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Danuri 3.5.3
○ The Mobile App “Danuri” provides a variety of servicesandprograms aimed at helping multicultural families and foreignerstosuccessfully adjust to life in Korea. ○ The Mobile App “Danuri”isproduced and operated by the Korean Institute for Healthy Familyincooperation with the Ministry of Gender Equality & Family.○Main Features 1) Multicultural family magazine Rainbow+(availablein 13 languages) 2) Guidebook for living in Korea forforeigners(available in 13 languages) 3) Quick links related tonationalmulticultural family support centers, including maps,contactinformation, and website information 4) Links to phonenumbers ofDanuri call centers and other agencies that provideusefulinformation and support to multicultural families andforeigners inKorea 5) Opt-in to receive updated information fromthe website