhemiblocks, evaluation of waves andintervals, criteria for acutemyocardial infarction, among manyother functions.This program is essential to any doctor or person related tothehealth.
Valores de Laboratorio 1.0
José Miguel Arce Romo
Una aplicación de laboratorios de referencia... ¡En Español!Eres un trabajador de la salud, estudiante, curioso.Necesitasesta aplicación como referencia rápida de un valor normaldelaboratorio.Más de 200 valores de laboratorio organizados en categorías,entu idioma, listas para cuando puedas necesitarlas,comorecordatorio o como herramienta educacional.Anapplication of reference laboratories ... In Spanish!You are a health worker, student, curious. You needthisapplication as a quick reference of normal laboratory.Over 200 lab values ​​organized into categories, inyourlanguage, when you need them ready, as reminders or asaneducational tool.