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Yahoo!リアルタイム検索 ツイッター検索の決定版
Yahoo Japan Corp.
あの有名人も使ってる!エゴサーチにはYahoo!リアルタイム検索を!Twitterのアカウントがなくても全てのツイートをまとめて検索することができるヤフー公式の無料アプリです。◇◇主な機能◇◇(1)話題なうTwitterやFacebookで話題になっている芸能ニュースや時事ネタ、ゲーム速報、ゲーム情報やITニュースなどがランキングでまとめて検索できます。リアルタイムに情報が更新されるのでいつでも最新のトレンドがチェックでき、待ち時間などの暇つぶしにも役立ちます。(2)人気なうツイッターでリツイートが多い人気のおもしろ画像やおもしろ動画がまとめて見られます。友達や職場での会話のネタ探しに最適です。(3)遅延なう電車の遅延情報をリアルタイムに知ることができます。いつも利用している路線を登録しておくと遅延が発生したらすぐにお知らせ通知してくれる便利な機能です。(4)テレビなう話題のドラマや野球スポーツの実況、アニメ、音楽番組、バラエティ番組、ニュースなどテレビ番組ごとにツイッターでみんながどんな反応をしているのか分かります。(5)ツイッター検索芸能人もエゴサーチによく使っています。その他にも気になった芸能ニュースや大好きなアイドルの名前、コンサートのチケット交換、ゲーム速報、イベントの混雑情報など今ここにしかない情報を検索することができます。(6)災害や天気、遅延をお知らせ通知地震や豪雨、台風など最新の天気や電車の遅延情報や交通渋滞から混雑について、気になるワードを登録しておくとツイートが増えるとリアルタイムにお知らせ通知をします。◇◇こんな情報を知るのに便利◇◇・スクープやおもしろ動画も見逃さない!・地震速報はいち早く届き現場の様子もチェック!・ヤフーテレビと連携しているのでテレビ番組ごとにチェック! ・テレビを見れなくても野球やサッカー、駅伝などの実況も!・Twitter、Facebook、LINE にも簡単に投稿。面白ネタを見つけたら、お友達にすぐ共有!《いま注目のお知らせ》・Android4.1以上でのアプリ内動画再生に対応しました! 大変長らくご不便をおかけいたしました。リアルタイム検索アプリでぜひ話題の動画もお楽しみください。・リアルタイム検索の結果の画像リンクが、自動で展開して表示されるようになりました! 検索結果内のリンクをタップして、わざわざ画像を確認する手間がなくなりました!ぜひご活用ください。▽紹介されたメディア日経新聞、CNET、ITmedia、インターネットウォッチ、ASCII.jp、インターネットコム、RBBTODAY、マーケジン、ガジェット通信、BCNランキング、通販通信、MOBILE&APPS、週刊アスキーPLUS、産経アプリスタ、SAPpp、マイナビ■便利なご利用方法■・検索結果の画面の文字表示が小さいと感じられた場合検索結果のページを一番下までスクロールしていただき、最下部に表示される[表示:モバイル|パソコン]で、「モバイル」を選んでいただけると、表示が改善される場合がございます。大変お手数をおかけいたしますが、見づらく感じられた場合、ぜひお試しください。■アプリ内での動画の再生について■Twitterの仕様変更により、AndroidVer.4.1未満の場合、アプリ内での動画再生ができなくなりました。大変申し訳ございません。お手持ちのAndroid端末のOSバージョンアップが可能な場合は、ご検討ください。【推奨環境】Android 4.1以上【利用規約】■Yahoo! JAPAN利用規約https://about.yahoo.co.jp/docs/info/terms/■プライバシーポリシーhttps://about.yahoo.co.jp/docs/info/terms/chapter1.html#cf2nd■ソフトウエアガイドラインhttps://about.yahoo.co.jp/docs/info/terms/chapter1.html#cf5th
BuzzFeed: News, Tasty, Quizzes 2023.1
BuzzFeed has it all: the stories andquizzesbuzzing on social, the news you want now, and the recipesand lifetips you didn’t know you needed.FEATURES:• Never be bored again with a great mix of the best News,Quizzes,trending articles, fun videos and delicious Tastyrecipes!• Use the explore tab to dive into your favorite verticals.• Use the Trending section to see what stories are about togoviral.• One tap to share stories with Email, Messages, Facebook,Twitter,Pinterest and more• Quickly catch up on the News with our quick summaries at thetopof the News tab.• Share individual images and videos from within stories. Justtapthe image for options!• Bookmark posts you want to come back to and sync them withallyour devices• Get push notifications for trending stories so you’re alwaysinthe loop• Comment on a post or click the reaction button to shareyouropinionIf you have any trouble with your app please email usatsupport@buzzfeed.com so we can help!And don’t forget to check out BuzzFeed.com when you’re onyourlaptop!
Sveriges Radio Play
Sveriges Radio
All of Swedish Radio in one app
Radio Khmer 16.13
Radio Khmer: KPR RA RFA VOA WKR. Live: VAYO OurRadioSovanAngkor....
UK Radio 1.0
World Listening
IncludingBBC,Capital,Heart,Absolute,ClassicFM,Kiss,Talksport,Gold,Breeze& XFM
Radio Popular S.A. - COPE
La aplicación de la Cadena COPE para Androidtepermitirá escuchar la emisión en directo desde donde estés.Podrásleer las noticias del portal www.cope.es, escuchar y ver losaudiosy videos de tus programas favoritos, y recibirnotificaciones cuándoéstos comiencen.Applying Cope Androidletsyou listen live broadcast from wherever you are. You can readthenews website www.cope.es, listen and watch audio and videos ofyourfavorite programs, and receive notifications when theybegin.
Hausa Radio 5.0.20
Stay up to date with the world with the Hausa Radio.
Podcast Addict: Podcast player
Podcast Addict: Your all-in-one podcast player for Android!
NewsOnAir: Prasar Bharati Offi 2.0.24
Contains Live Radio, TV, Podcasts, News, Current Affairs inmultiplelanguages.
Radio France : radios, podcast
Radio France
Listen to the radio and all your podcasts, info, culture news&music unlimited.
Radio Portugal 1.3
This app is a lightweight radio player withalot of stations from Portugal. It's easy to use and really fast,itwon't drain your battery and you will love it.Here is the most SIMPLE radio player for you. Let be honest,ifyou are looking for a Radio Player it means you want to listenyourfavorites stations, you don't need social sharingfeatures,recording, and more and more features that you will neveruse. Thisis the app you are looking for, give it a try!- One of the most complete Portugal radio stationsdatabase- Stations updated frequently- Quick search bar- Favorite stations list- Simple now playing- Real user support- Local radio stations, music, sports, talk, football,basketball,AM, FM, you will get this and much more!If you need help you can contact us at mob@mobapplications.net
Radio Free Asia 4.0-RC1
Radio Free Asia
Understand the stories shaping Asia with award-winningjournalismfrom RFA
BLU Radio 6.2.5
Caracol Televisión S.A.
Live Blu Radio access all the contents of the new alternative.BLUApp
L’application Android gratuite deRadio-Canadaest le moyen le plus simple pour accéder à toutel’information deRadio-Canada.L’application permet de consulter rapidement les nouvelles quivousintéressent à l’aide d’un fil d’actualités en continu etdesalertes envoyées en temps réel. Elle offre une richesse decontenusimpressionnante : nouvelles internationales, nationalesetrégionales, vidéos d’émissions d’information les plusrécentesd’ICI RADIO‑CANADA TÉLÉ et ICI RDI, ainsi que desregroupements denouvelles par thèmes.Voici les principales fonctionnalités offertes :Alertes en temps réelFil d’actualités en continuNouvelles de dernière heure et regroupées par thématiquesRégionalisé à l’ouverture de l’application ou sélection dans lemenude navigationPartage des nouvelles sur les réseaux sociaux, par courriel etparSMSTéléchargez l’application Radio‑Canada pour profiter detoutel’information, ici et maintenant.Politique de confidentialité deRadio-Canada:http://www.cbc.radio-canada.ca/documents/politiques/secretariat/renseignements.shtmlTéléchargez l’application Radio‑Canada pour profiter detoutel’information, ici et maintenant.
RFI Pure Radio - Podcasts 3.1.2
France Médias Monde
RFI Pure Radio, watch and listen the world in your pocket.
ABC Radio
With the ABC Radio App you can listen tomorethan 30 live radio streams and over 150 on-demand programs.We'realso increasing the ways you can personalise yourlisteningexperience:• LISTEN to your favourite LIVE ABC Radio Stations• Missed your favourite live program? LISTEN ON-DEMAND• Use + MY PROGRAMS to sync the latest episodes of yourfavouriteprograms• EXPLORE podcasts by station and genre• Use + LISTEN LATER to save episodes for offline listening –greatfor saving data and for when phone reception is poor• MY RADIO gives you quick access to My Program and ListenLaterepisodes• Use the sleep function when you go to bedThe App also offers track and program information; weeklyschedules;and sharing on Facebook, Twitter or via email.ON-DEMAND PROGRAMS (PODCASTS) INCLUDED• All current and previous episodes, as found on iTunes,areavailable, that is podcasts from over 150 ABC Radioprograms.STATIONS INCLUDE• ABC Local Radio, including: 891 ABC Adelaide, 612 ABCBrisbane,666ABC Canberra, 105.7 ABC Darwin, 91.7 ABC Gold Coast,936 ABC Hobart,774 ABC Melbourne, 1233 ABC Newcastle, 720 ABCPerth, 702 ABCSydney• RN (ABC Radio National)• ABC Classic FM• ABC Classic 2• ABC NewsRadio• triple j, triple j Unearthed, Double J• ABC Jazz• ABC Country• ABC Grandstand, ABC Extra• Special event stations – e.g. Emergency broadcasts,festivals,speeches and addresses, celebrations and commemorations,bigunfolding stories and small conferences discussing bigideas.These are all the ABC Radio stations that currently have liveradiostreams for the web or mobile.DATA CONSUMPTION• v1.0 streams ShoutCast mp3 at 96kbps, which uses about43MB/hour.• All other versions stream ShoutCast AAC+ at 64kbps, whichusesabout 29 MB/hour. Note that ShoutCast AAC+ at 64kbps hascomparableaudio quality to ShoutCast mp3 at 96kbps.* Note that you are responsible for the data transferandconsumption charges incurred by you when using any ABC app. TheABCdisclaims all liability for such charges.WHAT the PERMISSIONS MEANLocation• precise location (GPS and network-based)• approximate location (network-based)Because at various times some content needs to be restrictedtoAustralia only, the app may check your location to ensurethatyou're in Australia.Photos / Media / Files• modify or delete the contents of your USB storage• read the contents of your USB storageThe app needs this permission to download program/podcastepisodefiles to your device or SD card. The app doesn’t read thecontentsof the media except to play the media files it downloads,i.e. theprocess of playing a media file the app has downloadedresults inreading the file.The app also caps the amount of space it uses. This is so thattheauto-download feature does not clog-up your device. The way theappdoes this is that once the cap is reached it deletes episodesithas previously downloaded. The app needs this permission tocheckthat the file exists and to then delete it.Device ID & call information• read phone status and identityThis is used to stop or pause audio from playing when you receiveacall and to then restart the audio once the call has ended.SUPPORTWe value your feedback; please send us compliments, suggestionsandcriticisms. Please contact us using the Email Developerlink.We have used the latest Android SDK and have tested the app onawide range of Android devices, but if you have any issues wewouldreally like to hear from you with details of your phone,Androidversion and problem.
Public Radio & Podcast 2.14.4
Podcast Republic
If you like listening to public radio, thisisthe app for you. This is your one stop app for all your needstoaccess to the latest news, radio programs and podcasts frompublicradio networks nation wide, including all major publicbroadcastingnetworks.With home screen widget, your favorite radios/podcasts arejustat the tip of your fingers.This is ads supported app. With in-app purchase ads canberemoved. There's no any functionality difference betweenadssupported and ads free version.FEATURES:- Live streams from 300+ public radio stations- Restart the audio play from where it is left before- Pause/resume audio play on incoming phone- Ability to skip the beginning part of the podcast- Set your favorite radio station as alarm- Sleep mode to turn off radio after scheduled time- Play in background- Download and play it any time you want- Instance search as you type- Ability to save download to SD card- Ability to add new radio station manually- Ability to add new podcast manually- Home screen widget for easy play control and quick access- Chromecast supportNote for users with Android KitKat or above:If you just updated to KitKat and use the SD card asdownloadlocation, please go to the settings of this app and resetthedownload location to SD card.For Lollipop users: Lock screen widget is no longer supportedbyLollipop. Please use the notification on lock screen instead.
Amharic Radio
Amharic Radio is an easy to useapplicationthat allow you to listen to different Amharic radioprogramming allin one app. This professionally designed qualityapplicationstreams the latest news and entertainment content rightto yourmobile device, tablet and any android device all forfree.The following stations are currently supported:- Voice Of America (VOA)- Deutsche Welle (Germany Radio)- Sheger FM (Live)- Sheger FM (Podcasts)- Fana FM Radio (Live)- Deutsche Welle Discussion Program.- SBS Amharic From Australia- Zami Radio- Admas RadioLet us know what you think about this app by providing yourfeedbackin the review section.
Rappler - News, social media
Rappler Inc.
Rappler is a social news network thatcombinesthe best of journalism with crowdsourcing. Our stories aimtoinspire smart conversations that lead to digitally fueledactionsfor social change.Read stories from the sections of Rappler – Nation,Newsbreak,Business, World, Entertainment, Life & Style,Technology,Sports as well as opinion through Thought Leaders andits civicengagement and citizen journalism arm, MovePH.App features:• Read the latest stories in the Philippines and abroad• Read the latest from Rappler's special coverages – ProjectAgos,Hunger Project, Budget Watch and more.• Personalize stories you receive• Breaking news notifications• Submit stories and photos. If you have a news or story idea,youcan easily let the Rappler team know about it.• Watch Rappler shows - The Daily wRap, TechRap, Rappler Talk,andother videos on politics, technology, sports, entertainmentandbusiness.• Vote on the mood Meter and crowdsource the mood of the day.Usersare encouraged to interact with the story by voting on one oftheeight moods – happy, inspired, amused, sad, annoyed, angry,afraid,and don’t care.• Share stories with your community. Let your social networkknowabout the issues you care about as you share articles viaFacebook,Twitter, Instagram, Google+ and other social networkingsitesthrough the share button in the app.• Check out the latest Pugad Baboy comicFeedback? Suggestions? Issues? Please contact usattech@rappler.com. We’ll do our best to assist you. Your feedbackisimportant to us.
Economic Twitter 1.0
WrongPipe Labs
We bring you the most twitted outeconomicnewsfrom the most important economic press in theworld.With this simple app, you can check out which importantnewspeopleare talking about on twitter, read the full story andseewhatthose you follow are saying about it.News are gathered from the economy and finance sectionsofBBC,CNN, NY Times, Yahoo! Finance, Reuters and more.
CNN Breaking US & World News 7.18.1
When you want to know what’s happening,tapinto the global news gathering power of CNN. Withcorrespondentsand bureaus reporting from across the world, no othernews sourceeven comes close.• Custom alert settings - stay informed withoutgettingoverwhelmed• Watch live CNN, CNNi or HLN television anywhere, anytime*• Experience the world of breaking news through in-depthstories,photo galleries and news clips.• Watch CNN Original Series like “Anthony Bourdain: PartsUnknown”,CNN news programs like “Anderson Cooper 360” andaward-winning CNNFilms.Video on Demand and Live TV limited to US consumers.*first 10 minutes free each day, log in with your US satelliteorcable provider credentials for unlimited viewing.
RNZ 3.5.1
Radio New Zealand
RNZ's 100% ad-free app, now with news, radio, podcasts and more.
Radio Vaticana 2.0.4
Vatican Radio presents its first AppforAndroid with a strong multimedia identity.News, editorials, live videos, web text, audio channels,allcontained in a single appthat lets you follow the Pope’s activities in real time.The App is free of charge and the initial version is availableinEnglish and Italian.The application opens onto the Agenda of the Pope’spublicappointments. A systemcalled Vatican TIC, devised and produced by Vatican Radio, letsyouaccess allthe text and audio content associated with each event. TheAgendatells you in realtime about papal celebrations broadcast live and producedincollaboration with theVatican Television Centre. The texts of the Pope’s discoursesarealso available, aspublished on www.vatican.va.The App also offers a News service that includes thelatestinformation concerningthe Church and the World, broadcast by Vatican Radio’snewsprogrammes. TheRadio section contains five audio channels corresponding tothenetwork of over 70daily programmes in 40 languages produced by Vatican Radio. Thesamechannelsare used for FM, AM, Short Wave and Satellite broadcasts.The papal Agenda and News functions of this App run onAndroid2.3 and higher.The Android 3.0 or higher is needed to access the Radio functionandaudiostreaming channels. An Android 4.0 or higher is required to viewthevideo streamingof the live broadcasts.This is Vatican Radio’s first version of this App. We promisetocontinue doing ourbest to improve and update. Stay with us.